856 resultados para lactose intolerance
Spray-drying represents a viable alternative to freeze-drying for preparing dry powder dispersions for delivering macromolecules to the lung. The dispersibility of spray-dried powders is limited however, and needs to be enhanced to improve lung deposition and subsequent biological activity. In this study, we investigate the utility of leucine as a dry powder dispersibility enhancer when added prior to spray-drying a model non-viral gene therapy formulation (lipid:polycation:pDNA, LPD). Freeze-dried lactose-LPD, spray-dried lactose-LPD and spray-dried leucine-lactose-LPD powders were prepared. Scanning electron microscopy showed that leucine, increased the surface roughness of spray-dried lactose particles. Particle size analysis revealed that leucine-containing spray-dried powders were unimodally dispersed with a mean particle diameter of 3.12 μm. Both gel electrophoresis and in vitro cell (A549) transfection showed that leucine may compromise the integrity and biological functionality of the gene therapy vector. The deposition of the leucine containing powder was however significantly enhanced as evidenced by an increase in gene expression mediated by dry powder collected at lower stages of a multistage liquid impinger (MSLI). Further studies are required to determine the potential of leucine as a ubiquitous dispersibility enhancer for a variety of pulmonary formulations. © 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd.
More information on the biochemical interactions taking place between the tear film and the contact lens is required to further our understanding of the causative mechanisms behind the symptoms of dryness and grittiness often experienced by contact lens wearers. These symptoms can often lead to an intolerance to contact lens wear.
Lipids play a vital role in the body at many interfaces. Examples include the lubrication of articulating joints by synovial fluid, the coating of the lung by pulmonary surfactant and the functions of the tear film in the protection of the anterior eye. The role of the lipids is similar at each site - acting as boundary lubricants and reducing surface and interfacial tension. This review focuses on how and why contact lens wear can disrupt the normal function of lipids within the tear film and explains how the otherwise advantageous presence and function of tear lipids can become disadvantageous, causing problems for the wearer. Because the contact lens is some ten times thicker than the tear film, lipids deposited on the anterior surface become immobilised, reducing lipid turnover and thus leading to prolonged exposure to oxygen and light with consequent generation of degradation products. These degraded lipids reduce lens wettability and have additionally been linked to problems of contact lens discomfort and intolerance. Lipid problems are influenced by the thickness of the lens, the material, surface modification, mode of wear and ultimately the subject. The most influential of these variables is frequently the subject. © 2012.
The feasibility of using a small-scale avalanche tester to measure the flow properties of pharmaceutical lactose powders was examined. The modes of behaviour observed in larger systems were displayed and showed a clear distinction between angular, free-flowing particles and more spherical particles of similar flow characteristics. Angular Lactohale LH100 particles showed slumping behaviour at a rotational frequency of 0.33Hz which disappeared at higher frequencies. Spherical lactose powder with a similar flow function to LH100 only showed rolling behaviour under the same conditions, as did more cohesive powders LH200 and LH300. Further investigation of the LH100 data using Fast Fourier analysis showed that the slumping frequency was 1/10th of the rotational frequency.
Introduction: Methotrexate (MTX) is a cornerstone of treatment in a wide variety of inflammatory conditions, including juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). However, owing to its narrow therapeutic index and the considerable interpatient variability in clinical response, monitoring of adherence to MTX is important. The present study demonstrates the feasibility of using methotrexate polyglutamates (MTXPGs) as a biomarker to measure adherence to MTX treatment in children with JIA and JDM. Methods: Data were collected prospectively from a cohort of 48 children (median age 11.5 years) who received oral or subcutaneous (SC) MTX therapy for JIA or JDM. Dried blood spot samples were obtained from children by finger pick at the clinic or via self- or parent-led sampling at home, and they were analysed to determine the variability in MTXPG concentrations and assess adherence to MTX therapy. Results: Wide fluctuations in MTXPG total concentrations (>2.0-fold variations) were found in 17 patients receiving stable weekly doses of MTX, which is indicative of nonadherence or partial adherence to MTX therapy. Age (P = 0.026) and route of administration (P = 0.005) were the most important predictors of nonadherence to MTX treatment. In addition, the study showed that MTX dose and route of administration were significantly associated with variations in the distribution of MTXPG subtypes. Higher doses and SC administration of MTX produced higher levels of total MTXPGs and selective accumulation of longer-chain MTXPGs (P < 0.001 and P < 0.0001, respectively). Conclusions: Nonadherence to MTX therapy is a significant problem in children with JIA and JDM. The present study suggests that patients with inadequate adherence and/or intolerance to oral MTX may benefit from SC administration of the drug. The clinical utility of MTXPG levels to monitor and optimise adherence to MTX in children has been demonstrated. Trial registration: ISRCTN Registry identifier: ISRCTN93945409. Registered 2 December 2011.
For this paper, emotional and socio-political questions lie at the heart of relationships in understanding intellectual disability and what it is to be a human. While the sexual and intimate is more often than not based on a private and personal relationship with the self and (an)other, the sexual and intimate life of intellectually disabled people is more often a ‘public’ affair governed by parents and/or carers, destabilizing what we might consider ethical and caring practices. In the socio-political sphere, as an all-encompassing ‘care space’, social intolerance and aversion to difficult differences are played out, impacting upon the intimate lives of intellectually disabled people. As co-researchers (one intellectually disabled and one ‘non-disabled’), we discuss narratives from a small scale research project and our personal reflections. In sociological research and more specifically within disability research it is clear that we need to keep sex and intimacy on the agenda, yet also find ways of doing research in a meaningful, caring and co-constructed way.
This pioneering book, in considering intellectually disabled people's lives, sets out a care ethics model of disability that outlines the emotional caring sphere, where love and care are psycho-socially questioned, the practical caring sphere, where day-to-day care is carried out, and the socio-political caring sphere, where social intolerance and aversion to difficult differences are addressed. This book draws from an understanding of how intellectual disability is represented in all forms of media, a feminist ethics of care, and capabilities, as well as other theories, to provide a critique and alternative to the social model of disability.
Background: Food allergy (FA) is aunique chronic condition as sufferers aregenerally well unless they accidentally ingest an allergen, whereupon symptoms can be life threatening. A good under-standing of the condition is essential forsuccessful self-management, however little is known about children and young teenagers' understanding. This study aimed toexplore understanding of FA in childrenwith and without FA and whether under-standing changes as children get older.Method: Participants aged 6–14 years (53with FA; 89 without), recruited from loc evidence of a prospective associationbetween maternal, perinatal or infant VDIand subsequent IgE-mediated FA schools and allergy clinics took part insemi-structured interviews; data were analysed using thematic analysis.Results: Three themes were identified fromthe data across the different age groups andallergy statuses: food allergy as a sickness, food allergy as an illness and food allergy asintolerance to food. Children aged 6–8 years described FA as a sickness; you were not allowed the food because it makes youpoorly. Children aged 9–11 years also talked about FA as something that makesyou poorly, but many also described it as anillness and understood that symptoms were caused by food. Children aged 12–14 yearsdescribed it as an intolerance or that FA was your body's response to a particularfood. These age-related differences wereseen in children with and without FA. Conclusion: Although sophistication ofknowledge of FA increases with age, it is still a little understood condition by chil-dren and young teenagers. Clear, age-re-lated information about food allergy andhow it should be managed is needed forthose with and without allergy, to avoidmisunderstanding, and aid awareness andbetter self-management of the condition
Regionális klímaváltozási forgatókönyvek szerint hazánk éghajlata az elkövetkező 90 évben a mainál jóval melegebb, a nyári évszakban csapadékszegényebb, összességében pedig szárazabb lesz. Kutatásunk célja volt felmérni szárazságtűrésük szerint a legjelentősebb faiskolák katalógusában fellelhető fa- és cserjefajokat (a gyűjtésben nem szerepelnek a faj alatti taxonok). A vizsgálatainkban szereplő öt faiskola növénykínálatát a tudományos nevek ellenőrzése után összesítettük, majd ezt követően az egyes fajokat vízigény szerinti kategóriákba soroltuk. A tényleges statisztikai értékelésbe – a 451 összegyűjtött faj tudományos neveinek ellenőrzése után – 420 fajt vontunk be, melyek 20%-a vízigényes, 53%-a közepesen vízigényes és 27%-a szárazságtűrő. Várakozásainkkal ellentétben a vízigényes fajok részaránya kevésnek mondható, ugyanakkor a szárazságtűrő fajok magasabb aránya kívánatos lenne. Ezért, a gyakorlati alkalmazást elősegítve, kiemeltünk olyan nemzetségeket, melyek kereskedelmi forgalmazását meg kellene kezdeni vagy fokozni, mint pl a Cupressus, Eucommia, Halimodendron, Paliurus, Pyrus, Rhus, Yucca Zanthoxylum, Zelkova, illetve olyanokat, melyek telepítését a jövőben nem, vagy csak kellő körültekintéssel javasoljuk, mint például a Clematis, Hydrangea, Liquidambar, Magnolia, Rhododendron nemzetségek. _____ According to regional climate change scenarios, the climate in Hungary will be warmer. Less precipitation is predicted in the summer seasons so, on the whole, it will be drier over the next 90 years. Our research attempted to survey the ornamental plant species in the most important nurseries in Hungary, in terms of their drought tolerance. The intraspecifi c taxa are not included. The plant assortment of the fi ve nurseries was merged after researching their scientifi c names. We then categorized species to 3 groups of drought tolerance. Out of 451 species, 420 of them were used in the statistical research. 20% of them were water demanding, 53% were medium drought tolerant and 27% were drought tolerant. In contrast to our initial expectation, the proportion of water demanding species was not too high. Nevertheless, the proportion of drought tolerant species should have been greater. We classifi ed the genera to assist in practical application. The trade of some of these species, such as Cupressus, Eucommia, Halimodendron, Paliurus, Pyrus, Rhus, Yucca, Zanthoxylum, Zelkova should be initiated or increased in the future. Other species, especially Clematis, Hydrangea, Liquidambar, Magnolia, Rhododendron are not recommended due to either their drought intolerance or their high maintenance requirement.
The purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate that sexual repression is a recurring theme throughout a selection of works by Federico García Lorca. The introductory chapter focuses on the sexual theories of Sigmund Freud and Michel Foucault in setting the foundation for an analysis of sexually frustrated characters. In chapter two, an analysis of Lorca's rural trilogy reveals how marginalized female characters struggle to preserve societal customs that subjugate them to the patriarchal hegemony by limiting their free will and their sexual freedom. The subsequent chapter elaborates on the theme of repression in poems where the oppressed voice expresses and denounces the intolerance and persecution of those who condemn homosexuality through metaphors of darkness, impurity, and barren love. Chapter four analyzes two avant-garde plays where the underlying message is that of a society that hampers the expression of homosexual love by silencing desire and forcing individuals to mask their identities. The conclusion demonstrates once more the effects of society on sexual freedom, as well as explaining that the recurrence of repressed women is not a pretext in portraying the homosexual saga, but a pre-text in presenting them as an equally marginalized group.
This paper discusses the role of the role of social studies education in Nigeria. Amidst problems of mass education, funding, inequities, intolerance, corruption, weak governance, access to quality education, curriculum development, effective instructional methods, research, and teacher education, Nigeria embarks upon a democratic path to national unity and peace.
In the following pages, three well-known Latinoamericanists share their views on the current prospects for coups in Latin America. They are: Rut Diamint of the University Torcuatto de Tella in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Pablo Policzer of the University of Calgary in Canada; and Michael Shifter of the Inter-American Dialogue in Washington, DC. Each looks at the potential for coups from different perspectives but, all three come to similar conclusions. That is, that despite substantial gains in democracy, the threat of coups in Latin America remains latent. The authors agree that democracy is growing in the region. Opinion surveys such as the Americas Barometer consistently show that citizens in Latin America have gradually incorporated democracy as part of their core value system. Yet, the authors argue convincingly that Latin America faces new types of interruptions to its democratic process that should be considered coups, even if not following the traditional style of military coup that predominated in the past. Situations that have taken place in Peru, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Honduras and other countries serve to illustrate the new trends. More specifically, Professor Diamint argues that in Latin America a culture of intolerance, demonization of the opposition, and the utilization of any method to achieve power prevails. In a region with a very high threshold of violence, governments fail to set an example of establishing a culture of debate, consensus, and transparency. This culture is inclined to uncontrollable political expressions, preferring confrontational means to resolve conflict. Within this scenario, “messianic” solutions are promoted and coups cannot be discarded as an option that would never transpire. Professor Policzer looks more closely to the constitutional loopholes that allow for a transformation of limited into absolute power. He argues that coups can be constitutional or unconstitutional, and that a constitutional coup can occur when violations to democracy actually stem from the constitutions themselves. In Honduras, for example specific provisions in the Constitution itself created conditions for a constitutional crisis; similar provisions have also led to constitutional authoritarianism in Venezuela and other countries. Dr. Policzer stresses that when a head of state or the military take absolute power, even temporarily, based on provisions in their constitutions; they are in essence staging a constitutional coup. These blind spots in constitutions, he argues, may be more serious threat to democracy than that of traditional coups. Lastly, Dr. Shifter argues that some kind of coup should be expected in Latin America in coming years, not only because fundamental institutions remain weak in some countries, but because the regional political environment is less prepared to respond effectively to transgressions than it was a few years ago. The good news, however, is that only a handful of countries, show no interest in governing. The bad news is that in those few countries where situations are indeed shaky, they are also in some cases aggravated by rising food and fuel prices, and spreading criminality, which pose serious risks to the rule of law and democratic governance.
The trioxsalen (Tri) is a low-dose drug used in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases. The aim of the study was applying the thermal analysis and complementary techniques for characterization, evaluation of the trioxsalen stability and components of manipulated pharmaceutical formulations. The thermal behavior of the Tri by TG/DTG-DTA in dynamic atmosphere of synthetic air and nitrogen showed the same profile with a melting peak followed by a volatilization-related event. From the curves TG / DTG is observed a single stage of mass loss. By heating the drug in the stove at temperatures of 80, 240 and 260 °C, it had no change in chemical structure through the techniques of XRD, HPLC, MIR, OM and SEM. From the non-isothermal and isothermal TG kinetic studies was possible to calculate the activation energy and reaction order for the Tri. The drug showed good thermal stability. Studies on drug-excipient compatibility showed interaction of trissoralen with sodium lauryl sulfate 1:1. There was no interaction with aerosol, pregelatinized starch, sodium starch glycolate, cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, lactose and mannitol.The characterization of three trioxsalen formulations at concentrations of 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 mg was performed by DSC, TG / DTG, XRD, NIR and MIR. The PCA classification method based on spectral data from the NIR and MIR of trissoralen formulations allows successful differentiation into three groups. The formulation 3 was the one that best showed analytical profile with the following composition of aerosil excipients, pre-gelatinized starch and cellulose. The activation energy of the volatilization process of the drug was determined in binary mixtures and formulation 3 through fitting and isoconversional methods. The binary mixture with sodium starch glycolate and lactose showed differences in kinetic parameters compared to the drug isolated. The thermoanalytical techniques (DSC and TG / DTG) were shown to be promising methodologies for quantifying trioxsalen obtained by the linearity, selectivity, no use solvents, without sample preparation, speed and practicality.
In this work, the reference drugs, generic and similar to the active ingredients acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, captopril, hydrochlorothiazide and mebendazole were purchased from local pharmacies and studied by thermogravimetry (TG) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Thermal decomposition was assessed to obtain from the Ozawa method the activation energy in inert atmosphere (nitrogen), using three different heating ratios (5, 10 and 20 o C min-1). The pharmaceutical formulation of the AAS reference was the one who presented different from the others (generic and similar) Thermogravimetric profile indicating likely interaction between the active ingredient and excipients. Was observed at the heating rate of the inverse temperature that no linearity of the data, ie, there was no correlation between the percentage of mass loss and the activation energy involved in the thermal decomposition of the pharmaceutical formulation of the AAS reference log graph. The analysis by differential scanning calorimetry was performed in nitrogen atmosphere with a heating rate of 10 ° C min-1. In the analysis of these same drugs, the data curves found on the melting point were, except for hydrochlorothiazide, are consistent with the literature. Hydrochlorothiazide presented a melting point well below that found in the literature, which may be justified due to the interaction of the active ingredient with the excipient lactose. In the study of purity, using the Van't Hoff equation, the reference drugs hydrochlorothiazide and mebendazole reference generic and showed similar impurity content below the limit established that this equation must be greater than 2.5 mol%
The objective of this research was to evaluate the production of dairy goats fed different species of cactus. Pluriparous five Saanen goats were used, with nine weeks of lactation, and average live weight of 50 kg ± 4 kg. The animals were distributed in latin square design (5x5) with 5 diets and 5 periods. No differences (P>0,05) were observed in the DM of the experimental diets by getting average values of 2.251,84 g dia-1 , 4,46 %PV e 118,91g kg0,75 . The DM contents of the diets were 50,55 to 55,92% by presenting a maximum variation of 10% between them. A significant difference (P<0,05) water consumption way tendered, between diets with different cactus species. The treatments cactus “Orelha de Elefante Mexicana” and Facheiro had lower water consumption compared to cactus “Palma Miúda. For milk yield no significant difference (P> 0,05) between diets formulated with cactus species, with an average of 1,90 kg/day treatments. The analysis of variance show a significant difference (P<0,05) among treatments for milk corrected to 4% fat and fat production. There was an effect (P<0,05) of the diets with different cactus on the crude protein (CP) and lactose in milk. All treatments with different cactus species can be used for dairy goats in view consumption have afforded sufficient to meet the nutritional requirements for milk nutrients, besides presenting the higher than levels of physical and chemical composition to minimum levels established by current legislation