1000 resultados para Cadets -- Actituds -- Espanya


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This research analysis the long-term effects of nursery school attendance before the age of three in Spain. The effects are measured when the individuals are adolescents and attend secondary school. The article deals with the controversy over the long-term effects of nursery school attendance and its potential effect on reducing inequalities and social exclusion. The results estimate a significant long-term effect of nursery school attendance on improving educational performance, although the beneficial effects are lower among adolescents residing in the lower status households.


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How does fathering change across childrens developmental stages and how do these changes vary by educational levels and womens employment? To investigate this, I use the 2003 Spanish Time Use Survey (N = 2,941) for a sample of heterosexual couples with children of different ages. I differentiate between physical (i.e. feeding, supervising, putting children to bed) and interactive child care activities (i.e. speaking to, playing with, teaching the child). Fathers education strongly influences how much fathers participate in physical care in families with preschoolers, a stage in which these activities are particularly important for childrens physical, social, and emotional development. For interactive care, a significant education gradient emerges when the youngest child is aged 3 to 5, when the acquisition of complex linguistic, conceptual, and social skills is critical for later school success. Mothers employment significantly influences fathers physical child care with preschoolers. This suggests that empowering Spanish women to participate in the labor market promotes gender equity in the household division of child care.


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In this chapter we portray the effects of female education and professional achievement on fertility decline in Spain over the period 1920-1980 (birth cohorts of 1901-1950).A longitudinal econometric approach is used to test the hypothesis that the effects of womens education in the revaluing of their time had a very significant influence on fertility decline. Although in the historical context presented here improvements in schooling were on a modest scale, they were continuous (with the interruption of the Civil War) and had a significant impact in shaping a model of low fertility in Spain. We also stress the relevance of this result in a context such as the Spanish for which liberal values were absent, fertility control practices were forbidden, and labour force participation of women was politically and socially constrained.


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In this paper I explore two hypotheses: (1) Formal child care availability for children under three has a positive effect across contexts, according to the degree of adaptation of social institutions to changes in gender roles. Event history models with regional fixed effects are applied to data from the European Community Household Panel (1994-2001). The results show a significant and positive effect of regional day care availability on both, first and higher order births, while results are consistent with the second hypothesis only for second or higher order births.


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This study analyses the characteristics of members leaving a Spanishunion federation Catalonia branch of Workers Commissions(CCOO-Catalonia), together with their reasons for leaving using avariety of data sources. Our findings indicate that higher union attritionamong members in instable employment (i.e. casual employment andlow seniority). In general, union leavers confirm that their job situationis an important reason for leaving the union. We therefore concludethat efforts made by the union to retain members in vulnerable labormarket positions are important in reducing high rates of union attritionin Spain.


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This paper studies how the horizontal and vertical mismatches in the labor market affect wage. We do so by taking into account that by choosing a job, wage and mismatches are simultaneously determined. The Seemingly Unrelated Equations model also allows us to control for any omitted variable that could cause biased estimators. We use REFLEX data for Spain. Results reveal that in most cases being horizontally matched has a wage premium and being over-educated does not affect wage. Results suggest that the modeling strategy successfully accounts for some omitted variable that affects simultaneously the probability of being horizontally matched and the wage. This could explain the existence of a wage penalty for over-educated workers when the omitted variable issue is not dealt with.


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Espaa destaca en el contexto europeo tanto por sus bajos niveles de fecundidad como por sus altos niveles de paro e inestabilidad en el empleo. En este texto se investigan empricamente los efectos de la participacin laboral de las mujeres y de sus parejas sobre la fecundidad, y ms especficamente el impacto de los contratos temporales y el desempleo. La perspectiva terica utilizada se basa en el anlisis de los cursos de vida individuales y subraya las influencias del contexto institucional y social. Se utiliza una muestra longitudinal del Panel de Hogares de las Comunidades Europeas, relativa a los aos 1994-2001, y mtodos de anlisis de biografias. Los resultados indican un acusado impacto negativo de la inestabilidad en el empleo, que supone una posposicin en el calendario de la fecundidad y una reduccin de las tasas de fecundidad. Este efecto depresivo sobre la fecundidad es an ms intenso cuando los dos miembros de la pareja estn en situacin laboral precaria.


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In this article we analyze the reasons, within the context of Spanish industrial relations, for trade union members active participation in their regional union. The case of Spain is particularly interesting as the unions main activity, collective bargaining, is a public good. The text, based on research involving a representative survey of members of a regional branch of the Workers Commissions (Comisiones Obreras) trade union, provides empirical evidence that the union presence in the workplace has a significant influence on members propensity for activism. By contrast, the alternative hypothesis based on instrumental reasons appears of little relevance in the Spanish industrial relations context.


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The quality of the time dedicated to child care has potential positive effects on childrens life chances. However, the determinants of parental time allocation to child care remain largely unexplored, particularly in context undergoing rapid family change such as Spain. We assess two alternative explanations for differences between parents in the amount of time spent with children. The first, based in the relative resources hypothesis, links variation in time spent with children to the relative attributes (occupation, education or income) of one partner to the other. The second, derived from the social status hypothesis, suggests that variation in time spent with children is attributable to the relative social position of the pair (i.e. higher status couples spend more time with children regardless of within-couple difference).To investigate theses questions, we use a sample of adults (18-50) from the Spanish Time Use Survey (STUS) 2002-2003 (n=7,438). Limiting the analysis to adults who are married or in consensual unions, the STUS allows to assess both the quantity and quality of parental time spent with children. We find little support for the relative resources hypothesis. Instead, consistent with the social status hypothesis, we find that time spent on child care is attributable to the social position of the couple, regardless of between-parent differences in income of education.


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Desde el ao 2005 la comunidad cientfica cuenta con una nueva fuente de informacin anual para el estudio de las dinmicas del mercado de trabajo y del sistema de previsin social de carcter contributivo en Espaa. Sus microdatos, que reciben el nombre de Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (MCVL), proceden de tres registros administrativos: la Seguridad Social, el Padrn Continuo Municipal y la Agencia Tributaria. En este trabajo se exponen sus caractersticas fundamentales, al tiempo que se plantean algunas pautas bsicas para afrontar las dificultades en el manejo de sus datos. Entre ellas destacan las peculiaridades de su estructura panel; el tratamiento del pluriempleo y las situaciones simultneas; el modo en que se computa una relacin laboral; y los problemas para la identificacin de la estructura familiar.


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Applying fixed-effects models to EULFS data on Spain from 1998 to2006, the paper explores the effects of educational expansion on theoccupational returns to education across different levels of education.We build an indicator of the positional value of education, based on theidea that the value of a given educational credential partly depends onthe percentage of labour market entrants who have reached that level atthe time when individuals enter the labour market -- it is higher whenfewer individuals have reached it, lower otherwise. Our analysis for theSpanish case shows that the decrease in the occupational returns toeducation goes in parallel with the decrease in the positional value ofeducation, but this devaluation of credentials has been stronger ingeneral education (e.g., in humanities or social sciences universitydegrees, or in upper secondary general education) than in specializededucation (e.g., in technical fields in the university, or in uppervocational training). We argue that the reason for this is most likely thatgeneral education provides a more diffuse signal of candidates skillsthan specialized education. We also find that this devaluation ofcredentials has been stronger in fields accessed by women in largernumbers in last decades.


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Hasta qu punto se preparan las parejas jvenes en Espaa para una parentalidad corresponsable? Los estudios muestran que gran parte de las desigualdades de gnero en las sociedades occidentales emergen y se recrudecen durante la primera maternidad/paternidad. En Espaa existe un gran vaco en estudios que analicen la toma de decisiones y las justificaciones de los miembros de la pareja en sus decisiones sobre el cuidado de su primognito. Esta investigacin viene a suplir esta laguna en la literatura mediante un estudio cualitativo basado en entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a 136 hombres y mujeres activos (ocupados y desempleados) que esperaban su primer hijo en el ao 2011. La investigacin indaga sobre las justificaciones repecto a quin y cunto tiempo disfrutar de licencias parentales o reducciones de jornada laboral, los ideales de cuidado, los planes de implicacin del padre y la madre y el significado de una "buena" maternidad y paternidad.El estudio muestra que gran parte de las parejas aspiran a mantener el empleo de ambos miembros tras el parto y que, por tanto, el modelo de familia basado en dos sustentadores est ampliamente arraigado en el imaginario cultural de estas parejas. Sin embargo, en el caso de prever dificultades en la conciliacin del empleo y el cuidado - situacin bastante frecuente en el contexto espaol - las mujeres continan mostrando una mayor predisposicin a adaptar su empleo a las necesidades de la maternidad, mientras que solo una pequea parte de los hombres entrevistados parecen dispuestos a asumir ajustes laborales importantes para atender a sus hijos y acercarse al ideal de la paternidad corresponsable.


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This study analyses the determinants of the rate of temporary employment in various OECD countries using both macro-level data drawn from the OECD and EUROSTAT databases, as well as micro-level data drawn from the 8th wave of the European Household Panel. Comparative analysis is set out to test different explanations originally formulated for the Spanish case. The evidence suggests that the overall distribution of temporary employment in advanced economies does not seem to be explicable by the characteristics of national productive structures. This evidence seems at odds with previous interpretations based on segmentation theories. As an alternative explanation, two types of supply-side factors are tested: crowding-out effects and educational gaps in the workforce. The former seems non significant, whilst the effects of the latter disappear after controlling for the levels of institutional protection in standard employment during the 1980s. Multivariate analysis shows that only this latter institutional variable, together with the degree of coordinated centralisation of the collective bargaining system, seem to have a significant impact on the distribution of temporary employment in the countries examined. On the basis of this observation, an explanation of the very high levels of temporary employment observed in Spain is proposed. This explanation is consistent with both country-specific and comparative evidence.


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Contact theory and threat group theory offer contradictory hypotheses regarding the effect of contact with immigrants. Despite recent efforts to test the validity of both approaches, we still lack a definitive conclusion. This article integrates both approaches and tests the effect of contact towards immigrants and how this changes when different contexts are considered. Mainly, we investigate the effect of the economic environment and the immigrant group size on modifying attitudes toward immigration. The hypotheses, which are tested in Catalonia, show that contact with immigrants reduce negative attitudes towards immigration, especially friendship and family contact. However, mixed results are reported regarding the effect of economic environment and immigrant group size. Whereas the former modifies positively the effect of workplace contact, the latter has no effect. Findings have implications for the impact of context when dealing with the impact of contact on attitudes towards immigration.


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El Informe sobre la calidad de los Servicios de Prevencin en Espaa es el resultado de un proyecto que el Observatorio de Salud Laboral impuls en el ao 2006 para abordar, desde una ptica de calidad, la actividad desarrollada por los Servicios de Prevencin en Espaa, con la intencin de que el propio proceso de evaluacin genere un mayor inters por la calidad y la predisposicin favorable a introducir mejoras. El Informe pretende aportar conceptos, herramientas e informaciones que faciliten y promuevan la toma de decisiones para mejorar la calidad de los Servicios de Prevencin en Espaa.