999 resultados para 194-1193
Matti Kamppinen & Pasi Enges
The time courses of key biomarkers of exposure to captan and folpet was assessed in accessible biological matrices of orally exposed volunteers. Ten volunteers ingested 1 mg kg(-1) body weight of captan or folpet. Blood samples were withdrawn at fixed time periods over the 72 h following ingestion and complete urine voids were collected over 96 h post-dosing. The tetrahydrophthalimide (THPI) metabolite of captan along with the phthalimide (PI) and phthalic acid metabolites of folpet were then quantified in these samples. Plasma levels of THPI and PI increased progressively after ingestion, reaching peak values ~10 and 6 h post-dosing, respectively; subsequent elimination phase appeared monophasic with a mean elimination half-life (t(½) ) of 15.7 and 31.5 h, respectively. In urine, elimination rate time courses of PI and phthalic acid evolved in parallel, with respective t(½) of 27.3 and 27.6 h; relatively faster elimination was found for THPI, with mean t(½) of 11.7 h. However, phthalic acid was present in urine in 1000-fold higher amounts than PI. In the 96 h period post-treatment, on average 25% of folpet dose was excreted in urine as phthalic acid as compared with only 0.02% as PI. The corresponding value for THPI was 3.5%. Overall, THPI and PI appear as interesting biomarkers of recent exposure, with relatively short half-lives; their sensitivity to assess exposure in field studies should be further verified. Although not a metabolite specific to folpet, the concomitant use of phthalic acid as a major biomarker of exposure to folpet should also be considered. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Toll-like receptor ( TLR) s ignals are key to maintaining hostmicrobial i nteractions. T he T oll-interacting-protein (Tollip) is a ubiquitously-expressed inhibitor of inflammasome a nd TLR signaling. W e hypothesized that T ollip might control g ut homeostasis. G enetic ablation of T ollip d id not lead to spontaneous colitis b ut h ad d ramatic c onsequences on t he intestinal expression of the α-defensin cryptidin 4 and the C-type lectin R EGIIIβ. These c hanges were associated with intestinal dysbiosis a nd e nhanced colonization b y segmented filamentous bacteria - a k ey p ro-inflammatory component of the microbiota. Tollip deficiency increased susceptibility to dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis and aggravated chronic Th17-driven colitis in IL-10-/- mice. Flora d epletion w ith a ntibiotics in T ollip-/- mice w as not sufficient to restore DSS colitis susceptibility and deletion of Tollip in n on-hematopoietic c ells using bone-marrow chimeras w as sufficient to increase s usceptibility t o DSS colitis. After D SS administration, we o bserved several e pithelial defects i n Tollip-/- mice including early tight junctions disruption, increased epithelial apoptosis, and increased intestinal permeability. Overall, our data show that T ollip significantly impacts intestinal h omeostasis by controlling b acterial ecology and intestinal r esponse to chemical and immunological stresses.
Ce texte est une prise de position claire face à la pluralité des pratiques psychothérapeutiques : se référant à l'anthropologie clinique, présentée ici selon ses trois visées (pratique, épistémologique et herméneutique), l'auteur rejette les positions extrêmes de l'éclectisme et du dogmatisme liée à la pensée d'école. Chaque thérapeute est invité à se situer dans le champ de la psychothérapie en explicitant sa "philosophie", c'est-à-dire les croyances qui animent ses gestes professionnels.
O excesso de metais pesados contamina o solo, exercendo impacto negativo sobre os microrganismos e ação tóxica sobre as plantas, dificultando a revegetação e reabilitação de áreas degradadas. No presente estudo, avaliou-se o efeito da aplicação do isoflavonóide formononetina (7 hidroxi, 4'metoxi isoflavona) no crescimento e absorção de metais pelo milho (Zea mayz L.) em mistura de solo com proporções crescentes de um solo contaminado que continha 16.904, 194, 219 e 836 mg dm-3 de solo de Zn, Cd, Pb e Cu, respectivamente. Esse solo foi diluído com solo não contaminado para obter misturas com 0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5 e 10,0% p/p do solo contaminado. Nas misturas de solo, infestadas com propágulos de fungos micorrízicos, foi plantado milho, com e sem a aplicação de solução de formononetina sintética (5 mg L-1) equivalente a 400 µg kg-1 de solo. Verificou-se um efeito depressivo acentuado da elevação da contaminação do solo na colonização micorrízica e no crescimento das plantas. A formononetina estimulou a colonização nos níveis mais baixos de contaminação e exerceu efeito positivo no crescimento do milho. A absorção dos metais, em especial de Zn e Cd, aumentou com a elevação da contaminação, sendo os teores de Zn menores nas plantas com formononetina, enquanto os teores de Fe foram maiores nestas plantas até 7,5% de solo contaminado. Os resultados indicam que a formononetina reduz, de modo indireto, por meio da micorriza, os efeitos adversos do excesso de metais no solo, especialmente de Zn no milho. O favorecimento da formação de micorriza diminui a absorção de Zn e aumenta a de Fe, podendo ser este o mecanismo responsável pela ação amenizante da formononetina na toxidez de metais pesados no milho. Conclui-se que o uso da formononetina pode facilitar a revegetação de solos contaminados com metais pesados.
Peptide hormones within the secretin-glucagon family are expressed in endocrine cells of the pancreas and gastrointestinal epithelium and in specialized neurons in the brain, and subserve multiple biological functions, including regulation of growth, nutrient intake, and transit within the gut, and digestion, energy absorption, and energy assimilation. Glucagon, glucagon-like peptide-1, glucagon-like peptide-2, glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide, growth hormone-releasing hormone and secretin are structurally related peptides that exert their actions through unique members of a structurally related G protein-coupled receptor class 2 family. This review discusses advances in our understanding of how these peptides exert their biological activities, with a focus on the biological actions and structural features of the cognate receptors. The receptors have been named after their parent and only physiologically relevant ligand, in line with the recommendations of the International Union of Pharmacology Committee on Receptor Nomenclature and Drug Classification (NC-IUPHAR).
Studies from some semi-arid regions of the world have shown the beneficial effect of trees in silvopastoral systems, by promoting the formation of resource islands and increasing the sustainability of the system. No data are available in this respect for tree species of common occurrence in semi-arid Northeastern Brazil. In the present study, conducted in the summer of 1996, three tree species (Zyziphus joazeiro, Spondias tuberosa and Prosopis juliflora: ) found within Cenchrus ciliaris pastures were selected to evaluate differences on herbaceous understory and soil chemical characteristics between samples taken under the tree canopy and in open grass areas. Transects extending from the tree trunk to open grass areas were established, and soil (0-15 cm) and herbaceous understory (standing live biomass in 1 m² plots) samples were taken at 0, 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200% of the average canopy radius (average radius was 6.6 ± 0.5, 4.5 ± 0.5, and 5.3 ± 0.8 m for Z. joazeiro, P. juliflora, and S. tuberosa , respectively). Higher levels of soil C, N, P, Ca, Mg, K, and Na were found under the canopies of Z. joazeiro and P. juliflora: trees, as compared to open grass areas. Only soil Mg organic P were higher under the canopies of S. tuberosa trees, as compared to open grass areas. Herbaceous understory biomass was significantly lower under the canopy of S. tuberosa and P. juliflora trees (107 and 96 g m-2, respectively) relatively to open grass areas (145 and 194 g m-2). No herbaceous biomass differences were found between Z. joazeiro canopies and open grass areas (107 and 87 g m-2, respectively). Among the three tree species studied, Z. joazeiro was the one that presented the greatest potential for use in a silvopastoral system at the study site, since it had a larger nutrient stock in the soil without negatively affecting herbaceous understory biomass, relatively to open grass areas.
Presenta un informe de la geografía de la isla del norte de chincha, donde describe la superficie, longitudes, formas de las zonas rocosas, el volumen y peso de la materia (guano) y se determinó la densidad y peso del guano.
Ordonnances et pièces diverses relatives au gouvernement du royaume, aux rapports de Philippe le Bel avec le Saint Siège, au grand schisme etc. F. 1, De origine singularum gentium,F. 104v, Notes sur divers événements du règne de Charles VI,F. 120, Glosa abbatis Joachim super libro Cirilli, F. 131v, Visio Johannis heremite, F. 137, Pavo, F. 140, Vincentii Ferrarii epistola de Antichristo, F. 167, Ordre de procéder en la ville et viconté de Paris, F. 194, Stilus curie parlamenti, editus per G. de Brolio, F. 255, Divers arrêts du Parlement,
Background: Management of febrile neutropenic episodes (FE) is challenged by lacking microbiological and clinical documentation of infection. We aimed at evaluating the utility of monitoring blood procalcitonin (PCT) in FE for initial diagnosis of infection and reassessment in persistent fever.Methods: PCT kinetics was prospectively monitored in 194 consecutive FE (1771 blood samples): 65 microbiologically documented infections (MDI, 33.5%; 49 due to non-coagulase-negative staphylococci, non-CNS), 68 clinically documented infections (CDI, 35%; 39 deep-seated), and 61 fever of unexplained origin (FUO, 31.5%).Results: At fever onset median PCT was 190 pg/mL (range 30-26'800), without significant difference among MDI, CDI and FUO. PCT peak occurred on day 2 after onset of fever: non-CNS-MDI/deep-seated-CDI (656, 80-86350) vs. FUO (205, 33-771; p<0.001). PCT >500 pg/mL distinguished non-CNS-MDI/deep-seated-CDI from FUO with 56% sensitivity and 90% specificity. PCT was >500 pg/ml in only 10% of FUO (688, 570-771). A PCT peak >500 pg/mL (1196, 524-11950) occurred beyond 3 days of persistent fever in 17/21 (81%) invasive fungal diseases (IFD). This late PCT peak identified IFD with 81% sensitivity and 57% specificity and preceded diagnosis according to EORTC-MSG criteria in 41% of cases. In IFD responding to therapy, median days to PCT <500 pg/mL and defervescence were 5 (1-23) vs. 10 (3-22; p = 0.026), respectively.Conclusion: While procalcitonin is not useful for diagnosis of infection at onset of neutropenic fever, it may help to distinguish a minority of potentially severe infections among FUOs on day 2 after onset of fever. In persistent fever monitoring procalcitonin contributes to early diagnosis and follow-up of invasive mycoses