868 resultados para rhetoric and philosophy


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Analisar a retórica construída por Frei Caneca e reconstruir seu pensamento comunicacional, argumentando que a atividade desenvolvida na imprensa o credencia como matriz do jornalismo brasileiro, constituem os objetivos desta pesquisa. Trata-se de estudo exploratório, apoiado em fontes bibliográficas e documentais, com a intenção de compreender o contexto histórico da retórica e do jornalismo brasileiro na época. Para caracterizar o jornalismo praticado por Frei Caneca foi aplicado o método misto quantitativo e qualitativo da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicaram que Frei Caneca, por meio da retórica, iniciou a produção de um jornalismo argumentativo estruturado, pois seus textos tinham base teórica. Desta maneira, contribuiu para o avanço dos estudos de Teoria do Jornalismo ao fazer uma leitura brasileira da retórica e da eloquência.


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This paper explores the economic thinking behind the UK Coalition government’s new framework for achieving local growth and the creation of Local Enterprise Partnerships in England. It does so in the light of recent debates about ‘space-neutral’ and ‘place-based’ policymaking. While the British government states its ambition to achieve greater spatial and industrial balance across England (and by implication the UK), we argue that so far at least there is a mismatch between the ‘rhetoricand ‘policies’ of local growth and its limitations. These relate to inconsistencies in the way that the different competing economic ideas in circulation within government have been adopted in practice. As a result, the paper highlights six key disconnects and limitations of the economics behind the move in England to local growth.


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This paper empirically examines a corporate community involvement (CCI) initiative in Bangladesh. Drawing on a conceptual framework of 'collaborative betterment' and 'collaborative empowerment' and by using focus group discussions and interviews, it assesses the initiative to examine the extent to which it meets expectations of the community where it operates. Some of the key findings of the paper include: (i) although the initiative provides vital healthcare services to some of the most vulnerable and desperately poor communities, the level of actual engagement of the local people - the main stakeholders - has been marginal; (ii) when the principles of collaborative betterment and empowerment are considered, it can be concluded that the initiative struggles even as a 'betterment' process; and (iii) notwithstanding the rhetoric and high-blown statements, corporate role in terms of practical efforts in the field has been mostly superficial and limited. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.


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Background. Schizophrenia affects up to 1% of the population in the UK. People with schizophrenia use the National Health Service frequently and over a long period of time. However, their views on satisfaction with primary care are rarely sought. Objectives. This study aimed to explore the elements of satisfaction with primary care for people with schizophrenia. Method. A primary care-based study was carried out using semi-structured interviews with 45 patients with schizophrenia receiving shared care with the Northern Birmingham Mental Health Trust between 1999 and 2000. Results. Five major themes that affect satisfaction emerged from the data: the exceptional potential of the consultation itself; the importance of aspects of the organization of primary care; the construction of the user in the doctor-patient relationship; the influence of stereotypes on GP behaviour; and the importance of hope for recovery. Conclusion. Satisfaction with primary care is multiply mediated. It is also rarely expected or achieved by this group of patients. There is a significant gap between the rhetoric and the reality of user involvement in primary care consultations. Acknowledging the tensions between societal and GP views of schizophrenia as an incurable life sentence and the importance to patients of hope for recovery is likely to lead to greater satisfaction with primary health care for people with schizophrenia.


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Neste ensaio pretendemos problematizar algumas lógicas sociais não explícitas que se articulam ao domínio de realização da Copa do Mundo FIFA. Para tanto, privilegiamos como recorte analítico a edição de 2010 deste evento, de modo a desvelarmos algumas das retóricas e ações estratégicas que permearam o contexto de sua realização na África do Sul. Com base em dados obtidos na literatura acadêmica e mídia, buscamos apresentar que as motivações para o evento se baseavam em discursos desenvolvimentistas por parte tanto da FIFA quanto das elites locais sul-africanas visando o convencimento e apoio por parte de diferentes grupos sociais. Entretanto, as consequências não foram necessariamente aquelas prometidas, sendo essas instituições as reais beneficiadas em seus interesses econômicos e políticos. Nesse ponto, argumentamos que a sociedade brasileira pode e deve aprender com essa experiência para avaliar de forma crítica os motivos menos aparentes de sediar eventos desse porte. In this essay, we intend to discuss some social logics not explicit that articulate the domain of the FIFA World Cup. Therefore, the 2010 edition of this event is used as analytical approach to reveal some of the rhetoric and strategic actions that permeated the context of its realization. Based on data obtained in the academic literature and media, we present that the motivations for the event were based on developmental discourses by both FIFA as well as local elites South African aiming to convince different social groups and conquer their support. However, the consequences are not necessarily those promised, and these institutions were the real beneficiaries in their economic and political mutual interests. At this point, we argue that Brazilian society can and should learn from the experience of South Africa to assess critically the motives less apparent to host such events.


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Over the past two decades, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has allegedly developed nuclear energy while suffering near collapse caused by catastrophic economic policies. This article presents an evaluation of North Korea's contemporary energy policies and suggests that despite retaining communist ideals and "Chu'che" policies, North Korea has slowly started to modernise its energy sector and recognises the necessity to start engaging with the international community. While it is argued that Pyongyang's newfound concerns for sustainable development, equity and the environment are a welcomed departure from its usual belligerent rhetoric and present a number of exciting engagement opportunities, the regime has not abandoned its nuclear energy programme.


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We investigated family members’ lived experience of Parkinson’s disease (PD) aiming to investigate opportunities for well-being. A lifeworld-led approach to healthcare was adopted. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to explore in-depth interviews with people living with PD and their partners. The analysis generated four themes: It’s more than just an illness revealed the existential challenge of diagnosis; Like a bird with a broken wing emphasizing the need to adapt to increasing immobility through embodied agency; Being together with PD exploring the kinship within couples and belonging experienced through support groups; and Carpe diem! illuminated the significance of time and fractured future orientation created by diagnosis. Findings were interpreted using an existential-phenomenological theory of well-being. We highlighted how partners shared the impact of PD in their own ontological challenges. Further research with different types of families and in different situations is required to identify services required to facilitate the process of learning to live with PD. Care and support for the family unit needs to provide emotional support to manage threats to identity and agency alongside problem-solving for bodily changes. Adopting a lifeworld-led healthcare approach would increase opportunities for well-being within the PD illness journey.


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Az elmúlt néhány évben a külföldi sajtóban és szakmai publikációkban egyre többször jelenik meg a „lean egészségügy”, azaz a karcsú menedzsment alkalmazása az egészségügyben mint téma. Habár az ez irányú kutatások még nemzetközi szinten is csak legfeljebb a hajnalukon tartanak, Magyarországon még szinte teljes a sötétség. Ennek a cikknek az a célja, hogy egyrészről felhívja a kutatók, de még inkább a egészségügyi dolgozók, menedzserek figyelmét erre a menedzsmenteszközre és filozófiára, mely új lehetőségeket kínál, másrészről, hogy áttekintést adjon a területen végzett nemzetközi kutatások eredményeiről. A tanulmány ennek megfelelően alapvetően két részre bontható. Az első felében az egészségügyi szolgáltatások helyzetének rövid jellemzése után a karcsú menedzsment alapjait és az egészségügyi szolgáltatásokban való alkalmazásának eszményét mutatja be. A második fele ugyanakkor 16 esettanulmány elemzésén keresztül bemutatja, hogy meddig jutott a világ a „lean egészségügy” ideájának megvalósításában. _______ In the past few years “Lean Healthcare” – the adaptation of lean management into healthcare settings – turns up as a topic often and often in foreign press and the in the professional publications. Although researches at international level in this field are at best at their dawning, in Hungary the darkness is almost complete. This article aims at one side to draw researchers’ and even more healthcare employees’ and managers’ attention to this management tool and philosophy, which offers new possibilities. From the other side to provide an overview of the results of the researches conducted in this field. Reflecting this doubled aim the study is divided into two major sections. In the first part the situation of the health care providers is shortly described followed by the introduction of the basics of the lean management and the idea of applying it into healthcare services. While the second part of the study shows how far the World reached in realizing the idea of “Lean Healthcare” by analyzing 16 cases.


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This study was to explore the psychoanalytic process that writers experience when they write memoirs. With psychoanalytic theory, the findings were that when writers compose memoirs which include repressed information, the writer's word choice or word block is heavily influenced by his/her own moral code. This idea led to the assertions that first, we are fragmented because of the discordance that arises between the structures of morality and language, the latter which includes good and evil; second, when we write memoirs, we must create a fictional identity that allows the different fragments of identity to operate under the illusion of continuity that language provides; and third, the language we use may transcend our repressed information into consciousness. The conclusion was that when past immoral truths are uncovered, the various fragments with their selfish aims and the fictional identity cease to exist in the wake of being. ^


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Many culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) struggle with the writing process. Particularly, they have difficulties developing and expanding ideas, organizing and elaborating sentences, and revising and editing their compositions (Graham, Harris, & Larsen, 2001; Myles, 2002). Computer graphic organizers offer a possible solution to assist them in their writing. This study investigated the effects of a computer graphic organizer on the persuasive writing compositions of Hispanic middle school students with SLD. A multiple baseline design across subjects was used to examine its effects on six dependent variables: number of arguments and supporting details, number and percentage of transferred arguments and supporting details, planning time, writing fluency, syntactical maturity (measured by T-units, the shortest grammatical sentence without fragments), and overall organization. Data were collected and analyzed throughout baseline and intervention. Participants were taught persuasive writing and the writing process prior to baseline. During baseline, participants were given a prompt and asked to use paper and pencil to plan their compositions. A computer was used for typing and editing. Intervention required participants to use a computer graphic organizer for planning and then a computer for typing and editing. The planning sheets and written composition were printed and analyzed daily along with the time each participant spent on planning. The use of computer graphic organizers had a positive effect on the planning and persuasive writing compositions. Increases were noted in the number of supporting details planned, percentage of supporting details transferred, planning time, writing fluency, syntactical maturity in number of T-units, and overall organization of the composition. Minimal to negligible increases were noted in the mean number of arguments planned and written. Varying effects were noted in the percent of transferred arguments and there was a decrease in the T-unit mean length. This study extends the limited literature on the effects of computer graphic organizers as a prewriting strategy for Hispanic students with SLD. In order to fully gauge the potential of this intervention, future research should investigate the use of different features of computer graphic organizer programs, its effects with other writing genres, and different populations.


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The industry has not clearly focused on many important problems, such as rewarding service workers based on productivity. Instead, many industry leaders have focused on "straw men issues," issues that are more rhetoric than substance. The authors examine some of these so-called is- sues in detail: governmental wage policies, immigration laws, the quality of the work force, service worker training, and gratuity management, to provide a fresh look at worker productivity beyond the rhetoric and myths that prevail


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J.R.R. Tolkien was not only an author of fantasy but also a philologist who theorized about myth. Theorists have employed various methods of analyzing myth, and this thesis integrates several analyses, including Tolkien’s. I address the roles of doctrine, ritual, cross-cultural patterns, mythic expressions in literature, the literary effect of myth, evolution of language and consciousness, and individual invention over inheritance and diffusion. Beyond Tolkien’s English and Catholic background, I argue for eclectic influence on Tolkien, including resonance with Buddhism. Tolkien views mythopoeia, literary mythmaking, in terms of sub-creation, human invention in the image of God as creator. Key mythopoetic tools include eucatastrophe, the happy ending’s sudden turn to poignant joy, and enchantment, the realization of imagined wonder, which is epitomized by the character of Tom Bombadil and contrasted with modernist techno-magic seeking to alter and dominate the world. I conclude by interpreting Tolkien’s mythmaking as a form of mysticism.


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People of the Jewish faith base their belief on the written word of the Torah. Presented in this paper are fine artists that produce work within these laws. The Torah sets guidelines for life and morality. The belief system within this domain is that visual images have an impact on the viewers, and artists are accountable for what they produce. This is in opposition with art education, where freedom of expression takes precedence over morality. The results of this study will form the basis for a curriculum for the community college. The researcher's area of inquiry is directed to painting and sculpture made by artists of the Jewish faith who follow the Torah, meaning those who are observant of their faith and practices. Their skills and perceptions will be presented to educate the viewer about their visions. The research questions were posed to rabbinical authorities and artists in order to establish a clear and defined statement of what the Jewish law is regarding the fine arts. The evidence presented was obtained by questionnaires, personal interviews, articles, and opinions from Jewish scholars. Four rabbis were selected based on their erudition on Torah law, and their strong leadership positions in Jewish educational institutions. The ten artists were selected based on recommendations from art historians, and art and gallery directors. The artists and the rabbis were mailed questionnaires, which was followed by an interview. The conclusion from this study is that fine artists are encouraged to use their talents, this is supported by the Torah text, and rabbinic explanation. The restriction for the Jewish artist is in making a replication of a realistic full-scale figure, making a visual rendition of G-d, a nude, or violent image. Art is made by the observant Jew with the intention of enhancing the world with visions inspired by their belief in the Torah. A crucial belief in Judaism is that there is but one G-d, and all man-made images should reflect the majesty of G-d's creations.


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Gravel Music is a collection of poems, encompassing a wide range of styles from free verse to sonnets, including several unique forms, using rhyme where it was deemed pertinent, but also operating in a deconstructive mode where prosody is concerned. The book is divided into three sections. Poems in the first section strive toward political and critical utterance, addressing Marxism, Darwinism, neo-pragmatism, and humanism in a sequence of interrogations of the barriers between aesthetics, politics, critical theory, and philosophy, hoping to find traces of truth, fact, and authenticity that transcend category. The second section is comprised of a single lyrical narrative which follows a married couple as they interact on their small farm in late Autumn, addressing themes of literacy, love, and domesticity. The third section continues the focus on domestic life, but also addresses themes of nostalgia for childhood and lost love. The poems of this section move away from the formal, socio-political outbursts of the first section, instead operating primarily through persona and voice, bringing the book to a quiet, personal close.


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The importance of the Professionals Master in the field of science education is revealed by the recognition that they provide, to practicing teachers, in particular, training spaces for reflection and application of knowledge. This work appears in the context of the project "Research and training in teaching science and mathematics: a cutout of academic production in the northeast and overview of formative action in basic education" on the Centre for Education program, which main objective was to conduct studies description, analysis and evaluation of the academic production of Postgraduate Programs in Science Teaching of UFRPE, UFRN and UEPB and investigate the contribution of continuing education in stricto sensu level, of graduated teachers to improve the quality of basic education . We sought to examine a cut of academic production PPGECNM / UFRN, taking as reference dissertations of Natural Sciences, finished between the years 2005 and 2012, which have developed and applied educational products for high school students. More specifically we sought to conduct a general characterization of the dissertations analyzed for basic descriptors, to understand if and how the official documents governing the Brazilian education, especially science education, subsidized development of dissertations and identify current trends for science teaching are addressed and which ones are used in preparing the product of dissertations. The survey was based on documentary analysis, a type of qualitative approach in which the documents are objects of study in themselves. The results revealed that most of the work was developed in public schools, on subjects of physics and chemistry. During analytical reading of the text of the dissertations was observed that, in its construction, most of them addressed somehow, official documents governing the Brazilian educational system, that the products are basically teaching units and teaching approaches that are more focused on Experimentation and History and Philosophy of Science