962 resultados para philosophy and culture


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Esse estudo procura investigar as origens do conceito de Bildung tal como ele é formulado no domínio dos textos que Nietzsche escreve entre 1858, época de sua formação secundária no Gymnasium, instituição de ensino neo-humanista da Alemanha do século XIX, e 1876, ano em que rompe definitivamente com Wagner, e quando parece abandonar certas expectativas a respeito de sua atividade como professor na Universidade de Basiléia, onde lecionava desde 1869. Entre esses dois limites cronológicos, é possível observar uma formulação desse conceito que sustenta o que poderíamos chamar de sua primeira filosofia da cultura, que atualiza e redimensiona uma série de tradições filosóficas, institucionais, sociais e estéticas, buscando uma unidade justamente no confronto com elas. A pesquisa que procuro empreender aqui pretende identificar os processos que derivaram nesse confronto e o tipo de tratamento sintético que Nietzsche deu aos problemas que lhe eram contemporâneos As conferências Sobre o futuro de nossos estabelecimentos de ensino, pronunciadas em Basiléia no inverno de 1872, funcionam como lugar privilegiado desse tratamento, enquanto criticam duramente a cultura e suas instituições na Alemanha da época e tentam definir as bases para o que seria o resgate da verdadeira cultura.


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Esse estudo tem por objetivo principal analisar as reflexões do filósofo e psicanalista teórico esloveno Slavoj iek acerca dos impactos subjetivos das transformações normativas ocorridas no Ocidente nos últimos cinqüenta anos. O problema do chamado declínio do Simbólico passou a ser amplamente discutido pela comunidade de psicanalistas lacanianos na qual se insere o filósofo a partir do final da década de 1990, o que constituiu uma inovação em um campo fortemente influenciado pela concepção estruturalista da subjetividade. Situando o autor como pioneiro na utilização de ferramentas conceituais lacanianas para a análise do social, o estudo divide-se em duas partes. Na primeira delas, exponho as bases teóricas do pensamento de iek, contextualizando o seu itinerário intelectual e político, e abordando as suas três linhas fundamentais de investigação: a filosofia política, a discussão sobre o ato ético e a ontologia do sujeito. Assim, o primeiro capítulo retraça o percurso que vai dos primeiros estudos sobre o funcionamento ideológico nos regimes totalitários à abordagem pop filosófica da ideologia na atualidade. Em seguida, apresento a sua redescrição da noção de comunismo à luz da tese dos novos antagonismos do capitalismo tardio. Por fim, trato da perspectiva universalista do filósofo a partir de sua leitura materialista do cristianismo, lançando mão sobretudo dos estudos de Alain Badiou sobre São Paulo. No segundo capítulo, delineamos as coordenadas centrais da concepção de sujeito em iek, cuja originalidade reside na articulação das formulações de Lacan e Hegel. As noções de grande Outro, objeto pequeno a, pulsão de morte e negatividade são tomadas como os pilares nos quais se assenta a descrição do sujeito iekiano. Na segunda parte do estudo, examinamos as teses de iek a respeito das relações entre subjetividade e cultura, com ênfase nos novos impasses que daí decorrem. As inibições que sucedem à injunção de gozar sem entraves, a melancolização do laço social, as metamorfoses da culpa, a vitimologia e a culpabilização do Outro são os tópicos centrais que sobressaem desse recorte. Nessa parte do trabalho, as reflexões de iek são cotejadas com as análises de autores de orientação lacaniana, considerados representativos desse tipo de discussão, como Jean-Pierre Lebrun, Charles Melman, Dany-Robert Dufour e Roland Chemama. Pretende-se com isso enriquecer a discussão, apontando as aproximações e distâncias que o pensamento de iek entretém com os referidos autores. O capítulo final do trabalho é consagrado ao exame crítico da démarche iekiana acerca do declínio do Simbólico. Dois tópicos de seu discurso são analisados, a saber: a) seu posicionamento ambivalente no que tange à crítica do catastrofismo; b) seu esforço de expurgar da noção de ato ético na qual ele quer encontrar saídas para os embaraços engendrados pelo dito declínio do Simbólico qualquer traço de pertencimento à tradição moral judaico-cristã, guardando dessa tradição apenas o exemplo do aspecto formal do ato. Para empreender tal exame, nos servimos, de um lado, do estudo crítico do sociólogo francês Alain Ehrenberg sobre a declinologia noção por ele cunhada para se referir ao conjunto de estudos que enfatizam o atual risco da dissolução dos laços sociais , e de outro lado, nos apoiamos na concepção de ética do filósofo neo-pragmatista Richard Rorty.


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A questão central que norteou este estudo relaciona-se às dimensões político-pedagógicas das atividades extensionistas. No sentido de investigar maneiras pelas quais a Extensão Universitária pode colaborar para a formação de um senso ético para a atuação no setor saúde, em consonância com os princípios do SUS, nos debruçamos especificamente sobre narrativas de estudantes de medicina acerca suas experiências em ações extensionistas para compreender acerca do desenvolvimento de valores e virtudes condizentes com a prática do cuidado integral em saúde. Afirmando o caráter sócio-filosófico desta pesquisa, optamos pelo referencial teórico de Hannah Arendt, num desafio epistemológico de fazer dialogar Filosofia e Saúde Coletiva. Tal estratégia mostrou-se coerente com a escolha metodológica de utilizar a narrativa como substância para análise e discussão a que este estudo se propunha, pois, desse modo, foi possível atentar-nos à humanidade das experiências narradas, às histórias e às memórias, valorizando os significados das experiências formativas atribuídos pelos sujeitos. Foram construídas dez narrativas sobre experiências de formação e de participação em ações extensionistas, seguindo o procedimento metodológico de gravação das entrevistas em profundidade, transcrição dos áudios, transcriação e validação das narrativas pelos próprios sujeitos narradores. De estratégia metodológica, a utilização de narrativas constituiu espaço importante na análise dos dados empíricos, sendo possível afirmar que a participação em atividades de extensão universitária possibilitou o exercício de certa competência narrativa como ferramenta que aponta para o cuidado integral em saúde. Um fenômeno que ganhou espaço nas narrativas aponta para o surgimento e organização das Ligas Acadêmicas na FCMUERJ. Assinalamos para a necessidade de que haja um permanente zelo institucional em relação à criação e manejo das Ligas. Se, por um lado, essas possuem potencialidades em termos do processo formativo, por outro é preciso atentar para o provimento aos estudantes de espaços de reflexão crítica sobre as ações das Ligas e permitir que essas ações estejam em conformidade com as propostas político-pedagógicas da instituição. Perscrutando as narrativas em seus aspectos éticos, foi possível inferir que, ao participar de atividades extensionistas, o estudante desenvolve, para além de uma competência narrativa, a possibilidade de alargar sua imaginação e seu pensamento num exercício de reconhecimento do outro. O desenvolvimento dessa virtude não se opera simplesmente por meio da empatia, mas pela possibilidade de trazer à faculdade do pensamento o ponto de vista, a cultura, a experiência de sofrimento do outro. Concluímos com a aposta numa extensão universitária enquanto espaço potente para radicalizar a educação como processo político de produção de subjetividades.


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[ES] En el «Ión» Platón funda la hermenéutica occidental, no la práctica de la exégesis. Para ello debe rechazar el liderazgo de la poesía. Y en un triple frente. Como saber, la poesía no distingue entre significante y significado, y considera la interpretación como un mero descifrado, no como un análisis de la verdad y falsedad del significado. Como discurso legitimador, es una liturgia, no una funcionalización técnica, además de que oculta el conflicto en que toda sociedad consiste. Como competencia interactiva, el poeta no es autónomo, sino alienado, y pone en juego la emotividad, no la racionalidad. Desde este breve diálogo, la filosofía y la literatura se han disociado dramáticamente en la cultura occidental.


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Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is the single most important species for aquaculture in the state of Karnataka, India, where it is generally grown in polyculture with Indian major carps. Precocious maturation and unwanted reproduction in the species have been identified as constraints to increase production in aquaculture and culture-based fisheries in Karnataka state. Stocks of C. carpio obtained from Hungary (Amur and P3), Indonesia (Rajdanu) and Vietnam (SV) are being assessed alongside two local stocks (L-BRP and L-FRS) in a series of culture performance trials with the objective of setting up a base population for selective breeding. The paper presents progress of research being undertaken at the Fisheries Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India.


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Between 1999 and 2003, the WorldFish Center in Solomon Islands conducted research into the feasibility of a new fishery based on the capture and culture of postlarval coral reef fish for the live fish trade. The work was carried out in two phases: a research phase from late 1999 to the end of 2002; and a “finetuning” phase in 2003. Most of the species were of value to the marine aquarium trade, with very few live reef food fish recorded. The most valuable ornamentals were the banded cleaner shrimp, Stenopus species. Cleaner shrimp were harvested using crest nets, the method being modified with the addition of a solid, water-retaining cod-end designed to increase survival at capture. Grow-out techniques were improved by rearing the shrimp separately in jars to prevent aggression. The jars were painted black to protect the shrimp from sunlight. An economic model using experimental catch data and farm gate prices indicates that the fishery based on shrimp, supplemented with small numbers of lobster and fish is economically viable. The next step will be setting up a demonstration farm in a village in the Western Province of Solomon Islands.


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China has a very rich genetic diversity in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and the red common carp plays an important role in Chinese aquaculture and genetic studies. Selective breeding, particularly crossbreeding has been applied successfully to red common carps in China, and the products of these efforts have been in commercial use since the 1970s. However, knowledge of the quantitative and molecular genetics of these carps is limited. Studies were therefore undertaken to: (1) understand the genetic diversity and genetic relationship of red common carps in China; (2) understand the inheritance of color phenotype of Oujiang color carp; (3) select stable Oujiang color carp with fast growth rate and ornamental Oujiang color carp comparable with the Koi common carp from Japan; (4) study the culture performance and culture systems suitable for the Oujiang color carp in cages and paddies; (5) extend better quality fish and appropriate culture systems for small scale fish farmers in poor areas.


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China's marine aquaculture landings provide only 18% of its combined freshwater and amrine capture and culture landings, at a per-capita consumption of only 3.2 kg/yr out of a total of 18.1 kg/yr. We described development and some of the results of long-term mariculture and stocking/enhancement projects that have been underway for up to 20 years in the Hangzhou Bay area. Penaeus orientalis (also referred to as P. chinensis) stocking provided up to 400 t/yr, at a total cost-benefit ratio of up to 8 Yuan of landed shrimp per Yuan invested in shrimp stocking. Over 40 t of Penaeus orientalis were produced commercially in 1993, with proceeds being used to fund mariculture and fisheries research. Large scale edible jellyfish restocking is also underway, while semicommercial culture of abalone, Haliotis diversicolor, has been successful. Technical problems limitig mariculture have been solved successfully for some species.


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Thai pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus is one of the important aquaculture species in Bangladesh. Over the last few years spectacular development has been taking place in Thai pangas farming in Mymensingh district. Due to availability of easy breeding and culture techniques as well as quick return, more and more people are converting their rice fields into pangas farms overnight. The present study was carried out to examine health and disease status of Thai pangas mainly through clinical, histopathological and bacteriological techniques. In addition, for collecting primary data on disease and health status of Thai pangas and the resultant socioeconomic impacts on rural households, questionnaire interview and participatory rural appraisal tools were used with selected farming households in three upazilas of Mymensingh district. The most prevalent diseases as reported by the farmers were red spot, followed by anal protrusion, tail and fin rot, pop eye, dropsy and gill rot. Other conditions like cotton wool type lesion, ulceration and white spot were reported but with lower incidence. Four isolates of Aeromonas hydrophila were recovered from kidney and lesion of diseased fish. Hemorrhage over the body especially near mouth and caudal region was noticed in the fishes associated with aeromonad infection. Internally, kidney, liver and spleen became swollen and enlarged. The isolates varied with their pathogenicity. All the four isolates were sensitive to Nitrofurantoin, Cotrimoxazole and Tetracycline but were resistant to Amoxycilline. An attempt was made to treat diseased fish with extracts from neem leaf, garlic and turmeric. Recovery of infection was monitored through mortality and histopathology. General histopathological changes of different organs were also studied. Extract from neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf gave better result. Telangiectasis, lamellar hypertrophy and hyperplasia hemorrhage, lamellar fusion, necrosis of lamellar epithelial cells, presence of parasites and their cysts were the major pathology of gills. Hemorrhagic lesion, pyknotic nuclei and melanomacrophage centers (MMC) were found in the liver of fish. Major pathologies in kidney of fish included presence of MMC, necrotic and ruptured kidney tubules, severe haemopoietic necrosis, and hemorrhage. The economic loss due to disease in Thai pangas farming was estimated from the difference between expected production and actual production. On an average, Thai pangas farmers of Mymensingh incur a loss of Tk. 23,104/ha/cycle due to fish disease (3.6% of expected total production). The loss, however, varied with location and size of farms, type of farmers and management practices. The study also highlighted fish health management related problems and recommended further work for the development of user-friendly farmer-oriented fish health management packages.


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Diatom culture and larval feeding experiments were conducted to test the viability and acceptability of preserved algal concentrates. C. calcitrans is characterised by the presence of setae which keep them suspended in cultures and make autoflocculation very difficult. Flocculation was induced by the addition of a floc-forming chemical. Using the optimum conditions, it was possible to harvest the algae within 1-h settling time and with about 84% recovery. The viability of frozen Chaetoceros was determined by actual cell reproduction. Preliminary feeding experiments showed that Chaetoceros can be successfully used as a substitute for fresh diatoms as feed for Penaeus monodon larvae. Simple freezing techniques, with or without the use of protectants has been found convenient for preserving algal concentrates in small volumes for both feeding and culture purposes.


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The growth of Skeletonema costatum in two artificial nutrient media was studied using various culture vessels. Skeletonema costatum was collected from the Cox's Bazar coast around the Bay of Bengal. Different growths stages i.e. lag phase, exponential phase, prestationary phase, stationary and death phase were observed during the culture period. The number of cells increased during the active division period and decreased after the beginning of the prestationary phase. The average densities of S. costatum in primary and secondary cultures were 0.55 x 10 super(6) cells mlˉ¹ and 0.93x10 super(6) cells mlˉ¹, respectively. In mass culture of S. costatum two, types of media were used. Highest cells densities of S. costatum cement tank culture were recorded 1.23x10 super(6) cell mlˉ¹ and 0.78x10 super(6) cells mlˉ¹ in their respective f/4 medium and commercial fertilizer medium. In the cement tanks culture fertilizer medium was found to be the best medium for mass culture of S. costatum in respect of production efficiency and culture stability.


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Schizothorax zarudnvi, is an endemic fish of east country waters. (Triple lagoons of Hamoon and relevant water resources) that in the world it is reported in this resource specially. This fish named Hamoon mahi is one of the most economically valuable species in this region. Because of the recent years droughts, Hamoon logoon has been drive since 2000. Also, semi-wells (a semi natural resource) were affected drastically by recent drought years and their volume reduced to nearly one third of their real volume and resulted in changing at growth and reproduction physiology process in Schizothorax zanidnyi, brood stocks. Beginning of this project was done from October 2003. It's field studies begun (brood catching) since November 2001 by two methods including entangling gairs and at semi wells of Sistan that (Beach seine) had maximum rate of preparing qualified brood stocks. Broods transferred to Cyprinidea reproduction work shop of Zahak and after taking primary measures they stored in to the edaphic pools. Increasing the success safety factor (coefficient) for artificial reproduction of Sthizothorax zarudnyi , identifying the appropriate tune for Hormonal acceptance (physiological preparation of broods) is needed , so this important work was done regularly by histological studies and GSI measurements since November. Highest GSI rates of females (%80.51) and highest IV stage abundance of sexual maturity (%l 00) were observed an march. On the base of this date, Hormone therapy was done on broods on march. The used hormones are as follows Hypophysis. extraction, GnRHa and Anti Dopamin at the dozes of 3-6 ml, 20-30kg and 10-15 ml per kg body weight respectively and 2-3 times from 11-12-80 they were injected. Injected broods kept in to two circumstances, flow-through (rounded pool) and stagnant systems. In stagnant system 14 and 19 individuals of female and male (Schizothorax zauiulnri) broods, respectively injected in 11th, 15111, 19th, and 24th of march 1380. Non of the injected broods in 11 and 15 and 19th march (in stagnant Condition) answered to Hormone therapy. After final injection broods had general less activity and a few of them died. Mean temperature of brood pond waters (daily) which were injected. Fluctuated between 10-25-13. 63°c but injected broods on 24th march had different characteristics. They had pale color and had few fecundity. In this stage of injection they hadn't any successful vulation. After injection, Mean daily water temperature was 15, 88-17, 54°c. In Flowing system, 13-16 individual of males and females respectively were injected on 15th, 19th, 22th and 23th march. None of injected producers on 15th and 19th march with mean daily water temperature of 10, 25-12°c were prepared for spawning but injected producers on 22nd an 23th march with mean daily water temperature of 13.5-1 rc responded about 75-100 percent. (Schizothorax zarudnyi) brood stocks were prepared for spawning after 353-428 hours/day from final injection. Diameter of obtained eggs (before fertilization) was between 1.9-2.3 min and of fertilized eggs was 3.8mm. Fertilized eggs of (Schizothorax zarudnyi) were hatched after 6-7 days with mean water temperature of 17.08°c. Mean length of on one day larvae was 9.47 mm. Larvae was 9.47 mm. Larvae adsorbed the whole yolk sac after , 5-6 days at 17- 1°c and were prepared for releasing in to edaphic pools. Because of the lack of necessary and complementary facilities in the region , they had to release them in to veniros and growing them for 8 days. At the end of 18th day , 35000 larvae (at first) released into an edaphic pond with a volume of 150m2. After growing them for one moth , mean length and weight of new hatched larvae was 29.41 mm and 1.12►r , respectively. With respect to results of this investigation , artificial reproduction of (Schizothorax zarudnyi) Can be possible at 14-17°C and flowing water with Hormonal treatment. It -s breeding has increased development than other cultural specious in the region. Due to high economical value of this specious in Sistan and ti-s specialization east waters of Iran and having high resistance and proper growth There is a need of it's development and reproduction and culture in fish culture fanns (edaphic ponds• two-purpose pools) at the region and country.


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There are about 100 species of abalone in the world, but only 20 are of high commercial importance. In the Philippines, the abalone species are Haliotis asinina, H. varia, H. ovina and H.glabra, but it is the former which has high commercial value. The semi-processed abalone are frozen, dried or canned for export to many countries. An outline is given of the major aquaculture activities and duration of breeding and culture. Abalone hatchery production operations and investment costs and returns are detailed. Particular reference is made to the modular system of abalone culture in floating cages.


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Seabass (Lates calcarifer) are raised in ponds and cages in Southeast Asia. Details are given of the 2 phases involved in the pond and culture culture systems -- nursery and grow-out. Both monoculture and polyculture systems are used for pond production of seabass. Polyculture may involve milkfish and tilapia, groupers, seaweed, tilapia or snapper, grouper and shrimp.


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Our purpose is to not to define a particular philosophy of management, but rather to demonstrate some of the ways in which philosophy – ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, logic and æsthetics – contributes to the practice of management. We identify a number of contemporary management questions, procedures or issues where the application of philosophical approaches are relevant, and show how philosophical skills, an understanding of philosophical principles or exposure to philosophical discussion can contribute to improved management practice. In some ways the paper is a report on progress in the quest begun by Nigel Laurie and Christopher Cherry in the first issue of Philosophy of Management, formerly Reason in Practice (2001) when they asked why philosophers have interested themselves so little in the entire field of management. We include some examples where philosophers have written about management, some where managers have shown the direct impact of philosophy on management effectiveness and some where potential remains. In much we see links to process philosophy, and to the need for conversation and reflection by and between managers and philosophers. This does not of itself show how philosophy can contribute to management education. A brief final section discusses the way in which moral creativity skills can be developed through reflection, and describes how this has been done in the Manufacturing Leaders’ Programme at the Institute for Manufacturing at Cambridge and in the International Management Ethics & Values course taught to undergraduate management students in Adelaide, Singapore and Hong Kong. This will be taken up in a subsequent paper.