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Knowledge taught at schools, everyday skills and practical know-how. The relevancy of formation for local elites and the corporative self-government of Early Modern Switzerland Daniel Schläppi, Bern There were different kinds of rural elites in Early Modern Switzerland. The diverse parts of the country developed in very dissimilar ways politically and economically. Some regions were dominated by traditional types of agriculture. Some territories were ruled by major cities. In some of the rural Cantons like Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden, Glarus and Zug a political elite took control over generations and practiced a cultural lifestyle comparable to the famous aristocracies in cities like Bern, Basel, Freiburg, Luzern, Solothurn and Zurich. Intense proto-industrialization formed a completely different sort of elite with strong affinities to industry and trade in other regions. Meanwhile the habitants of the valley close-by stayed farmers like their ancestors (like in Appenzell). In the most conservative parts of the country mercenary business played an important role till the very end of the Ancien Regime and even furthermore. In summery the variety of historical circumstances caused heterogeneous elites all over. Such socio-political diversity provoked a variety of educational backgrounds. I an academic understanding of the term we know only little about literacy in local rural elites. But there is strong evidence that a lively culture of reading and story-telling existed. This means that even simple countrymen seem to have been in possession of some books. The organisation and capacity of the school system is subject of controversial discussions among up to date researchers. The state of research makes us suppose that the people designed to political careers learned their essential skills not only in school but also in everyday life or on the job. Based on the fact that every community and countless public corporations managed their affairs by their own it’s evident that the local elite’s key-players had a large repertoire of techniques and skills like writing, calculating, strategic thinking or knowledge of oral tradition, old usage or important rituals. Unfortunately the historical actors left not that many sources that would tell us precisely how knowledge and know-how were transferred in former times. Hardly any private account books or common correspondence have been conserved. But a huge bunch of sources that originate from corporative self-administration shows us that most local elites were well-educated and had the necessary skills anyway. Above all other sources like for instance the «Topographische Beschreibungen» (topographic descriptions) that were initiated by the «Ökonomische Gesellschaft» of Berne since the sixties of the 18th century provide an insight into pre-modern classrooms. More important information on the historical formation-reality can be gained by the autobiography of the famous poor peasant Ulrich Bräker (1735‒1798) or some of the novels by Albert Bitzius (1797‒1854, better known as Jeremias Gotthelf). The pedagogic writings by Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746‒1827) and the influences by his mentors Johann Rudolf Tschiffeli (1716‒1780) or Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg (1771‒1884) are quite illustrative as well.
Monte Carlo simulation is a powerful method in many natural and social sciences. But what sort of method is it? And where does its power come from? Are Monte Carlo simulations experiments, theories or something else? The aim of this talk is to answer these questions and to explain the power of Monte Carlo simulations. I provide a classification of Monte Carlo techniques and defend the claim that Monte Carlo simulation is a sort of inference.
Cultural models of the domains healing and health are important in how people understand health and their behavior regarding it. The biomedicine model has been predominant in Western society. Recent popularity of holistic health and alternative healing modalities contrasts with the biomedical model and the assumptions upon which that model has been practiced. The holistic health movement characterizes an effort by health care providers and others such as nurses to expand the biomedical model and has often incorporated alternative modalities. This research described and compared the cultural models of healing of professional nurses and alternative healers. A group of nursing faculty who promote a holistic model were compared to a group of healers using healing touch. Ethnographic methods of participant observation, free listing and pile sort were used. Theoretical sampling in the free listings reached saturation at 18 in the group of nurses and 21 in the group of healers. Categories consistent for both groups emerged from the data. These were: physical, mental, attitude, relationships, spiritual, self management, and health seeking including biomedical and alternative resources. The healers had little differentiation between the concepts health and healing. The nurses, however, had more elements in self management for health and in health seeking for healing. This reflects the nurse's role in facilitating the shift in locus of responsibility between health and healing. The healers provided more specific information regarding alternative resources. The healer's conceptualization of health was embedded in a spiritual belief system and contrasted dramatically with that of biomedicine. The healer's models also contrasted with holistic health in the areas of holism, locus of responsibility, and dealing with uncertainty. The similarity between the groups and their dissimilarity to biomedicine suggest a larger cultural shift in beliefs regarding health care. ^
Trophism as a "clonal dominance" support mechanism for tumor cells is an unexplored area of tumor progression. This report presents evidence that the human melanoma low-affinity neurotrophin receptor (p75) can signal independently of its high-affinity tyrosine kinase counterparts, the TRK family of kinases. Signaling may be accomplished by a p75-associated purine-analog-sensitive kinase and results in enhanced invasion into a reconstituted basement membrane with a corresponding stimulation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression. Additionally, a "stress culture" survival assay was developed to mimic the growth limiting conditions encountered by melanoma cells in a rapidly growing primary tumor or metastatic deposit prior to neoangiogenesis. Under these conditions, p75, promotes the survival of high p75 expressing brain-colonizing melanoma cells. Extensive 70W melanoma cell-cell contact, which downregulates p75, immediately precedes the induction of cell death associated with diminished production of two key cell survival factors, bcl-2 and the p85 subunit of phosphoinositol-3-kinase, and an elevation in apoptosis promoting intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROSs). Since one function of bcl-2 may be to control the generation of ROSs via the antioxidant pathway, these cells may receive a apoptosis-prompting "double hit". 70W melanoma cell death occurred by an apoptotic mechanism displaying classical morphological changes including plasma membrane blebbing, loss of microvilli and redistribution of ribosomes. 70W apoptosis could be pharmacologically triggered following anti-p75 monoclonal antibody-mediated clustering of p75 receptors. 70W cells fluorescently sorted for high-p75 expression (p75$\sp{\rm H}$ cells) exhibited an augmented survival potential and a predilection to sort with the S + G2/M growth phase, relative to their low p75 expressing, p75$\sp{\rm L}$ counterparts. Apoptosis is significantly delayed by p75$\sp{\rm H}$ cells, whereas p75$\sp{\rm L}$ cells are exquisitely prone to initiate apoptosis. Importantly, the p75$\sp{\rm L}$ cells that survive apoptosis, highly re-expressed p75 and were remarkably responsive to exogenous NGF.^ These are the first data to implicate p75-mediated neurotrophism as an invasion and survival support mechanism employed by brain-metastatic cells. In particular, these results may have implications in little understood phenomena of tumor progression, such as the emergence of "clonal dominance" and tumor dormancy. ^
Protein kinase C (PKC) is a family of serine-threonine kinases that are activated by a wide variety of hormones, neurotransmitters and growth factors. A single cell type contains multiple isoforms that are translocated to distinct and different subcellular sites upon mitogenic stimulus. Many different cellular responses are attributed to PKC activity though relatively few substrates or binding proteins have been definitively characterized. We used the hinge and catalytic domain of PKC$\alpha$ (PKC7) in a yeast two-hybrid screen to clone proteins that interact with C-kinase (PICKs). One protein which we have termed PICK1 may be involved in PKC$\alpha$-specific function at the level of the nuclear membrane after activation. Binding of PICK1 to PKC$\alpha$ has been shown to be isoform specific as it does not bind to PKC$\beta$II or PKC$\alpha$ in the yeast two-hybrid system. PICK1 mRNA expression level is highest in testis and brain with lower levels of expression in skeletal muscle, heart, kidney, lung and liver. PICK1 protein contains five PKC consensus phosphorylation sites and serves as an in vitro substrate for PKC. The PICK1 protein also contains a P-Loop motif that has been shown to bind ATP or GTP in the Ras family of oncoproteins as well as the G-Protein family. Proteins which bind ATP or GTP using this motif all have some sort of catalytic function although none has been identified for PICK1 as yet. PICK1 contains a DHR/GLGF motif at the N-terminus of the protein. The DHR/GLGF motif is contained in a number of recently described proteins and has been shown to mediate protein-protein interactions at the level of membranes and cytoskeleton. When both PKC$\alpha$ and PICK1 are co-expressed in Cos1 cells the two proteins co-localize to the perinucleus in immunoflouresence studies and co-immunoprecipitate. The binding site for PKC7 has been localized to amino acids 1-358 on PICK1 which contains the DHR/GLGF motif. Binding of PICK1 to PKC$\alpha$ requires the hinge and C-terminal domains of PKC$\alpha$. In vitro, PICK1 binds to PKC$\alpha$ and inhibits its activity as assayed by myelin basic protein phosphorylation. PICK1 also binds to TIS21, a primary response gene that is expressed in response to phorbol ester and growth factor treatment. The Caenorhabditis elegans homologue of PICK1 has been cloned and sequenced revealing a high degree of conservation in the DHR/GLGF motif. A more C-terminal region also shows a high degree of conservation, and the C. elegans PICK1 homologue binds to PKC7 suggesting a conservation of function. Taken together these results suggest that PICK1 may be involved in a PKC$\alpha$-specific function at the level of the nuclear membrane. ^
The nineteenth century uncovered and analysed the tragic episodes of witch-hunting and ‘witch’ trials common in Renaissance Europe. Fascinating not only to historians, this subject also inspired men of letters who popularized the image of the witch as an old, ugly and evil person, who thus deserved her lot. Jules Michelet’s La sorcière of 1862 takes a very different approach. Simultaneously a literary and historical work, the book proved scandalous as it rehabilitated the figure of the witch, shedding favourable light on her image: it was the witch who was able to save a last spark of humanity in moments of despair; it was she who acted as comforter and healer to the people. In the context of nineteenth-century literature, certain works by female authors that focused on ‘witches,’ stand out. Whilst certain male authors (Michelet included) presented the witch as a figure from the past, who had finally perished in the 17th century, texts such as George Sand’s La petite Fadette (1848) or Eliza Orzeszkowa’s Dziurdziowie (1885), suggest that the end of witch trials did not imply an end to accusations, persecutions, and even executions of ‘witches’ – and, that in terms of culture, witchcraft or sorcery had not disappeared from the societies they knew.
This dissertation presents the concept of Deliberative Transformative Moment and the instrument to identify it, in a further attempt to bridge the gap between deliberation theory and practice. A transformative moment in the deliberative process occurs when the level of deliberation is either lifted from low to high or drops from high to low. In order to identify such a moment, one has to look at the context and dynamics of the group discussion. This broadening of the unit of analysis is a big difference from other existing instruments to measure the level of deliberation, such as the Deliberative Quality Index –DQI, which focuses primarily on the individual speech acts. Consistent with the theoretical framework of consociational and deliberation approaches, the observed discussions took place among two deeply divided groups, Colombian ex-combatants from both the extreme left and the extreme right. Moving beyond a pure Habermasian perspective, this study finds that besides pure rational arguments, there are some contexts in which personal stories, jokes and self-interests, acting as justification of arguments, have either a positive or a negative impact on deliberative transformative moments. Although this research has a strongly qualitative orientation, reliability tests scored high, giving it strength as a reliable and valid research method that shedding some light on the sort of speech acts that enhance deliberation and those that detract from it.
BACKGROUND Conventional chemotherapy in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) has minimal impact on patient survival due to the supposed chemoresistance of cancer stem cells (CSCs). We sought to identify a sub-population of chemoresistant cells by using putative CSC markers, aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and CD44 in three MPM cell lines; H28, H2052 and Meso4. METHODS The Aldefluor assay was used to measure ALDH activity and sort ALDH(high) and ALDH(low) cells. Drug-resistance was evaluated by cell viability, anchorage-independent sphere formation, flow-cytometry and qRT-PCR analyses. RESULTS The ALDH(high) - and ALDH(low) -sorted fractions were able to demonstrate phenotypic heterogeneity and generate spheres, the latter being less efficient, and both showed an association with CD44. Cis- diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cisplatin) treatment failed to reduce ALDH activity and conferred only a short-term inhibition of sphere generation in both ALDH(high) and ALDH(low) fractions of the three MPM cell lines. Induction of drug sensitivity by an ALDH inhibitor, diethylaminobenzaldehyde (DEAB) resulted in significant reductions in cell viability but not a complete elimination of the sphere-forming cells, suggestive of the presence of a drug-resistant subpopulation. At the transcript level, the cisplatin + DEAB-resistant cells showed upregulated mRNA expression levels for ALDH1A2, ALDH1A3 isozymes and CD44 indicating the involvement of these markers in conferring chemoresistance in both ALDH(high) and ALDH(low) fractions of the three MPM cell lines. CONCLUSIONS Our study shows that ALDH(high) CD44(+) cells are implicated in conveying tolerance to cisplatin in the three MPM cell lines. The combined use of CD44 and ALDH widens the window for identification and targeting of a drug-resistant population which may improve the current treatment modalities in mesothelioma.
Voting power is commonly measured using a probability. But what kind of probability is this? Is it a degree of belief or an objective chance or some other sort of probability? The aim of this paper is to answer this question. The answer depends on the use to which a measure of voting power is put. Some objectivist interpretations of probabilities are appropriate when we employ such a measure for descriptive purposes. By contrast, when voting power is used to normatively assess voting rules, the probabilities are best understood as classical probabilities, which count possibilities. This is so because, from a normative stance, voting power is most plausibly taken to concern rights and thus possibilities. The classical interpretation also underwrites the use of the Bernoulli model upon which the Penrose/Banzhaf measure is based.
In Plato’s dialogues, the Phaedo, Laches, and Republic, Socrates warns his interlocutors about the dangers of misology. Misology is explained by analogy with misanthropy, not as the hatred of other human beings, but as the hatred of the logos or reasonable discourse. According to Socrates, misology arises when a person alternates between believing an argument to be correct, and then refuting it as false. If Socrates is right, then misanthropy is sometimes instilled when a person goes from trusting people to learning that others sometimes betray our reliance and expectations, and finally not to placing any confidence whatsoever in other people, or, in the case of misology, in the correctness or trustworthiness of arguments. A cynical indifference to the soundness of arguments generally is sometimes associated with Socrates’ polemical targets, the Sophists, at least as Plato represents Socrates’ reaction to these itinerant teachers of rhetoric, public speaking and the fashioning of arguments suitable to any occasion. Socrates’ injunctions against misology are largely moral, pronouncing it ‘shameful’ and ‘very wicked’, and something that without further justification we must ‘guard against’, maintaining that we will be less excellent persons if we come to despise argument as lacking the potential of leading to the truth. I examine Socrates’ moral objections to misology which I show to be inconclusive. I consider instead the problem of logical coherence in the motivations supposedly underlying misology, and conclude that misology as Socrates intends the concept is an emotional reaction to argumentation on the part of persons who have not acquired the logical dialectical skills or will to sort out good from bad arguments. We cannot dismiss argument as directed toward the truth unless we have a strong reason for doing so, and any such argument must itself presuppose that at least some reasoning can be justified in discovering and justifying belief in interesting truths. The relevant passages from Socrates’ discussion of the soul’s immortality in the Phaedo are discussed in detail, and set in scholarly background against Socrates’ philosophy more generally, as represented by Plato’s dialogues. I conclude by offering a suggestive list of practical remedies to avoid the alienation from argument in dialectic with which Socrates is concerned.