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The branched crystal morphology of linear polyethylene formed at various temperatures from thin films has been studied by atomic-force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction (ED) pattern and polymer decoration technique. Two types of branched patterns, i.e. dendrite and seaweed patterns, have been visualized. The fractal dimension d(f) = 1.65 of both dendrite and some of seaweed patterns was obtained by using the box-counting method, although most of the seaweed patterns are compact. Selected-area ED patterns indicate that the fold stems tilt about 34.5degrees around the b-axis and polymer decoration patterns show that the chain folding direction and regularity in two (200). regions are quite different from each other. Because of chain tilting, branched crystals show three striking features: 1) the lamella-like branches show two (200) regions with different thickness; 2) the crystals usually bend towards the thin region; 3) the thick region grows faster by developing branches, thus branches usually occur outside the thick region. The branched patterns show a characteristic width w, which gives a linear relationship with the crystallization temperature on a semilogarithmic plot.


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A novel manganese phosphomolybdate, [H3N(CH2)(4)NH3](H3O)(2){[Mn(phen)(2)](4)[(MnMovO30)-O-12(HPO4)(6)(H2PO4)(2)]} . 4H(2)O 1, has been hydrothermally synthesized and structurally characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystal data: triclinic, P (1) over bar, a = 14.172(7) Angstrom, b = 16.547(2) Angstrom, c = 16.679(3) Angstrom, alpha = 62.881(12)degrees, beta = 73.83(3)degrees, gamma = 88.81(3)degrees. X-ray crystallography shows that the [Mn(phen)(2)] fragments are covalently bonded to the [Mn(Mo6P4)(2)] dimers leading to a one-dimensional chain with rectangular cavities occupied by tetramethylene-diamine cations and water molecules. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel method for fabrication of horseradish peroxidase biosensor has been developed by self-assembling gold nanoparticles to a thiol-containing sol-gel network. A cleaned gold electrode was first immersed in a hydrolyzed (3-mercaptopropyl)-trimethoxysilane (MPS) sol-gel solution to assemble three-dimensional silica gel, and then gold nanoparticles were chemisorbed onto the thiol groups of the sol-gel network. Finally, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was adsorbed onto the surface of the gold nanoparticles. The distribution of gold nanoparticles and HRP was examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The immobilized horseradish peroxidase exhibited direct electrochemical behavior toward the reduction of hydrogen peroxide. The performance and factors influencing the performance of the resulting biosensor were studied in detail. The resulting biosensor exhibited fast amperometric response (2.5 s) to H2O2. The detection limit of the biosensor was 2.0 mumol L-1, and the linear range was from 5.0 mumol L-1 to 10.0 mmol L-1. Moreover, the studied biosensor exhibited high sensitivity, good reproducibility, and long-term stability.


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A novel organic-inorganic hybrid vanadium oxide [V4O10(o-phen)(2)], involving all vanadium atoms present in +5 oxidation, has been hydrothermally synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, UV-vis, ESR, XPS spectra and TG-DTA thermal analysis. The single-crystal X-ray diffraction shows that the red-brown crystal is formed in the triclinic system, space group P (1) over bar, a = 9.782(2), b = 6.5124(14), c = 19.765(4) Angstrom, alpha = 89.94(2)degrees, beta = 100.66(2)degrees, gamma = 89.86(2)degrees. The title compound exhibits an infinite one-dimensional ladder-type tetravanadate skeleton with organonitrogen donors of o-phenanthroline ligands coordinated directly to the vanadium oxide framework.


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alpha-Fe2O3 nanoparticulate films could be formed on the surface of alpha-Fe2O3 hydrosol after aging of the hydrosol or by compressing of the nanoparticles on the sol surface, in. which a three-dimensional ordered structure was constructed by the Langmuir-Blodgett; technique and colloid chemical methods. The structure of the LB film was characterized by AFM, TEM, XPS, and UV-vis spectra and small-angle X-ray diffraction. Gas-sensing measurement shows that the LB film has good sensitivity to alcohols at room temperature,


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A chromic molybdenum phosphate, (NH3CH2CH2NH3)(2).(NH3CH2CH2NH2)(3).[NaCr2Mo12O30(PO4)(HPO4)(3)]. 6H(2)O, involving molybdenum present in V oxidation, has been hydrothermally synthesized and structurally characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction and IR spectrum. Deep brown-red crystals are formed in the triclinic system, space group P (1) over bar, a = 12.067(2), b = 14.677(3), c = 21.290(2) Angstrom, alpha = 80.940(10)degrees, beta = 82.960(10)degrees, gamma = 76.61(2)degrees. The structure of the title compound may be considered to be two [Mo6O15(HPO4)(H2PO4)(3)](5-) units bonded to a chromic atom, although several P-O groups are not protonated on account of coordination with a Na+ cation. The one-dimensional tunnels were formed in the solid of the title compound. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel three-dimensional fluorinated gallium phosphate has been hydrothermally,synthesized by using diethylenetriamine as an organic structure-directing agent. X-ray single crystal structure analysis indicates this compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P-bca, a = 1. 605 6 (7) nm, b = 1.011 4 (4) nm, c=1. 854 6(5) nm, V=3. 011 6(19) nm(3), Z=4. The three-dimensional framework based on linkage of corner-sharing polyhedron PO4, GaO4F and GaO4F2 delimit ten-ring channels along b axis in which the triply protonated amines are located serving as charge compensating guests and supporters.


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A new two-dimensional hybrid zinc phosphate with electro-neutral open-framework has been hydrothermally synthesized by using imidazole as a structure-directing agent, whose structure is characterized with 3-, 4-, 5, and 12-ring layers and coordination bonds between imidazole groups and zinc atoms, resulting in primary building units of ZnO2N2 and ZnO3N.


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A manganese molybdenum phosphate, (NH3CH2CH2NH3)(10)(H3O)(3)(H5O)Na-2[MnMo12O24(OH)(6) (PO4)(4)(PO3OH)(4)][MnMo12O24 (OH)(6)(PO4)(6)(PO3OH)(2)]. 9H(2)O, has been hydrothermally synthesized and structurally characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The structure of this compound may be considered to be two [Mo6O12(OH)(3)(PO4)(2)(HPO4)(2)](7-) units bonded together by a manganese atom, although several P-O groups are not protonated on account of coordination to a Na+ cation. One-dimensional tunnels were formed in the solid. A probe reaction of the oxidation of acetaldehyde with H2O2 using this compound as catalyst was carried out in a liquid-solid system, showing that the manganese molybdenum phosphate has high catalytic activity in the reaction.


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A nickel molybdenum phosphate, (NH3CH2CH2NH3)(4).(NH3CH2CH2NH2). Na .[Ni2Mo12O30(PO4)(HPO4)(4)(H2PO4)(3)]. 6H(2)O, invoicing molybdenum present in V oxidation, has been hydrothermally synthesized and structurally characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Deep brown-red crystals are formed in the triclinic system, space group P (1) over bar, a = 12,011(2), b = 14,612(3), c = 21.252(4) Angstrom, alpha = 80.54(2)degrees, beta = 83.10(2)degrees, gamma = 76.29(2)degrees, V = 3561.4(12) Angstrom(3), Z = 2, lambda(MoK alpha) = 0.71073 Angstrom (R(F) = 0.0529 for 9880 reflections), Data mere collected on a Siemens P4 diffractometer at 20 degrees C in the range of 1.75 degrees < theta < 23.02 degrees using the omega-scan technique. The structure was solved by direct methods using the program SHELXTL-93 and refined with the method of fun-matrix least-squares on F-2. The structure of the title compound may be considered to be two [Mo6O15(HPO4)(H2PO4)(3)](5-) units bonded together with a nickel atom, although several P-O groups are not protonated on account of coordination with a Na+ cation, The one-dimensional tunnels were formed in the solid of the title compound. A probe reaction of the oxidation of acetaldehyde with H2O2 using the title compound as catalyst was carried out in a liquid- solid system, showing that the title compound had high catalytic activity in the reaction, (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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The Ophiophagus hannah (King Cobra) neurotoxin CM-11 is a small protein with 72 amino acid residues, Based on complete assignments of H-1-NMR resonances and determination of secondary structures of CM-11, 349 distance and 27 dihedral angle constraints including 19 phi's and 8 chi's were collected from NOESY and DQF-COSY , and the chemical stereospecific assignment of beta(1)H was partially achieved, Twelve structures with lower energy was obtained via metric matrix distance geometry and refinement with simulated annealing, These structures have a low RMSD of 0.14 nm for backbone atoms and 0.20 nm for heavy atoms, with no distance constraint violation more than 0.05 nm, and no dihedral angle violation more than 3 degrees.


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Filtration and cross-flow ultrafiltration techniques were used to separate culture media of Prorocentrum donghaiense at the exponential growth, stationary and decline stages into < 0.45 mu m filtrate, 100 kDa-0.45 mu m, 10-100 kDa and 1-10 kDa retentate and < 1 kDa ultrafiltrate fractions. The fluorescence. properties of different molecular weights of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were measured by excitation-emission matrix spectra. Protein-like and humic-like fluorophores were observed in the DOM produced by P. donghaiense. The central positions of protein-like fluorophores showed a red shift with prolonged growth duration, shifting from tyrosine-like properties at the exponential growth stage to tryptophan-like properties at the stationary and decline stages. The excitation wavelengths of protein-like fluorophores exhibited some change in the exponential growth and stationary stages with increased molecular size, but showed little change in the decline stage. However, the emission wavelengths in the decline stage exhibited a blue shift. Very distinct C type and A type peaks in humic-like fluorophores were observed. With a prolonged culture time, the intensities of both of the peaks became strong and the excitation wavelengths of peak A showed a red shift, while the A:C ratios fell. More than 94% of fluorescent DOM was in the lower than 1 kDa molecular weight fraction.


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The three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum was used to detect the changes in dissolved organic substances from the cultured Skeletonema costatum, Alexandrium tamarense, Alexandrium mimutum, Scrippsiella trochodea, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Prorocentrum micans. The result indicates that all of the microalgaes can produce FDOM in the growth courses. Diatom such as Skeletonema costatum can produce humic-like FDOM. However dinoflagellate can produce protein-like FDOM at exponential growth phase. When the algae grows into decadency phase, the intensity of humic-like and protein-like fluorescence augments rapidly, which may be due to a mass of FDOM realeased by the old or dead cell fragmentation and the degradation of bacteria by using non-FDOM. The fluorescent intensity of Alexandrium tamarense, Alexandrium mimutum, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Prorocentrum micans can reduce at anaphase of decadency phase because of the degradation of bacteria and light. The same genus of algae can produce similar FDOM, for example: Alexandrium tamarense, and Alexandrium mimutum, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Prorocentrum micans, but the positions of the fluorescence peaks are different.


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A three-dimensional (3-D) coupled physical and biological model was used to investigate the physical processes and their influence on the ecosystem dynamics of the Bohai Sea of China. The physical processes include M-2 tide, time - varying wind forcing and river discharge. Wind records from I to 31 May in 1993 were selected to force the model. The biological model is based on a simple, nitrate and phosphate limited, lower trophic food web system. The simulated results showed that variation of residual currents forced by M, tide, river discharge and time-varying wind had great impact on the distribution of phytoplankton biomass in the Laizhou Bay. High phytoplankton biomass appeared in the upwelling region. Numerical experiments based on the barotropic model and baroclinic model with no wind and water discharge were also conducted. Differences in the results by the baroclinic model and the barotropic model were significant: more patches appeared in the baroclinic model comparing with the barotropic model. And in the baroclinic model, the subsurface maximum phytoplankton biomass patches formed in the stratified water.


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Two isomorphous new candidates [M(mu(4)-pz25dc)](n) (M = Cd, 1; Zn, 2; pz25dc = pyrazine-2,5-dicarboxylato)for nonlinear optical (NLO) materials have been synthesized hydrothermally and characterized crystallographically as pillared-layer three-nodal frameworks with one four-connected metal nodes and two crystallographically different four-connected ligand nodes. Their optical non-linearities are measured by the Z-Scan technique with an 8 ns pulsed laser at 532 nm. These two coordination polymers both exhibit strong NLO absorptive abilities [alpha(2) = (63 +/- 6) x 10 (12) mW (1) 1, ( 46 +/- 6) x 10 (11) mW (1) 2] and effective self-focusing performance [n(2) = (67 +/- 5) x 10 (18) 1, (13 +/- 3) x 10 (18) m(2) W (1) 2] in 1.02 x 10 (4) 1 and 1.05 x 10 (4) mol dm (3) 2 DMF solution separately. The values of the limiting threshold are also measured from the optical limiting experimental data. The heavy atom effect plays important role in the enhancement of optical non-linearities and optical limiting properties. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.