968 resultados para BINDING PROTEIN


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Natural products constitute an important source of new drugs. The bioavailability of the drugs depends on their absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. To achieve good bioavailability, the drug must be soluble in water, stable in the gastrointestinal tract and palatable. Binding proteins may improve the solubility of drug compounds, masking unwanted properties, such as bad taste, bitterness or toxicity, transporting or protecting these compounds during processing and storage. The focus of this thesis was to study the interactions, including ligand binding and the effect of pH and temperature, of bovine and reindeer β-lactoglobulin (βLG) with such compounds as retinoids, phenolic compounds as well as with compounds from plant extracts, and to investigate the transport properties of the βLG-ligand complex. To examine the binding interactions of different ligands to βLG, new methods were developed. The fluorescence binding method for the evaluation of ligand binding to βLG was miniaturized from a quartz cell to a 96-well plate. A method of ultrafiltration sampling combined with high-performance liquid chromatography was developed to assess the binding of compounds from extracts. The interactions of phenolic compounds or retinoids and βLG were investigated using the 96-well plate method. The majority of flavones, flavonols, flavanones and isoflavones and all of the retinoids included were shown to bind to bovine and reindeer βLG. Phenolic compounds, contrary to retinol, were not released at acidic pH. Those results suggest that βLG may have more binding sites, probably also on the surface of βLG. An extract from Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kunze (black tea), Urtica dioica L. (nettle) and Piper nigrum (black pepper) were used to evaluate whether βLG could bind compounds from plant extracts. Piperine from P. nigrum was found to bind tightly and rutin from U. dioica weakly to βLG. No components from C. sinensis bound to βLG in our experiment. The uptake and membrane permeation of bovine and reindeer βLG, free and bound with retinol, palmitic acid and cholesterol, were investigated using Caco-2 cell monolayers. Both bovine and reindeer βLG were able to cross the Caco-2 cell membrane. Free and βLG-bound retinol and palmitic acid were transported equally, whereas cholesterol could not cross the Caco-2 cell monolayer free or bound to βLG. Our results showed that βLG can bind different natural product compounds, but cannot enhance transport of retinol, palmitic acid or cholesterol through Caco-2 cells. Despite this, βLG, as a water-soluble binding protein, may improve the solubility of natural compounds, possibly protecting them from early degradation and transporting some of them through the stomach. Furthermore, it may decrease their bad or bitter taste during oral administration of drugs or in food preparations. βLG can also enhance or decrease the health benefits of herbal teas and food preparations by binding compounds from extracts.


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Background: Exoskeletal hardening in crustaceans can be attributed to mineralization and sclerotization of the organic matrix. Glycoproteins have been implicated in the calcification process of many matrices. Sclerotization, on the other hand, is catalysed by phenoloxidases, which also play a role in melanization and the immunological response in arthropods. Custom cDNA microarrays from Portunus pelagicus were used to identify genes possibly associated with the activation pathways involved in these processes. Results: Two genes potentially involved in the recognition of glycosylation, the C-type lectin receptor and the mannose-binding protein, were found to display molt cycle-related differential expression profiles. C-type lectin receptor up-regulation was found to coincide with periods associated with new uncalcified cuticle formation, while the up-regulation of mannose-binding protein occurred only in the post-molt stage, during which calcification takes place, implicating both in the regulation of calcification. Genes presumed to be involved in the phenoloxidase activation pathway that facilitates sclerotization also displayed molt cycle-related differential expression profiles. Members of the serine protease superfamily, trypsin-like and chymotrypsin-like, were up-regulated in the intermolt stage when compared to post-molt, while trypsin-like was also up-regulated in pre-molt compared to ecdysis. Additionally, up-regulation in pre- and intermolt stages was observed by transcripts encoding other phenoloxidase activators including the putative antibacterial protein carcinin-like, and clotting protein precursor-like. Furthermore, hemocyanin, itself with phenoloxidase activity, displayed an identical expression pattern to that of the phenoloxidase activators, i.e. up-regulation in pre- and intermolt. Conclusion: Cuticle hardening in crustaceans is a complex process that is precisely timed to occur in the post-molt stage of the molt cycle. We have identified differential expression patterns of several genes that are believed to be involved in biomineralization and sclerotization and propose possible regulatory mechanisms for these processes based on their expression profiles, such as the potential involvement of C-type lectin receptors and mannose binding protein in the regulation of calcification.


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Intracranial artery aneurysms (IAs) are estimated to be present in 2.3% of the population. A rupture of an IA causes subarachnoid hemorrhage, with up to 50% mortality. The annual low rupture risk of an IA indicates that most IAs never rupture. The current treatment options are invasive and somewhat risky. Thus rupture-prone IAs should be identified and this requires a better understanding of the IA wall pathobiology. Inflammatory cell infiltrations have been found to precede IA rupture, indicating the role of inflammation in IA wall degeneration and rupture. The complement system is a key mediator of inflammation and house-hold processing of injured tissue. This study aimed at identifying the role of complement activation in IA wall degeneration and the complement activators involved and determining how the complement system is regulated in the IA wall. In immunostainings, the end-product of complement activation, the terminal complement complex (TCC), was located mainly in the outer part of the IA wall, in areas that had also sustained loss of cells. In electron microscopy, the area of maximum TCC accumulation contained cellular debris and evidence of both apoptotic and necrotic cell death. Complement activation correlated with IA wall degeneration and rupture, de-endothelialization, and T-cell and CD163-positive macrophage infiltration. The complement system was found to become activated in all IAs by the classical pathway, with recruitment of alternative pathway amplification. Of the potential activators immunoglobulins G and M and oxidatively modified lipids were found in large areas. Lipid accumulation was observed to clearly colocalize with TCC and C-reactive protein. In the luminal parts of the IA wall, complement activation was limited by cellular expression of protectin (CD59) and extracellular matrix-bound inhibitors, C4b binding protein and factor H whereas the outer part of the wall lacked cells expressing protectin as well as matrix-bound factor H. In single nucleotide polymorphism-analysis, age-related macular degeneration-associated factor H Y402H polymorphism did not associate with the presence of IAs or their rupture The data suggest that complement activation and TCC formation are involved in IA wall degeneration and rupture. Complement seems to become activated by more than one specific activator. The association of complement with de-endothelialization and expression of several complement activators indicate a possible role of endothelial dysfunction and/or impaired clearance mechanisms. Impaired complement regulation seems to be associated with increased complement activation in IA walls. These results stress the role of chronic inflammation in IA wall pathobiology and the regulatory role of complement within this process. Imaging inflammation would possibly enhance the diagnostics of rupture-prone IAs, and targeting IA treatment to prevent chronic inflammation might improve IA treatment in the future.


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Regardless of the existence of antibiotics, infectious diseases are the leading causes of death in the world. Staphylococci cause many infections of varying severity, although they can also exist peacefully in many parts of the human body. Most often Staphylococcus aureus colonises the nose, and that colonisation is considered to be a risk factor for spread of this bacterium. S. aureus is considered to be the most important Staphylococcus species. It poses a challenge to the field of medicine, and one of the most problematic aspects is the drastic increase of the methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains in hospitals and community world-wide, including Finland. In addition, most of the clinical coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CNS) isolates express resistance to methicillin. Methicillin-resistance in S. aureus is caused by the mecA gene that encodes an extra penicillin-binding protein (PBP) 2a. The mecA gene is found in a mobile genomic island called staphylococcal chromosome cassette mec (SCCmec). The SCCmec consists of the mec gene and cassette chromosome recombinase (ccr)gene complexes. The areas of the SCCmec element outside the ccr and mec complex are known as the junkyard J regions. So far, eight types of SCCmec(SCCmec I- SCCmec VIII) and a number of variants have been described. The SCCmec island is an acquired element in S. aureus. Lately, it appears that CNS might be the storage place of the SCCmec that aid the S. aureus by providing it with the resistant elements. The SCCmec is known to exist only in the staphylococci. The aim of the present study was to investigate the horizontal transfer of SCCmec between the S. aureus and CNS. One specific aim was to study whether or not some methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) strains are more inclined to receive the SCCmec than others. This was done by comparing the genetic background of clinical MSSA isolates in the health care facilities of the Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District in 2001 to the representatives of the epidemic MRSA (EMRSA) genotypes, which have been encountered in Finland during 1992-2004. Majority of the clinical MSSA strains were related to the EMRSA strains. This finding suggests that horizontal transfer of SCCmec from unknown donor(s) to several MSSA background genotypes has occurred in Finland. The molecular characteristics of representative clinical methicillin-resistant S. epidermidis (MRSE) isolates recovered in Finnish hospitals between 1990 and 1998 were also studied, examining their genetic relation to each other and to the internationally recognised MRSE clones as well, so as to ascertain the common traits between the SCCmec elements in MRSE and MRSA. The clinical MRSE strains were genetically related to each other; eleven PFGE types were associated with sequence type ST2 that has been identified world-wide. A single MRSE strain may possess two SCCmec types III and IV, which were recognised among the MRSA strains. Moreover, six months after the onset of an outbreak of MRSA possessing a SCCmec type V in a long-term care facility in Northern Finland (LTCF) in 2003, the SCCmec element of nasally carried methicillin-resistant staphylococci was studied. Among the residents of a LTCF, nasal carriage of MR-CNS was common with extreme diversity of SCCmec types. MRSE was the most prevalent CNS species. Horizontal transfer of SCCmec elements is speculated to be based on the sharing of SCCmec type V between MRSA and MRSE in the same person. Additionally, the SCCmec element of the clinical human S. sciuri isolates was studied. Some of the SCCmec regions were present in S. sciuri and the pls gene was common in it. This finding supports the hypothesis of genetic exchange happening between staphylococcal species. Evaluation of the epidemiology of methicillin-resistant staphylococcal colonisation is necessary in order to understand the apparent emergence of these strains and to develop appropriate control strategies. SCCmec typing is essential for understanding the emergence of MRSA strains from CNS, considering that the MR-CNS may represent the gene pool for the continuous creation of new SCCmec types from which MRSA might originate.


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In complement activation, Factor H (FH) and C4b-binding protein (C4bp) are the key regulators that prevent the complement cascade from attacking host tissues. Some bacteria may bind and deposit these regulators on their own surfaces and thus provide themselves with an efficient means to avoid complement activation. In consequence, bacteria resist complement-mediated lysis and opsonin-dependent phagocytosis. This study has demonstrated that Y. enterocolitica, similar to many other pathogens, recruits both FH and C4bp to its surface to ensure protection against the complement-mediated killing. YadA and Ail, the most crucial serum resistance factors of Y.enterocolitica, mediate the binding of FH and C4bp. FH - YadA interaction involves multiple higher structural motifs on the YadA stalk and the short consensus repeats (SCRs) of the entire polypeptide chain of FH. The Ail binding site on FH has been located to SCRs 6 and 7. The binding site for FH on Ail, however, remains undetermined. Both YadA- and Ail-bound regulators display full cofactor activity for FI-mediated cleavage of C3b/C4b. FH/C4bp-binding characteristics do, however, differ between YadA and Ail. In addition, Ail captures the regulators only in the absence of blocking lipopolysaccharide O-antigen and outer core, whereas YadA binds FH/C4bp independent of the presence of other surface factors Independent of mode of binding, however, YadA and Ail provide Y. enterocolitica a means to avoid complement-mediated lysis, enhancing chances for the bacteria to survive in the host during various phases of infection.


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The Parechoviruses (HPEV) belong to the family Picornaviridae of positive-stranded RNA viruses. Although the parechovirus genome shares the general properties of other picornaviruses, the genus has several unique features when compared to other family members. We found that HPEV1 attaches to αv integrins on the cell surface and is internalized through the clathrin-mediated endocytic pathway. During he course of the infection, the Golgi was found to disintegrate and the ER membranes to swell and loose their ribosomes. The replication of HPEV1 was found to take place on small clusters of vesicles which contained the trans-Golgi marker GalT as well as the viral non-structural 2C protein. 2C was additionally found on stretches of modified ER-membranes, seemingly not involved in RNA replication. The viral non-structural 2A and 2C proteins were studied in further detail and were found to display several interesting features. The 2A protein was found to be a RNA-binding protein that preferably binds to positive sense 3 UTR RNA. It was found to bind also duplex RNA containing 3 UTR(+)-3 UTR(-), but not other dsRNA molecules studied. Mutagenesis revealed that the N-terminal basic-rich region as well as the C-terminus, are important for RNA-binding. The 2C protein on the other hand, was found to have both ATP-diphosphohydrolase and AMP kinase activities. Neither dATP nor other NTP:s were suitable substrates. Furthermore, we found that as a result of theses activities the protein is autophosphorylated. The intracellular changes brought about by the individual HPEV1 non-structural proteins were studied through the expression of fusion proteins. None of the proteins expressed were able to induce membrane changes similar to those seen during HPEV1 infection. However, the 2C protein, which could be found on the surface of lipid droplets but also on diverse intracellular membranes, was partly relocated to viral replication complexes in transfected, superinfected cells. Although Golgi to ER traffic was arrested in HPEV1-infected cells, none of the individually expressed non-structural proteins had any visible effect on the anterograde membrane traffic. Our results suggest that the HPEV1 replication strategy is different from that of many other picornaviruses. Furthermore, this study shows how relatively small differences in genome sequence result in very different intracellular pathology.


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Retinol-binding protein and prealbumin were isolated from duck plasma by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose-and DEAE-Sephadex A-50, gel filtration on Sephadex G- 100 and preparative Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weights of the retinolbinding protein-prealbumin complex, prealbumin and retinol-binding protein were found to be 75,000, 55,0000 and 20,000, respectively. On sodium dodecyl sulphate Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, prealbumin dissociated into identical subunits exhibiting a molecular weight of 13,500. Retinol-binding protein exhibited microheterogeneity on electrophoresis, whereas prealbumin moved as a single band unlike the multiple bands observed in chicken and rat.The ultraviolet and fluorescence spectra of the two proteins were similar to those isolated from other species. No carbohydrate moiety was detected in either retinol-binding protein or prealbumin. Duck retinol-binding protein and prealbumin showed cross-reactivity with their counterparts in chicken but differed immunologically from those of goat and man. Retinolbinding protein and prealbumin could be dissociated at low ionic strength, in 2M urea, by CMsephadex chromatography or on preparative electrophoresis. Although the transport of retinol in duck plasma is mediated by carrier proteins as in other species, it is distinguished by the absence of microheterogeneity in prealbumin and of an apo-retinol-binding protein form that could be transported in the plasma.


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Senataxin, defective in ataxia oculomotor apraxia type 2, protects the genome by facilitating the resolution of RNA–DNA hybrids (R-loops) and other aspects of RNA processing. Disruption of this gene in mice causes failure of meiotic recombination and defective meiotic sex chromosome inactivation, leading to male infertility. Here we provide evidence that the disruption of Setx leads to reduced SUMOylation and disruption of protein localization across the XY body during meiosis. We demonstrate that senataxin and other DNA damage repair proteins, including ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein-interacting partner, are SUMOylated, and a marked downregulation of both ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein-interacting partner and TopBP1 leading to defective activation and signaling through ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein occurs in the absence of senataxin. Furthermore, chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 4, a component of the nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase chromatin remodeler that interacts with both ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein and senataxin was not recruited efficiently to the XY body, triggering altered histone acetylation and chromatin conformation in Setx−/− pachytene-staged spermatocytes. These results demonstrate that senataxin has a critical role in ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein- and chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 4-mediated transcriptional silencing and chromatin remodeling during meiosis providing greater insight into its critical role in gene regulation to protect against neurodegeneration.


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Retinol-binding protein and its complex with prealbumin were isolated from goat serum by chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A-50, gel filtration and immuno-affinity chromatography on antigoat-serum albumin-Sepharose 4B. The homogeneous prealbumin-retinol-binding protein complex had a molecular weight of 75 000. Both on electrophoresis and in the presence of 2 M urea, the complex dissociated into retinol-binding protein and prealbumin. The molecular weight, electrophoretic behaviour, ultraviolet and fluorescence spectra of goat retinol-binding protein were similar to those isolated from other sources. On sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis, goat prealbumin (molecular weight ≈ 55 000) exhibited two bands corresponding to molecular weights 26 000 and 13 000. This suggests that either goat prealbumin consists of two non-identical sub-units or perhaps complete dissociation might not have occurred. Goat prealbumin was able to bind Image -thyroxine and retinol-binding protein.


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Oxysterol binding protein (OSBP) homologues have been found in eukaryotic organisms ranging from yeast to humans. These evolutionary conserved proteins have in common the presence of an OSBP-related domain (ORD) which contains the fully conserved EQVSHHPP sequence motif. The ORD forms a barrel structure that binds sterols in its interior. Other domains and sequence elements found in OSBP-homologues include pleckstrin homology domains, ankyrin repeats and two phenylalanines in an acidic tract (FFAT) motifs, which target the proteins to distinct subcellular compartments. OSBP homologues have been implicated in a wide range of intracellular processes, including vesicle trafficking, lipid metabolism and cell signaling, but little is known about the functional mechanisms of these proteins. The human family of OSBP homologues consists of twelve OSBP-related proteins (ORP). This thesis work is focused on one of the family members, ORP1, of which two variants were found to be expressed tissue-specifically in humans. The shorter variant, ORP1S contains an ORD only. The N-terminally extended variant, ORP1L, comprises a pleckstrin homology domain and three ankyrin repeats in addition to the ORD. The two ORP1 variants differ in intracellular localization. ORP1S is cytosolic, while the ankyrin repeat region of ORP1L targets the protein to late endosomes/lysosomes. This part of ORP1L also has profound effects on late endosomal morphology, inducing perinuclear clustering of late endosomes. A central aim of this study was to identify molecular interactions of ORP1L on late endosomes. The morphological changes of late endosomes induced by overexpressed ORP1L implies involvement of small Rab GTPases, regulators of organelle motility, tethering, docking and/or fusion, in generation of the phenotype. A direct interaction was demonstrated between ORP1L and active Rab7. ORP1L prolongs the active state of Rab7 by stabilizing its GTP-bound form. The clustering of late endosomes/lysosomes was also shown to be linked to the minus end-directed microtubule-based dynein-dynactin motor complex through the ankyrin repeat region of ORP1L. ORP1L, Rab7 and the Rab7-interacting lysosomal protein (RILP) were found to be part of the same effector complex recruiting the dynein-dynactin complex to late endosomes, thereby promoting minus end-directed movement. The proteins were found to be physically close to each other on late endosomes and RILP was found to stabilize the ORP1L-Rab7 interaction. It is possible that ORP1L and RILP bind to each other through their C-terminal and N-terminal regions, respectively, when they are bridged by Rab7. With the results of this study we have been able to place a member of the uncharacterized OSBP-family, ORP1L, in the endocytic pathway, where it regulates motility and possibly fusion of late endosomes through interaction with the small GTPase Rab7.


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The actin cytoskeleton is essential for many cellular processes, including motility, morphogenesis, endocytosis and signal transduction. Actin can exist in monomeric (G-actin) or filamentous (F-actin) form. Actin filaments are considered to be the functional form of actin, generating the protrusive forces characteristic for the actin cytoskeleton. The structure and dynamics of the actin filament and monomer pools are regulated by a large number of actin-binding proteins in eukaryotic cells. Twinfilin is an evolutionarily conserved small actin monomer binding protein. Twinfilin is composed of two ADF/cofilin-like domains, separated by a short linker and followed by a C-terminal tail. Twinfilin forms a stable, high affinity complex with ADP-G-actin, inhibits the nucleotide exchange on actin monomers, and prevents their assembly into filament ends. Twinfilin was originally identified from yeast and has since then been found from all organisms studied except plants. Not much was known about the role of twinfilin in the actin dynamics in mammalian cells before this study. We set out to unravel the mysteries still covering twinfilins functions using biochemistry, cell biology, and genetics. We identified and characterized two mouse isoforms for the previously identified mouse twinfilin-1. The new isoforms, twinfilin-2a and -2b, are generated from the same gene through alternative promoter usage. The three isoforms have distinctive expression patterns, but are similar biochemically. Twinfilin-1 is the major isoform during development and is expressed in high levels in almost all tissues examined. Twinfilin-2a is also expressed almost ubiquitously, but at lower levels. Twinfilin-2b turned out to be a muscle-specific isoform, with very high expression in heart and skeletal muscle. It seems all mouse tissues express at least two twinfilin isoforms, indicating that twinfilins are important regulators of actin dynamics in all cell and tissue types. A knockout mouse line was generated for twinfilin-2a. The mice homozygous for this knockout were viable and developed normally, indicating that twinfilin-2a is dispensable for mouse development. However, it is important to note that twinfilin-2a shows similar expression pattern to twinfilin-1, suggesting that these proteins play redundant roles in mice. All mouse isoforms were shown to be able to sequester actin filaments and have higher affinity for ADP-G-actin than ATP-G-actin. They are also able to directly interact with heterodimeric capping protein and PI(4,5)P2 similar to yeast twinfilin. In this study we also uncovered a novel function for mouse twinfilins; capping actin filament barbed ends. All mouse twinfilin isoforms were shown to possess this function, while yeast and Drosophila twinfilin were not able to cap filament barbed ends. Twinfilins localize to the cytoplasm but also to actin-rich regions in mammalian cells. The subcellular localizations of the isoforms are regulated differently, indicating that even though twinfilins biochemical functions in vitro are very similar, in vivo they can play different roles through different regulatory pathways. Together, this study show that twinfilins regulate actin filament assembly both by sequestering actin monomers and by capping filament barbed ends, and that mammals have three biochemically similar twinfilin isoforms with partially overlapping expression patterns.


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Different purified proteins were shown to give purple formazan bands corresponding to the protein stain following electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels, in the presence of nitrobluetetrazolium (NBT) and phenazine methosulfate (PMS). Both PMS and NBT are needed for formazan production which has a favorable pH at 8.5. Sulfhydryl blockers in the incubation medium inhibited this color development to different extents. While proteins with free SH groups like bovine serum albumin, ovalbumin, and urease showed this pyridine nucleotide independent artifact, nonthiol proteins, viz., bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A, and riboflavin-binding protein from chicken egg white failed to do so. The nonenzymatic formazan formation observed with different proteins could also be shown in an in vitro assay system. It is clear that the “nothing dehydrogenase” phenomenon observed in several cases may be due to the thiol group-mediated artifactual staining of proteins.


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The actin cytoskeleton is essential for a large variety of cell biological processes. Actin exists in either a monomeric or a filamentous form, and it is very important for many cellular functions that the local balance between these two actin populations is properly regulated. A large number of proteins participate in the regulation of actin dynamics in the cell, and twinfilin, one of the proteins examined in this thesis, belongs to this category. The second level of regulation involves proteins that crosslink or bundle actin filaments, thereby providing the cell with a certain shape. α-Actinin, the second protein studied, mainly acts as an actin crosslinking protein. Both proteins are conserved in organisms ranging from yeast to mammals. In this thesis, the roles of twinfilin and α-actinin in development were examined using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism. Twinfilin is an actin monomer binding protein that is structurally related to cofilin. In vitro, twinfilin reduces actin polymerisation by sequestering actin monomers. The Drosophila twinfilin (twf) gene was identified and found to encode a protein functionally similar to yeast and mammalian twinfilins. A strong hypomorphic twf mutation was identified, and flies homozygous for this allele were viable and fertile. The adult twf mutant flies displayed reduced viability, a rough eye phenotype and severely malformed bristles. The shape of the adult bristle is determined by the actin bundles that are regularly spaced around the perimeter of the developing pupal bristles. Examination of the twf pupal bristles revealed an increased level of filamentous actin, which in turn resulted in splitting and displacement of the actin bundles. The bristle defect was rescued by twf overexpression in developing bristles. The Twinfilin protein was localised at sites of actin filament assembly, where it was required to limit actin polymerisation. A genetic interaction between twinfilin and twinstar (the gene encoding Cofilin) was detected, consistent with the model predicting that both proteins act to limit the amount of filamentous actin. α-Actinin has been implicated in several diverse cell biological processes. In Drosophila, the only function for α-actinin yet known is in the organisation of the muscle sarcomere. Muscle and non-muscle cells utilise different α-actinin isoforms, which in Drosophila are produced by alternative splicing of a single gene. In this work, novel α-actinin deletion alleles, including ActnΔ233, were generated, which specifically disrupted the transcript encoding the non-muscle α-actinin isoform. Nevertheless, ActnΔ233 homozygous mutant flies were viable and fertile with no obvious defects. By comparing α-actinin protein distribution in wild type and ActnΔ233 mutant animals, it could be concluded that non-muscle α-actinin is the only isoform expressed in young embryos, in the embryonic central nervous system and in various actin-rich structures of the ovarian germline cells. In the ActnΔ233 mutant, α-actinin was detected not only in muscle tissue, but also in embryonic epidermal cells and in certain follicle cell populations in the ovaries. The population of α-actinin protein present in non-muscle cells of the ActnΔ233 mutant is referred to as FC-α-actinin (Follicle Cell). The follicular epithelium in the Drosophila ovary is a well characterised model system for studies on patterning and morphogenesis. Therefore, α-actinin expression, regulation and function in this tissue were further analysed. Examination of the α-actinin localisation pattern revealed that the basal actin fibres of the main body follicle cells underwent an organised remodelling during the final stages of oogenesis. This involved the assembly of a transient adhesion site in the posterior of the cell, in which α-actinin and Enabled (Ena) accumulated. Follicle cells genetically manipulated to lack all α-actinin isoforms failed to remodel their cytoskeleton and translocate Ena to the posterior of the cell, while the actin fibres as such were not affected. Neither was epithelial morphogenesis disrupted. The reorganisation of the basal actin cytoskeleton was also disturbed following ectopic expression of Decapentaplegic (Dpp) or as a result of a heat shock. At late oogenesis, the main body follicle cells express both non-muscle α-actinin and FC-α-actinin, while the dorsal anterior follicle cells express only non-muscle α-actinin. The dorsal anterior cells are patterned by the Dpp and Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signalling pathways, and they will ultimately secrete the dorsal appendages of the egg. Experiments involving ectopic activation of EGFR and Dpp signalling showed that FC-α-actinin is negatively regulated by combined EGFR and Dpp signalling. Ubiquitous overexpression of the adult muscle-specific α-actinin isoform induced the formation of aberrant actin bundles in migrating follicle cells that did not normally express FC-α-actinin, provided that the EGFR signalling pathway was activated in the cells. Taken together, this work contributes new data to our knowledge of α-actinin function and regulation in Drosophila. The cytoskeletal remodelling shown to depend on α-actinin function provides the first evidence that α-actinin has a role in the organisation of the cytoskeleton in a non-muscle tissue. Furthermore, the cytoskeletal remodelling constitutes a previously undescribed morphogenetic event, which may provide us with a model system for in vivo studies on adhesion dynamics in Drosophila.


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ORP2 is a member of mammalian oxysterol binding protein (OSBP)-related protein/gene family (ORPs), which is found in almost every eukaryotic organism. ORPs have been suggested to participate in the regulation of cellular lipid metabolism, vesicle trafficking and cellular signaling. ORP2 is a cytosolic protein that is ubiquitously expressed and most abundant in the brain. In previous studies employing stable cell lines with constitutive ORP2 overexpression ORP2 was shown to affect cellular cholesterol metabolism. The aim of this study was to characterize the properties and function of ORP2 further. ORP2 ligands were searched for among sterols and phosphoinositides using purified ORP2 and in vitro binding assays. As expected, ORP2 bound several oxysterols and cholesterol, the highest affinity ligand being 22(R)hydroxycholesterol. In addition, affinity for anionic membrane phospholipids, phosphoinositides was observed, which may assist in the membrane targeting of ORP2. Intracellular localization of ORP2 was also investigated. ORP2 was observed on the surface of cytoplasmic lipid droplets, which are storage organelles for neutral lipids. Lipid droplet targeting of ORP2 was inhibited when 22(R)hydroxycholesterol was added to the cells or when the N-terminal FFAT-motif of ORP2 was mutated, suggesting that oxysterols and the N-terminus of ORP2 regulate the localization and the function of ORP2. The role of ORP2 in cellular lipid metabolism was studied using HeLa cell lines that can be induced to overexpress ORP2. Overexpression of ORP2 was shown to enhance cholesterol efflux from the cells resulting in a decreased amount of cellular free cholesterol. ORP2 overexpressing cells responded to the loss of cholesterol by upregulating cholesterol synthesis and uptake. Intriguingly, also cholesterol esterification was increased in ORP2 overexpressing cells. These results may be explained by the ability of ORP2 to bind and thus transport cholesterol, which most likely leads to changes in cholesterol metabolism when ORP2 is overexpressed. ORP2 function was further investigated by silencing the endogenous ORP2 expression with short interfering RNAs (siRNA) in A431 cells. Silencing of ORP2 led to a delayed break-down of triglycerides under lipolytic conditions and an increased amount of cholesteryl esters in the presence of excess triglycerides. Together these results suggest that ORP2 is a sterol-regulated protein that functions on the surface of cytoplasmic lipid droplets to regulate the metabolism of triglycerides and cholesteryl esters. Although the exact mode of ORP2 action still remains unclear, this study serves as a good basis to investigate the molecular mechanisms and possible cell type specific functions of ORP2.


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In every cell, actin is a key component involved in migration, cytokinesis, endocytosis and generation of contraction. In non-muscle cells, actin filaments are very dynamic and regulated by an array of proteins that interact with actin filaments and/or monomeric actin. Interestingly, in non-muscle cells the barbed ends of the filaments are the predominant assembly place, whereas in muscle cells actin dynamics was reported to predominate at the pointed ends of thin filaments. The actin-based thin filament pointed (slow growing) ends extend towards the middle of the sarcomere's M-line where they interact with the thick filaments to generate contraction. The actin filaments in muscle cells are organized into a nearly crystalline array and are believed to be significantly less dynamic than the ones in other cell types. However, the exact mechanisms of the sarcomere assembly and turnover are largely unknown. Interestingly, although sarcomeric actin structures are believed to be relatively non-dynamic, many proteins promoting actin dynamics are expressed also in muscle cells (e.g ADF/cofilin, cyclase-associated protein and twinfilin). Thus, it is possible that the muscle-specific isoforms of these proteins promote actin dynamics differently from their non-muscle counterparts, or that actin filaments in muscle cells are more dynamic than previously thought. To study protein dynamics in live muscle cells, I used primary cell cultures of rat cardiomyocytes. My studies revealed that a subset of actin filaments in cardiomyocyte sarcomeres displays rapid turnover. Importantly, I discovered that the turnover of actin filaments depends on contractility of the cardiomyocytes and that the contractility-induced actin dynamics plays an important role in sarcomere maturation. Together with previous studies those findings suggest that sarcomeres undergo two types of actin dynamics: (1) contractility-dependent turnover of whole filaments and (2) regulatory pointed end monomer exchange to maintain correct thin filament length. Studies involving an actin polymerization inhibitor suggest that the dynamic actin filament pool identified here is composed of filaments that do not contribute to contractility. Additionally, I provided evidence that ADF/cofilins, together with myosin-induced contractility, are required to disassemble non-productive filaments in developing cardiomyocytes. In addition, during these studies we learned that isoforms of actin monomer binding protein twinfilin, Twf-1 and Twf-2a localise to myofibrils in cardiomyocytes and may thus contribute to actin dynamics in myofibrils. Finally, in collaboration with Roberto Dominguez s laboratory we characterized a new actin nucleator in muscle cells - leiomodin (Lmod). Lmod localises towards actin filament pointed ends and its depletion by siRNA leads to severe sarcomere abnormalities in cardiomyocytes. The actin filament nucleation activity of Lmod is enhanced by interactions with tropomyosin. We also revealed that Lmod expression correlates with the maturation of myofibrils, and that it associates with sarcomeres only at relatively late stages of myofibrillogenesis. Thus, Lmod is unlikely to play an important role in myofibril formation, but rather might be involved in the second step of the filament arrangement and/or maintenance through its ability to promote tropomyosin-induced actin filament nucleation occurring at the filament pointed ends. The results of these studies provide valuable new information about the molecular mechanisms underlying muscle sarcomere assembly and turnover. These data offer important clues to understanding certain physiological and pathological behaviours of muscle cells. Better understanding of the processes occurring in muscles might help to find strategies for determining, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy in heart and skeletal muscles diseases.