939 resultados para helix loop helix protein


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Members of the winged helix/forkhead family of transcription factors are believed to play a role in cell-specific gene expression. A cDNA encoding a member of this family of proteins, termed hepatocyte nuclear factor/forkhead homologue 4 (HFH-4), has been isolated from rat lung and rat testis cDNA libraries. This cDNA contains an open reading frame of 421 amino acids with a conserved DNA binding domain and several potential transactivating regions. During murine lung development, a single species of HFH-4-specific transcript (2.4 kb long) is first detected precisely at the start of the late pseudoglandular stage (embryonic day 14.5) and, by in situ hybridization, is specifically localized to the proximal pulmonary epithelium. The unique temporal and spatial pattern of HFH-4 gene expression in the developing lung defines this protein as a marker for the initiation of bronchial epithelial cell differentiation and suggests that it may play an important role in cell fate determination during lung development. In addition to expression in the pulmonary epithelium, RNA blot analysis reveals 2.4-kb HFH-4 transcripts in the testis and oviduct. By using mice with genetic defects in spermatogenesis, HFH-4 expression in the testis is found to be associated with the appearance of haploid germ cells and in situ hybridization studies indicate that HFH-4 expression is confined to stages I-VII of spermatogenesis. This pattern of HFH-4 gene expression during the early stages of differentiation of haploid germ cells suggests that HFH-4 may play a role in regulating stage-specific gene expression and cell-fate determination during lung development and in spermatogenesis.


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The sulfur regulatory system of Neurospora crassa is composed of a set of structural genes involved in sulfur catabolism controlled by a genetically defined set of trans-acting regulatory genes. These sulfur regulatory genes include cys-3+, which encodes a basic region-leucine zipper transcriptional activator, and the negative regulatory gene scon-2+. We report here that the scon-2+ gene encodes a polypeptide of 650 amino acids belonging to the expanding beta-transducin family of eukaryotic regulatory proteins. Specifically, SCON2 protein contains six repeated G beta-homologous domains spanning the C-terminal half of the protein. SCON2 represents the initial filamentous fungal protein identified in the beta-transducin group. Additionally, SCON2 exhibits a specific amino-terminal domain that potentially defines another subfamily of beta-transducin homologs. Expression of the scon-2+ gene has been examined using RNA hybridization and gel mobility-shift analysis. The dependence of scon-2+ expression on CYS3 function and the binding of CYS3 to the scon-2+ promoter indicate the presence of an important control loop within the N. crassa sulfur regulatory circuit involving CYS3 activation of scon-2+ expression. On the basis of the presence of beta-transducin repeats, the crucial role of SCON2 in the signal-response pathway triggered by sulfur limitation may be mediated by protein-protein interactions.


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GabR è un fattore di trascrizione chimerico appartenente alla famiglia dei MocR/GabR, costituito da un dominio N-terminale elica-giro-elica di legame al DNA e un dominio effettore e/o di oligomerizzazione al C-terminale. I due domini sono connessi da un linker flessibile di 29 aminoacidi. Il dominio C-terminale è strutturalmente omologo agli enzimi aminotransferasici fold-type I, i quali, utilizzando il piridossal-5’-fosfato (PLP) come cofattore, sono direttamente coinvolti nel metabolismo degli aminoacidi. L’interazione contemporanea di PLP e acido γ-aminobutirrico (GABA) a GabR fa sì che questa promuova la trascrizione di due geni, gabT e gabD, implicati nel metabolismo del GABA. GabR cristallizza come un omodimero con una configurazione testa-coda. Il legame con la regione promotrice gabTD avviene attraverso il riconoscimento specifico di due sequenze dirette e ripetute (ATACCA), separate da uno spacer di 34 bp. In questo studio sono state indagate le proprietà biochimiche, strutturali e di legame al DNA della proteina GabR di Bacillus subtilis. L’analisi spettroscopica dimostra che GabR interagisce con il PLP formando l’aldimina interna, mentre in presenza di GABA si ottiene l’aldimina esterna. L’interazione fra il promotore gabTD e le forme holo e apo di GabR è stata monitorata mediante Microscopia a Forza atomica (AFM). In queste due condizioni di legame è stata stimata una Kd di circa 40 ηM. La presenza di GABA invece, determinava un incremento di circa due volte della Kd, variazioni strutturali nei complessi GabR-DNA e una riduzione del compattamento del DNA alla proteina, indipendentemente dalla sequenza del promotore in esame. Al fine di valutare il ruolo delle caratteristiche topologiche del promotore, sono state inserite cinque e dieci bp all’interno della regione spacer che separa le due sequenze ripetute dirette riconosciute da GabR. I significativi cambiamenti topologici riscontrati nel frammento aggiunto di cinque bp si riflettono anche sulla forte riduzione dell’affinità di legame verso la proteina. Al contrario, l’inserzione di 10 bp provoca solamente l’allontanamento delle sequenze ripetute dirette. L’assenza quindi di cambiamenti significativi nella topologia di questo promotore fa sì che l’affinità di legame per GabR rimanga pressoché inalterata rispetto al promotore non mutato. L’analisi del potenziale elettrostatico superficiale di GabR mostra la presenza di una fascia carica positivamente che si estende lungo un’intera faccia della proteina. Per verificare l’importanza di questa caratteristica di GabR nel meccanismo di interazione al DNA, sono stati preparati ed indagati i mutanti R129Q e K362-366Q, in cui la carica positiva superficiale risultava indebolita. L’affinità di legame dei mutanti di GabR per il DNA era inferiore rispetto alla proteina non mutata, in particolar modo nel mutante K362-366Q. Le evidenze acquisite suggeriscono che la curvatura intrinseca del promotore ed il corretto orientamento delle sequenze sulla doppia elica, più della distanza che le separa, siano critici per sostenere l’interazione con GabR. Oltre a questo, la superficie positiva di GabR è richiesta per accomodare la curvatura del DNA sul corpo della proteina. Alla luce di questo, l’interazione GabR-gabTD è un esempio di come il riconoscimento specifico di sequenze, la topologia del DNA e le caratteristiche strutturali della proteina siano contemporaneamente necessarie per sostenere un’interazione proteina-DNA stabile.


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A galectina-4 humana (HGal-4), pertencente à família das galectinas, possui dois domínios de reconhecimento de carboidratos (CRDs) com alta afinidade para β-galactosídeos e se encontra amplamente distribuída em células normais e neoplásicas de diferentes organismos. Suas funções snglobam uma grande variedade de eventos celulares, tais como processos inflamatórios, neoplásicos, progressão tumoral e metástase. Entretanto, muitas perguntas sobre suas interações com diferentes carboidratos, a especificidade destas interações e o papel específico das galectinas permanecem ainda sem resposta. No presente trabalho, propomos a investigação das interações galectina-glicano da galectina-4 humana e de seus domínios CRDs independentes (CRD-I e CRD-II) através de um conjunto de métodos biofísicos. Através do método de dicroísmo circular (CD), usando várias regiões espectrais, e fluorescência fomos capazes de entender mudanças ocorrentes na estrutura secundária e terciária das protéinas quando da interação com lactose/sacarose. Estes dados, juntamente com testes de hemaglutinação, mostraram que a glectina-4 e os CRDs respondem de forma distinta à ligação com açúcar. Por diferentes técnicas (fluorescência, ITC e MST) determinamos as constantes de dissociação para os domínios CRDs (Kd ~0,5 mM) e para HGal-4 e, de forma qualitativa, os valores obtidos indicaram possíveis estados oligoméricos dessas proteínas. A investigação da interação proteína-membrana da HGal-4 foi feita, primeiramente, com miméticos de membranas e monitorada pela técnica de RPE em crescente complexidade de composição de tais miméticos, indo desde composições mais simples, passando por lipid rafts na presença de diferentes glicolipídeos (GM1, LPS) e chegando-se à interação com células tumorais (U87MG, T98G e HT-29). Tais experimentos mostraram que galectina-4 reconhece e se liga naqueles modelos onde existem glicanos complexos na superfície. Investigamos também a participação de HGal-4 endógena e exógena no tratamento quimioterápico de células tumorais e verificamos um papel importante de HGal-4 para células HT-29. Finalizando esta tese, apresentamos o trabalho realizado em um ano de estágio na University of Oxford, durante o qual, investigamos a estrutura da região C-terminal de um receptor da família GPCR, qual seja o receptor de neurotensina NTS1. Aqui, mais uma vez, foi empregada a técnica de RPE que aliada à produção/marcação de mutantes do receptor, permitiu determinar que a hélice H8 se estabiliza quando em proteolipossomos.


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To obtain insights into archaeal nitrogen signaling and haloadaptation of the nitrogen/carbon/energy-signaling protein PII, we determined crystal structures of recombinantly produced GlnK2 from the extreme halophilic archaeon Haloferax mediterranei, complexed with AMP or with the PII effectors ADP or ATP, at respective resolutions of 1.49 Å, 1.45 Å, and 2.60 Å. A unique trait of these structures was a three-tongued crown protruding from the trimer body convex side, formed by an 11-residue, N-terminal, highly acidic extension that is absent from structurally studied PII proteins. This extension substantially contributed to the very low pI value, which is a haloadaptive trait of H. mediterranei GlnK2, and participated in hexamer-forming contacts in one crystal. Similar acidic N-extensions are shown here to be common among PII proteins from halophilic organisms. Additional haloadaptive traits prominently represented in H. mediterranei GlnK2 are a very high ratio of small residues to large hydrophobic aliphatic residues, and the highest ratio of polar to nonpolar exposed surface for any structurally characterized PII protein. The presence of a dense hydration layer in the region between the three T-loops might also be a haloadaptation. Other unique findings revealed by the GlnK2 structure that might have functional relevance are: the adoption by its T-loop of a three-turn α-helical conformation, perhaps related to the ability of GlnK2 to directly interact with glutamine synthetase; and the firm binding of AMP, confirmed by biochemical binding studies with ATP, ADP, and AMP, raising the possibility that AMP could be an important PII effector, at least in archaea.


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L’ubiquitination est une modification post-traductionnelle qui joue un rôle majeur dans la régulation d’une multitude de processus cellulaires. Dans cette thèse, je discuterai de la caractérisation de deux protéines, BRCA1 et BAP1, soit deux suppresseurs de tumeurs fonctionnellement reliés. BRCA1, une ubiquitine ligase qui catalyse la liaison de l’ubiquitine à une protéine cible, est mutée dans les cancers du sein et de l'ovaire. Il est bien établi que cette protéine aide à maintenir la stabilité génomique suite à un bris double brin de l’ADN (BDB), et ce, à l’aide d’un mécanisme de réparation bien caractérisé appelé recombinaison homologue. Cependant, les mécanismes de régulation de BRCA1 suite à des stresses génotoxiques n’impliquant pas directement un BDB ne sont pas pleinement élucidés. Nous avons démontré que BRCA1 est régulée par dégradation protéasomale suite à une exposition des cellules à deux agents génotoxiques reconnus pour ne pas directement générer des BDBs, soit les rayons UV, qui provoquent la distorsion de l’hélice d’ADN, et le méthyle méthanesulfonate (MMS), qui entraîne l’alkylation de l’ADN. La dégradation de BRCA1 est réversible et indépendante des kinases associées à la voie des PI3 kinase, soit ATM, ATR et DNA-PK, protéines qui sont rapidement activées par les dommages à l’ADN. Nous proposons que la dégradation de BRCA1 prévienne son recrutement intempestif, ainsi que celui des facteurs qui lui sont associés, à des sites de dommages d’ADN qui ne sont pas des BDBs, et que cette régulation coordonne la réparation de l’ADN. L’enzyme de déubiquitination BAP1 a initialement été identifiée comme une protéine capable d’interagir avec BRCA1 et de réguler sa fonction. Elle est également connue pour sa capacité à se lier avec les protéines du groupe Polycomb, ASXL1 et ASXL2. Cependant, l’importance de ces interactions n’a toujours pas été établie. Nous avons démontré que BAP1 forme deux complexes protéiques mutuellement exclusifs avec ASXL1 et ASXL2. Ces interactions sont critiques pour la liaison de BAP1 à l’ubiquitine ainsi que pour la stimulation de son activité enzymatique envers l’histone H2A. Nous avons également identifié des mutations de BAP1 dérivées de cancers qui empêchent à la fois son interaction avec ASXL1 et AXSL2, et son activité de déubiquitinase, ce qui fournit un lien mécanistique direct entre la déubiquitination de H2A et la tumorigenèse. Élucider les mécanismes de régulation de BRCA1 et BAP1 menera à une meilleure compréhension de leurs rôles de suppresseurs de tumeurs, permettant ainsi d’établir de nouvelles stratégies de diagnostic et traitement du cancer.


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Imprinting is an epigenetic mechanism that restrains the expression of about 100 genes to one allele depending on its parental origin. Several imprinted genes are implicated in neurodevelopmental brain disorders, such as autism, Angelman, and Prader-Willi syndromes. However, how expression of these imprinted genes is regulated during neural development is poorly understood. Here, using single and double KO animals for the transcription factors Neurogenin2 (Ngn2) and Achaete-scute homolog 1 (Ascl1), we found that the expression of a specific subset of imprinted genes is controlled by these proneural genes. Using in situ hybridization and quantitative PCR, we determined that five imprinted transcripts situated at the Dlk1-Gtl2 locus (Dlk1, Gtl2, Mirg, Rian, Rtl1) are upregulated in the dorsal telencephalon of Ngn2 KO mice. This suggests that Ngn2 influences the expression of the entire Dlk1-Gtl2 locus, independently of the parental origin of the transcripts. Interestingly 14 other imprinted genes situated at other imprinted loci were not affected by the loss of Ngn2. Finally, using Ngn2/Ascl1 double KO mice, we show that the upregulation of genes at the Dlk1-Gtl2 locus in Ngn2 KO animals requires a functional copy of Ascl1. Our data suggest a complex interplay between proneural genes in the developing forebrain that control the level of expression at the imprinted Dlk1-Gtl2 locus (but not of other imprinted genes). This raises the possibility that the transcripts of this selective locus participate in the biological effects of proneural genes in the developing telencephalon.


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Virulence factors from the ROP2-family have been extensively studied in Toxoplasma gondii, but in the closely related Neospora caninum only NcROP2Fam-1 has been partially characterized to date. NcROP40 is a member of this family and was found to be more abundantly expressed in virulent isolates. Both NcROP2Fam-1 and NcROP40 were evaluated as vaccine candidates and exerted a synergistic effect in terms of protection against vertical transmission in mouse models, which suggests that they may be relevant for parasite pathogenicity. NcROP40 is localized in the rhoptry bulbs of tachyzoites and bradyzoites, but in contrast to NcROP2Fam-1, the protein does not associate with the parasitophorous vacuole membrane due to the lack of arginine-rich amphipathic helix in its sequence. Similarly to NcROP2Fam-1, NcROP40 mRNA levels are highly increased during tachyzoite egress and invasion. However, NcROP40 up-regulation does not appear to be linked to the mechanisms triggering egress. In contrast to NcROP2Fam-1, phosphorylation of NcROP40 was not observed during egress. Besides, NcROP40 secretion into the host cell was not successfully detected by immunofluorescence techniques. These findings indicate that NcROP40 and NcROP2Fam-1 carry out different functions, and highlight the need to elucidate the role of NcROP40 within the lytic cycle and to explain its relative abundance in tachyzoites.


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Stationary-phase bacterial cells are characterized by vastly reduced metabolic activities yielding a dormant-like phenotype. Several hibernation programs ensure the establishment and maintenance of this resting growth state. Some of the stationary phase-specific modulations affect the ribosome and its translational activity directly. In stationary-phase Escherichia coli, we observed the appearance of a 16S rRNA fragmentation event at the tip of helix 6 within the small ribosomal subunit (30S). Stationary-phase 30S subunits showed markedly reduced activities in protein biosynthesis. On the other hand, the functional performance of stationary-phase large ribosomal subunits (50S) was indistinguishable from particles isolated from exponentially growing cells. Introduction of the 16S rRNA cut in vitro at helix 6 of exponential phase 30S subunits renders them less efficient in protein biosynthesis. This indicates that the helix 6 fragmentation is necessary and sufficient to attenuate translational activities of 30S ribosomal subunits. These results suggest that stationary phase-specific cleavage of 16S rRNA within the 30S subunit is an efficient means to reduce global translation activities under non-proliferating growth conditions.


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We generated draft genome sequences for two cold-adapted Archaea, Methanogenium frigidum and Methanococcoides burtonii, to identify genotypic characteristics that distinguish them from Archaea with a higher optimal growth temperature (OGT). Comparative genomics revealed trends in amino acid and tRNA composition, and structural features of proteins. Proteins from the cold-adapted Archaea are characterized by a higher content of noncharged polar amino acids, particularly Gin and Thr and a lower content of hydrophobic amino acids, particularly Leu. Sequence data from nine methanogen genomes (OGT 15degrees-98degreesC) were used to generate IIII modeled protein structures. Analysis of the models from the cold-adapted Archaea showed a strong tendency in the solvent-accessible area for more Gin, Thr, and hydrophobic residues and fewer charged residues. A cold shock domain (CSD) protein (CspA homolog) was identified in M. frigidum, two hypothetical proteins with CSD-folds in M. burtonii, and a unique winged helix DNA-binding domain protein in M. burtonii. This suggests that these types of nucleic acid binding proteins have a critical role in cold-adapted Archaea. Structural analysis of tRNA sequences from the Archaea indicated that GC content is the major factor influencing tRNA stability in hyperthermophiles, but not in the psychrophiles, mesophiles or moderate thermophiles. Below an OGT of 60degreesC, the GC content in tRNA was largely unchanged, indicating that any requirement for flexibility of tRNA in psychrophiles is mediated by other means. This is the first time that comparisons have been performed with genome data from Archaea spanning the growth temperature extremes. from psychrophiles to hyperthermophiles


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Alpha helices are key structural components of proteins and important recognition motifs in biology. New techniques for stabilizing short peptide helices could be valuable for studying protein folding, modeling proteins, creating artificial proteins, and may aid the design of inhibitors or mimics of protein function. We previously reported* that 5-15 residue peptides, corresponding to the Zn-binding domain of thermolysin, react with [Pd(en)(ONO,),]in DMF-d’ and 90% H,O 10% DzO to form a 22-membered [Pd(en)(H*ELTH*)]2+ macrocycle that is helical in solution and acts as a template in nucleating helicity in both Cand N- terminal directions within the longer sequences in DMF. ~f~~&g7$$& d&qx~m ~. y AC&q& In water, however, there was less a-helicity observed, testifying to #..q,& &$--Lb &l-- &.$;,J~p?:~~q&~+~~ ’ w w the difficulty of fixing intramolecular amide NH...OC H-bonds in 6,“;;” ( k.$ U”C.a , p d$. competition with the H-bond donor solvent water. To expand the utility of [Pd(en)(H*XXXH*)]*+ as a helix- @r4”8 & oJ#:& &G& @-qd ,‘d@-gyp promoting module in solution, we now report the result that Ac- ‘$4: %$yyy + H*ELTH*H*VTDH*-NH,(l), AC-H*ELTH*AVTDYH*ELTH*- NH, (2) and AC-H*AAAH*H*ELTH*H*VTDH*-NH* (3) react with multiple equivalents of [Pd(en)(ONO,),] to produce exclusively 4-6 respectively in both DMF-d7 and water (90% Hz0 10% D,O). Mass spectrometry, 15N- and 2D ‘H- NMR spectroscopy, and CD spectra were used to characterise the structures 4-6, and their three dimensional structures were calculated from NOE restraints using simulated annealing protocols. Results demonstrate (a) selective coordination of metal ions at (i, i+4) histidine positions in water and DMF, (b) incorporation of 2 and 3 a turn-mimicking modules [Pd(en)(HELTH)]2+ in lo-15 residue peptides, and (c) facile conversion of unstructured peptides into 3- and 4- turn helices of macrocycles, with well defined a-helicity throughout and more structure in DMF than in water.


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A new method has been developed for prediction of transmembrane helices using support vector machines. Different coding schemes of protein sequences were explored, and their performances were assessed by crossvalidation tests. The best performance method can predict the transmembrane helices with sensitivity of 93.4% and precision of 92.0%. For each predicted transmembrane segment, a score is given to show the strength of transmembrane signal and the prediction reliability. In particular, this method can distinguish transmembrane proteins from soluble proteins with an accuracy of similar to99%. This method can be used to complement current transmembrane helix prediction methods and can be Used for consensus analysis of entire proteomes . The predictor is located at http://genet.imb.uq.edu.au/predictors/ SVMtm. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, which encodes a chloride channel present in many cells. In cardiomyocytes, we report that multiple exon 1 usage and alternative splicing produces four CFTR transcripts, with different 5'-untranslated regions, CFTRTRAD-139, CFTR-1C/-1A, CFTR-1C, and CFTR-1B. CFTR transcripts containing the novel upstream exons (exons -1C, -1B, and -1A) represent more than 90% of cardiac expressed CFTR mRNA. Regulation of cardiac CFTR expression, in response to developmental and pathological stimuli, is exclusively due to the modulation of CFTR-1C and CFTR-1C/-1A expression. Upstream open reading frames have been identified in the 5'-untranslated regions of all CFTR transcripts that, in conjunction with adjacent stem-loop structures, modulate the efficiency of translation initiation at the AUG codon of the main CFTR coding region in CFTRTRAD-139 and CFTR-1C/-1A transcripts. Exon(-1A), only present in CFTR-1C/-1A transcripts, encodes an AUG codon that is in-frame with the main CFTR open reading frame, the efficient translation of which produces a novel CFTR protein isoform with a curtailed amino terminus. As the expression of this CFTR transcript parallels the spatial and temporal distribution of the cAMP-activated whole-cell current density in normal and diseased hearts, we suggest that CFTR-1C/-1A provides the molecular basis for the cardiac cAMP-activated chloride channel. Our findings provide further insight into the complex nature of in vivo CFTR expression, to which multiple mRNA transcripts, protein isoforms, and post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms are now added.


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Backbone-cyclized proteins are becoming increasingly well known, although the mechanism by which they are processed from linear precursors is poorly understood. In this report the sequence and structure of the linear precursor of a cyclic trypsin inhibitor, sunflower trypsin inhibitor 1 (SFTI-1) from sunflower seeds, is described. The structure indicates that the major elements of the reactive site loop of SFTI-1 are present before processing. This may have importance for a protease-mediated cyclizing reaction as the rigidity of SFTI-1 may drive the equilibrium of the reaction catalyzed by proteolytic enzymes toward the formation of a peptide bond rather than the normal cleavage reaction. The occurrence of residues in the SFTI-1 precursor susceptible to cleavage by asparaginyl proteases strengthens theories that involve this enzyme in the processing of SFTI-1 and further implicates it in the processing of another family of plant cyclic proteins, the cyclotides. The precursor reported here also indicates that despite strong active site sequence homology, SFTI-1 has no other similarities with the Bowman-Birk trypsin inhibitors, presenting interesting evolutionary questions.


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Cyclotides are a family of plant proteins that have the unusual combination of head-to-tail backbone cyclization and a cystine knot motif. They are exceptionally stable and show resistance to most chemical, physical, and enzymatic treatments. The structure of tricyclon A, a previously unreported cyclotide, is described here. In this structure, a loop that is disordered in other cyclotides forms a beta sheet that protrudes from the globular core. This study indicates that the cyclotide fold is amenable to the introduction of a range of structural elements without affecting the cystine knot core of the protein, which is essential for the stability of the cyclotides. Tricyclon A does not possess a hydrophobic patch, typical of other cyclotides, and has minimal hemolytic activity, making it suitable for pharmaceutical applications. The 22 kDa precursor protein of tricyclon A was identified and provides clues to the processing of these fascinating miniproteins.