915 resultados para Brush-border
本书系统地介绍了材料微尺度力学行为的尺寸效应实验现象,重点介绍了几种代表性的微尺度应变梯度塑性理论及对微尺度实验现象的解释;以及对裂纹尖端微尺度范围内解理断裂的应用。融会贯通的介绍了国内外学者的原创性工作和创新性学术思想。 全书共8章。第1章介绍了应变梯度塑性理论的应用背景及经典微极理论;第2章介绍了金属材料典型的微尺度力学实验现象;第3~7章介绍了几种典型的应变梯度理论及其应用;第8章介绍了应变梯度理论在微观断裂力学中的应用。 本书适合从事固体微尺度力学、先进材料的微结构设计与力学性能优化、微机电和微电子元件力学行为研究的科技工作者及工程师使用和参考,也可供力学专业及材料专业的高年级本科生和研究生阅读参考。
《高等断裂力学》系统论述断裂力学的基本概念、理论基础、力学原理、分析方法以及断裂力学的实验测定和工程应用。深入阐明了断裂力学各个重要发展阶段的新颖学术思想和原创性工作,同时融会贯通地介绍了国内学者在作者熟悉的若干领域内的创造性贡献。 《高等断裂力学》共14章。第1章介绍断裂力学的历史背景和发展脉络;第2~5章介绍线弹性断裂力学;第6~8章论述弹塑性断裂力学;第9及第10章分别介绍疲劳裂纹扩展和界面裂纹;第11~14章阐述裂纹体弹性动力学和裂纹动态扩展。 《高等断裂力学》适合从事断裂力学研究和应用的科技工作者及工程师使用和参考,也可供力学专业的高年级本科生和研究生阅读参考.
[ES] Con la entrada de España en la Unión Europea y la desaparición de la frontera se intensifican las relaciones internacionales. Pero también vecinos que habían permanecido alejados se acercan unos a otros. Los municipios de Bajo Bidasoa, es decir, Irún, Hondarribia y Hendaia, conforman una conurbación y como tal deciden hacer frente a las necesidades de su población. Para ello crean el Consorcio transfronterizo del Bidasoa el año 1998 pero las dificultades que supone trabajar en dos países diferentes limita su desarrollo. Frente a ello surgen nuevas instituciones, de origen comarcal, que comienzan a superar algunas de las barreras con las que se topaba el Consorcio, hasta el punto de poner la continuidad de esta entidad en entredicho.
This paper investigates the role that INTERPOL surveillance – the Mobile INTERPOL Network Database (MIND) and the Fixed INTERPOL Network Database (FIND) – played in the War on Terror since its inception in 2005. MIND/FIND surveillance allows countries to screen people and documents systematically at border crossings against INTERPOL databases on terrorists, fugitives, and stolen and lost travel documents. Such documents have been used in the past by terrorists to transit borders. By applying methods developed in the treatment-effects literature, this paper establishes that countries adopting MIND/FIND experienced fewer transnational terrorist attacks than had they not adopted MIND/FIND. Our estimates indicate that, on average, during 2008–2011, adopting and using MIND/FIND results in 1.23 fewer transnational terrorist incidents each year per 100 million people. Thus, a country like France with a population just above 64 million people in 2008 would have 0.79 fewer transnational terrorist incidents per year owing to its use of INTERPOL surveillance. For most treatment countries, this amounts to a sizeable proportional reduction of about 60 per cent.
[ES] Estudio y edición de un texto desconocido de Orixe en el que, a partir de un episodio autobiográfico —la delación de la que fue objeto en mayo de 1938 y su consiguiente huida al otro lado de la frontera—, trata de mostrar la falsedad del catolicismo de los sublevados en 1936 y la superioridad moral de los nacionalistas vascos. Este nuevo ensayo de Orixe aporta algunas precisiones sobre su biografía pero, sobre todo, constituye un texto único en su bibliografía —próximo, sin embargo, a algunos pasajes de Quiton arrebarekin— en la medida en que recoge una reflexión extensa y sistemática sobre una cuestión entonces crucial para el nacionalismo vasco.
Barrier islands are ecosystems that border coastal shorelines and form a protective barrier between continental shorelines and the wave action originating offshore. In addition to forming and maintaining an array of coastal and estuarine habitats of ecological and economic importance, barrier island coastlines also include some of the greatest concentrations of human populations and accompanying anthropogenic development in the world. These islands have an extremely dynamic nature whereby major changes in geomorphology and hydrology can occur over short time periods (i.e. days, hours) in response to extreme episodic storm events such as hurricanes and northeasters. The native vegetation and geological stability of these ecosystems are tightly coupled with one another and are vulnerable to storm-related erosion events, particularly when also disturbed by anthropogenic development. (PDF contains 4 pages)
Studies in turbulence often focus on two flow conditions, both of which occur frequently in real-world flows and are sought-after for their value in advancing turbulence theory. These are the high Reynolds number regime and the effect of wall surface roughness. In this dissertation, a Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) recreates both conditions over a wide range of Reynolds numbers Reτ = O(102)-O(108) and accounts for roughness by locally modeling the statistical effects of near-wall anisotropic fine scales in a thin layer immediately above the rough surface. A subgrid, roughness-corrected wall model is introduced to dynamically transmit this modeled information from the wall to the outer LES, which uses a stretched-vortex subgrid-scale model operating in the bulk of the flow. Of primary interest is the Reynolds number and roughness dependence of these flows in terms of first and second order statistics. The LES is first applied to a fully turbulent uniformly-smooth/rough channel flow to capture the flow dynamics over smooth, transitionally rough and fully rough regimes. Results include a Moody-like diagram for the wall averaged friction factor, believed to be the first of its kind obtained from LES. Confirmation is found for experimentally observed logarithmic behavior in the normalized stream-wise turbulent intensities. Tight logarithmic collapse, scaled on the wall friction velocity, is found for smooth-wall flows when Reτ ≥ O(106) and in fully rough cases. Since the wall model operates locally and dynamically, the framework is used to investigate non-uniform roughness distribution cases in a channel, where the flow adjustments to sudden surface changes are investigated. Recovery of mean quantities and turbulent statistics after transitions are discussed qualitatively and quantitatively at various roughness and Reynolds number levels. The internal boundary layer, which is defined as the border between the flow affected by the new surface condition and the unaffected part, is computed, and a collapse of the profiles on a length scale containing the logarithm of friction Reynolds number is presented. Finally, we turn to the possibility of expanding the present framework to accommodate more general geometries. As a first step, the whole LES framework is modified for use in the curvilinear geometry of a fully-developed turbulent pipe flow, with implementation carried out in a spectral element solver capable of handling complex wall profiles. The friction factors have shown favorable agreement with the superpipe data, and the LES estimates of the Karman constant and additive constant of the log-law closely match values obtained from experiment.
O consumidor é o agente vulnerável na relação de consumo internacional. O processo de globalização se apresenta, para o consumidor, como uma globalização do consumo. A globalização do consumo se caracteriza pelo comércio e fornecimento internacional de produtos e serviços por empresários/fornecedores transnacionais/globais, utilizando marcas de renome mundial, acessíveis a todos os consumidores do planeta, e agrava a vulnerabilidade do consumidor no mercado. A proteção jurídica do consumidor internacional é uma necessidade que os sistemas jurídicos nacionais não se mostram aptos a prover adequadamente, assim como o Direito Internacional também não. A presente tese demonstra a deficiência da Ciência do Direito na proteção do consumidor no contexto da globalização; demonstra como o próprio comércio internacional é prejudicado ao não priorizar de maneira absoluta e efetiva a proteção do consumidor na OMC, bem como ao mostrar-se apático diante dos diferentes níveis de proteção proporcionada aos consumidores em cada diferente sistema jurídico nacional; demonstra, também, como a proteção do consumidor de maneira uniforme e global por um direito comum aos Estados é possível e será capaz de tornar mais eficiente economicamente o processo de globalização do consumo, ao encorajar a participação mais intensa do consumidor no mercado internacional; e propõe a construção de um novo ramo do Direito dedicado ao problema, o Direito Internacional do Consumidor (DIC), por meio da elaboração de uma Teoria do Direito Internacional do Consumidor. O Direito Internacional do Consumidor pretende ser um direito comum e universal de proteção ao consumidor, fundado em métodos, conceitos, institutos, normas e princípios jurídicos universais. O DIC dialogará com outros ramos do Direito Público e Privado, especialmente o Direito Internacional Econômico, o Direito Internacional do Comércio, o Direito Internacional Privado, o Direito Processual Civil Internacional, e o Direito do Consumidor. Pretende-se com isto atender ao ideal de promover o livre comércio internacional com respeito aos Direitos Humanos.
Embora a cirurgia de avanço mandibular seja considerada um procedimento altamente estável, existem algumas preocupações clínicas em relação a mudanças nos côndilos e nos segmentos proximais, que podem levar a recidiva sagital e abertura de mordida. A avaliação dos resultados da cirurgia através de ferramentas de geração e superposição de modelos virtuais tridimensionais (3D) permite a identificação e quantificação dos deslocamentos e remodelação óssea que podem ajudar a explicar as interações entre os componentes dentários, esqueléticos e de tecido mole que estão relacionados a resposta ao tratamento. Este estudo observacional prospectivo avaliou, através de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (CBCT), mudanças na posição/remodelação 3D dos ramos mandibulares, côndilos e mento. Assim, exames CBCT de 27 pacientes foram adquiridos antes da cirurgia (T1), imediatamente após a cirurgia(T2), e 1 ano após a cirurgia(T3). Uma técnica automática de superposição na base do crânio foi utilizada para permitir a avaliação das mudanças ocorridas nas regiões anatômicas de interesse (RAI). Os deslocamentos foram visualizados e quantificados em mapas coloridos 3D através da ferramenta de linha de contorno (ISOLINE). Pelo teste t pareado compararam-se as mudanças entre T1-T2 e T2-T3. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson verificou se os deslocamentos ocorridos nas RAI foram correlacionados entre si e entre os tempos de avaliação. O nível de significância foi determinado em 0,05. O avanço mandibular médio foi de 6,813,2mm em T2 e 6,363,41mm em T3 (p=0,13). Entre T2 e T3, a posição do mento variou positivamente (≥2mm) em 5 pacientes negativamente em 7. 12% dos pacientes sofreram recidivas ≥4mm. Para todas as outras RAI avaliadas, apenas a porção inferior dos ramos (lado direito - 2,342,35mm e lado esquerdo 2,972,71mm) sofreram deslocamentos médios >2mm com a cirurgia. No acompanhamento em longo prazo, esse deslocamento lateral da porção inferior dos ramos foi mantido (lado direito - 2,102,15mm, p=0,26; e lado esquerdo -2,762,80, p=0,46), bem como todos os outros deslocamentos observados (p>0,05). As mudanças na posição do mento foram correlacionadas a adaptações pós-cirúrgicas nos bordos posteriores dos ramos (esquerdo r=-0,73 e direito r=-0,68) e côndilos (esquerdo r=-0,53 e direito r=-0,46). Os deslocamentos médios sofridos pelas estruturas do lado esquerdo foram suavemente maiores do que no direito. Correlações dos deslocamentos ocorridos entre T1-T2 e T2-T3 mostraram que: os deslocamentos dos côndilos esquerdos com a cirurgia foram negativamente correlacionados às adaptações pós-cirúrgicas destes (r=-0,51); e que o deslocamento da porção superior do ramo esquerdo com a cirurgia foi correlacionado à adaptação pós-cirúrgica ocorrida nos bordos posteriores (r=0,39) e côndilos do mesmo lado (r=0,39). Pode-se concluir que: (1) os deslocamentos causados pela cirurgia foram de modo geral estáveis no acompanhamento de 1 ano, mas identificou-se uma considerável variação individual; (2) as mudanças pós-cirúrgicas na posição do mento foram correlacionadas a adaptações sofridas pelos côndilos e bordos posteriores dos ramos; e que (3) deslocamentos suavemente maiores causados pela cirurgia nas estruturas do lado esquerdo levaram a maiores adaptações pós-cirúrgicas no segmento proximal deste lado.
Investigations of the rearrangement of material in Neuwerk/Scharhom flat showed that with the exception of the western border/edge and the parts of the Elbe and Oste shores/banks which lie most seawards, the entire mudflat area is only infrequently exposed to strong hydraulic forces. Only in extreme conditions, which on average occur rarely more than once a year, would the mudflats be severely affected. This partial translation provides the summary of the original article only.
The wave-theoretical analysis of acoustic and elastic waves refracted by a spherical boundary across which both velocity and density increase abruptly and thence either increase or decrease continuously with depth is formulated in terms of the general problem of waves generated at a steady point source and scattered by a radially heterogeneous spherical body. A displacement potential representation is used for the elastic problem that results in high frequency decoupling of P-SV motion in a spherically symmetric, radially heterogeneous medium. Through the application of an earth-flattening transformation on the radial solution and the Watson transform on the sum over eigenfunctions, the solution to the spherical problem for high frequencies is expressed as a Weyl integral for the corresponding half-space problem in which the effect of boundary curvature maps into an effective positive velocity gradient. The results of both analytical and numerical evaluation of this integral can be summarized as follows for body waves in the crust and upper mantle:
1) In the special case of a critical velocity gradient (a gradient equal and opposite to the effective curvature gradient), the critically refracted wave reduces to the classical head wave for flat, homogeneous layers.
2) For gradients more negative than critical, the amplitude of the critically refracted wave decays more rapidly with distance than the classical head wave.
3) For positive, null, and gradients less negative than critical, the amplitude of the critically refracted wave decays less rapidly with distance than the classical head wave, and at sufficiently large distances, the refracted wave can be adequately described in terms of ray-theoretical diving waves. At intermediate distances from the critical point, the spectral amplitude of the refracted wave is scalloped due to multiple diving wave interference.
These theoretical results applied to published amplitude data for P-waves refracted by the major crustal and upper mantle horizons (the Pg, P*, and Pn travel-time branches) suggest that the 'granitic' upper crust, the 'basaltic' lower crust, and the mantle lid all have negative or near-critical velocity gradients in the tectonically active western United States. On the other hand, the corresponding horizons in the stable eastern United States appear to have null or slightly positive velocity gradients. The distribution of negative and positive velocity gradients correlates closely with high heat flow in tectonic regions and normal heat flow in stable regions. The velocity gradients inferred from the amplitude data are generally consistent with those inferred from ultrasonic measurements of the effects of temperature and pressure on crustal and mantle rocks and probable geothermal gradients. A notable exception is the strong positive velocity gradient in the mantle lid beneath the eastern United States (2 x 10-3 sec-1), which appears to require a compositional gradient to counter the effect of even a small geothermal gradient.
New seismic-refraction data were recorded along a 800 km profile extending due south from the Canadian border across the Columbia Plateau into eastern Oregon. The source for the seismic waves was a series of 20 high-energy chemical explosions detonated by the Canadian government in Greenbush Lake, British Columbia. The first arrivals recorded along this profile are on the Pn travel-time branch. In northern Washington and central Oregon their travel time is described by T = Δ/8.0 + 7.7 sec, but in the Columbia Plateau the Pn arrivals are as much as 0.9 sec early with respect to this line. An interpretation of these Pn arrivals together with later crustal arrivals suggest that the crust under the Columbia Plateau is thinner by about 10 km and has a higher average P-wave velocity than the 35-km-thick, 62-km/sec crust under the granitic-metamorphic terrain of northern Washington. A tentative interpretation of later arrivals recorded beyond 500 km from the shots suggests that a thin 8.4-km/sec horizon may be present in the upper mantle beneath the Columbia Plateau and that this horizon may form the lid to a pronounced low-velocity zone extending to a depth of about 140 km.
Extensive Rubidium-Strontium age determinations on both mineral and total rock samples of the crystalline rocks of New Zealand, which almost solely crop out in the South Island, indicate widespread plutonic and metamorphic activity occurred during two periods, one about 100-118 million years ago and the other about 340-370 million years ago. The former results date the Rangitata Orogeny as Cretaceous. They associate extensive plutonic activity with this orogeny which uplifted and metamorphosed the rocks of the New Zealand Geosyncline, although no field association between the metamorphosed geosynclinal rocks and plutonic rocks has been found. The Cretaceous plutonic rocks occur to the west in the Foreland Province in Fiordland, Nelson, and Westland, geographically separated from the Geosynclinal Province. Because of this synchronous timing of plutonic and high pressure metamorphic activity in spatially separated belts, the Rangitata Orogeny in New Zealand is very similar to late Mesozoic orogenic activity in many other areas of the circum-Pacific margin (Miyashiro, 1961).
The 340-370 million year rocks, both plutonic and metamorphic, have been found only in that part of the Foreland Province north of the Alpine Fault. There, they are concentrated along the west coast over a distance of 500 km, and appear scattered inland from the coast. Probably this activity marks the outstanding Phanerozoic stratigraphic gap in New Zealand which occurred after the Lower Devonian.
A few crystalline rocks in the Foreland Province north of the Alpine Fault with measured ages intermediate between 340 and 120 million years have been found. Of these, those with more than one mineral examined give discordant results. All of these rocks are tentatively regarded as 340-370 million year old rocks that have been variously disturbed during the Rangitata Orogeny, 100-120 million years ago.
In addition to these two periods, plutonic activity, dominantly basic and ultrabasic, but including the development of some rocks of intermediate and acidic composition, occurred along the margin of the Geosynclinal Province at its border with the Foreland Province during Permian times about 245 million years ago, and this activity possibly extended into the Mesozoic.
Evidence from rubidium-strontium analyses of minerals and a total rock, and from uranium, thorium, and lead analyses of uniform euhedral zircons from a meta-igneous portion of the Charleston Gneiss, previously mapped as Precambrian, indicate that this rock is a 350-370 million year old plutonic rock metamorphosed 100 million yea rs ago during the Rangitata Orogeny. No crystalline rocks with primary Precambrian ages have been found in New Zealand. However, Pb207/Pb206 ages of 1360 million years and 1370 million years have been determined for rounded detrital zircons separated from each of two hornfels samples of one of New Zealand's olde st sedimentary units, the Greenland Series. These two samples were metamorphosed 345- 370 million years ago. They occur along the west coast, north of the Alpine Fault, at Waitaha River and Moeraki River, separated by 135 km. The Precambrian measured ages are most likely minimum ages for the oldest source area which provided the detrital zircons because the uranium, thorium and lead data are highly discordant. These results are of fundamental importance for the tectonic picture of the Southwest Pacific margin and demonstrate the existence of relatively old continental crust of some lateral extent in the neighborhood of New Zealand.