857 resultados para Ciencia y tecnología – Colombia


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The aim of this work was to determine the nutritive value of palm kernel meal (PKM) in diets for growing rabbits. In Experiment 1, 20 New Zealand × Californian growing rabbits 50 d-old were used to determine energy, crude protein, fibre and fat digestibility of PKM. The nutritive value was estimated by the difference method using a basal diet and another diet made by substituting 200 g/kg of basal diet with PKM. Energy, crude protein, ether extract and neutral detergent fibre of PKM digestibilities were, respectively, 0.549 (±0.056, SE), 0.541 (±0.069), 0.850 (±0.048) and 0.430 (±0.101), and the digestible energy concentration was 10.9 MJ/kg (±1.03) DM. In Experiment 2, 412 rabbits were allocated at random to the two experimental diets to measure growing performance. Inclusion of 200 g PKM/kg in the diet did not affect feed or digestible energy intake but decreased slightly (by around 5%) average daily gain (P = 0.003) and feed efficiency (P < 0.001). Neither mortality nor Clostridium perfringens counts in soft faeces were affected by type of diet. Palm kernel meal can be considered a palatable source of fibre, protein and fat for rabbits and can substitute significant amounts of other fibrous ingredients in the diet without adverse effects on growth performance.


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The aim of this work was to study the effect of dietary inclusion of 2.5 or 5.0% of glycerol in substitution for starch on performance of lactating does and fattening rabbits. Over four consecutive reproductive cycles, a total of 81 New Zealand ´ Californian rabbit does and 813 young rabbits weaned at 25 (fattening trial 1) or 35 (fattening trial 2) days of age were allocated at random to the experimental treatments. Inclusion of glycerol in the diet up to 5% did not influence total feed consumption of does and suckling rabbits, body weight and bioelectrical impedance of does at parturition or at day 21 of lactation and litter weight at weaning, or reproductive efficiency. Substitution of starch with glycerol did not affect feed intake, weight gain or mortality during fattening. The results of the current study indicate that crude glycerol from the biofuel industry can be used at levels up to 5% in rabbit diets without any detrimental or beneficial effect on performance


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Increasing consumer dissatisfaction related with lack of ripeness in peach has been repeatedly reported since 1990 to the present day. There is thus, a great interest in improving the assessment of peach maturity, currently based on Magness Taylor firmness (destructive, highly variable, and time consuming) and colour (not reliable for highly coloured varieties). The present research studies as an alternative several non-destructive (ND) measurements, based on multispectral imaging, visible spectra, and low mass impact response. Their relationship with maturity, as well as the potential of their combination was studied. As a result, two rather independent (R2 = 0.3) groups of non-destructive measurements, chlorophyll related optical indexes and low mass impact (LMI) measurements, were identified. Optical measurements showed the best behaviour for assessing maturity at harvest, while LMI measurements reflected handling incidences, showing a promising potential to be used to control transport and postharvest handling.


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Las necesidades en lisina (Lys) de cerdos de altos crecimientos sacrificados para venta en fresco han sido estudiadas en detalle (NRC, 1998; BSAS, 2003; Fedna, 2006). Sin embargo, las necesidades de cerdos destinados a la obtención de productos curados, en los que se precisa obtener canales con porcentajes de grasa óptimos, han sido poco estudiadas (Beaulie et al., 2009). A ello hay que sumarle que en los últimos años la genética se ha centrado en mejorar la eficiencia alimenticia, lo que en muchos casos penaliza el contenido graso de las partes nobles (Blanchard et al., 1999; Latorre et al., 2003). Conocer las necesidades en Lys de cerdos de alta producción es clave; un déficit de Lys conlleva un menor crecimiento mientras que el exceso es caro. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue estudiar el efecto del nivel de inclusión de Lys sobre los rendimientos productivos en cerdos de alta selección sacrificados a 113 kg destinados a la producción de productos curados.


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Los aceites vegetales se utilizan en la alimentación de gallinas ponedoras para aumentar la concentración energética de los piensos y como fuente de ácido linoleico. Además, Mateos y Sell (1981) han demostrado que la inclusión de grasas ralentiza la velocidad de tránsito de la digesta lo que favorece el contacto entre los nutrientes de la dieta y las enzimas digestivas, mejorando su utilización digestiva. Como consecuencia, la inclusión de grasas es una práctica común en la formulación de piensos comerciales para aves de puesta. El aceite de soja (AS) debido a su alto contenido energético y en ácido linoleico es el aceite de elección en piensos para avicultura pero su alto coste limita su utilización en piensos comerciales. Dos co-productos de la industria del aceite de soja, las oleínas (OAS) y el aceite de freiduría (ASR) podrían sustituir al AS en piensos para avicultura. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el contenido en energía metabolizable aparente (EMA) de estos aceites y comparar los resultados obtenidos utilizando dos metodologías de cálculo.


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La alimentación del pollo broiler durante la primera semana de vida es de creciente importancia debido a que la edad de sacrificio ha disminuido de forma constante en los últimos años. Además, consumos elevados durante la primera semana de vida mejoran el desarrollo del aparato digestivo de las aves, favoreciendo el crecimiento de las vellosidades intestinales y la eficiencia alimenticia (Lilburn, 1998, Noy et al., 2005). En los últimos años, el mercado dispone de nuevos productos de origen animal obtenidos durante el proceso de obtención de la heparina para uso farmacéutico. Uno de estos productos comerciales (Palbio 50 RD, Bioibérica S.A., Palafolls, Barcelona) está formado por la proteína hidrolizada de la mucosa digestiva de porcino limpia de contenidos intestinales, secada mediante un procedimiento especial que incluye la utilización de harina de soja como excipiente. Recientes estudios han demostrado de forma fehaciente el interés de utilizar este ingrediente en piensos de lechones de primera edad (Lindeman, et al., 2000; Corassa et al., 2007) pero los datos existentes en aves son más limitados. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar los efectos de niveles crecientes de este hidrolizado proteico (PAL) sobre la productividad de pollos que recibían piensos con dos niveles diferentes de lisina total (Lys)


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La harina de soja (HS) es la principal fuente de proteína en piensos para animales monogástricos. La mayor parte de las HS utilizadas en Europa proceden del continente Americano, en particular de Argentina (ARG), Brasil (BRA) y Estados Unidos (USA). Aunque la composición y valor nutricional de las HS varía entre países de origen (Grieshop et al., 2003; De Coca et al., 2008; 2010; Valencia et al., 2008), las tablas de composición de alimentos (NRC, 1998; FEDNA, 2010) clasifican las HS en función de su contenido en PB, sin tener en cuenta ni el origen ni las condiciones del procesado. En un trabajo anterior Mateos et al. (2009) se presentaron los resultados obtenidos de una colección de 262 muestras de HS recolectadas en las cosechas de los años 2007 y 2008 procedentes de estos tres países. Dependiendo de la variable considerada, el número de muestras analizadas varió entre 50 y 262. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo completar los análisis y complementar los resultados anteriores en relación con la composición química, el valor nutricional y la calidad de la PB de la HS con nuevas muestras procedentes de las cosechas de los años 2009 y 2010.


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La estevia, Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni, es una planta herbácea y perenne descrita por primera vez en 1889 por el naturalista Moisés Bertoni. Se trata de una especie originaria de la Región Oriental de Paraguay, donde los indígenas guaraníes la han usado tradicionalmente por sus aplicaciones edulcorantes y medicinales. La hoja fresca de estevia es de 10 a 15 veces más dulce que el azúcar común, la hoja seca y pulverizada lo es unas 70, mientras que los extractos lo son hasta 200 ó 300 veces más, debido a los glucósidos: esteviósido, rebaudósido A, B, C, D, E, dulcósido A y B y steviolbiósido. Entre las propiedades medicinales destacan las acciones hipotensora, antimicrobiana, dietética, digestiva e hipoglucémica, por lo que su uso está muy recomendado para personas afectadas de diabetes tipo 2. El cultivo de estevia ha adquirido importancia en algunos países como China, Paraguay o Brasil. Entre los principales consumidores se encuentran Japón, China, Malasia, Israel, Corea del Sur y Brasil. Sin embargo, en los países de la Unión Europea, por el momento, está denegado su uso como aditivo alimenticio o suplemento dietético


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The coagulation of milk is the fundamental process in cheese-making, based on a gel formation as consequence of physicochemical changes taking place in the casein micelles, the monitoring the whole process of milk curd formation is a constant preoccupation for dairy researchers and cheese companies (Lagaude et al., 2004). In addition to advances in composition-based applications of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), innovative uses of this technology are pursuing dynamic applications that show promise, especially in regard to tracking a sample in situ during food processing (Bock and Connelly, 2008). In this way the literature describes cheese making process applications of NIRS for curd cutting time determination, which conclude that NIRS would be a suitable method of monitoring milk coagulation, as shown i.e. the works published by Fagan et al. (Fagan et al., 2008; Fagan et al., 2007), based in the use of the commercial CoAguLite probe (with a LED at 880nm and a photodetector for light reflectance detection).


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Se han estudiado los efectos de la incorporación de aceites de origen vegetal sobre la calidad de carne en el ganado vacuno. Se utilizaron 240 terneros agrupados en 24 lotes de 10 terneros cada uno. Las raciones experimentales fueron: Tratamiento Control (4% de aceite de palma), Oliva (4,8% de jabón cálcico de aceite de oliva), Soja (4% de aceite de soja). De cada lote se seleccionó al azar un ternero (8 terneros por tratamiento) para diseccionar su 6ª costilla. Se tomaron medidas de pH, color y textura del músculo Longissimus dorsi. Por último se realizó un análisis sensorial mediante un panel de catadores en el que se analizaron los parámetros de olor, textura y flavor de la carne. La carne de los animales alimentados con aceite de palma (Control) presentó el valor más alto (P<0,05) en la coordenada a*, y la carne de los terneros alimentados con aceite de soja presentó el valor del área total más bajo (P<0,001). En el pH, medido después de descongelar la carne envasada al vacío para realizar la prueba de color, no se observan diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos (P>0,05). En el análisis sensorial de la carne no se han observado diferencias significativas en los parámetros estudiados.


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The production of minimally processed vegetables and fruits is an emergent sector, however these processes reduce the useful life of the products. Main preservation techniques such cold storage and modified atmosphere are limited. New treatments are being applied (O3 , UV‐C radiation, biodegradable films…etc.). The sector precise of cheap and fast techniques to evaluate the general quality and the security of the processed products, that constitute a tool of aid to the decision in the implementation of new procedures of packaging and/or treatments. Objectives: To explore hyperspectral imaging for monitoring the evolution of minimally processed leafy vegetables during shelf‐life . To identify and classify deterioration rates of the leaves through Multivariate analysis techniques (PLS‐DA)


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Summary Background & aims Inflammation markers (IM) have been associated with the development of chronic diseases. This study compares the effects on IM of three exercise programs combined with a hypocaloric diet. Methods 119 overweight participants (73 women, 46 men) aged 1850 years were randomised into four treatment groups: strength training (S; n = 30), endurance training (E; n = 30), combined S + E (SE; n = 30), and a diet and physical activity recommendations group (D; n = 29). Energy intake, anthropometric variables (AV), training variables (VO2peak, strength index, dynamometric strength index [DSI]) and plasma IM were recorded at baseline and after 22 weeks of treatment. Results 84 participants completed the study. At 22 weeks, all groups showed a significantly reduced energy intake (P < 0.001) and improved AV (P < 0.001). VO2peak significantly increased in all groups (P < 0.01). DSI increased in the exercise groups only (P < 0.05). Plasma leptin fell significantly (P < 0.001) in the S and E groups, but not significantly in the SE group (P = 0.029) (no significant differences between these groups). Tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations decreased in all groups when examined together, but not when examined separately. No significant differences were seen in interleukin-6 (IL-6). Conclusions Combining strength or endurance training with a hypocaloric diet improved AV and reduced plasma leptin concentrations. No differences were seen between groups in terms of TNF-α, IL-6 or CRP reduction. This trial was registered at clinical trials.gov as NCT01116856. http://clinicaltrials.gov/.


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Plantación de lúpulo en Mabegondo. En ella se detalla todas las labores, instalaciones, cálculos, diseños u otras actividades necesarias para el establecimiento de una plantación de lúpulo en unas condiciones determinadas.


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World Health Organization actively stresses the importance of health, nutrition and well-being of the mother to foster children development. This issue is critical in the rural areas of developing countries where monitoring of health status of children is hardly performed since population suffers from a lack of access to health care. The aim of this research is to design, implement and deploy an e-health information and communication system to support health care in 26 rural communities of Cusmapa, Nicaragua. The final solution consists of an hybrid WiMAX/WiFi architecture that provides good quality communications through VoIP taking advantage of low cost WiFi mobile devices. Thus, a WiMAX base station was installed in the health center to provide a radio link with the rural health post "El Carrizo" sited 7,4 km. in line of sight. This service makes possible personal broadband voice and data communication facilities with the health center based on WiFi enabled devices such as laptops and cellular phones without communications cost. A free software PBX was installed at "San José de Cusmapa" health care site to enable communications for physicians, nurses and a technician through mobile telephones with IEEE 802.11 b/g protocol and SIP provided by the project. Additionally, the rural health post staff (midwives, brigade) received two mobile phones with these same features. In a complementary way, the deployed health information system is ready to analyze the distribution of maternal-child population at risk and the distribution of diseases on a geographical baseline. The system works with four information layers: fertile women, children, people with disabilities and diseases. Thus, authorized staff can obtain reports about prenatal monitoring tasks, status of the communities, malnutrition, and immunization control. Data need to be updated by health care staff in order to timely detect the source of problem to implement measures addressed to alleviate and improve health status population permanently. Ongoing research is focused on a mobile platform that collects and automatically updates in the information system, the height and weight of the children locally gathered in the remote communities. This research is being granted by the program Millennium Rural Communities of the Technical University of Madrid.


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The influence of the main cereal and feed form of the diet on performance and digestive tract traits was studied in 576 brown-egg laying pullets from 1 to 120 d of age. From 1 to 45 d of age, 4 diets arranged factorially with 2 cereals (corn vs. wheat) and 2 feed forms (mash vs. pellets) were used. Each treatment was replicated 6 times (24 pullets per replicate). From 46 to 120 d of age, all diets were offered in mash form and the only difference among diets was the cereal used. Cumulatively, pullets fed the corn diets had higher BW gain (P < 0.05) but similar feed conversion ratio as pullets fed the wheat diets. From 1 to 45 d of age, pullets fed pellets consumed more feed (P < 0.001) and had higher BW gain (P < 0.001) than those fed mash. Most of the beneficial effects of pelleting on productive performance were still evident at 120 d of age. At 45 d of age, gizzard weight (g/kg of BW) was higher (P < 0.01) in pullets fed corn than in pullets fed wheat diets. Feeding pellets reduced the relative weight of the digestive tract and the gizzard (P < 0.001) as well as the length (cm/kg of BW) of the small intestine (P < 0.01) at both ages. The pH of gizzard contents at 120 d of age was not affected by cereal but was lower in pullets that were fed mash from 1 to 45 d of age (P < 0.01). We conclude that wheat can be used in substitution of corn in pullet diets with only a slight reduction in BW gain and that feeding pellets from 1 to 45 d of age increased BW gain and pH of the gizzard and reduced the relative weight of the gizzard and the length of the gastrointestinal tract at 120 d of age.