959 resultados para geografia


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Esta comunicación presenta un proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad Docente de la facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. El proyecto se centra en la creación de un fondo de material didáctico intercambiable entre el equipo docente del área de Geografía Política, a lo largo del año académico 2010/2011. Este fondo, diseñado en base a la división de contenidos en bloques temáticos, tiene en el uso del cine de ficción un elemento de aprendizaje fundamental. Aún estando en plena implementación, este trabajo tratará de incidir en algunos de los aspectos experienciales a la hora de implementar el proyecto, tanto entre los estudiantes como entre el equipo docente<


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¿Qué recursos dispone un profesor, alumno, padre o escuela para optimizar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje? El objetivo del articulo es presentar un modelo teórico que permita responder esta pregunta. Tradicionalmente los 'recursos educativos' -artefactos implicados en las actividades de enseñanza-aprendizaje- se han reducido a ciertos instrumentos como un manual o libro de texto, una libreta o una pizarra.Sin embargo, la psicología cultural advierte que nuestra geografia fisica (personas, objetos y simbolos de nuestro derredor) tiene también un valor psicológico y educativo. En base al modelo ecológico de Bronfenbrenner propone­ mos la existencia de cuatro tipos de recursos: los 'micro-recursos', los 'meso-recursos', los 'exo-recursos' y los 'macro-recursos'. Después de definir estos conceptos los ilustramos con ejemplos derivados de distintas experiencias y programas de investigación e intervención como el "funds of knowledge" ('fondos de conocimiento') de Arizona


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L'article transcriu el que va ser una sessió del seminari 'Medi ambient, trajectòries de vida i interdisciplinarietat'. Nous reptes en geografia del gènere, inserit en el programa de tercer cicle en geografia humana de la UAB, corresponent al curs 1991-1992. S'hi presenta una àmplia panoràmica d'un enfocament de gènere per a l'anàlisi dels problemes del medi ambient; això es concreta, d'una banda, en la presentació d'un esbós de la situació de les dones en relació el medi ambient; diferenciant, segons les seves especificitats d'índole diversa, entre països desenvolupats i subdesenvolupats, i, d'altra banda, en un intent de sistematització de les línies de recerca i acció que són impulsades per les estudioses i les activistes en matèria de medi ambient i gènere


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The article is the result of an attempt to define universal categories which permit a nonandrocentric conceptualization of the natural environment, in which femenine experience in environmental topics is unveiled and emphatized as a collective heritage. The theoretic content concentrates on defining and outlining the characteristics of two basic concepts: the femenine model of conscience and environmental actionr and ccwomen's ecologismn. The potential of both concepts for structuring research in genderlenvironment relations is demostrated. Finally, the article offers reasoned criticism of the androcentric nature of the guide-lines which predominate in environmental management and proposes, as the basis of an alternative model, the recognition of the legitimacy and authority of feminine experience in environmental affairs


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This article is an essay aiming at the definition of the urban district of Girona, having as a base the analysis of the intensities and directional tendencies of labour mobility fluxes in it. Several cathegories will be signaled inside this area which wil enable us to differenciate a number of crowns of municipalities according to their respective links with Girona town. A reflection set forth by Francesco Indovina on the concept of diffused town will be the first step in the attempt to typify this area. Thus, the existence of a diffused city core of which would be Girona town will be argued, an issue this one which is to be analysed in future studies


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L'article presenta el plantejament i les conclusions generals d'una recerca empírica sobre tres mobilitzacions ciutadanes enfront de riscos ambientals lligats a la presencia d'abocadors de residus industrials en diferents municipis de les comunitats autònomes d' Andalusia, País Basc i Catalunya. Es tracta d'un estudi de caràter comparatiu a partir del qual es pretén perfilar unes hipòtesis bàsiques referents a la relació entre gènere i medi ambient


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Over the academic year 2000-2001, the Societat Catalana d'Ordenació del Territori organised, together with other departments of Catalan public universities, a debate on the teaching of regional and urban planning within the following disciplines: environmental science, geography, architecture, engineering, economy, law and landscape management. Moreover it was considered that attention should be paid to urban and regional planning related to postgraduate degrees. The aim was on one hand to analyse present situation, and on the other, to propose future strategies


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The congress about tourism in the coastal spaces: "Turisme, territori i estratègies de desenvolupament, has been a place of debate and discussion about nowadays validity of the traditional model of tourisrn and at the sarne time a platform to reformulate this model. Throughout the congress, it has been shown the need to change the tourist model towards a model of sustainable developrnent


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This article offers a series of reflections and proposals concerning the visitors usage of Catalonia's Natural Parks. The basis of these affirmations is the analysis of the parks which exist at the present in Catalonia, as well as the study of the current legislation in Catalonia and in Spain. Although the article deals exclusively with protected natural areas, it must be remembered that people's recreational activities affect the entire natural environment. It is therefore necessary to extend planning to the impact of such activities in all natural areas. The author proposes as a possible solution a hierarchy of leisure zones in natural spaces, divided into three different levels: Municipal Parks, Regional Parks as well as Natural and National Parks


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The paper focuses on the question of local development and applies the local territorial systems model to the urban area of Manresa (Barcelona). The concept of local development is discussed first, as well as the change in place's position within the network derived from metropolitan expansion processes. The role of Manresa's social agents and its development policies are explained, to stress the relevance of the position of places in the network and, foremost, of the role and capability of local actors in putting into value theirs milieu's resources


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Comentari al llibre de Peter Gould, titulat 'Becoming a Geographer' i publicat l' any 1999 per Syracuse University Press. Llibre que es pot considerar el testament de Peter Gold ja que conté una recopilació de textos escrits des del 1965 fins els anys 90, i que reflecteixen la seva formació acadèmica i les seves opinions sobre la pràctica de la geografia


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An Alternative Mediterranean Conference under the auspices of several NGOs frorn several countries of the Mediterranean basin was held in Barcelona from 24th to 26th Novernber 1995. Its purpose was to discuss the relationships arnong the European Union and the eastern and southern shore countries in the Mediterranean basin from a non-official point of view, and to evaluate the project of a Euro-Mediterranean Association which was to be launched by the Intergovernmental Euro-Mediterranean Conference at its meeting in Barcelona on 27th and 28th November. This Serninar was the focus of most discussion at the Alternative Mediterranean Conference


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Comentari al llibre de Yi-Fu Tuan, 'Escapismo : formas de evasión en el mundo actual', publicat l'any 2003 per Península. Obra on es reflexiona i es planteja les relacions entre Natura i Cultura


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This article compares the mid-nineteenth century landscape of the River Tordera delta with the present day landscape, based, above all, on the changes that have occurred in land use and land cover. The mid 19th century landscape was reconstructed using data obtained from the amillaraments (land inventories) and other historical documents. Present-day land use and cover was established through photo interpretation and field work. The most important changes detected concern the almost complete disappearance of certain crops, such as vineyards, which were very important in the 19th century; the expansion of forest in place of abandoned tilled land and the increase in built up areas, which, taken together, produce a highly fragmented landscape pattern


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Presentació al número 39 de la revista 'Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica' publicada l'any 2001