994 resultados para Berthaud, 1783


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Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium has long been recognised as a zoonotic pathogen of economic significance in animals and humans. Attempts to protect humans and livestock may be based on immunization with vaccines aimed to induce a protective response. We recently demonstrated that the oral administration of a Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain unable to synthesize the zinc transporter ZnuABC is able to protect mice against systemic salmonellosis induced by a virulent homologous challenge. This finding suggested that this mutant strain could represent an interesting candidate vaccine for mucosal delivery. In this study, the protective effect of this Salmonella strain was tested in a streptomycin-pretreated mouse model of salmonellosis that is distinguished by the capability of evoking typhlitis and colitis. The here reported results demonstrate that mice immunized with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) SA186 survive to the intestinal challenge and, compared to control mice, show a reduced number of virulent bacteria in the gut, with milder signs of inflammation. This study demonstrates that the oral administration a of S. Typhimurium strain lacking ZnuABC is able to elicit an effective immune response which protects mice against intestinal S. Typhimurium infection. These results, collectively, suggest that the streptomycin-pretreated mouse model of S. typhimurium infection can represent a valuable tool to screen S. typhimurium attenuated mutant strains and potentially help to assess their protective efficacy as potential live vaccines.


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One of two active volcanoes in the western branch of the East African Rift, Nyamuragira (1.408ºS, 29.20ºE; 3058 m) is located in the D.R. Congo. Nyamuragira emits large amounts of SO2 (up to ~1 Mt/day) and erupts low-silica, alkalic lavas, which achieve flow rates of up to ~20 km/hr. The source of the large SO2 emissions and pre-eruptive magma conditions were unknown prior to this study, and 1994-2010 lava volumes were only recently mapped via satellite imagery, mainly due to the region’s political instability. In this study, new olivine-hosted melt inclusion volatile (H2O, CO2, S, Cl, F) and major element data from five historic Nyamuragira eruptions (1912, 1938, 1948, 1986, 2006) are presented. Melt compositions derived from the 1986 and 2006 tephra samples best represent pre-eruptive volatile compositions because these samples contain naturally glassy inclusions that underwent less post-entrapment modification than crystallized inclusions. The total amount of SO2 released from the 1986 (0.04 Mt) and 2006 (0.06 Mt) eruptions are derived using the petrologic method, whereby S contents in melt inclusions are scaled to erupted lava volumes. These amounts are significantly less than satellite-based SO2 emissions for the same eruptions (1986 = ~1 Mt; 2006 = ~2 Mt). Potential explanations for this observation are: 1) accumulation of a vapor phase within the magmatic system that is only released during eruptions, and/or 2) syn-eruptive gas release from unerupted magma. Post-1994 Nyamuragira lava volumes were not available at the beginning of this study. These flows (along with others since 1967) are mapped with Landsat MSS, TM, and ETM+, Hyperion, and ALI satellite data and combined with published flow thicknesses to derive volumes. Satellite remote sensing data was also used to evaluate Nyamuragira SO2 emissions. These results show that the most recent Nyamuragira eruptions injected SO2 into the atmosphere between 15 km (2006 eruption) and 5 km (2010 eruption). This suggests that past effusive basaltic eruptions (e.g., Laki 1783) are capable of similar plume heights that reached the upper troposphere or tropopause, allowing SO2 and resultant aerosols to remain longer in the atmosphere, travel farther around the globe, and affect global climates.


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All optical systems that operate in or through the atmosphere suffer from turbulence induced image blur. Both military and civilian surveillance, gun-sighting, and target identification systems are interested in terrestrial imaging over very long horizontal paths, but atmospheric turbulence can blur the resulting images beyond usefulness. My dissertation explores the performance of a multi-frame-blind-deconvolution technique applied under anisoplanatic conditions for both Gaussian and Poisson noise model assumptions. The technique is evaluated for use in reconstructing images of scenes corrupted by turbulence in long horizontal-path imaging scenarios and compared to other speckle imaging techniques. Performance is evaluated via the reconstruction of a common object from three sets of simulated turbulence degraded imagery representing low, moderate and severe turbulence conditions. Each set consisted of 1000 simulated, turbulence degraded images. The MSE performance of the estimator is evaluated as a function of the number of images, and the number of Zernike polynomial terms used to characterize the point spread function. I will compare the mean-square-error (MSE) performance of speckle imaging methods and a maximum-likelihood, multi-frame blind deconvolution (MFBD) method applied to long-path horizontal imaging scenarios. Both methods are used to reconstruct a scene from simulated imagery featuring anisoplanatic turbulence induced aberrations. This comparison is performed over three sets of 1000 simulated images each for low, moderate and severe turbulence-induced image degradation. The comparison shows that speckle-imaging techniques reduce the MSE 46 percent, 42 percent and 47 percent on average for low, moderate, and severe cases, respectively using 15 input frames under daytime conditions and moderate frame rates. Similarly, the MFBD method provides, 40 percent, 29 percent, and 36 percent improvements in MSE on average under the same conditions. The comparison is repeated under low light conditions (less than 100 photons per pixel) where improvements of 39 percent, 29 percent and 27 percent are available using speckle imaging methods and 25 input frames and 38 percent, 34 percent and 33 percent respectively for the MFBD method and 150 input frames. The MFBD estimator is applied to three sets of field data and the results presented. Finally, a combined Bispectrum-MFBD Hybrid estimator is proposed and investigated. This technique consistently provides a lower MSE and smaller variance in the estimate under all three simulated turbulence conditions.


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n this paper, we propose a theoretical model to study the effect of income insecurity of parents and offspring on the child's residential choice. Parents are partially altruistic toward their children and will provide financial help to an independent child when her income is low relative to the parents'. We find that children of more altruistic parents are more likely to become independent. However, first-order stochastic dominance (FOSD) shifts in the distribution of the child's future income (or her parents') have ambiguous effects on the child's residential choice. Parental altruism is the very source of ambiguity in the results. If parents are selfish or the joint income distribution of parents and child places no mass on the region where transfers are provided, a FOSD shift in the distribution of the child's (parents') future income will reduce (raise) the child's current income threshold for independence.


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Zur Feier des Friedens von Paris, 1783, gab das Festkomitee der Pennsylvania Assembly in Philadelphia bei Charles Willson Peale die Gestaltung eines ephemeren Triumphbogens in Auftrag und wählte damit einen Künstler, der sich bereits einen Ruf als wackerer Streiter für die amerikanische Sache erworben hatte. Peale war nicht nur politisch und im Armeedienst aktiv, vielmehr fand sein Engagement auf künstlerischer und kultureller Ebene eine ungebrochene Fortsetzung. Von besonderem Interesse sind dabei gerade die Endphase des Unabhängigkeitskrieges und die ersten Jahre nach dem Friedensschluss, entfaltete Peale doch zu der Zeit eine ganze Reihe auf den ersten Blick recht heterogener Aktivitäten, mit denen er sich auf vielfältige Weise in den Dienst der jungen Nation stellte. Zunächst konträr, aber auf den nächsten Blick als zwei Seiten derselben Medaille erscheinen dabei einerseits die Gestaltung ephemerer Festdekorationen und andererseits die auf Dauer und Nachhaltigkeit angelegte Etablierung einer Porträtgalerie und eines Museums. Wie grundsätzlich Interdependenzen zwischen ephemerer/temporärer und dauerhafter/solider Architektur gegeben sind, so ist auch bei Charles Willson Peale eine Kohärenz zwischen jenen beiden Feldern seines Schaffens zu beobachten. Vielfach zeigen sich ganz ähnliche Motivationen, Strategien und Zielvorstellungen, aber auch analoge Schwierigkeiten und Hemmnisse.


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Antonin Carême (1783-1833), Koch, schreibt 1815 eines der ungewöhnlichsten Architekturlehrbücher des 19. Jahrhunderts. Während seiner Ausbildung als Pâtissier wird er zum Spezialisten der klassischen griechischen und römischen Architektur und beginnt seine Kenntnisse in eine eigene Weltgeschichte der Architektur umzusetzen. Seine Entwürfe für "pièces montées", die er in seinem Werk Le pâtissier pittoresque publiziert, stehen in der Tradition architektonischer Tafelaufsätze, sind als Zuckerbauwerke in ihrer Vielfalt und ihrem architektonischen Anspruch jedoch singulär.,