879 resultados para incerteza
Os 799 discentes presenciais cursando entre o 5º a 8º semestre que utilizam os jogos de empresas, inclusos nas 225 empresas ativas distribuídas entre os cursos de Administração geral; Comércio exterior; Administração financeira; Ciências contábeis e Ciências econômicas no campus Rudge Ramos da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, foram submetidos a 6 cenários virtuais, com diferentes graus de complexidade, onde suas decisões foram investigadas sob a ótica dos aspectos heurísticos, contidos em finanças comportamentais, validando a hipótese de que suas decisões não são tomadas utilizando a teoria de mercado eficiente contida nas finanças tradicionais, modelo este que pressupõe que seus agentes são racionais e maximizadores de benefícios esperados, mas as tomam através das heurísticas comportamentais de efeito certeza, reflexão e isolamento, existentes no questionário da Teoria do Prospecto, Nobel de economia em 2002 por introduzir os insights da pesquisa psicológica na ciência econômica, especialmente no que diz respeito as avaliações e tomada de decisão sob incerteza, sugerindo uma mudança na função linear da predileção de perdas à ganhos, constantes em finanças tradicionais, para uma concavidade da função utilidade para ganhos e convexas para perdas, utilizadas em heurísticas comportamentais de Kahneman e Tversky (1979). Foi também efetuada uma análise de processos das 56 empresas virtuais contidas no 1º quartil, escalonadas em ordem decrescente, gerando duas proxys de confirmação dos resultados tabulados. Foi constatado uma superestimação de resultados possíveis ao invés de resultados prováveis, demonstrando fantasias das habilidades dos jogadores, equiparáveis com os resultados de Weinstein (1980), em até 71% acreditando serem melhores do que realmente são. Além de análise Qui-Quadrática que confirmaram que os resultados da teoria do prospecto são equiprováveis e equilibrados com o trabalho original, além do Teste-t entre amostras de variâncias equivalentes que geraram significância estatística, reforçando o modelo. Também foi efetuado uma análise das decisões por gênero nas respostas, para comprovar a irrelevância proposta por Hanna, Gutter e Fan (2001) quanto a predileção e aceitação ao risco.
Este estudo traz resultados de uma pesquisa em abordagem qualitativa sobre o Sistema de Avaliação de Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo, o SARESP. O objetivo foi efetuar uma leitura dos resultados do SARESP em busca de uma informação especifica: a Aula de Trabalho Pedagógico Coletivo (ATPC). Toma-se por problemática, a análise oficial para os resultados apresentados em 2011 pelos alunos do 3° ano do ensino fundamental na prova de Língua Portuguesa: Esse desempenho positivo parece refletir os muitos esforços [...] em relação ao fomento de atividades de formação e de orientações pedagógicas aos professores . Considerando que a ATPC é o principal contexto para formar e orientar o professor, questionou-se: O que informa o SARESP a respeito da ATPC? Para minimizar essa incerteza fez-se uma leitura do Relatório dos Estudos do SARESP (2010 e 2011) um documento elaborado a partir das informações coletadas pelos questionários aplicados a alunos, pais e equipe escolar. Essa pesquisa centrou-se nas perguntas, respostas e análises do SARESP sobre a ATPC. A recolha dos dados foi instrumentalizada por uma pesquisa documental com uso da técnica documentação (SEVERINO, 2012 e LAKATOS; MARCONI, 1991). A análise dos dados foi organizada em dois momentos: Análise documental (CELLARD, 2012) e Análise de Conteúdo (BARDIN, 2012 e FRANCO, 2012). O estudo apresenta alguns aspectos da avaliação nacional e avaliações subnacionais (BONAMINO; SOUSA, 2012; BONAMINO; FRANCO, 1999; PESTANA, 1997 e BROOKE, 2006 e 2008), e algumas considerações sobre os questionários e os relatórios como instrumentos utilizados por sistemas de avaliação (MINAYO, 2005; ELLIOT; HILDEBRAND; BERENGER, 2012). Os resultados foram organizados em dois eixos: a coleta e, a análise dos documentos. Em relação a coleta, a pesquisa mostrou que houve dificuldade em localizar os documentos do SARESP podendo indicar que a memória da rede estadual paulista em relação a essa política pública possa estar se perdendo. Em relação a análise dos documentos, os resultados apontaram que a ATPC é um dado coletado pelos questionários contextuais da equipe escolar e analisado pelo SARESP, os resultados dessa análise são apresentados no documento Relatório dos Estudos do SARESP e trazem informações especificas sobre a sua organização, assuntos tratados e principais responsáveis. A leitura e a análise dessas informações apontam que: a formação do professor em ATPC pautada nas orientações da SEE-SP não foi uma opção de resposta oferecida ao professor; essas reuniões fazem uso restrito da Proposta Curricular e a participação do diretor nessas reuniões foi apresentada no relatório de 2011 como um fator associado ao desempenho positivo dos alunos do 3° ano do ensino fundamental.
A adolescência é um processo dinâmico entre a infância e a idade adulta: inicia-se com a puberdade e termina com a aquisição da identidade, da autonomia, bem como da elaboração de projetos de vida e de integração na sociedade. Os modelos de identidade são transferidos dos pais para os adolescentes, de modo a permitir a construção de idéias e afetos próprios. Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar como o adolescente vivencia tornar-se portador da doença crônica o diabetes. Para tanto, recorremos a abordagem qualitativa, utilizando como instrumento de coleta a entrevista semi-estruturada. Participaram do estudo cinco sujeitos, com idade variando de 10 a 17 anos, com diagnóstico do diabetes mellitus tipo 1 há pelo menos um ano. A partir das entrevistas, organizamos os dados em três temas: o impacto do diagnóstico no adolescente, convivendo com mudanças e a busca de identidade. Considerando-se que a adolescência é um período de vida marcado pela busca da identidade, no qual o adolescente esta revendo suas posições infantis frente a incerteza dos papéis adultos que se apresentam a ele, e aliado a este momento vem a doença crônica o diabetes. Parece-nos importante que haja compreensão, um grande apoio social e um efetivo trabalho de educação em diabetes que possibilitará a integração social e psicológica do portador do diabetes.
Objetivo: O reconhecimento contabilístico dos ativos intangíveis tem vindo a gerar alguma controvérsia, dadas as caraterísticas particulares que lhe estão associadas: a dificuldade em identificá-los devido à sua natureza não física e a sua difícil mensuração. No entanto, a caraterística mais importante tem a ver com o grau de incerteza em relação à obtenção de benefícios económicos futuros. Estas caraterísticas fazem com que esses ativos sejam pouco considerados nas demonstrações financeiras das organizações atuais, existindo cada vez maiores exigências das partes interessadas em informação transparente e credível. O ano de 2016 ficará marcado por uma reforma nacional ao nível da contabilidade empresarial e pública. Com a publicação do Decreto-Lei n.º 98/2015, de 2 de junho, os instrumentos contabilísticos do novo Sistema de Normalização Contabilística (SNC) foram aprovados para serem aplicados a períodos que se iniciem a partir 1 de janeiro de 2016. Também a implementação do Decreto-Lei nº 192/2015, de 11 de setembro, trará para as administrações públicas uma uniformidade de procedimentos contabilísticos não existente no setor público em Portugal até então, e cuja obrigatoriedade de aplicação se reporta a 1 de janeiro de 2017. Face ao exposto, o objetivo central deste trabalho é efetuar uma análise comparativa da contabilização dos ativos intangíveis no âmbito do SNC e do SNC-AP (Sistema de Normalização Contabilística para as Administrações Públicas). Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: Investigação qualitativa através da realização de uma análise comparativa ao normativo contabilístico existente no âmbito privado (SNC) e público (SNC-AP). Resultados: A convergência dos normativos SNC e SNC-AP, no que diz respeito aos ativos intangíveis, nos critérios de reconhecimento e mensuração não é plena. No que respeita ao reconhecimento, é dada a possibilidade, no âmbito público, de um elemento ser reconhecido como ativo, mesmo que não produza benefícios económicos futuros para a entidade, desde que possua potencial de serviço. No que à mensuração se refere, na norma aplicada ao setor público o modelo da revalorização é visto como uma alternativa ao modelo do custo, não estando previsto nesse modelo o reconhecimento de perdas por imparidade. Originalidade/valor: Entendemos que as conclusões observadas neste trabalho poderão contribuir para que outros estudos se desenvolvam no âmbito de uma análise conjunta aos normativos contabilísticos adotados em Portugal. Além disso, trata-se de um estudo bastante recente, atendendo à obrigatoriedade de adoção do SNC-AP a partir de 2017.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Various physical systems have dynamics that can be modeled by percolation processes. Percolation is used to study issues ranging from fluid diffusion through disordered media to fragmentation of a computer network caused by hacker attacks. A common feature of all of these systems is the presence of two non-coexistent regimes associated to certain properties of the system. For example: the disordered media can allow or not allow the flow of the fluid depending on its porosity. The change from one regime to another characterizes the percolation phase transition. The standard way of analyzing this transition uses the order parameter, a variable related to some characteristic of the system that exhibits zero value in one of the regimes and a nonzero value in the other. The proposal introduced in this thesis is that this phase transition can be investigated without the explicit use of the order parameter, but rather through the Shannon entropy. This entropy is a measure of the uncertainty degree in the information content of a probability distribution. The proposal is evaluated in the context of cluster formation in random graphs, and we apply the method to both classical percolation (Erd¨os- R´enyi) and explosive percolation. It is based in the computation of the entropy contained in the cluster size probability distribution and the results show that the transition critical point relates to the derivatives of the entropy. Furthermore, the difference between the smooth and abrupt aspects of the classical and explosive percolation transitions, respectively, is reinforced by the observation that the entropy has a maximum value in the classical transition critical point, while that correspondence does not occurs during the explosive percolation.
Various physical systems have dynamics that can be modeled by percolation processes. Percolation is used to study issues ranging from fluid diffusion through disordered media to fragmentation of a computer network caused by hacker attacks. A common feature of all of these systems is the presence of two non-coexistent regimes associated to certain properties of the system. For example: the disordered media can allow or not allow the flow of the fluid depending on its porosity. The change from one regime to another characterizes the percolation phase transition. The standard way of analyzing this transition uses the order parameter, a variable related to some characteristic of the system that exhibits zero value in one of the regimes and a nonzero value in the other. The proposal introduced in this thesis is that this phase transition can be investigated without the explicit use of the order parameter, but rather through the Shannon entropy. This entropy is a measure of the uncertainty degree in the information content of a probability distribution. The proposal is evaluated in the context of cluster formation in random graphs, and we apply the method to both classical percolation (Erd¨os- R´enyi) and explosive percolation. It is based in the computation of the entropy contained in the cluster size probability distribution and the results show that the transition critical point relates to the derivatives of the entropy. Furthermore, the difference between the smooth and abrupt aspects of the classical and explosive percolation transitions, respectively, is reinforced by the observation that the entropy has a maximum value in the classical transition critical point, while that correspondence does not occurs during the explosive percolation.
The discussion about rift evolution in the Brazilian Equatorial margin during the South America-Africa breakup in the Jurassic/Cretaceous has been focused in many researches. But rift evolution based on development and growth of faults has not been well explored. In this sense, we investigated the Cretaceous Potiguar Basin in the Equatorial margin of Brazil to understand the geometry of major faults and the influence of crustal heterogeneity and preexisting structural fabric in the evolution of the basin internal architecture. Previous studies pointed out that the rift is an asymmetrical half-graben elongated along the NE-SW direction. We used 2D seismic, well logs and 3D gravity modeling to analyze four major border fault segments and determine their maximum displacement (Dmax) and length (L) ratio in the Potiguar Rift. We constrained the 3D gravity modeling with well data and the interpretation of seismic sections. The difference of the fault displacement measured in the gravity model is in the order of 10% compared to seismic and well data. The fault-growth curves allowed us to divide the faulted rift border into four main fault segments, which provide roughly similar Dmax/L ratios. Fault-growth curves suggest that a regional uniform tectonic mechanism influenced growth of the rift fault segments. The variation of the displacements along the fault segments indicates that the fault segments were formed independently during rift initiation and were linked by hard and soft linkages. The latter formed relay ramps. In the interconnection zones the Dmax/L ratios are highest due to interference of fault segment motions. We divided the evolution of the Potiguar Rift into five stages based on these ratios and correlated them with the major tectonic stages of the breakup between South America and Africa in Early Cretaceous.
The discussion about rift evolution in the Brazilian Equatorial margin during the South America-Africa breakup in the Jurassic/Cretaceous has been focused in many researches. But rift evolution based on development and growth of faults has not been well explored. In this sense, we investigated the Cretaceous Potiguar Basin in the Equatorial margin of Brazil to understand the geometry of major faults and the influence of crustal heterogeneity and preexisting structural fabric in the evolution of the basin internal architecture. Previous studies pointed out that the rift is an asymmetrical half-graben elongated along the NE-SW direction. We used 2D seismic, well logs and 3D gravity modeling to analyze four major border fault segments and determine their maximum displacement (Dmax) and length (L) ratio in the Potiguar Rift. We constrained the 3D gravity modeling with well data and the interpretation of seismic sections. The difference of the fault displacement measured in the gravity model is in the order of 10% compared to seismic and well data. The fault-growth curves allowed us to divide the faulted rift border into four main fault segments, which provide roughly similar Dmax/L ratios. Fault-growth curves suggest that a regional uniform tectonic mechanism influenced growth of the rift fault segments. The variation of the displacements along the fault segments indicates that the fault segments were formed independently during rift initiation and were linked by hard and soft linkages. The latter formed relay ramps. In the interconnection zones the Dmax/L ratios are highest due to interference of fault segment motions. We divided the evolution of the Potiguar Rift into five stages based on these ratios and correlated them with the major tectonic stages of the breakup between South America and Africa in Early Cretaceous.
A significant observational effort has been directed to investigate the nature of the so-called dark energy. In this dissertation we derive constraints on dark energy models using three different observable: measurements of the Hubble rate H(z) (compiled by Meng et al. in 2015.); distance modulus of 580 Supernovae Type Ia (Union catalog Compilation 2.1, 2011); and the observations of baryon acoustic oscilations (BAO) and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) by using the so-called CMB/BAO of six peaks of BAO (a peak determined through the Survey 6dFGS data, two through the SDSS and three through WiggleZ). The statistical analysis used was the method of the χ2 minimum (marginalized or minimized over h whenever possible) to link the cosmological parameter: m, ω and δω0. These tests were applied in two parameterization of the parameter ω of the equation of state of dark energy, p = ωρ (here, p is the pressure and ρ is the component of energy density). In one, ω is considered constant and less than -1/3, known as XCDM model; in the other the parameter of state equantion varies with the redshift, where we the call model GS. This last model is based on arguments that arise from the theory of cosmological inflation. For comparison it was also made the analysis of model CDM. Comparison of cosmological models with different observations lead to different optimal settings. Thus, to classify the observational viability of different theoretical models we use two criteria information, the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and the Akaike information criteria (AIC). The Fisher matrix tool was incorporated into our testing to provide us with the uncertainty of the parameters of each theoretical model. We found that the complementarity of tests is necessary inorder we do not have degenerate parametric spaces. Making the minimization process we found (68%), for the Model XCDM the best fit parameters are m = 0.28 ± 0, 012 and ωX = −1.01 ± 0, 052. While for Model GS the best settings are m = 0.28 ± 0, 011 and δω0 = 0.00 ± 0, 059. Performing a marginalization we found (68%), for the Model XCDM the best fit parameters are m = 0.28 ± 0, 012 and ωX = −1.01 ± 0, 052. While for Model GS the best settings are M = 0.28 ± 0, 011 and δω0 = 0.00 ± 0, 059.
A significant observational effort has been directed to investigate the nature of the so-called dark energy. In this dissertation we derive constraints on dark energy models using three different observable: measurements of the Hubble rate H(z) (compiled by Meng et al. in 2015.); distance modulus of 580 Supernovae Type Ia (Union catalog Compilation 2.1, 2011); and the observations of baryon acoustic oscilations (BAO) and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) by using the so-called CMB/BAO of six peaks of BAO (a peak determined through the Survey 6dFGS data, two through the SDSS and three through WiggleZ). The statistical analysis used was the method of the χ2 minimum (marginalized or minimized over h whenever possible) to link the cosmological parameter: m, ω and δω0. These tests were applied in two parameterization of the parameter ω of the equation of state of dark energy, p = ωρ (here, p is the pressure and ρ is the component of energy density). In one, ω is considered constant and less than -1/3, known as XCDM model; in the other the parameter of state equantion varies with the redshift, where we the call model GS. This last model is based on arguments that arise from the theory of cosmological inflation. For comparison it was also made the analysis of model CDM. Comparison of cosmological models with different observations lead to different optimal settings. Thus, to classify the observational viability of different theoretical models we use two criteria information, the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and the Akaike information criteria (AIC). The Fisher matrix tool was incorporated into our testing to provide us with the uncertainty of the parameters of each theoretical model. We found that the complementarity of tests is necessary inorder we do not have degenerate parametric spaces. Making the minimization process we found (68%), for the Model XCDM the best fit parameters are m = 0.28 ± 0, 012 and ωX = −1.01 ± 0, 052. While for Model GS the best settings are m = 0.28 ± 0, 011 and δω0 = 0.00 ± 0, 059. Performing a marginalization we found (68%), for the Model XCDM the best fit parameters are m = 0.28 ± 0, 012 and ωX = −1.01 ± 0, 052. While for Model GS the best settings are M = 0.28 ± 0, 011 and δω0 = 0.00 ± 0, 059.
Ce travail a recherché sur le processus de préparation corporel\vocal\énergique de l’acteur pour la rue. Notre quête principale c’est comprendre les processus qui l'acteur se déplace afin de développer une énergie à la scène dans la rue. C'est cette énergie qui est mis en place et se rapporte à le passant\spectateur? Qui attire l'attention de passant\spectateur? Serai l'histoire? Le code vestimentaire ou être une expressivité dynamisée? Serai une énergie présente dans le corps de l'acteur qui se relacione avec les passants? Comme l'acteur se rapporte à l'espace urbain? Pour tenter de répondre à ces questions, nous allons utilisé certains principes de la physique moderne, tels comme: la Théorie Quantique et le Principe d'Incertitude, autan la Théorie du Chaos. Le théâtre jouée dans les rues, surtout par le biais de longs prolongements de construction scénique, cependant, lorsque présentée au public, est prise par les autres causalités, car étant situé sur la rue, l'acteur devient assujettie à cet espace et ne peut pas nier la possibilité des faits qui peuvent se produire. Selon la physique quantique l'énergie se propage dans un espace vide, la quantité d'énergie physique étant échangé dans la rue, ce qui entraîne le moment magique où les corps des acteurs, des échanges constants avec les spectateurs, en permettant le saut quantique: le spectacle théâtral de la rue.
Many changes have taken place in contemporary society causing impacts in its different sectors, making it much more complex and insecure than in past times. The alteration on the decision-making system of the Brazilian society is among the main changes today. The post-modern context contributed to the occurrence of the transfer of state power of the Legislative and Executive Powers to the Judiciary Power, specifically to the Federal Court of Justice, leading to an expansion on the actuation range of this institution mainly through the exercise of the constitutional jurisdiction. This has caused a crisis of legitimacy in society once the Court will now decide the political and social fundamental issues. In this scenario, the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n° 3937/SP and n° 3357/RS are highlighted and both are being tried by the Supreme Court. Such emphasis is given, since it is a matter of high complexity and social repercussion that will be decided by a legal institution and not a political one. Thus, this work aims to analyze the role of the Supreme Court in the context of contemporary society on the trial of complex and controversial cases, particularly on the trial of Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n° 3937/SP and n° 3357/RS. This study has noticed that due to the post-modern context the majority of the Supreme Court Ministers tend to base their votes in constitutional principles and no longer limit themselves to a formal review of the constitutionality of laws, which indicates a substantialist approach. Moreover, it can be noticed the deliberative potential of the Court as well as the influence of the post-modern features, such as risk, uncertainty and insecurity on the elaboration of the Minister‟s votes. Therefore, sometimes, such as the case in study, the Supreme Court has acted as a technocratic agent in Brazilian society once fundamental political and social decisions for society especially when it comes to complex and controversial cases are being taken by the Supreme Court, which is composed by “Law technicians” and such decisions are mainly based in technical data and scientific studies. For the accomplishment of this work, it has been adopted the inductive approach and monographic procedure method and the bibliographical and documentary research technique.
La humanidad está en un periodo de transición paradigmática, donde aún no existe acuerdo sobre en cual periodo nos encuadramos, sí modernidad o posmodernidad, pero el debate de ahí surgido se revela útil y transversal a los dilemas que enfrenta hoy la sociedad. Uno de esos dilemas tiene que ver con el reconocimiento del agua como derecho fundamental, ciertamente la era de la información ha permitido avanzar en armar el rompecabezas de la crisis hídrica mundial y sus riesgos, lo que ha develado una realidad importante, el acceso al agua tanto en naciones económicamente desarrolladas como en las menos desarrolladas constituye aun una aspiración, son varias las causas de esto, siendo una de las más comunes la atribuida al cambio climático, sin embargo, al profundizar en la materia surgen otras causas como la falta de voluntad política a nivel nacional, los intereses económicos que dan al agua tratamiento de mercancía y a nivel internacional la existencia de luces y sombras en el campo de los derechos humanos, estas constituyen las piezas del mencionado rompecabezas, aun por armar. Mientras tanto el Derecho tiene aquí un desafío de significativa importancia, adaptarse a fin de responder adecuadamente a las nuevas realidades: riesgos de diversas índoles. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo defender la existencia del derecho fundamental al agua en el ordenamiento jurídico brasileño y nicaragüense, comparando instrumentos que puedan asegurar su efectividad. Para la realización de este trabajo se utilizó un abordaje inductivo-comparativo, fuentes bibliográficas brasileñas, nicaragüenses y de países con experiencias relevantes para la comprensión del problema y que pudieran aportar propuestas de cara al reconocimiento y efectivación del derecho fundamental al agua. Este trabajo encontró que existen ambigüedades importantes en el campo del Derecho Humano al Agua motivadas por el trabajo de agencias que defienden el derecho pero a la vez establecen coordinaciones y normativas con quienes impulsan su privatización, fue posible presentar elementos que apoyan la fundamentalidad del derecho al agua desde un punto de vista material y de vinculación con otros derechos fundamentales, pero preocupa en el caso de Brasil y Nicaragua el poco avance jurisprudencial de cara al reconocimiento y finalmente la atribución de la crisis hídrica en muchos casos a la incertidumbre climática, cuando uno de los principales desafíos se encuentra en la explotación comercial del agua.
The human being is understood as an integral being, complex, which has multiple dimensions: social, biological, psychological, anthropological, spiritual and others. As its biological dimension, the man presents the possibility of physical illness, which means that the body requires care. The sick away from humans in health and safety conditions, approaching them directly from the finitude and vulnerability condition, leading us to contact the major uncertainties of life: suffering of disease and death. Religiosity and spirituality are important coping strategy for human when faced with borderline situations. When people turn to religion to cope with stress is the religious and spiritual coping. The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship between the views on death and the religious-spiritual coping in patients with chronic diseases hospitalized. The study included ten patients hospitalized for chronic disease complications Medical Clinic Unit of a public hospital in the city of Uberlândia/MG. two psychological scales were used: Scale Religious-Spiritual Coping Brief (CRE-Brief Scale) and Scale Brief Diverse Perspectives of Death and a structured interview (audiogravada) on the subject of death and religious and spiritual coping. The results indicated that 80% of the sample (N = 8) consisted of patients hospitalized due to chronic diseases, while 20% accounted for patients with AIDS complications. Analyzing the results of scale CRE-Brief, it emphasizes the use of strategies of religious and spiritual coping by participants as compared to CRE Total, all study participants had average or high scores for this index, with a low utilization CRE negative and average utilization CRE Positive. Regarding views on death, the results obtained by the Different Perspectives Quick Scale on Death suggest that this sample agrees with the view death as something that is part of the natural cycle of life (M8 - Death as a natural end) and features the prospect of death as uncertainty, mystery and ignorance (M4 - death as Unknown). The correlations between the measures the factors and items of CRE-Bref and dimensions of Short scales on different perspectives of Death notes the prevalence of correlations of M4 dimensions - Death as unknown and M8 - Death as a natural order to the creditor scale soon. In the interview analysis revealed a positive influence of religion/ spirituality on health, from the perspective of the respondent, highlighting the protection promoted by religion. It also noticed the use of prayer as a coping strategy of hospitalization and illness. Regarding the interview about the topic of death, there was a predominance of issues related to "afterlife", "unknown" and "abandonment", which are associated with the visions of death and mystery and death as a natural end. In the interviews there belief clues about death as a terrifying mystery connected, so the unknown and the feeling of fear on the same. The experience of illness can therefore be considered as a source of vulnerability, since it is present personal perception of danger (external) - own illness and possible death, especially in those patients undergoing ICU - and where control is insufficient for the sense of security, since the hospital providing care to the patient are delegated to third parties and patients assume a passive role. This fact is important and relevant to health professionals who deal daily with patients hospitalized for chronic diseases, since the recourse to religion and spirituality as a coping strategy that psychic movement was not constituted in a form of negative distance or even denial of health condition. On the contrary, it refers to a movement in search of comfort and security provided by the religion and spirituality.