924 resultados para teaching-learning, symbolic resources, classroom interactions, everyday learning


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O objetivo desse trabalho consiste em investigar as mudanças subjetivas de um estudante durante a realização de uma Oficina de Ciências e articulá-las, por um lado, com os discursos da professora e, por outro, com a dinâmica de funcionamento grupal. Os dados foram coletados numa escola pública do município de Londrina/PR. No total foram realizados quinze encontros, e o instrumento de coleta de dados consistiu na gravação em vídeo. O grupo selecionado para a pesquisa constituiu-se de quatro alunos do II Ciclo (3ª e 4ª séries) do Ensino Fundamental. O referencial teórico utilizado para análise e interpretação dos dados encontra sua base em conceitos psicanalíticos de orientação lacaniana e da dinâmica de grupos. Concluímos considerando alguns aspectos que podem contribuir para a promoção e sustentação da aprendizagem em grupo em situações de ensino, sinalizando para o papel das intervenções do professor no sentido de promover um trabalho colaborativo.


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O conceito de proteína e sua síntese são importantes para a compreensão de processos em biotecnologia, por exemplo, a produção de novos fármacos, área em avanço nas últimas décadas. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar, dentre alunos do Ensino Médio, quais tipos de concepções eles têm ou trazem sobre proteína e síntese proteica, e que tipo de influência pode ter contribuído para a formulação de tais concepções, através de um questionário diagnóstico, composto por questões abertas, aplicado a 133 alunos de uma escola pública e de uma particular. Os resultados analisados basearam-se em categorização de respostas. Concluímos que, mesmo os alunos já tendo estudado assuntos relativos a proteínas, ainda carregavam traços de concepções alternativas, o que forneceu informações valiosas sobre possíveis falhas no processo de aprendizagem. Assim, para que haja uma "ressignificação" desses conceitos, é necessário que as discussões desse tema sejam ampliadas, vinculando-os aos conteúdos correlatos previamente trabalhados.


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O processo ensino-aprendizagem pode ser visto como um sistema constituído pela interação de três componentes - professor, aluno e matéria - que tem por meta promover mudanças efetivas nos comportamentos, capacidades e competências do aluno. Como numa visão sistêmica do processo ensino-aprendizagem, a função de um determinado componente implica sempre o estabelecimento de relação entre os dois componentes que restam, o papel principal do professor é estabelecer relação entre o aluno e a matéria. Neste contexto, a questão central é saber em que se basear para estabelecer essa relação. O presente ensaio parte da assunção de que o conhecimento sobre o desenvolvimento motor constitui um elemento fundamental quando a matéria de ensino é o esporte, discute uma fase desse processo que tem sido sistematicamente esquecida procurando identificar as suas possíveis causas e consequências e apresenta algumas sugestões para trabalhar com essa fase.


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A necessidade de informação é definida como a deficiência de informação ou habilidade relacionada a um domínio de vida relevante para o paciente. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar as necessidades de informação de candidatos em fila de espera para o transplante de fígado. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, conduzido em centro transplantador brasileiro do interior paulista. A amostra foi constituída de 55 pacientes, e a coleta de dados foi realizada nos meses de março a junho de 2009. Os resultados evidenciaram que as necessidades de informação do período pré-operatório foram as que obtiveram pontuações médias maiores. O conhecimento de informações que o candidato ao transplante de fígado precisa é relevante para o planejamento do processo ensino-aprendizagem.


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La tesi affronta il tema dell'innovazione della scuola, oggetto di costante attenzione da parte delle organizzazioni internazionali e dei sistemi educativi nazionali, per le sue implicazioni economiche, sociali e politiche, e intende portare un contributo allo studio sistematico e analitico dei progetti e delle esperienze di innovazione complessiva dell'ambiente di apprendimento. Il concetto di ambiente di apprendimento viene approfondito nelle diverse prospettive di riferimento, con specifica attenzione al framework del progetto "Innovative Learning Environments" [ILE], dell’Organisation For Economic And Cultural Development [OECD] che, con una prospettiva dichiaratamente olistica, individua nel dispositivo dell’ambiente di apprendimento la chiave per l’innovazione dell’istruzione nella direzione delle competenze per il ventunesimo Secolo. I criteri presenti nel quadro di riferimento del progetto sono stati utilizzati per un’analisi dell’esperienza proposta come caso di studio, Scuola-Città Pestalozzi a Firenze, presa in esame perché nell’anno scolastico 2011/2012 ha messo in pratica appunto un “disegno” di trasformazione dell’ambiente di apprendimento e in particolare dei caratteri del tempo/scuola. La ricerca, condotta con una metodologia qualitativa, è stata orientata a far emergere le interpretazioni dei protagonisti dell’innovazione indagata: dall’analisi del progetto e di tutta la documentazione fornita dalla scuola è scaturita la traccia per un focus-group esplorativo attraverso il quale sono stati selezionati i temi per le interviste semistrutturate rivolte ai docenti (scuola primaria e scuola secondaria di primo grado). Per quanto concerne l’interpretazione dei risultati, le trascrizioni delle interviste sono state analizzate con un approccio fenomenografico, attraverso l’individuazione di unità testuali logicamente connesse a categorie concettuali pertinenti. L’analisi dei materiali empirici ha permesso di enucleare categorie interpretative rispetto alla natura e agli scopi delle esperienze di insegnamento/apprendimento, al processo organizzativo, alla sostenibilità. Tra le implicazioni della ricerca si ritengono particolarmente rilevanti quelle relative alla funzione docente.


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Param Bedi discusses technology adoption by students and its impact on teaching and learning.


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Aufbau einer föderativen Dienstlandschaft in der Ruhr-Region auf Basis von SAML mit dem Ziel eine organisationsübergreifende Nutzung von webbasierten IT-Diensten zu ermöglichen


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The following article deals with knowledge, relationships, representations and values that pupils together with teachers perform daily at school. It includes our research project called "Adolescence and School" which has been implemented since 1995 in our Institution, subject called "Psychological Foundation on education". Throughout its development, we have tried to get to know about in what positions teachers and students are towards knowledge. Our purpose is to make a critic- reflexive perspective possible on the part of university students who are to become teachers, as regards their knowledge on how students are formed on the E.G.B and Polimodal school levels. What plays one of the main roles on the student's career choice is their getting closer to the educative institution as well as to their teachers and the culture of the school. We have chosen a qualitative perspective for this article. Our proceedings on the working field are focused on teacher's interviews and on the participation of two or three students that had access to the concretion of a semi-structured interview. A central topic within teacher's and student's speeches were the topics dealt in class and their motivation, been there a convergence with respect to the effects that these factors have over learning. Therefore, there is no reflection by the actors as regards the role that intention and willingness play in teacher-student-knowledge relationship and its projection in the teaching-learning process.


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The following article deals with knowledge, relationships, representations and values that pupils together with teachers perform daily at school. It includes our research project called "Adolescence and School" which has been implemented since 1995 in our Institution, subject called "Psychological Foundation on education". Throughout its development, we have tried to get to know about in what positions teachers and students are towards knowledge. Our purpose is to make a critic- reflexive perspective possible on the part of university students who are to become teachers, as regards their knowledge on how students are formed on the E.G.B and Polimodal school levels. What plays one of the main roles on the student's career choice is their getting closer to the educative institution as well as to their teachers and the culture of the school. We have chosen a qualitative perspective for this article. Our proceedings on the working field are focused on teacher's interviews and on the participation of two or three students that had access to the concretion of a semi-structured interview. A central topic within teacher's and student's speeches were the topics dealt in class and their motivation, been there a convergence with respect to the effects that these factors have over learning. Therefore, there is no reflection by the actors as regards the role that intention and willingness play in teacher-student-knowledge relationship and its projection in the teaching-learning process.


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The following article deals with knowledge, relationships, representations and values that pupils together with teachers perform daily at school. It includes our research project called "Adolescence and School" which has been implemented since 1995 in our Institution, subject called "Psychological Foundation on education". Throughout its development, we have tried to get to know about in what positions teachers and students are towards knowledge. Our purpose is to make a critic- reflexive perspective possible on the part of university students who are to become teachers, as regards their knowledge on how students are formed on the E.G.B and Polimodal school levels. What plays one of the main roles on the student's career choice is their getting closer to the educative institution as well as to their teachers and the culture of the school. We have chosen a qualitative perspective for this article. Our proceedings on the working field are focused on teacher's interviews and on the participation of two or three students that had access to the concretion of a semi-structured interview. A central topic within teacher's and student's speeches were the topics dealt in class and their motivation, been there a convergence with respect to the effects that these factors have over learning. Therefore, there is no reflection by the actors as regards the role that intention and willingness play in teacher-student-knowledge relationship and its projection in the teaching-learning process.


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Desde mediados de los 90, gracias a las posibilidades de la World Wide Web, se liberó la cartografía de su dependencia del medio físico, posibilitando el acceso y visualización de millones de mapas almacenados en formatos gráficos a través de Internet. En este contexto, el papel de la Información Geográfica (IG) en la vida cotidiana adquirió relevancia en la medida que el acceso a la misma resultaba cada vez más fácil gracias a múltiples herramientas y aplicaciones para distribuir y acercar los mapas en distintos formatos a la sociedad en general. Sin embargo, dado que esa información enseguida pasaba a estar desactualizada, surgió una demanda desde distintos ámbitos (seguridad, medio ambiente transporte, servicios, etc.) y de la sociedad en general para disponer de la información más actual. Como respuesta a esta demanda, surgen las iniciativas denominadas Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (IDE). Estas iniciativas, mediante la acción coordinada de un conjunto de tecnologías, estándares, normas y políticas, brindan la posibilidad a los usuarios de acceder, a través de Internet, a IG actualizada producida por instituciones y organismos oficiales, en un marco colaborativo y sustentada en una estructura organizativa. En este contexto, el ámbito educativo no ha permanecido ajeno representando uno de los espacios más propicios para la difusión de las potencialidades y usos de las IDE. En esta tesis se propone la utilización de las IDE en el contexto educativo, específicamente en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO). Utilizar las IDE en el contexto educativo implica asignarle un papel en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y en el marco de esta tesis se presentan los fundamentos teóricos que permiten afirmar que las IDE son un re-curso educativo que responde a las características de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). Esto se explicita a través de un concepto más amplio que hemos denominado “recurso educativo TIC”. En este contexto se analizan las posibilidades que ofrece las IDE para alcanzar los objetivos de aprendizaje de asignaturas de la ESO relacionadas con IG y se identifican contenidos susceptibles de ser abordados utilizándolas. Por otra parte, atendiendo al modelo educativo del aprendizaje basado en competencias, se exponen las posibilidades y potencialidades que ofrecen las IDE para desarrollar la competencia digital. Una vez planteado el marco teórico se desarrollaron dos estrategias de formación y difusión de las IDE orientadas al profesorado de la ESO. En primer lugar, utilizando el Modelo de Diseño Instruccional ADDIE, se diseñaron, desarrollaron, implementaron y evaluaron tres cursos e-learning para el profesorado de ESO de las asignaturas Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias de la Naturaleza y Tecnología. En segundo lugar, con objetivo de complementar los resultados obtenidos de los cursos e-learning, se realizó una actividad en dos Institutos de Educación Secundaria orientada a difundir las IDE. La puesta en práctica de estas estrategias ofreció al profesorado la información necesaria sobre qué son las IDE y proporcionó ejemplos concretos de uso de las mismas en su asignatura, permitiéndoles disponer de los conocimientos e información para emitir una valoración sobre las posibilidades que ofrecen las IDE como un recurso educativo TIC. Since about the middle of the 1990 decade, owing to the potential of the World Wide Web, cartography freed itself from its dependence on its physical support, enabling the access and visualisation of millions of maps stored in graphical formats through the Internet. In this context, the role of Geographic Information (GI) in daily life became relevant in as much as its access turned out to be ever easier due to multiple tools and applications to distribute and bring maps in different formats closer to society in general. Yet, since the information available often became outdated, a demand for updated information arose from different specific fields (security, environment, transport, services, etc.) and from the general public. As a response to this demand, the so-called Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) initiatives arose which, through the coordinated action of a set of technologies, stan-dards, and policies, enabled users to access updated GI created by organisations and official institutions, through the Internet, within a cooperative framework and an organisational structure. In this context the educational world has not remained aloof, since it represented one of the most propitious scope for the dissemination of the potentials and uses of SDI. In this thesis the utilization of SDI in the educational context is proposed, specifically in the Spanish Compulsory Secondary Education (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria – ESO). This utilization implies assigning SDI a role in the teaching-learning process; here the theo-retical foundation is presented which allows asserting that SDI is an educational resource fitting in with the characteristics of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This is made explicit by means of a broader concept we have called “ICT educa-tional resource”. The possibilities offered by SDI to reach the objective of learning ESO subjects related to GI are analyzed, and contents apt to be addressed by using them are identified. On the other hand, attending to the educational model of learning based on competences, the possibilities and potentials the SDI offer to develop the digital compe-tence are exposed. After having set forth the theoretical frame, two strategies of training and dissemination of SDI were developed, oriented to the ESO teaching staff. First, using the ADDIE Instruc-tional Design Model, three learning courses were designed, developed, implemented and evaluated for the ESO teaching staff in the subjects of Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Technology. In the second place, with the purpose of supplementing the results ob-tained from the e-learning courses, an activity was carried out in two High Schools, ori-ented to disseminate the SDI. The implementation of these strategies offered the teaching staff the needed information concerning the SDI and provided specific instances of utilisa-tion thereof in their subject, thus enabling them to acquire the knowledge and information to issue an assessment of the possibilities the SDI offer as an ICT educational resource


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The engineer must have sufficient theoretical knowledge to be applied to solve specific problems, with the necessary capacity to simplify these approaches, and taking into account factors such as speed, simplicity, quality and economy. In Geology, its ultimate goal is the exploration of the history of the geological events through observation, deduction, reasoning and, in exceptional cases by the direct underground exploration or experimentation. Experimentation is very limited in Geology. Reproduction laboratory of certain phenomena or geological processes is difficult because both time and space become a large scale. For this reason, some Earth Sciences are in a nearly descriptive stage whereas others closest to the experimental, Geophysics and Geochemistry, have assimilated progress experienced by the physics and chemistry. Thus, Anglo-Saxon countries clearly separate Engineering Geology from Geological Engineering, i.e. Applied Geology to the Geological Engineering concepts. Although there is a big professional overlap, the first one corresponds to scientific approach, while the last one corresponds to a technological one. Applied Geology to Engineering could be defined as the Science and Applied Geology to the design, construction and performance of engineering infrastructures in and field geology discipline. There has been much discussion on the primacy of theory over practice. Today prevails the exaggeration of practice, but you get good workers and routine and mediocre teachers. This idea forgets too that teaching problem is a problem of right balance. The approach of the action lines on the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) framework provides for such balance. Applied Geology subject represents the first real contact with the physical environment with the practice profession and works. Besides, the situation of the topic in the first trace of Study Plans for many students implies the link to other subjects and topics of the career (tunnels, dams, groundwater, roads, etc). This work analyses in depth the justification of such practical trips. It shows the criteria and methods of planning and the result which manifests itself in pupils. Once practical trips experience developed, the objective work tries to know about results and changes on student’s motivation in learning perspective. This is done regardless of the outcome of their knowledge achievements assessed properly and they are not subject to such work. For this objective, it has been designed a survey about their motivation before and after trip. Survey was made by the Unidad Docente de Geología Aplicada of the Departamento de Ingeniería y Morfología del Terreno (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). It was completely anonymous. Its objective was to collect the opinion of the student as a key agent of learning and teaching of the subject. All the work takes place under new teaching/learning criteria approach at the European framework in Higher Education. The results are exceptionally good with 90% of student’s participation and with very high scores in a number of questions as the itineraries, teachers and visited places (range of 4.5 to 4.2 in a 5 points scale). The majority of students are very satisfied (average of 4.5 in a 5 points scale).


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The EHEA proposes a student-centered teaching model. Therefore, it seems necessary to actively involve the students in the teaching-learning process. Increasing the active participation of the students is not always easy in mathematical topics, since, when the students just enter the University, their ability to carry out autonomous mathematical work is scarce. In this paper we present some experiences related with the use of Computer Algebra Systems (CAS). All the experiences are designed in order to develop some mathematical competencies and mainly self-learning, the use of technology and team-work. The experiences include some teachers? proposals including: small projects to be executed in small groups, participation in competitions, the design of different CAS-Toolboxes, etc. The results obtained in the experiences, carried out with different groups of students from different engineering studies at different universities, makes us slightly optimistic about the educational value of the model.


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Este proyecto está dividido en dos partes, una de ellas dedicada al estudio del sistema de adquisición NetdB y su aplicación a prácticas de Acústica Arquitectónica y la otra dedicada a la evaluación de la herramienta OneNote 2010 y su aplicación al proceso enseñanza – aprendizaje. Se estructura en cinco secciones bien definidas que se comentan a continuación: La primera sección, fundamentos teóricos, se centrará en explicar los distintos parámetros medidos y su relación con la acústica. Para ello se definirán los conceptos teóricos básicos que ayudarán al seguimiento del proyecto en su totalidad. La segunda sección está dedicada al sistema de adquisición NetdB, y en ella se explican sus características, el conexionado del equipo y la configuración del mismo con el software dBBati. En la tercera sección se describen las medidas realizadas con el sistema de adquisición NetdB, basadas en la normativa nacional e internacional vigente. Estas medidas son: - Medición del tiempo de reverberación en recintos ordinarios, según la Norma UNE-EN ISO 3382-2. - Medición del coeficiente de absorción sonora en cámara reverberante, según la Norma UNE-EN ISO 354. - Medición “in situ” del aislamiento a ruido aéreo, según las normas UNE-EN ISO 140-4 y UNE-EN ISO 717-1. En cada una de las medidas se describe el objetivo, los equipos utilizados, la conexión entre los distintos equipos, el ensayo realizado según la norma correspondiente, los cálculos y resultados obtenidos y las conclusiones finales de la medida. En la cuarta sección se describe la herramienta OneNote 2010, detallándose su estructura, configuración y la evaluación de su aplicación al proceso enseñanza – aprendizaje. Por último, se darán unas conclusiones finales, en las que se recapitularán los resultados de las valoraciones obtenidos durante la realización del proyecto. ABSTRACT. This project is divided into two parts, one of them dealing with the study of NetdB acquisition system and its application on Architectural Acoustics practices and the other dedicated to the evaluation of the OneNote 2010 tool and its application on the teaching-learning process. The structure of the project consists of five clearly defined sections as stated hereunder: 1. Theoretical fundamentals, based on the explanation of the different parameters subject to measurement and their relation to acoustics. To this end, basic theoretical concepts will be clearly defined, which will help the follow-up of the project as a whole. 2. NetdB acquisition system: whereby features will be clearly defined, as well as the equipment connection and its configuration within the dBBati software. 3. Description of the measures carried out on the NetdB acquisition system under current regulations both national and international, being those measures as follows: - Reverberation Time measurement in ordinary premises, according to the UNE-EN ISO 3382-2 standard. - Sound absorption ratio measurement in reverberating chamber, according to the UNE-EN ISO 354 standard. - “In situ” sound proofing air traffic, according to UNE-EN ISO 140-4 and UNE-EN ISO 717-1 standards. Each of the measures stated above comprises the description of the following issues: its aim, the equipment in use, the connection among different equipment, the test carried out under the corresponding standard, the calculations and results obtained and finally the conclusions reached at. 4. OneNote 2010 tool: full description detailing its structure, configuration as well as the evaluation of its application on the teaching-learning process. Finally, the report will give the final conclusions by means of recapitulating the results of the different assessments obtained along the process.


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The School of Industrial Engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSII-UPM) has been promoting student-centred teaching-learning activities, according to the aims of the Bologna Declaration, well before the official establishment of the European Area of Higher Education. Such student-centred teaching-learning experiences led us to the conviction that project based learning is rewarding, both for students and academics, and should be additionally promoted in our new engineering programmes, adapted to the Grade-Master structure. The level of commitment of our teachers with these activities is noteworthy, as the teaching innovation experiences carried out in the last ten years have led to the foundation of 17 Teaching Innovation Groups at ETSII-UPM, hence leading the ranking of teaching innovation among all UPM centres. Among interesting CDIO activities our students have taken part in especially complex projects, including the Formula Student, linked to the complete development of a competition car, and the Cybertech competition, aimed at the design, construction and operation of robots for different purposes. Additional project-based learning teamwork activities have been linked to toy design, to the development of medical devices, to the implementation of virtual laboratories, to the design of complete industrial installations and factories, among other activities detailed in present study. The implementation of Bologna process will culminate at ETSII-UPM with the beginning of the Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, in academic year 2014-15. The program has been successfully approved by the Spanish Agency for Accreditation (ANECA), with the inclusion of a set of subjects based upon the CDIO methodology denominated generally “INGENIA”, linked to the Spanish “ingeniar” (to provide ingenious solutions), also related etymologically in Spanish with “ingeniero”, engineer. INGENIA students will live through the complete development process of a complex product or system and there will be different kind of projects covering most of the engineering majors at ETSII-UPM.