948 resultados para mitogen activated protein kinase p38 inhibitor
[EN] To examine whether obesity-associated leptin resistance could be due to down-regulation of leptin receptors (OB-Rs) and/or up-regulation of suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) and protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) in skeletal muscle, which blunt janus kinase 2-dependent leptin signalling and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) phosphorylation and reduce AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACC) phosphorylation. Deltoid and vastus lateralis muscle biopsies were obtained from 20 men: 10 non-obese control subjects (mean +/- s.d. age, 31 +/- 5 years; height, 184 +/- 9 cm; weight, 91 +/- 13 kg; and percentage body fat, 24.8 +/- 5.8%) and 10 obese (age, 30 +/- 7 years; height, 184 +/- 8 cm; weight, 115 +/- 8 kg; and percentage body fat, 34.9 +/- 5.1%). Skeletal muscle OB-R170 (OB-R long isoform) protein expression was 28 and 25% lower (both P < 0.05) in arm and leg muscles, respectively, of obese men compared with control subjects. In normal-weight subjects, SOCS3 protein expression, and STAT3, AMPKalpha and ACCbeta phosphorylation, were similar in the deltoid and vastus lateralis muscles. In obese subjects, the deltoid muscle had a greater amount of leptin receptors than the vastus lateralis, whilst SOCS3 protein expression was increased and basal STAT3, AMPKalpha and ACCbeta phosphorylation levels were reduced in the vastus lateralis compared with the deltoid muscle (all P < 0.05). In summary, skeletal muscle leptin receptors and leptin signalling are reduced in obesity, particularly in the leg muscles.
Introduction: Apoptotic cell death of cardiomyocytes is involved in several cardiovascular diseases including ischemia, hypertrophy and heart failure, thus representing a potential therapeutic target. Apoptosis of cardiac cells can be induced experimentally by several stimuli including hypoxia, serum withdrawal or combination of both. Several lines of research suggest that neurohormonal mechanisms play a central role in the progression of heart failure. In particular, excessive activation of the sympathetic nervous system or the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is known to have deleterious effects on the heart. Recent studies report that norepinephrine (NE), the primary transmitter of sympathetic nervous system, and aldosterone (ALD), which is actively produced in failing human heart, are able to induce apoptosis of rat cardiomyocytes. Polyamines are biogenic amines involved in many cellular processes, including apoptosis. Actually it appears that these molecules can act as promoting, modulating or protective agents in apoptosis depending on apoptotic stimulus and cellular model. We have studied the involvement of polyamines in the apoptosis of cardiac cells induced in a model of simulated ischemia and following treatment with NE or ALD. Methods: H9c2 cardiomyoblasts were exposed to a condition of simulated ischemia, consisting of hypoxia plus serum deprivation. Cardiomyocyte cultures were prepared from 1-3 day-old neonatal Wistar rat hearts. Polyamine depletion was obtained by culturing the cells in the presence of α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO). Polyamines were separated and quantified in acidic cellular extracts by HPLC after derivatization with dansyl chloride. Caspase activity was measured by the cleavage of the fluorogenic peptide substrate. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity was measured by estimation of the release of 14C-CO2 from 14C-ornithine. DNA fragmentation was visualized by the method of terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL), and DNA laddering on agarose gel electophoresis. Cytochrome c was detected by immunoflorescent staining. Activation of signal transduction pathways was investigated by western blotting. Results: The results indicate that simulated ischemia, NE and ALD cause an early induction of the activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the first enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, followed by a later increase of caspase activity, a family of proteases that execute the death program and induce cell death. This effect was prevented in the presence of DFMO, an irreversible inhibitor of ODC, thus suggesting that polyamines are involved in the execution of the death program activated by these stimuli. In H9c2 cells DFMO inhibits several molecular events related to apoptosis that follow simulated ischemia, such as the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, down-regulation of Bcl-xL, and DNA fragmentation. The anti-apoptotic protein survivin is down-regulated after ALD or NE treatement and polyamine depletion obtained by DFMO partially opposes survivin decrease. Moreover, a study of key signal transduction pathways governing cell death and survival, revealed an involvement of AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) and AKT kinase, in the modulation by polyamines of the response of cardiomyocytes to NE. In fact polyamine depleted cells show an altered pattern of AMPK and AKT activation that may contrast apoptosis and appears to result from a differential effect on the specific phosphatases that dephosphorylate and switch off these signaling proteins. Conclusions: These results indicate that polyamines are involved in the execution of the death program activated in cardiac cells by heart failure-related stimuli, like ischemia, ALD and NE, and suggest that their apoptosis facilitating action is mediated by a network of specific phosphatases and kinases.
Die Kontaktihibition, d.h. die Zell-Zell-Kontakt-vermittelte Proliferationskontrolle, stellt einen fundamentalen Mechanismus zur Aufrechterhaltung der Homöostase in vitro und in vivo dar. So stellen in der Zellkultur nicht-transformierte Zellen in der Regel ihr Wachstum ein, sobald sie einen einschichtigen Zellrasen gebildet haben. Umgekehrt zeichnen sich transformierte Zellen durch einen Verlust der Kontaktinhibition aus. Sie wachsen nach Erreichen eines konfluenten Zellrasens mehrschichtig weiter, und es kommt zur Ausbildung charakteristischer Foci. In dieser Arbeit konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Proteinkinase C - delta eine wichtige Funktion in der Regulation der Zytoarchitektur humaner Keratinozyten besitzt und zugleich über Modulation der Zell-Zelladhäsion, insbesondere über Cadherin und Catenin, Einfluss nimmt.
Die Zellen eines Organismus unterliegen ständig den Einflüssen wachstumsfördernder und –hemmender Signale. Die korrekte Verarbeitung dieser Signale ist essentiell für die Aufrechterhaltung der Gewebehomöostase. Wachstumsfördernde Signale sind z. B. Wachstumsfaktoren und –hormone. Diese Substanzen sowie ihre Rezeptoren und Signalwege sind relativ gut erforscht. Dagegen ist über die wachstumshemmenden Signalwege vergleichsweise wenig bekannt. Wichtige wachstumshemmende Signale werden einerseits über lösliche Faktoren, wie z. B. TGF-β, und andererseits über Zell-Zell-Kontakte vermittelt. Den Zell-Zell-Kontakt vermittelten Wachstumsstopp bezeichnet man auch als Kontaktinhibition. Die Kontaktinhibition ist ein wichtiges Merkmal nicht-transformierter Zellen. Im Gegensatz dazu zeichnen sich transformierte Zellen durch den Verlust der Kontaktinhibition aus, der einhergeht mit unkontrolliertem Wachstum der Zellen und Tumorbildung. Genauere Kenntnisse der molekularen Ursachen der Kontaktinhibition bzw. ihres Verlustes während der Tumorentstehung werden neue Ansatzpunkte für die Krebstherapie liefern. Diese können bei der Entwicklung neuer, nebenwirkungsärmerer Krebsmedikamente und einer verbesserten Diagnostik helfen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten daher die molekularen Mechanismen der Kontaktinhibition in Fibroblasten aus der Maus näher untersucht werden. Dazu wurden differentielle Genexpressionsanalysen mittels genomweiter Microarrays durchgeführt. Weiterhin wurde der Einfluss der Kontaktinhibition auf die Regulation der Signalkaskaden der MAP-Kinasen ERK und p38 untersucht. Durch die Genexpressionsanalyse konnte gezeigt werden, dass viele Schlüsselgene des Zellzyklus und der DNA-Synthese in der Kontaktinhibition eine Rolle spielen, so zum Beispiel Skp2, Foxm1 und einige Komponenten des MCM-Komplexes. Weiterhin haben wir gezeigt, dass durch Kontaktinhibition selektiv die EGF-induzierte Signalkaskade über die MAP-Kinasen gehemmt wird.
Acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL) patients are successfully treated with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). However, concurrent chemotherapy is still necessary and less toxic therapeutic approaches are needed. Earlier studies suggested that in haematopoietic neoplasms, the green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) induces cell death without adversely affecting healthy cells. We aimed at deciphering the molecular mechanism of EGCG-induced cell death in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). A significant increase of death-associated protein kinase 2 (DAPK2) levels was found in AML cells upon EGCG treatment paralleled by increased cell death that was significantly reduced upon silencing of DAPK2. Moreover, combined ATRA and EGCG treatment resulted in cooperative DAPK2 induction and potentiated differentiation. EGCG toxicity of primary AML blasts correlated with 67 kDa laminin receptor (67LR) expression. Pretreatment of AML cells with ATRA, causing downregulation of 67LR, rendered these cells resistant to EGCG-mediated cell death. In summary, it was found that (i) DAPK2 is essential for EGCG-induced cell death in AML cells, (ii) ATRA and EGCG cotreatment significantly boosted neutrophil differentiation, and 67LR expression correlates with susceptibility of AML cells to EGCG. We thus suggest that EGCG, by selectively targeting leukaemic cells, may improve differentiation therapies for APL and chemotherapy for other AML subtypes.
The death-associated protein kinase 2 (DAPK2) belongs to a family of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-regulated serine/threonine kinases involved in apoptosis. During investigation of candidate genes operative in granulopoiesis, we identified DAPK2 as highly expressed. Subsequent investigations demonstrated particularly high DAPK2 expression in normal granulocytes compared with monocytes/macrophages and CD34(+) progenitor cells. Moreover, significantly increased DAPK2 mRNA levels were seen when cord blood CD34(+) cells were induced to differentiate toward neutrophils in tissue culture. In addition, all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced neutrophil differentiation of two leukemic cell lines, NB4 and U937, revealed significantly higher DAPK2 mRNA expression paralleled by protein induction. In contrast, during differentiation of CD34(+) and U937 cells toward monocytes/macrophages, DAPK2 mRNA levels remained low. In primary leukemia, low expression of DAPK2 was seen in acute myeloid leukemia samples, whereas chronic myeloid leukemia samples in chronic phase showed intermediate expression levels. Lentiviral vector-mediated expression of DAPK2 in NB4 cells enhanced, whereas small interfering RNA-mediated DAPK2 knockdown reduced ATRA-induced granulocytic differentiation, as evidenced by morphology and neutrophil stage-specific maturation genes, such as CD11b, G-CSF receptor, C/EBPepsilon, and lactoferrin. In summary, our findings implicate a role for DAPK2 in granulocyte maturation.
In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying the ATP analogue adenosine-5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate-induced nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of the mRNA stabilizing factor HuR in human (h) mesangial cells (MC). Using synthetic protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors and small interfering RNA approaches, we demonstrated that knockdown of PKC alpha efficiently blocked the ATP-dependent nuclear HuR export to the cytoplasm. The functional importance of PKC alpha in HuR shuttling is highlighted by the high cytosolic HuR content detected in hMC stably overexpressing PKC alpha compared with mock-transfected cells. The ATP-induced recruitment of HuR to the cytoplasm is preceded by a direct interaction of PKC alpha with nuclear HuR and accompanied by increased Ser phosphorylation as demonstrated by coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Mapping of putative PKC target sites identified serines 158 and 221 as being indispensable for HuR phosphorylation by PKC alpha. RNA pull-down assay and RNA electrophoretic mobility shift assay demonstrated that the HuR shuttling by ATP is accompanied by an increased HuR binding to cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 mRNA. Physiologically, the ATP-dependent increase in RNA binding is linked with an augmentation in COX-2 mRNA stability and subsequent increase in prostaglandin E(2) synthesis. Regulation of HuR via PKC alpha-dependent phosphorylation emphasizes the importance of posttranslational modification for stimulus-dependent HuR shuttling.
Pneumococcal meningitis is associated with caspase 3-dependent apoptosis of recently post-mitotic immature neurons in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. The death of these cells is implicated in the learning and memory deficits in patients surviving the disease. The stress-activated protein kinase c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) has been shown to be an important mediator of caspase 3-dependent neuronal apoptosis. However, whether JNK is involved in hippocampal apoptosis caused by pneumococcal meningitis has so far not been investigated. Here we show in a neonatal rat model of pneumococcal meningitis that JNK3 but not JNK1 or JNK2 is activated in the hippocampus during the acute phase of infection. At the cellular level, JNK3 activation was accompanied in the dentate gyrus by markedly increased phosphorylation of its major downstream target c-Jun in early immature (Hu-positive) neurons, but not in migrating (doublecortin-positive) neurons, the cells that do undergo apoptosis. These findings suggested that JNK may not be involved in pneumococcal meningitis-induced hippocampal apoptosis. Indeed, although intracerebroventricular administration of D-JNKI-1 or AS601245 (two highly specific JNK inhibitors) inhibited c-Jun phosphorylation and protein expression in the hippocampus, hippocampal apoptosis was unaffected. Collectively, these results demonstrate that JNK does not mediate hippocampal apoptosis in pneumococcal meningitis, and that JNK may be involved in processes unrelated to apoptosis in this disease.
The mRNA stabilizing factor HuR is involved in the posttranscriptional regulation of many genes, including that coding for cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2). Employing RNA interference technology and actinomycin D experiments, we demonstrate that in human mesangial cells (hMC) the amplification of cytokine-induced COX-2 by angiotensin II (AngII) occurs via a HuR-mediated increase of mRNA stability. Using COX-2 promoter constructs with different portions of the 3' untranslated region of COX-2, we found that the increase in COX-2 mRNA stability is attributable to a distal class III type of AU-rich element (ARE). Likewise, the RNA immunoprecipitation assay showed AngII-induced binding of HuR to this ARE. Using the RNA pulldown assay, we demonstrate that the AngII-caused HuR assembly with COX-2 mRNA is found in free and cytoskeleton-bound polysomes indicative of an active RNP complex. Mechanistically, the increased HuR binding to COX-2-ARE by AngII is accompanied by increased nucleocytoplasmic HuR shuttling and depends on protein kinase Cdelta (PKCdelta), which physically interacts with nuclear HuR, thereby promoting its phosphorylation. Mapping of phosphorylation sites identified serines 221 and 318 as critical target sites for PKCdelta-triggered HuR phosphorylation and AngII-induced HuR export to the cytoplasm. Posttranslational modification of HuR by PKCdelta represents an important novel mode of HuR activation implied in renal COX-2 regulation.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Inhibition of the signalling function of the human insulin receptor (HIR) is one of the principle mechanisms which induce cellular insulin resistance. It is speculated that serine residues in the insulin receptor beta-subunit are involved in receptor inhibition either as inhibitory phosphorylation sites or as part of receptor domains which bind inhibitory proteins or tyrosine phosphatases. As reported earlier we prepared 16 serine to alanine point mutations of the HIR and found that serine to alanine mutants HIR-994 and HIR-1023/25 showed increased tyrosine autophosphorylation when expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. In this study we examined whether these mutant receptors have a different susceptibility to inhibition by serine kinases or an altered tyrosine kinase activity. METHODS: Tyrosine kinase assay and transfection studies. RESULTS: In an in vitro kinase assay using IRS-1 as a substrate we could detect a higher intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of both receptor constructs. Additionally, a higher capacity to phosphorylate the adapter protein Shc in intact cells was seen. To test the inhibition by serine kinases, the receptor constructs were expressed in HEK 293 cells together with IRS-1 and protein kinase C isoforms beta2 and theta. Phorbol ester stimulation of these cells reduced wild-type receptor autophosphorylation to 58 % or 55 % of the insulin simulated state, respectively. This inhibitory effect was not observed with HIR-994 and HIR-1023/25, although all other tested HIR mutants showed similar inhibition induced by protein kinase C. CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: The data suggest that the HIR-domain which contains the serine residues 994 and 1023/25 is important for the inhibitory effect of protein kinase C isoforms beta2 and theta on insulin receptor autophosphorylation.
Pleckstrin is a modular platelet protein consisting of N- and C-terminal pleckstrin homology (PH) domains, a central dishevelled egl10 and pleckstrin (DEP) domain and a phosphorylation region. Following agonist-induced platelet stimulation, dimeric pleckstrin translocates to the plasma membrane, is phosphorylated and then monomerizes. A recent study found that pleckstrin null platelets from a knockout mouse have a defect in granule secretion, actin polymerization and aggregation. However, the mechanism of pleckstrin signaling for this function is unknown. Our recent studies have led to the identification of a novel pleckstrin-binding protein, serum deprivation response protein (SDPR), by co-immunoprecipitation, GST-pulldowns and nanospray quadruple time of flight mass spectrometry. We show that this interaction occurs directly through N-terminal sequences of pleckstrin. Both pleckstrin and SDPR are phosphorylated by protein kinase C (PKC), but the interaction between pleckstrin and SDPR was shown to be independent of PKC inhibition or activation. These results suggest that SDPR may facilitate the translocation of nonphosphorylated pleckstrin to the plasma membrane in conjunction with phosphoinositides that bind to the C-terminal PH domain. After binding of pleckstrin to the plasma membrane, its phosphorylation by PKC exerts downstream effects on platelet aggregation/secretion.
Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) regulate key signaling events in eukaryotic cells. In the genomes of protozoan Plasmodium parasites, the causative agents of malaria, two genes encoding kinases with significant homology to other eukaryotic MAPKs have been identified (mapk1, mapk2). In this work, we show that both genes are transcribed during Plasmodium berghei liver stage development, and analyze expression and subcellular localization of the PbMAPK1 protein in liver stage parasites. Live cell imaging of transgenic parasites expressing GFP-tagged PbMAPK1 revealed a nuclear localization of PbMAPK1 in the early schizont stage mediated by nuclear localization signals in the C-terminal domain. In contrast, a distinct localization of PbMAPK1 in comma/ring-shaped structures in proximity to the parasite's nuclei and the invaginating parasite membrane was observed during the cytomere stage of parasite development as well as in immature blood stage schizonts. The PbMAPK1 localization was found to be independent of integrity of a motif putatively involved in ATP binding, integrity of the putative activation motif and the presence of a predicted coiled-coil domain in the C-terminal domain. Although PbMAPK1 knock out parasites showed normal liver stage development, the kinase may still fulfill a dual function in both schizogony and merogony of liver stage parasites regulated by its dynamic and stage-dependent subcellular localization.
The neuropeptide Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH(2) (FMRFa) can induce transcription-dependent long-term synaptic depression (LTD) in Aplysia sensorimotor synapses. We investigated the role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and the regulation of one of its components, ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase (ap-uch), in LTD. LTD was sensitive to presynaptic inhibition of the proteasome and was associated with upregulation of ap-uch mRNA and protein. This upregulation appeared to be mediated by CREB2, which is generally regarded as a transcription repressor. Binding of CREB2 to the promoter region of ap-uch was accompanied by histone hyperacetylation, suggesting that CREB2 cannot only inhibit but also promote gene expression. CREB2 was phosphorylated after FMRFa, and blocking phospho-CREB2 blocked LTD. In addition to changes in the expression of ap-uch, the synaptic vesicle-associated protein synapsin was downregulated in LTD in a proteasome-dependent manner. These results suggest that proteasome-mediated protein degradation is engaged in LTD and that CREB2 may act as a transcription activator under certain conditions.
The induction of late long-term potentiation (L-LTP) involves complex interactions among second-messenger cascades. To gain insights into these interactions, a mathematical model was developed for L-LTP induction in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. The differential equation-based model represents actions of protein kinase A (PKA), MAP kinase (MAPK), and CaM kinase II (CAMKII) in the vicinity of the synapse, and activation of transcription by CaM kinase IV (CAMKIV) and MAPK. L-LTP is represented by increases in a synaptic weight. Simulations suggest that steep, supralinear stimulus-response relationships between stimuli (e.g., elevations in [Ca(2+)]) and kinase activation are essential for translating brief stimuli into long-lasting gene activation and synaptic weight increases. Convergence of multiple kinase activities to induce L-LTP helps to generate a threshold whereby the amount of L-LTP varies steeply with the number of brief (tetanic) electrical stimuli. The model simulates tetanic, -burst, pairing-induced, and chemical L-LTP, as well as L-LTP due to synaptic tagging. The model also simulates inhibition of L-LTP by inhibition of MAPK, CAMKII, PKA, or CAMKIV. The model predicts results of experiments to delineate mechanisms underlying L-LTP induction and expression. For example, the cAMP antagonist RpcAMPs, which inhibits L-LTP induction, is predicted to inhibit ERK activation. The model also appears useful to clarify similarities and differences between hippocampal L-LTP and long-term synaptic strengthening in other systems.
The neuropeptide Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH(2) (FMRFa) can induce transcription-dependent long-term synaptic depression (LTD) in Aplysia sensorimotor synapses. We investigated the role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and the regulation of one of its components, ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase (ap-uch), in LTD. LTD was sensitive to presynaptic inhibition of the proteasome and was associated with upregulation of ap-uch mRNA and protein. This upregulation appeared to be mediated by CREB2, which is generally regarded as a transcription repressor. Binding of CREB2 to the promoter region of ap-uch was accompanied by histone hyperacetylation, suggesting that CREB2 cannot only inhibit but also promote gene expression. CREB2 was phosphorylated after FMRFa, and blocking phospho-CREB2 blocked LTD. In addition to changes in the expression of ap-uch, the synaptic vesicle-associated protein synapsin was downregulated in LTD in a proteasome-dependent manner. These results suggest that proteasome-mediated protein degradation is engaged in LTD and that CREB2 may act as a transcription activator under certain conditions.