978 resultados para maintenance cost
The key goals in winter maintenance operations are preserving the safety and mobility of the traveling public. To do this, it is in general necessary to try to increase the friction of the road surface above the typical friction levels found on a snow or ice covered roadway. Because of prior work on the performance of abrasives (discussed in greater detail in chapter 2) a key concern when using abrasives has become how to ensure the greatest increase in pavement friction when using abrasives for the longest period of time. There are a number of ways in which the usage of abrasives can be optimized, and these methods are discussed and compared in this report. In addition, results of an Iowa DOT test of zero-velocity spreaders are presented. Additionally in this study the results of field studies conducted in Johnson County Iowa on the road surface friction of pavements treated with abrasive applications using different modes of delivery are presented. The experiments were not able to determine any significant difference in material placement performance between a standard delivery system and a chute based delivery system. The report makes a number of recommendations based upon the reviews and the experiments.
Components of daily energy expenditure were measured serially by whole-body calorimetry in Gambian women before pregnancy and at 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 wk gestation. Weight gain was (mean +/- SD) 6.8 +/- 2.8 kg, fat deposition was 2.0 +/- 2.5 kg and lean tissue deposition was 5.0 +/- 2.5 kg. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) was depressed during the first 18 wk of gestation, causing total cumulative maintenance costs by week 36 to be 8.4 MJ. Individual responses to pregnancy correlated with changes in body mass (36 wk: delta BMR vs delta weight; r = 0.60, P < 0.01 delta BMR vs delta LBM; r = 0.62, P < 0.01). There was no significant increase in the cost of treadmill exercise (0% slope: F = 0.71, P = 0.64; 5% slope: F = 1.97, P = 0.10), 24-h energy expenditure (F = 0.72, P = 0.64), activity or diet-induced thermogenesis (F = 1.02, P = 0.43), during pregnancy in spite of body weight gain. Total metabolic costs over 36 wk were 144 MJ (fetus 43 MJ, fat deposition 92 MJ, cumulative maintenance costs 8.4 MJ). These were far lower than reported for well-nourished Western populations.
The issue of corrosion of winter maintenance equipment is becoming of greater concern because of the increased use of liquid solutions of ice control chemicals, as opposed to their application in solid form. Being in liquid form, the ice control chemicals can more easily penetrate into the nooks and crannies on equipment and avoid being cleansed from the vehicle. Given this enhanced corrosive ability, methods must be found to minimize corrosion. The methods may include coatings, additives, cleansing techniques, other methods, and may also include doing nothing, and accepting a reduced equipment lifetime as a valid (perhaps) trade off with the enhanced benefits of using liquid ice control chemicals. In reality, some combination of these methods may prove to be optimal. Whatever solutions are selected, they must be relatively cheap and durable. The latter point is critical because of the environment in which maintenance trucks operate, in which scrapes, scratches and dents are facts of life. Protection methods that are not robust simply will not work. The purpose of this study is to determine how corrosion occurs on maintenance trucks, to find methods that would minimize the major corrosion mechanisms, and to
A prior project, HR-388, (which was entitled "Total Cost of Transportation analysis of road and highway issues"), explored the use of a total economic cost basis for evaluation of road based transportation issues. It was conducted as a proof-of-concept effort between 1996 and 2002, with the final report presented in May 2002. TR-477 rebuilt the analytical model using current data, then performed general, system level, county level, and road segment level analyses. The results are presented herein and will be distributed to all county engineers for information and local use.
Please see TR-477 Phase 2 Final Report -- http://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/20041
Currently, individuals including designers, contractors, and owners learn about the project requirements by studying a combination of paper and electronic copies of the construction documents including the drawings, specifications (standard and supplemental), road and bridge standard drawings, design criteria, contracts, addenda, and change orders. This can be a tedious process since one needs to go back and forth between the various documents (paper or electronic) to obtain information about the entire project. Object-oriented computer-aided design (OO-CAD) is an innovative technology that can bring a change to this process by graphical portrayal of information. OO-CAD allows users to point and click on portions of an object-oriented drawing that are then linked to relevant databases of information (e.g., specifications, procurement status, and shop drawings). The vision of this study is to turn paper-based design standards and construction specifications into an object-oriented design and specification (OODAS) system or a visual electronic reference library (ERL). Individuals can use the system through a handheld wireless book-size laptop that includes all of the necessary software for operating in a 3D environment. All parties involved in transportation projects can access all of the standards and requirements simultaneously using a 3D graphical interface. By using this system, users will have all of the design elements and all of the specifications readily available without concerns of omissions. A prototype object-oriented model was created and demonstrated to potential users representing counties, cities, and the state. Findings suggest that a system like this could improve productivity to find information by as much as 75% and provide a greater sense of confidence that all relevant information had been identified. It was also apparent that this system would be used by more people in construction than in design. There was also concern related to the cost to develop and maintain the complete system. The future direction should focus on a project-based system that can help the contractors and DOT inspectors find information (e.g., road standards, specifications, instructional memorandums) more rapidly as it pertains to a specific project.
The use of chemicals is a critical part of a pro-active winter maintenance program. However, ensuring that the correct chemicals are used is a challenge. On the one hand, budgets are limited, and thus price of chemicals is a major concern. On the other, performance of chemicals, especially at lower pavement temperatures, is not always assured. Two chemicals that are used extensively by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) are sodium chloride (or salt) and calcium chloride. While calcium chloride can be effective at much lower temperatures than salt, it is also considerably more expensive. Costs for a gallon of salt brine are typically in the range of $0.05 to $0.10, whereas calcium chloride brine may cost in the range of $1.00 or more per gallon. These costs are of course subject to market forces and will thus change from year to year. The idea of mixing different winter maintenance chemicals is by no means new, and in general discussions it appears that many winter maintenance personnel have from time to time mixed up a jar of chemicals and done some work around the yard to see whether or not their new mix “works.” There are many stories about the mixture turning to “mayonnaise” (or, more colorfully, to “snot”) suggesting that mixing chemicals may give rise to some problems most likely due to precipitation. Further, the question of what constitutes a mixture “working” in this context is a topic of considerable discussion. In this study, mixtures of salt brine and calcium chloride brine were examined to determine their ice melting capability and their freezing point. Using the results from these tests, a linear interpolation model of the ice melting capability of mixtures of the two brines has been developed. Using a criterion based upon the ability of the mixture to melt a certain thickness of ice or snow (expressed as a thickness of melt-water equivalent), the model was extended to develop a material cost per lane mile for the full range of possible mixtures as a function of temperature. This allowed for a comparison of the performance of the various mixtures. From the point of view of melting capacity, mixing calcium chloride brine with salt brine appears to be effective only at very low temperatures (around 0° F and below). However, the approach described herein only considers the material costs, and does not consider application costs or other aspects of the mixture performance than melting capacity. While a unit quantity of calcium chloride is considerably more expensive than a unit quantity of sodium chloride, it also melts considerably more ice. In other words, to achieve the same result, much less calcium chloride brine is required than sodium chloride brine. This is important in considering application costs, because it means that a single application vehicle (for example, a brine dispensing trailer towed behind a snowplow) can cover many more lane miles with calcium chloride brine than with salt brine before needing to refill. Calculating exactly how much could be saved in application costs requires an optimization of routes used in the application of liquids in anti-icing, which is beyond the scope of the current study. However, this may be an area that agencies wish to pursue for future investigation. In discussion with winter maintenance personnel who use mixtures of sodium chloride and calcium chloride, it is evident that one reason for this is because the mixture is much more persistent (i.e. it stays longer on the road surface) than straight salt brine. Operationally this persistence is very valuable, but at present there are not any established methods to measure the persistence of a chemical on a pavement. In conclusion, the study presents a method that allows an agency to determine the material costs of using various mixtures of salt brine and calcium chloride brine. The method is based upon the requirement of melting a certain quantity of snow or ice at the ice-pavement interface, and on how much of a chemical or of a mixture of chemicals is required to do that.
The goal of this research project was to develop a method to measure the performance of a winter maintenance program with respect to the task of providing safety and mobility to the travelling public. Developing these measures required a number of steps, each of which was accomplished. First, the impact of winter weather on safety (crash rates) and mobility (average vehicle speeds were measured by a combination of literature reviews and analysis of Iowa Department of Transportation traffic and Road Weather Information System data. Second, because not all winter storms are the same in their effects on safety and mobility, a method had to be developed to determine how much the various factors that describe a winter storm actually change safety and mobility. As part of this effort a storm severity index was developed, which ranks each winter storm on a scale between 0 (a very benign storm) and 1 (the worst imaginable storm). Additionally a number of methods of modeling the relationships between weather, winter maintenance actions and road surface conditions were developed and tested. The end result of this study was a performance measure based on average vehicle speed. For a given class of road, a maximum expected average speed reduction has been identified. For a given storm, this maximum expected average speed reduction is modified by the storm severity index to give a target average speed reduction. Thus, if for a given road the maximum expected average speed reduction is 20 mph, and the storm severity for a particular storm is 0.6, then the target average speed reduction for that road in that storm is 0.6 x 20 mph or 12 mph. If the average speed on that road during and after the storm is only 12 mph or less than the average speed on that road in good weather conditions, then the winter maintenance performance goal has been met.
Iowa state, county, and city engineering offices expend considerable effort monitoring the state’s approximately 25,000 bridges, most of which span small waterways. In fact, the need for monitoring is actually greater for bridges over small waterways because scour processes are exacerbated by the close proximity of abutments, piers, channel banks, approach embankments, and other local obstructions. The bridges are customarily inspected biennially by the county’s road department bridge inspectors. It is extremely time consuming and difficult to obtain consistent, reliable, and timely information on bridge-waterway conditions for so many bridges. Moreover, the current approaches to gather survey information is not uniform, complete, and quantitative. The methodology and associated software (DIGIMAP) developed through the present project enable a non-intrusive means to conduct fast, efficient, and accurate inspection of the waterways in the vicinity of the bridges and culverts using one technique. The technique combines algorithms image of registration and velocimetry using images acquired with conventional devices at the inspection site. The comparison of the current bridge inspection and monitoring methods with the DIGIMAP methodology enables to conclude that the new procedure assembles quantitative information on the waterway hydrodynamic and morphologic features with considerable reduced effort, time, and cost. It also improves the safety of the bridge and culvert inspections conducted during normal and extreme hydrologic events. The data and information are recorded in a digital format, enabling immediate and convenient tracking of the waterway changes over short or long time intervals.
The TR-608 project developed methods and processes for determining current and future Iowa secondary (county) road needs. These tools will be permanently maintained and operated by the Iowa County Engineers Association Service Bureau to provide ongoing need determination services for the state’s ninety-nine county road departments. The systems established via this project will annually tally and report a) how much funding is needed to sustain the county roads long term, b) the adequacy of the secondary roads for the traffic they carry and c) what upgrade needs exist. A “Trend Projection Engine” will also be available to project from current circumstance, with continuation of known revenue and cost trends, to estimate potential outcomes occurring in the next fifteen years. Now that it has been developed, the TR-608 system will continue as an ongoing resource of county road and bridge numbers, condition, trends and issue information for use by counties, either individually or collectively.
Background: Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is accepted as a method to assess suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). Nonetheless, invasive coronary angiography (CXA) combined or not with fractional flow reserve (FFR) remains the main diagnostic test to evaluate CAD. Little data exist on the economic impact of the use of these procedures in a population with a low to intermediate pre-test probability. Objective: To compare the costs of 3 decision strategies to revascularize a patient with suspected CAD: 1) strategy guided by CMR 2) hypothetical strategy guided by CXA-FFR, 3) hypothetical strategy guided by CXA alone.
A good system of preventive bridge maintenance enhances the ability of engineers to manage and monitor bridge conditions, and take proper action at the right time. Traditionally infrastructure inspection is performed via infrequent periodical visual inspection in the field. Wireless sensor technology provides an alternative cost-effective approach for constant monitoring of infrastructures. Scientific data-acquisition systems make reliable structural measurements, even in inaccessible and harsh environments by using wireless sensors. With advances in sensor technology and availability of low cost integrated circuits, a wireless monitoring sensor network has been considered to be the new generation technology for structural health monitoring. The main goal of this project was to implement a wireless sensor network for monitoring the behavior and integrity of highway bridges. At the core of the system is a low-cost, low power wireless strain sensor node whose hardware design is optimized for structural monitoring applications. The key components of the systems are the control unit, sensors, software and communication capability. The extensive information developed for each of these areas has been used to design the system. The performance and reliability of the proposed wireless monitoring system is validated on a 34 feet span composite beam in slab bridge in Black Hawk County, Iowa. The micro strain data is successfully extracted from output-only response collected by the wireless monitoring system. The energy efficiency of the system was investigated to estimate the battery lifetime of the wireless sensor nodes. This report also documents system design, the method used for data acquisition, and system validation and field testing. Recommendations on further implementation of wireless sensor networks for long term monitoring are provided.
The focus of highway runoff monitoring programs is on the identification of highway contributions to nonpoint source degradation of surface and groundwater quality. The results of such studies will assist the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) in the development of maintenance practices that will minimize the impact of highway transportation networks on water quality while at the same time maintaining public safety. Highway runoff monitoring research will be useful in developing a basis to address issues in environmental impact statements for future highway network expansions. Further, it will lead to optimization of cost effectiveness/environmental factors related to de-icing, weed and dust control, highway drainage, construction methods, etc. In this report, the authors present the data accumulated to date with a preliminary interpretation of the significance of the data. The report will discuss the site setup, operational aspects of data collection, and problems encountered. In addition, recommendations are included to optimize information gained from the study.
RESUME OBJECTIF: Outre la stimulation de la sécrétion d'hormone de croissance, la ghréline cause une prise pondérale par augmentation de l'assimilation d'aliments et réduction de la consommation lipidique. Il a été décrit que les taux de ghréline augmentent durant la phase pré-prandiale et diminuent juste après un repas, ceci suggérant qu'elle puisse jouer un rôle d'initiateur de la prise du repas. Cependant, la sécrétion de ghréline chez des sujets à jeun n'a pas encore été étudiée en détail. DESSIN: Les profils de sécrétion de ghréline pendant 24 heures ont été étudiés chez six sujets volontaires sains (3 femmes, 3 hommes; 25.5 ans; BMI 22.8 kg/m2) et comparés aux profils plasmatiques de l'hormone de croissance, de l'insuline et du glucose. METHODE: Des échantillons sanguins ont été prélevés toutes les 20 minutes pendant 24 heures et les taux de ghréline ont été mesurés par radio-immuno essai, utilisant un anticorps polyclonal de lapin. Le profil circadien de la sécrétion de ghréline (cluster analysis) a été évalué. RESULTATS: Une augmentation puis une diminution spontanée des taux de ghréline ont été observées aux moments où les sujets auraient habituellement mangé. La ghréline a été sécrétée de façon pulsatile avec approximativement 8 pics par 24 heures. Une diminution générale des taux de ghréline a également été observée durant la période d'étude. Aucune corrélation n'a pu être observée entre les taux de ghréline, d'homione de croissance, d'insuline et de glucose. CONCLUSIONS: Cette étude montre que pendant une période de jeûne les taux de ghréline suivent un profil similaire à ceux décrits chez des sujets mangeant 3 fois par jour. Durant le jeûne, l'hormone de croissance, l'insuline et le glucose ne semblent pas être impliqués dans la régulation de la sécrétion de ghréline. En outre, nous avons observé que la sécrétion de ghréline est pulsatile. La variation des taux de ghréline, indépendamment des repas, chez des sujets à jeun, renforce les observations préalables selon lesquelles le système nerveux central est primairement impliqué dans la régulation de la prise alimentaire. ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: Ghrelin stimulates GH release and causes weight gain through increased food intake and reduced fat utiIization. Ghrelin levels were shown to rise in the preprandial period and decrease shortly after meal consumption, suggesting a role as a possible meal initiator. However, ghrelin secretion in fasting subjects has not yet been studied in detail. DESIGN: 24-h ghrelin profiles were studied in six healthy volunteers (three females; 25.5 years; body mass index 22.8 kg/m2) and compared with GH, insulin and glucose levels. METHODS: Blood samples were taken every 20 min during a 24-h fasting period and total ghrelin levels were measured by RIA using a polyclonal rabbit antibody. The circadian pattern of ghrelin secretion and pulsatility (Cluster analysis) were evaluated. RESULTS: An increase and spontaneous decrease in ghrelin were seen at the timepoints of customary meals. Ghrelin was secreted in a pulsatile manner with approximately 8 peaks/24 h. An overall decrease in ghrelin levels was observed during the study period. There was no correlation of ghrelin with GH, insulin or blood glucose levels. CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study indicates that fasting ghrelin profiles display a circadian pattern similar to that described in people eating three times per day. In a fasting condition. GH, insulin and glucose do not appear to be involved in ghrelin regulation. In addition, we round that ghrelin is secreted in a pulsatile pattern. The variation in ghrelin independently of meals in fasting subjects supports previous observations that it is the brain that is primarily involved in the regulation of meal initiation.
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the University of Northern Iowa Facility Administration and Maintenance Information System for the period April 29, 2014 through June 5, 2014