974 resultados para Alternative supplementary cementitious material


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In order to describe the effect of latent hardening on the macro-plastic behavior of foc-crystal, a new expression for hardening coefficient is proposed in which there are 12 material constants, each having clear physical meaning. And a method of material constant calibration is suggested and used to determine the material constants of copper and aluminum crystal. The simulated load-elongation curves along various crystallographic orientations are comparable with the experimental ones.


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It is shown that the variable power singularity of the strain field at the crack tip can be obtained by the simple technique of collapsing quadrilateral isoparametric elements into triangular elements around the crack tip and adequately shifting the side-nodes adjacent to this crack tip. The collapsed isoparametric elements have the desired singularity at crack tip along any ray. The strain expressions for a single element have been derived and in addition to the desired power singularity, additional singularities are revealed. Numerical examples have shown that triangular elements formed by collapsing one side lead to excellent results.


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This paper presents an asymptotic analysis of the near-tip stress and strain fields of a sharp V-notch in a power law hardening material. First, the asymptotic solutions of the HRR type are obtained for the plane stress problem under symmetric loading. It is found that the angular distribution function of the radial stress sigma(r) presents rapid variation with the polar angle if the notch angle beta is smaller than a critical notch angle; otherwise, there is no such phenomena. Secondly, the asymptotic solutions are developed for antisymmetric loading in the cases of plane strain and plane stress. The accurate calculation results and the detailed comparisons are given as well. All results show that the singular exponent s is changeable for various combinations of loading condition and plane problem.


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Examined in this work is the anti-plane stress and strain near a crack in a material that softens beyond the elastic peak and unloads on a linear path through the initial state. The discontinuity in the constitutive relation is carried into the analysis such that one portion of the local solution is elliptic in character and the other hyperbolic. Material elements in one region may cross over to another as the loading is increased. Local unloading can thus prevail. Presented are the inhomogeneous character of the asymptotic stress and strain in the elliptic and hyperbolic region, in addition to the region in which the material elements had experienced unloading. No one single stress or strain coefficient would be adequate for describing crack instability.


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Creep behavior of [±45°]s composite material is characterized by using uniaxial creep and recovery tests. The well-known Schapery nonlinear viscoelastic consti tutive relation was modified to make it suitable for characterizing the creep behavior of this material. Then, using this modified Schapery constitutive equation, by which the vis coplastic and creep damage can be taken into consideration, the creep behavior of [±45°]. glass fiber reinforced epoxy laminate was studied. The constitutive parameters of the material were determined experimentally, and the procedure and method of determination of the material parameters are proved to be valid.


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The mechanism of ductile damage caused by secondary void damage in the matrix around primary voids is studied by large strain, finite element analysis. A cylinder embedding an initially spherical void, a plane stress cell with a circular void and plane strain cell with a cylindrical or a flat void are analysed under different loading conditions. Secondary voids of smaller scale size nucleate in the strain hardening matrix, according to the requirements of some stress/strain criteria. Their growth and coalescence, handled by the empty element technique, demonstrate distinct mechanisms of damage as circumstances change. The macroscopic stress-strain curves are decomposed and illustrated in the form of the deviatoric and the volumetric parts. Concerning the stress response and the void growth prediction, comparisons are made between the present numerical results and those of previous authors. It is shown that loading condition, void growth history and void shape effect incorporated with the interaction between two generations of voids should be accounted for besides the void volume fraction.


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Torna pública a abertura de inscrição para concurso público destinado ao preenchimento de cargos de Técnico em Material e Patrimônio, do Grupo-Atividades de Apoio Legislativo da Câmara dos Deputados.


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Furthermore, the compressed flow driven by the piston is discussed. The consistent solution of gasdynamical equations including solar gravity is obtained for the unsteady and two-dimensional configuration, which is applied to the region between the piston and shock wave. This solution may satisfy the jump conditions of shock wave, which separates the region of compressed flow and quiet corona.


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This paper analyzes whether a minimum wage can be an optimal redistribution policy when distorting taxes and lump-sum transfers are also available in a competitive economy. We build a static general equilibrium model with a Ramsey planner making decisions on taxes, transfers, and minimum wage levels. Workers are assumed to differ only in their productivity. We find that optimal redistribution may imply the use of a minimum wage. The key factor driving our results is the reaction of the demand for low skilled labor to the minimum wage law. Hence, an optimal minimum wage appears to be most likely when low skilled households are scarce, the complementarity between the two types of workers is large or the difference in productivity is small. The main contribution of the paper is a modelling approach that allows us to adopt analysis and solution techniques widely used in recent public finance research. Moreover, this modelling strategy is flexible enough to allow for potential extensions to include dynamics into the model.


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Published as an article in: Investigaciones Economicas, 2005, vol. 29, issue 3, pages 483-523.


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Investiga como a produção e a distribuição de programas de televisão, filmes e outros conteúdos audiovisuais de produção nacional podem ser promovidas pela regulação. O estudo identifica as atuais ferramentas regulatórias e as diferentes políticas adotadas para a promoção do conteúdo nacional. Ele também aponta novas questões resultantes da transformação substancial que a mídia tem sofrido nos últimos anos. O setor audiovisual hoje é caracterizado pela abundância de canais de televisão e de serviços de telecomunicações e pela convergência digital em curso. Este novo cenário impacta a eficiência e a racionalidade da regulamentação dos conteúdos. Focada no Reino Unido, França e Brasil, esta pesquisa comparativa investiga as mudanças regulatórias, políticas, sócio-culturais, econômicas, tecnológicas e mercadológicas dos serviços de comunicação nas últimas décadas e como esse desdobramento tem influenciado a oferta de conteúdo audiovisual nacional. O ponto de partida da análise é a década de oitenta, quando a radiodifusão começou a ser gradualmente liberalizada em diversos países, e termina na primeira década do novo milênio, quando as tecnologias da informação, as telecomunicações e a radiodifusão convergem para a oferta de serviços interconectados, complementares e suplementares.