1000 resultados para Blindagem magnética


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Aquesta pretén ser una revisió general dels processos cognitius normals i de la capacitat de reorganització cerebral en cas de dany cerebral adquirit (lesions i malalties neurodegeneratives).


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The number of existing protein sequences spans a very small fraction of sequence space. Natural proteins have overcome a strong negative selective pressure to avoid the formation of insoluble aggregates. Stably folded globular proteins and intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP) use alternative solutions to the aggregation problem. While in globular proteins folding minimizes the access to aggregation prone regions IDPs on average display large exposed contact areas. Here, we introduce the concept of average meta-structure correlation map to analyze sequence space. Using this novel conceptual view we show that representative ensembles of folded and ID proteins show distinct characteristics and responds differently to sequence randomization. By studying the way evolutionary constraints act on IDPs to disable a negative function (aggregation) we might gain insight into the mechanisms by which function - enabling information is encoded in IDPs.


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Image registration has been proposed as an automatic method for recovering cardiac displacement fields from Tagged Magnetic Resonance Imaging (tMRI) sequences. Initially performed as a set of pairwise registrations, these techniques have evolved to the use of 3D+t deformation models, requiring metrics of joint image alignment (JA). However, only linear combinations of cost functions defined with respect to the first frame have been used. In this paper, we have applied k-Nearest Neighbors Graphs (kNNG) estimators of the -entropy (H ) to measure the joint similarity between frames, and to combine the information provided by different cardiac views in an unified metric. Experiments performed on six subjects showed a significantly higher accuracy (p < 0.05) with respect to a standard pairwise alignment (PA) approach in terms of mean positional error and variance with respect to manually placed landmarks. The developed method was used to study strains in patients with myocardial infarction, showing a consistency between strain, infarction location, and coronary occlusion. This paper also presentsan interesting clinical application of graph-based metric estimators, showing their value for solving practical problems found in medical imaging.


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Se describen los principios de la tomografía por emisión de positrones (PET) como procedimiento diagnóstico de reciente introducción en el campo de las Ciencias de la Salud. Las aplicaciones clínicas principales se dan en un grupo concreto de especialidades: la cardiología, neurología, psiquiatría y sobre todo la oncología. La tomografía por emisión de positrones es una técnica de diagnóstico por la imagen no invasiva de uso clínico. Se trata de una excelente herramienta para el estudio de la estadificación y la posible malignización de los tumores de cabeza y cuello, la detección de metástasis y linfoadenopatías no valorables clínicamente, así como para el diagnóstico de recidivas tumorales. El único trazador que tiene aplicación clínica es la fluor-desoxiglucosa- F18 o FDG. La PET detecta la intensa acumulación de FDG que se produce en los tumores malignos, debido al mayor índice glicolítico que tienen las células neoplásicas. Con la introducción de sistemas híbridos que combinan la tomografía computadorizada o la resonancia magnética con la tomografía por emisión de positrones, se está produciendo un importante avance en el diagnóstico y el seguimiento de la patología oncológica de cabeza y cuello.


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Background.Schizo-affective disorder has not been studied to any significant extent using functional imaging. The aim of this study was to examine patterns of brain activation and deactivation in patients meeting strict diagnostic criteria for the disorder. METHOD: Thirty-two patients meeting research diagnostic criteria (RDC) for schizo-affective disorder (16 schizomanic and 16 schizodepressive) and 32 matched healthy controls underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during performance of the n-back task. Linear models were used to obtain maps of activations and deactivations in the groups. RESULTS: Controls showed activation in a network of frontal and other areas and also deactivation in the medial frontal cortex, the precuneus and the parietal cortex. Schizo-affective patients activated significantly less in prefrontal, parietal and temporal regions than the controls, and also showed failure of deactivation in the medial frontal cortex. When task performance was controlled for, the reduced activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the failure of deactivation of the medial frontal cortex remained significant. CONCLUSIONS: Schizo-affective disorder shows a similar pattern of reduced frontal activation to schizophrenia. The disorder is also characterized by failure of deactivation suggestive of default mode network dysfunction.


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Background.Schizo-affective disorder has not been studied to any significant extent using functional imaging. The aim of this study was to examine patterns of brain activation and deactivation in patients meeting strict diagnostic criteria for the disorder. METHOD: Thirty-two patients meeting research diagnostic criteria (RDC) for schizo-affective disorder (16 schizomanic and 16 schizodepressive) and 32 matched healthy controls underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during performance of the n-back task. Linear models were used to obtain maps of activations and deactivations in the groups. RESULTS: Controls showed activation in a network of frontal and other areas and also deactivation in the medial frontal cortex, the precuneus and the parietal cortex. Schizo-affective patients activated significantly less in prefrontal, parietal and temporal regions than the controls, and also showed failure of deactivation in the medial frontal cortex. When task performance was controlled for, the reduced activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the failure of deactivation of the medial frontal cortex remained significant. CONCLUSIONS: Schizo-affective disorder shows a similar pattern of reduced frontal activation to schizophrenia. The disorder is also characterized by failure of deactivation suggestive of default mode network dysfunction.


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Background.Schizo-affective disorder has not been studied to any significant extent using functional imaging. The aim of this study was to examine patterns of brain activation and deactivation in patients meeting strict diagnostic criteria for the disorder. METHOD: Thirty-two patients meeting research diagnostic criteria (RDC) for schizo-affective disorder (16 schizomanic and 16 schizodepressive) and 32 matched healthy controls underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during performance of the n-back task. Linear models were used to obtain maps of activations and deactivations in the groups. RESULTS: Controls showed activation in a network of frontal and other areas and also deactivation in the medial frontal cortex, the precuneus and the parietal cortex. Schizo-affective patients activated significantly less in prefrontal, parietal and temporal regions than the controls, and also showed failure of deactivation in the medial frontal cortex. When task performance was controlled for, the reduced activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the failure of deactivation of the medial frontal cortex remained significant. CONCLUSIONS: Schizo-affective disorder shows a similar pattern of reduced frontal activation to schizophrenia. The disorder is also characterized by failure of deactivation suggestive of default mode network dysfunction.


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Controversial results have been reported concerning the neural mechanisms involved in the processing of rewards and punishments. On the one hand, there is evidence suggesting that monetary gains and losses activate a similar fronto-subcortical network. On the other hand, results of recent studies imply that reward and punishment may engage distinct neural mechanisms. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) we investigated both regional and interregional functional connectivity patterns while participants performed a gambling task featuring unexpectedly high monetary gains and losses. Classical univariate statistical analysis showed that monetary gains and losses activated a similar fronto-striatallimbic network, in which main activation peaks were observed bilaterally in the ventral striatum. Functional connectivity analysis showed similar responses for gain and loss conditions in the insular cortex, the amygdala, and the hippocampus that correlated with the activity observed in the seed region ventral striatum, with the connectivity to the amygdala appearing more pronounced after losses. Larger functional connectivity was found to the medial orbitofrontal cortex for negative outcomes. The fact that different functional patterns were obtained with both analyses suggests that the brain activations observed in the classical univariate approach identifi es the involvement of different functional networks in the current task. These results stress the importance of studying functional connectivity in addition to standard fMRI analysis in reward-related studies.


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We have studied the structural and magnetic properties of colloids consisting of different concentrations of magnetite particles dispersed in kerosene. Our data for the temperature dependence of the low field magnetization and the saturation coercive force of the samples evidenced the occurrence, in different temperature ranges, of Neel- and Brown-type relaxation processes whose characteristics were largely influenced by strong dipolar interparticle interactions.


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Music is a highly complex and versatile stimulus for the brain that engages many temporal, frontal, parietal, cerebellar, and subcortical areas involved in auditory, cognitive, emotional, and motor processing. Regular musical activities have been shown to effectively enhance the structure and function of many brain areas, making music a potential tool also in neurological rehabilitation. In our previous randomized controlled study, we found that listening to music on a daily basis can improve cognitive recovery and improve mood after an acute middle cerebral artery stroke. Extending this study, a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis utilizing cost function masking was performed on the acute and 6-month post-stroke stage structural magnetic resonance imaging data of the patients (n = 49) who either listened to their favorite music [music group (MG), n = 16] or verbal material [audio book group (ABG), n = 18] or did not receive any listening material [control group (CG), n = 15] during the 6-month recovery period. Although all groups showed significant gray matter volume (GMV) increases from the acute to the 6-month stage, there was a specific network of frontal areas [left and right superior frontal gyrus (SFG), right medial SFG] and limbic areas [left ventral/subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (SACC) and right ventral striatum (VS)] in patients with left hemisphere damage in which the GMV increases were larger in the MG than in the ABG and in the CG. Moreover, the GM reorganization in the frontal areas correlated with enhanced recovery of verbal memory, focused attention, and language skills, whereas the GM reorganization in the SACC correlated with reduced negative mood. This study adds on previous results, showing that music listening after stroke not only enhances behavioral recovery, but also induces fine-grained neuroanatomical changes in the recovering brain.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar morfoanatomicamente o melão 'Gália', com ênfase no exocarpo e mesocarpo, no ponto de colheita. Os frutos foram obtidos em propriedade comercial localizada no município de Mossoró-RN, aos 65 dias de cultivo após a semeadura. Em laboratório, realizou-se a caracterização morfológica através da determinação da massa, espessura da polpa, comprimento longitudinal e transversal, relação de formato e índice de rendilhamento. Análises em tomografia de ressonância magnética nuclear foram realizadas para a determinação da integridade dos tecidos. As análises anatômicas foram realizadas utilizando-se de microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. O melão Gália, híbrido 'Solar King', foi caracterizado como fruto do tipo baga, de formato esférico, com massa média de 1.021 g. As imagens sugerem que, na região do mesocarpo, o metabolismo acentuado e o amadurecimento mais avançado nos tecidos do centro do fruto podem ser responsáveis pelo descolamento da placenta e o amaciamento mais rápido dos tecidos em volta da cavidade interna. As áreas rendilhadas, juntamente com as ceras epicuticulares e a estrutura adensada das primeiras camadas subepidérmicas podem contribuir para o controle da perda de umidade do fruto e a resistência às injúrias mecânicas.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar as injúrias mecânicas que ocorrem em mamões 'Golden' e avaliar seus efeitos na qualidade dos frutos armazenados a 22ºC e 85% UR durante 10 dias. As injúrias identificadas como abrasão, corte e amassado foram reproduzidas nos frutos. As abrasões foram provocadas com lixa grão 200, numa área de 6cm². Os cortes foram realizados com incisões de 30 mm de comprimento e 5 mm de profundidade. O amassado foi provocado pelo impacto dos frutos, que foram deixados cair de uma altura de 2 m. Cada fruto recebeu 2 injúrias em lados opostos, na região de maior diâmetro. Mamões intactos foram utilizados como controle. A região danificada pela abrasão não desenvolveu cor amarelo-alaranjada; ocorreu escurecimento da casca, comprovado pelos menores valores de luminosidade e cromaticidade. Abrasão e impacto levaram a maior redução da firmeza da polpa e perda de massa. Imagens de ressonância magnética revelaram que frutos danificados pelas injúrias perderam sua integridade, o que foi identificado por áreas claras devido à presença de água livre. A qualidade de mamões 'Golden' é prejudicada por injúrias mecânicas, principalmente pelo impacto pela abrasão.


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Members of the histone-like nucleoid structuring protein (H-NS) family play roles both as architectural proteins and as modulators of gene expression in Gram-negative bacteria. The H-NS protein participates in modulatory processes that respond to environmental changes in osmolarity, pH, or temperature. H-NS oligomerization is essential for its activity. Structural models of different truncated forms are available. However, high-resolution structural details of full-length H-NS and its DNA-bound state have largely remained elusive. We report on progress in characterizing the biologically active H-NS oligomers with solid-state NMR. We compared uniformly ((13)C,(15)N)-labeled ssNMR preparations of the isolated N-terminal region (H-NS 1-47) and full-length H-NS (H-NS 1-137). In both cases, we obtained ssNMR spectra of good quality and characteristic of well-folded proteins. Analysis of the results of 2D and 3D (13)C-(13)C and (15)N-(13)C correlation experiments conducted at high magnetic field led to assignments of residues located in different topological regions of the free full-length H-NS. These findings confirm that the structure of the N-terminal dimerization domain is conserved in the oligomeric full-length protein. Small changes in the dimerization interface suggested by localized chemical shift variations between solution and solid-state spectra may be relevant for DNA recoginition.


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Introducción: Desde su primera descripción a mediados del siglo xix, mucho se ha avanzado en el conocimiento de esta entidad, que constituye una reconocida, aunque desestimada, causa de ictus en la infancia. Objetivo: Analizar la presentación clínica, factores de riesgo, evolución y tratamiento de una población de niños con trombosis venosa cerebral. Pacientes y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y longitudinal, de niños entre 0 y 17 años con trombosis venosa cerebral, en un período de cinco años. Resultados: Se identificaron 31 casos, de los cuales 18 fueron varones. Dieciocho pacientes comenzaron con convulsiones y 13 con síndrome de hipertensión endocraneal. Se identificaron 23 pacientes con procesos infecciosos, cuatro con patología de base previa, cinco con factores protrombóticos, tres neonatos con traumatismo obstétrico, cinco con más de un factor de riesgo y uno sin marcadores de riesgo. Se realizó diagnóstico por resonancia magnética en 18 pacientes, por tomografía computarizada con contraste en 11 y por angiorresonancia en los dos restantes. Dieciséis presentaron trombosis del seno transverso, cuatro del longitudinal superior, cuatro del sigmoides, cinco afectación de más de un seno y dos del seno cavernoso. Se inició anticoagulación en 21 niños y no se trataron los 10 restantes. Doce pacientes manifestaron déficit neurológico a largo plazo, mientras que 18 se mantuvieron asintomáticos. No hubo fallecimientos o complicaciones graves por la trombosis ni la anticoagulación, así como tampoco recurrencias sintomáticas en el seguimiento. Conclusiones: Las trombosis venosas cerebrales son una causa importante de ictus en la infancia. La sospecha clínica debe ser elevada ante todo paciente con clínica de hipertensión endocraneal o convulsiones en presencia de factores de riesgo conocidos.


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Background.Schizo-affective disorder has not been studied to any significant extent using functional imaging. The aim of this study was to examine patterns of brain activation and deactivation in patients meeting strict diagnostic criteria for the disorder. METHOD: Thirty-two patients meeting research diagnostic criteria (RDC) for schizo-affective disorder (16 schizomanic and 16 schizodepressive) and 32 matched healthy controls underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during performance of the n-back task. Linear models were used to obtain maps of activations and deactivations in the groups. RESULTS: Controls showed activation in a network of frontal and other areas and also deactivation in the medial frontal cortex, the precuneus and the parietal cortex. Schizo-affective patients activated significantly less in prefrontal, parietal and temporal regions than the controls, and also showed failure of deactivation in the medial frontal cortex. When task performance was controlled for, the reduced activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the failure of deactivation of the medial frontal cortex remained significant. CONCLUSIONS: Schizo-affective disorder shows a similar pattern of reduced frontal activation to schizophrenia. The disorder is also characterized by failure of deactivation suggestive of default mode network dysfunction.