994 resultados para n1 guanyl 1,7 diaminoheptane


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A revision of literature was done with the objective of tracing an epidemiologic profile of neurocysticercosis (NCC) in Brazil. The prevalence was 0.12-9% in autopsies. The frequency was 0.03-7.5% in clinical series and 0.68-5.2% in seroepidemiological studies. The disease corresponds to 0.08-2.5% of admissions to general hospitals. Patient origin was rural in 30-63% of cases. The most involved age range (64-100%) was 11 to 60 years, with a predominance (22-67%) between 21 and 40 years. The male sex was the most affected (51-80%). In the severe forms there was a predominance of urban origin (53-62%) and of the female sex (53-75%). The period of hospitalization ranges from 1 to 254 days and 33 to 50% of patients suffer 1.7 ± 1.4 admissions. The clinical picture was variable, with a predominance of epileptic syndrome (22-92%) and intracranial hypertension (19-89%). Psychiatric manifestations were associated in 9-23% of patients. Lethality was 0.29% in terms of all diseases in general and 4.8-25.9% in terms of neurologic diseases. The asymptomatic form was detected in 6% of patients in clinical serie and in 48.5% of case from autopsies. The racemose form and ventricular localization also was observed as asymptomatic form. Among the patients with cutaneous cysticercosis 65% of them showed neurologic manifestations.


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RESUMO - Enquadramento: O envelhecimento da população ocorre em todas as sociedades desenvolvidas, resultando num aumento da prevalência da dependência funcional, associado recorrentemente à presença de doenças crónicas. Estes novos padrões demográficos, epidemiológicos, implicando populações vulneráveis com necessidades específicas, resultam em desafios incontestáveis. Como resposta a este novo paradigma, em 2006, Portugal implementa a Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados (RNCCI). Finalidade/objectivos: Caracterização da população com base no perfil das necessidades auto-referidas pelas pessoas com ≥65 anos, com algum nível de independência/dependência nas actividades de vida diária e/ou com pelo menos uma doença crónica. Pretende-se, ainda, desenvolver uma metodologia que permita simular cenários que contribuam para o planeamento do número de camas para internamento de carácter permanente em Unidades de Longa Duração e Manutenção (ULDM) da RNCCI. Metodologia: Construção de dois indicadores: índice de independência/dependência e existência ou não de doenças crónicas. Análise estatística e caracterização, individual e conjunta, das variáveis sociodemográficas, socioeconómicas, auto-avaliação do estado de saúde, nível de independência/dependência e/ou existência de pelo menos uma doença crónica. Simulação de cenários com base nas metas definidas pela RNCCI para 2013. Resultados e Conclusões: Da aplicação do índice de independência/dependência, resulta que 78,8% são independentes na realização das actividades de vida diária e 21,2% apresentam algum nível de dependência. À excepção do Centro, todas as regiões apresentam padrões similares. Globalmente, os resultados obtidos vão de encontro aos enunciados na literatura internacional, realçando-se apenas alguns mais pertinentes: Observa-se uma predominância de mulheres idosas. Destaca-se também uma relação directa entre a idade e os níveis de dependência. As variáveis socioeconómicas indicam que a existência de algum nível de dependência tende a ser mais frequente entre os que têm menor escolaridade e rendimento. Em média o estado de saúde é auto-avaliado como mau, piorando com o aumento da idade e níveis de dependência mais acentuados e melhorando com o aumento da escolaridade. Da simulação de cenários destaca-se que, face às 4 camas previstas nas metas de 2013, seria de alocar em média 1,7 camas ou 1 cama ao internamento permanente em ULDM. Trabalhar em rede implica canais de comunicação. A incorporação da distribuição espacial das necessidades e serviços com recurso aos sistemas de informação geográfica torna-se numa mais-valia. Possibilita avaliar hipóteses, análises sustentadas e disseminação de informação e resultados, contribuindo para um planeamento, monitorização e avaliação mais eficaz e eficiente das actividades do sector da saúde. ---------------------------------- ABSTRACT - Background: Population aging occurs in all developed societies resulting in an increased prevalence of functional dependence, frequently associated with the presence of chronic diseases. These new demographic and epidemiological patterns, which include dependency ad vulnerability situations, with specific needs, result in undeniable challenges. In response to this new paradigm, in 2006, Portugal implements the National Network for Integrated Care (RNCCI). Aim/Objectives: Characterize the population based on the self-reported needs of ≥65 year’s people, with some level of independence/dependency in activities of daily living and/or with at least one chronic disease. Also intends to develop a methodological approach that allows scenarios simulation which contributes to the planning of the number of permanent inpatient beds in Long Term Care Units (ULDM) of RNCCI. Methods: Construction of two indicators: independence/dependence index and existence of chronic diseases. Statistical analysis and characterization, individually and jointly, of sociodemographics, socioeconomics, selfassessment of health status, level of independence/dependence and/or existence of at least one chronic disease variables. Scenarios simulation based on RNCCI targets set for 2013. Results and Conclusions: According with independence/dependence index, 78.8% are independent in carrying out the activities of daily living and 21.2% have some level of dependency. With the exception of the Centroregion, all regions have similar patterns. Generally, the results are concordant with international literature, highlighting here only some of the most relevant results: A predominance of older women is observed. A direct relationship between age and levels of dependence is emphasized. Socio-economic variables indicate that the existence of some level of dependency tends to be more frequent among those with lower income and education levels. On average, health status is self-assessed as poor, being even more critical with aging and higher dependency level. On the other hand, high education levels are related with better health status. Scenarios simulations highlights that, based on 4 beds considered in the 2013 planned goals, an average of 1.7 or 1 beds in ULDM should be allocated to permanent inpatient beds. Networking involves communication channels. The incorporation of spatial distribution of needs and services using geographical information systems becomes an added value. It enables hypothesis, evaluation, sustainable analysis and information and results dissemination, contributing to a more effective and efficient planning, monitoring and assessment of the health sector activities.


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We show here a simplified RT-PCR for identification of dengue virus types 1 and 2. Five dengue virus strains, isolated from Brazilian patients, and yellow fever vaccine 17DD as a negative control, were used in this study. C6/36 cells were infected and supernatants were collected after 7 days. The RT-PCR, done in a single reaction vessel, was carried out following a 1/10 dilution of virus in distilled water or in a detergent mixture containing Nonidet P40. The 50 µl assay reaction mixture included 50 pmol of specific primers amplifying a 482 base pair sequence for dengue type 1 and 210 base pair sequence for dengue type 2. In other assays, we used dengue virus consensus primers having maximum sequence similarity to the four serotypes, amplifying a 511 base pair sequence. The reaction mixture also contained 0.1 mM of the four deoxynucleoside triphosphates, 7.5 U of reverse transcriptase, 1U of thermostable Taq DNA polymerase. The mixture was incubated for 5 minutes at 37ºC for reverse transcription followed by 30 cycles of two-step PCR amplification (92ºC for 60 seconds, 53ºC for 60 seconds) with slow temperature increment. The PCR products were subjected to 1.7% agarose gel electrophoresis and visualized by UV light after staining with ethidium bromide solution. Low virus titer around 10 3, 6 TCID50/ml was detected by RT-PCR for dengue type 1. Specific DNA amplification was observed with all the Brazilian dengue strains by using dengue virus consensus primers. As compared to other RT-PCRs, this assay is less laborious, done in a shorter time, and has reduced risk of contamination


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Dairy foods comprise a range of products with varying nutritional content. The intake of dairy products (DPs) has been shown to have beneficial effects on body weight and body fat. This study aimed to examine the independent association between DP intake, body mass index (BMI), and percentage body fat (%BF) in adolescents. A cross-sectional, school-based study was conducted with 1,001 adolescents (418 boys), ages 15–18 years, from the Azorean Archipelago, Portugal. Anthropometric measurements were recorded (weight and height), and %BF was assessed using bioelectric impedance analysis. Adolescent food intake was measured using a self-administered, semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. Data were analyzed separately for girls and boys, and separate multiple linear regression analysis was used to estimate the association between total DP, milk, yogurt, and cheese intake, BMI, and %BF, adjusting for potential confounders. For boys and girls, respectively, total DP consumption was 2.6 ± 1.9 and 2.9 ± 2.5 servings/day (P = 0.004), while milk consumption was 1.7 ± 1.4 and 2.0 ± 1.7 servings/day (P = 0.001), yogurt consumption was 0.5 ± 0.6 and 0.4 ± 0.7 servings/day (P = 0.247), and cheese consumption was 0.4 ± 0.6 and 0.5 ± 0.8 servings/day (P = 0.081). After adjusting for age, birth weight, energy intake, protein, total fat, sugar, dietary fiber, total calcium intake, low-energy reporters, parental education, pubertal stage, and physical activity, only milk intake was negatively associated with BMI and %BF in girls (respectively, girls: β = −0.167, P = 0.013; boys: β = −0.019, P = 0.824 and girls: β = −0.143, P = 0.030; boys: β = −0.051, P = 0.548). Conclusion: We found an inverse association between milk intake and both BMI and %BF only in girls.


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RESUMO - A Paralisia Cerebral (PC) deve ser olhada como uma patologia do neurodesenvolvimento: a infância é um período de actividade exploratória por essência, a restrição motora condiciona as várias áreas do desenvolvimento. Contextos, apoios, oportunidades e experiências de vida serão determinantes no desenvolvimento de todo o seu potencial. Objectivos/finalidade: Identificar, descrever, comparar e analisar factores de risco associados à PC, sua caracterização multidimensional e integração escolar aos 5 e 10 anos. Procurou‐se contribuir para a sua prevenção primária e secundária, e obter dados para planeamento e implementação dos programas de apoio. Métodos: Adoptou‐se a abordagem do Programa Nacional de Vigilância da Paralisia Cerebral (PNVPC) e da Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE). Analisaram‐se factores de risco, competências funcionais, défices associados, severidade e integração escolar de duas populações de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, (nascimento 1996/1997‐2001/2002 e prevalência aos 5 e 10 anos). Descreveram‐se os dados, efectuaram‐se correlações, aplicaram‐se testes de independência e compararam‐se com dados dos nadovivos, dados nacionais e europeus. Analisaram‐se os factores que influenciaram a integração escolar através de métodos de regressão logística. Resultados/Conclusões/Recomendações: 1,65‰ e 1,57‰ dos nadovivos desenvolveram PC; a prevalência aos 5 anos foi de 1,7‰ e de 1,48‰; 5,9% e 7,9% faleceram antes dos 5 anos. Em 2001/2002 verificou‐se aumento de: PC espástica bilateral‐2/3membros, prematuridade, causa pos‐neonatal, níveis funcionais ligeiros e graves; percentil estaturo‐ponderal <3 (5‐anos). Diminuição de: disquinésia, anóxia e alguns défices associados. Destacaram‐se as associação: prematuridade e PC espástica bilateral‐ 2/3membros; nascer de termo e anóxia, disquinésia, primíparas, défices associados e severidade; infecção pré‐natal e QI<50, epilepsia e severidade; causa pos‐neonatal e PC espástica bilateral‐4membros e múltiplos défices. Aos 5 anos, as variáveis explicativas para a não inclusão escolar foram: QI<50 e epilepsia; uma elevada percentagem de crianças com PC moderada/grave encontrava‐se integrada; 75% das que se encontravam desintegradas mantiveram‐se nesta situação aos 10. Nesta idade, as variáveis explicativas para a não inclusão escolar foram: QI<50 e motricidade fina; 35,1% encontrava‐se fora do ensino regular; 4,5%, embora em idade de escolaridade obrigatória, não frequentavam qualquer estabelecimento escolar. Informação sistematizada, abrangente, objectiva, simples e acessível, sobre novos casos de PC, factores de risco, prevalência em idades‐chave e caracterização multidimensional constitui uma ferramenta clínica e epidemiológica, que deve sustentar as políticas de saúde, educacionais e sociais, contribuindo para a permanência destas crianças no ensino regular, trazendo às crianças e famílias o suporte que as encorajem e sustentem nestes processos. ABSTRACT ------- Cerebral Palsy (CP) must be recognized as a neurodevelopmental disorder: childhood is, on its nature, a period for exploring the environment and therefore motor deficit interferes with all developmental areas. The context, support, opportunities and life experiences are determinants for the development of his full potential. Objective/Aim: To identify, describe, compare and analyze CP risk factors the multidimensional characterization and school integration levels at the age of 5 and 10 years. We aim to contribute to CP primary and secondary prevention and provide information for service planning and implementation of support programs. Methods: The approach of National Cerebral Palsy Surveillance Programme (NCPSP) and Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE) were used. For two groups of children from Lisboa e Vale do Tejo region, birth data 1996/1997‐2001/2002 and prevalence at 5 and 10 years, were analyzed: CP risk factors, functional ability, associated impairments, severity and school integration settings. Data collected was described, analyzed using correlations, applied tests of independence and compared with new born data, national data and european data. To analyze the factors related to school inclusive settings, logistic regression was appealed. Results/Conclusions/Recommendations: 1,65% and 1,57‰ of the new‐born alive developed CP. The prevalence at 5 years was 1,7‰ and 1,48‰ 5,9% and 7,9% died before their 5th birthday. Bilateral spastic CP 2/3limb, preterm birth, cases of post‐neonatal origin, mild and sever functional impairment; weight and height percentile <3 at 5 years old Increased in 2001. Decreased dyskinetic CP, anoxia and some additional imparments. Were identified among other the association between prematurity and spastic bilateral CP‐2/3 members; born at term and anoxia, dyskinetic CP, first child, associated impairments and severity; prenatal infection and IQ<50, epilepsy and severity; post‐neonatal cause and spastic bilateral CP‐4 members and associated impairments. At 5‐years‐old the more explanatory variables for not be in a school inclusive settings were IQ<50 and epilepsy, a high percentage of children with moderate/severe CP was attending regular school, but most children who were out of inclusive settings at 5 years continue on this situations at 10‐years‐old. At this age the more explanatory variables for not be in a school inclusive settings were: IQ<50 and upper limb function; 35,1% were out of regular school; 4,5%, even in compulsory school age, are out of school. Standardized comprehensive, objective, simple and accessible information about CP new cases, risk factors, prevalence in the key‐age and children multidimensional characterization constitutes a clinical and epidemiological tool that should sustain health, educational and social policy. This would support the continuity of these children in regular schools, encouraging g them and their families in these processes.


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O vírus da hepatite delta (HDV) é o agente etiológico de uma das formas mais graves de hepatite viral e é ainda endémico em diversas regiões do globo, nomeadamente em África, na Amazónia e no Extremo Oriente. O HDV co-infecta ou super-infecta hepatócitos infectados com o vírus da hepatite B (HBV) aumentando em cerca de 10 vezes o risco de cirrose e hepatite fulminante. A associação clínica entre os dois vírus deve-se ao facto do invólucro do HDV ser constituído pelos antigénios de superfície do HBV (HBsAgs) que são necessários para a propagação da infecção. O genoma do HDV é constituído por uma molécula de RNA de cadeia simples, circular, com cerca de 1.7 Kb, que possui cerca de 70% de emparelhamento interno. Foi identificada uma única grelha de leitura aberta (ORF) no RNA viral que codifica para o antigénio delta (HDAg). A ocorrência de um mecanismo de editing do RNA, resulta na expressão de duas formas do HDAg, a pequena (S-HDAg) e a grande (L-HDAg). Várias funções essenciais para a replicação do HDV têm sido atribuídas a ambas as formas do HDAg, sendo a S-HDAg essencial para a acumulação de RNA viral e a L-HDAg responsável pela interacção com os HBsAgs para formar partículas virais. No entanto, dada a simplicidade dos seus componentes, admite-se que a replicação viral depende das interacções estabelecidas entre os HDAgs e factores celulares do hospedeiro. Apesar do número considerável de factores celulares descritos como interactores dos HDAgs ou RNA virais, a importância de muitas destas interacções não foi elucidada e muitas etapas do ciclo de replicação do HDV permanecem pouco claras. Para além disso, dado o número limitado de factores do hospedeiro que estão envolvidos na sua replicação, é muito provável que um número elevado de interactores do HDV permaneça por identificar. Este trabalho teve como objectivo a identificação de proteínas de fígado humano capazes de interagir com os HDAgs, utilizando o sistema yeast Two-Hybrid (YTH). Identificaram-se trinta proteínas com capacidade de interagir com a S-HDAg no sistema YTH, sendo que estas proteínas se encontram envolvidas em diferentes processos celulares. Com base nas características funcionais, foram seleccionadas três destas proteínas e as suas interacções com a S-HDAg foram investigadas com maior detalhe. As três proteínas seleccionadas foram a ribonucleoproteína nuclear heterogénea C (hnRNPC), a embryonic lethal abnormal vision like1 (ELAVL1/HuR) e a proteína 2 de ligação a EBNA1 (EBP2). As duas primeiras são proteínas de ligação a RNA, previamente descritas como envolvidas em processos de replicações de outros vírus com genoma RNA, enquanto a EBP2, é uma proteína de localização preferencialmente nucleolar, tal como por vezes acontece com os HDAgs. As interacções foram analisadas recorrendo a vários ensaios bioquímicos. No caso da hnRNPC e da HuR, após validação no sistema YTH, a capacidade de interacção com a S-HDAg foi confirmada quer in vitro por blot overlay quer in vivo por co-imunoprecipitação em células de hepatoma humano. Nas mesmas células, observou-se uma co-localização considerável entre os HDAgs e os RNAs virais. Finalmente, de modo a investigar a contribuição das proteínas hnRNPC e HuR na replicação do HDV, procedeu-se ao silenciamento destas proteínas pela utilização de short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) específicos para os mRNAs correspondentes Observou-se que o silenciamento de ambas as proteínas hnRNPC e HuR endógenas, individualmente resultou numa diminuição acentuada nos níveis de expressão dos HDAgs. No que respeita à EBP2, a interacção com a S-HDAg foi confirmada em condições in vitro com recurso a ensaios de blot overlay e de cromatografia de afinidade. A análise por imunofluorescência indirecta e microscopia confocal revelou co-localização elevada entre os HDAgs e a EBP2, principalmente nos nucléolos de células de hepatoma humano. Finalmente, foi ainda utilizado o sistema YTH para estudar os mecanismos de importação dos HDAgs. Assim, este sistema foi utilizado com o propósito de identificar proteínas celulares capazes de interagir com um domínio específico dos HDAgs, o sinal de localização nuclear (NLS). Na pesquisa YTH realizada obtiveram-se 161 clones positivos, sendo que um deles mostrou codificar para a carioferina α4 (KPNA4). A interacção da KPNA4 com a S-HDAg foi reproduzida em condições in vitro através de um ensaio de cromatografia de afinidade tendo sido utilizadas formas recombinantes das duas proteínas. Este trabalho permitiu identificar várias proteínas celulares que interagem com a S-HDAg. Obtiveram-se evidências sugestivas de que algumas das proteínas identificadas podem desempenhar funções importantes no ciclo de replicação do HDV e que abrem novas perspectivas para o estudo do ciclo de replicação do vírus.


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The CDIO Initiative is an open innovative educational framework for engineering graduation degrees set in the context of Conceiving – Designing – Implementing – Operating real-world systems and products, which is embraced by a network of worldwide universities, the CDIO collaborators. A CDIO compliant engineering degree programme typically includes a capstone module on the final semester. Its purpose is to expose students to problems of a greater dimension and complexity than those faced throughout the degree programme as well as to put them in contact with the so-called real world, in opposition to the academic world. However, even in the CDIO context, there are barriers that separate engineering capstone students from the real world context of an engineering professional: (i) limited interaction with experts from diverse scientific areas; (ii) reduced cultural and scientific diversity within the teams; and (iii) lack of a project supportive framework to foster the complementary technical and non-technical skills required in an engineering professional. To address these shortcomings, we propose the adoption of the European Project Semester (EPS) framework, a one semester student centred international capstone programme offered by a group of European engineering schools (the EPS Providers) as part of their student exchange programme portfolio. The EPS package is organised around a central module – the EPS project – and a set of complementary supportive modules. Project proposals refer to open multidisciplinary real world problems and supervision becomes coaching. The students are organised in teams, grouping individuals from diverse academic backgrounds and nationalities, and each team is fully responsible for conducting its project. EPS complies with the CDIO directives on Design-Implement experiences and provides an integrated framework for undertaking capstone projects, which is focussed on multicultural and multidisciplinary teamwork, problem-solving, communication, creativity, leadership, entrepreneurship, ethical reasoning and global contextual analysis. As a result, we recommend the adoption of the EPS within CDIO capstone modules for the benefit of engineering students.


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To study the main enteropathogens causing diarrhea in the region of Ribeirão Preto regarding serogroups and serotypes, the feces of 1836 children under 10 years old, from both sexes, attack of acute gastroenteritis, were analysed during a period of 4 years in Adolfo Lutz Institute - Ribeirão Preto, SP. The pathogens identified by standard methods were the following: Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Campylobacter spp., Yersinia spp., and Cryptosporidium spp. Positive samples were 22.8% (419) with 1.7% association of pathogens. Larger isolates were mainly from children 0 to 11 months old. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) was most frequent (8.7%) with predominance of serogroup O119 (40.2%), followed by Shigella (6.2%), 63.6% of which S. sonnei.


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Resumo: A hiperplasia benigna da próstata (HBP) tem elevada prevalência nos homens entre os 50 e 79 anos de idade, sendo ubiquitária com o envelhecimento. Devido à significativa morbi-mortalidade associada aos tratamentos médicos e cirúrgicos currentemente disponíveis, são necessárias novas tecnologias para melhorar os resultados e minimizar o desconforto dos doentes. Recentemente, estudos preliminares de experimentação animal e em 3 doentes tratados, sugeriram a embolização arterial prostática selectiva (EAPS) como hipótese terapêutica para a HBP. Decidimos investigar se a EAPS poderia ser um procedimento bem sucedido no tratamento da HBP gravemente sintomática. Para tal realizámos um estudo anátomo-radiológico e clínico em 63 doentes com recurso a uma terapêutica inovadora minimamente invasiva guiada pela imagem. Avaliámos 126 hemipélvis com recurso a Angio-RM, Angio-TC e Angiografia Digital de Subtracção, com o intuito de definir os padrões básicos de bifurcação das artérias ilíacas internas até agora apenas descritos em estudos cadavéricos. Estudámos ainda o suprimento vascular arterial prostático, identificando: 1 as artérias prostáticas; 2 origem e direcção; 3 os ramos intra-prostáticos; 4 anastomoses com outras artérias. Em relação aos resultados anatómicos, identificámos 181 artérias prostáticas, já que em 43.7% das hemipélvis existiam dois pedículos arteriais prostáticos com origens independentes. A origem mais frequente foi a artéria pudenda interna (39.7%), seguida do tronco comum glúteo-pudendo (21%) e da artéria vesical superior (18.2%). Origens menos frequentes foram a artéria obturadora (12.1%), as artérias glúteas inferior (3.9%)ou superior (1.7%), ramos rectais provenientes da artéria mesentérica inferior (1.7%) e a artéria pudenda acessória (1.7%). Identificaram-se anastomoses com as artérias adjacentes em 57.9% dos casos: com a terminação da artéria pudenda interna (41.6%),artérias prostáticas contra-laterais (18.2%) e homo-laterais (11.7%), com ramos rectais (15.6%) e com artérias vesicais (12.9%). Em relação ao estudo clínico tratámos 63 doentes (idades compreendidas entre 52 - 82 anos, média 69.5 anos) com HBP gravemente sintomática refractária à terapêutica médica há mais de 6 meses. Foi possível avaliação após o tratamento em 37 doentes: média de seguimento de 4.7 meses (variando entre 1 e 12 meses). A EAPS unilateral foi possível em todos os doentes, com embolização bilateral em 73% dos casos. A embolização bilateral não foi possível em 27% dos casos devido a tortuosidade, alterações ateroescleróticas e pequeno calibre das artérias ilíacas e/ou prostáticas. Em média houve uma melhoria do International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) de 10.8 pontos, da QoL de 1.5 pontos e do Internationl Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) de 2.1 pontos. Houve uma redução média do PSA de 30% (2.4 ng/mL), um aumento do pico de fluxo urinário (Qmax) de 3.1 - 3.85 mL/s e uma redução média do volume prostático de 21% (18.5 mL). Registou-se uma complicação major: pequena área de isquémia da parede vesical tratada cirurgicamente. Em 75% dos doentes tratados obteve-se sucesso clínico com franca melhoria dos sintomas, enquanto 25% dos doentes foram considerados insucesso clínico por se ter registado uma fraca ou ausente melhoria sintomática após a embolização. Os restantes doentes tratados estão sob controlo evolutivo, pararam toda a medicação prostática, sem qualquer caso de disfunção sexual associada com o tratamento. Este trabalho constitui o primeiro estudo anatómico descritivo in vivo das artérias prostáticas, conseguido devido à utilização de técnicas de imagem nunca usadas para este fim. O uso clínico dos dados anatómicos acima referidos permitiu a implementação de técnicas de Radiologia de Intervenção no tratatamento de uma doença de elevada prevalência. ------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has high prevalence in men aged 50–79 years being ubiquitous with aging. Due to significant morbi-mortality associated with currently available medical and surgical treatments, there is the need for innovative technologies to continue to improve outcomes and minimize patient discomfort and morbidity. Recently, prostatic arterial embolization (PAE) was suggested as a treatmentoption for BPH based on preliminary results from animal studies and 3 treated patients. We decided to investigate if PAE might be a successful treatment option for severely symptomatic BPH patients. We performed a clinical and anatomical-radiological study in 63 patients with the use of an inovative image-guided minimally invasive technique. We evaluated 126 pelvic sides using Angio-MR or Angio-CT and Catheter Angiography before embolisation to treat symptomatic BPH. We aimed to define the main branching patterns of the male internal iliac arteries, so far only studied in the cadaver. We also evaluated the prostatic arterial supply, identifying: 1 the prostatic arteries; 2 origin and direction; 3 intra-prostatic branches; 4 anastomoses with surrounding arteries. Regarding the anatomical study we identified 181 prostatic arteries, because in 43.7% of pelvic sides 2 separate prostatic vascular pedicles were found. The most frequent origin was the internal pudendal artery (39.7%) with the common glutealpudendal trunk (21%) and superior vesical arteries (18.2%) the next commonest. Less frequent origins were the obturator artery (12.1%), the inferior (3.9%) or superior (1.7%) gluteal arteries, rectal branches from the inferior mesenteric artery (1.7%) and the accessory pudendal artery (1.7%). There were anastomoses with the surrounding arteries in 57.9% of cases: termination of the internal pudendal artery (41.6%), contralateral prostatic arteries (18.2%), same-side prostatic arteries (11.7%), rectal branches (15.6%), and vesical arteries (12.9%).Regarding the clinical study, we treated 63 patients aged 52–82 years (mean 69.5 years) who presented with symptomatic BPH refractory to medical treatment for at least 6 months. Follow-up evaluation (mean 4.7 months, range 1-12 months) was possible in 37 patients. PAE was achieved in all patients with bilateral embolization in 73%. In 27% PAE was performed unilaterally due to tortuosity, atherosclerotic changes and small size of iliac and prostatic arteries. There was a mean decrease in the IPSS of 10.8 points, a mean improvement in QoL of 1.5 points, and a mean increase in the sexual function score of 2.1 points. There was a mean PSA reduction of 30% (2.4 ng/mL), a Qmax increase of 3.1 to 3.85 mL/sec, and a mean prostate volume decrease of 21% (18.5 mL). There was one major complication: a small area of bladder wall ischemia treated by surgery. Overall, 75% of patients were considered clinical success with major improvement after PAE, while 25% of patients were considered clinical failure with little or no improvement after PAE. All remaining patients are under follow-up, stopped all prostatic medication, and reported no sexual dysfunction. This study is the first one to describe the radiological anatomy of the prostatic arteries, with the use of imaging techniques never used for this purpose before. The clinical use of the anatomical findings allowed the implementation of Interventional Radiology tehniques in the treatment of a disease with a high prevalence.


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Dogs sera samples collected from Cotia County, São Paulo were tested using indirect immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) in order to study Lyme disease serology in dogs. ELISA method was standardized and G39/40 North American strain of Borrelia burgdorferi was used as antigen. Positive results were confirmed employing the Western blotting technique. Because of the possibility of cross-reactions, sera were also tested for different serological strains of Leptospira interrogans and L. biflexa using microscopic sera agglutination test. Twenty-three of 237 (9.7%) serum samples were positive in the ELISA; 20 of them (86.9%) were confirmed by the Western blotting, what suggests that Cotia may be a risk area for Lyme disease. Although 4 samples (1.7%) were positive for Lyme disease and leptospirosis, no correlation was found between the results (X² = 0.725; p = 0.394) what suggests absence of serological cross reactivity.


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The aseptic meningitis after Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine (MMR) is a well recognized complication, and different incidences have been observed in several studies. We retrospectively analyzed forty cases of aseptic meningitis, during a large public immunization campaign (1998) in Curitiba, Southern Brazil (590,609 people), admitted in our Service. The vaccine utilized was Leningrad-3-Zagreb mumps strain, Edmonston-Zagreb measles strain, and RA 27#3 rubella strain. In all county, a total number of 87 cases were reported, resulting in a incidence of 1.7 cases per 10,000 given doses . The mean age was 23.7 ± 12.8 years. The female:male ratio was 1.35:1. Severe headache with meningismus (92.5%), fever (87.5%), nausea/vomiting (82.5%) were the most common clinical findings. Three cases (7.5%) developed mild mumps. All patients underwent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tap with the following findings: mononuclear pleocytosis from 100 to 500 cells/mm³ in 17 cases (42.5%; 257.5 ± 260.6 cells/mm³); increased protein 28 cases (67.5%; 92.1 ± 76.9 mg/dL); glucose was normal in all cases (56.8 ± 11.2 mg/dL) except in 4 (10%) cases, which presented less than 44 mg/dL. All serological tests (latex to bacterial meningitis, Cryptococcus, cysticercosis, VDRL) and bacteriological cultures were negative. Virus identification were also negative in 8 samples. None of the patients had neurological deficits or related symptoms after one year of onset. We believe the benefit of vaccination clearly outweights the incidence of benign vaccine-associated meningitis.


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This work proposes different kind of solid-contact graphite-based electrodes for the selective determination of sulphonamides (SPHs) in pharmaceuticals, biological fluids and aquaculture waters. Sulfadiazine (SDZ) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) were selected for this purpose for being the most representative compounds of this group. The template molecules were imprinted in sol–gel (ISG) and the resulting material was used as detecting element. This was made by employing it as either a sensing layer or an ionophore of PVC-based membranes and subsequent potentiometric transduction, a strategy never reported before. The corresponding non-imprinted sol–gel (NISG) membranes were used as blank. The effect of plasticizer and kind/charge of ionic lipophilic additive was also studied. The best performance in terms of slope, linearity ranges and signal reproducibility and repeatability was achieved by PVC membranes including a high dielectric constant plasticizer and 15 mg of ISG particles. The corresponding average slope was −51.4 and −52.4 mV/decade, linear responses were 9.0 × 10−6 and 1.7 × 10−5 M, and limits of detection were 0.74 and 1.3 μg/mL for SDZ and for SMX, respectively. Good selectivity with log Kpot < −0.3 was observed for carbonate, chloride, fluoride, hydrogenocarbonate, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, cyanide, sulfate, borate, persulphate, citrate, tartrate, salicylate, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, sulphamerazine, sulphatiazole, dopamine, glucose, galactose, cysteine and creatinine. The best sensors were successfully applied to the analysis of real samples with relative errors ranging from −6.8 to + 3.7%.


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Serum- and/or- cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples obtained from 190 patients suffering from chronic, progressive neurological disease were screened for the presence of human T-cell lymphotropic viruses type I (HTLV-I) and type II (HTLV-II) antibodies over a six-year period (1996 to 2001) in Belém, Pará, Brazil. Patients were of both sexes (male subjects, 52%) with ages ranging from 2 to 79 years (mean, 35.9). Overall, 15 (7.9%) subjects - of whom 12 (80%) were female adults - reacted HTLV-I/II-seropositive when screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Serum samples from 14 of these patients were also analyzed using a recombinant Western blot (WB) assay that yielded HTLV-I-, HTLV-II-, and HTLV-I/II- reactivities for 10 (71.4%), 3 (21.4%) and 1 (7.2%) of them, respectively. The yearly rates of HTLV-I/II antibodies ranged from 2.6% (2001) to 21.7% (2000), with progressively increasing seropositivities from 1998 to 2000. Altogether, walking difficulty (n = 5 subjects), spasticity (n = 4) and leg weakness (n = 3) accounted for 80% of symptoms recorded among the 15 patients whose sera had antibodies to HTLV-I/II as detected by ELISA. These findings provide evidence that both HTLV-I and HTLV-II play a role in the development of chronic myelopathy in Belém, Pará, Northern Brazil.