997 resultados para gentes de mar
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O pescado e seus derivados têm uma grande importância na dieta, em todo o mundo. Sabe-se que peixes e frutos do mar fortalecem o sistema imunológico, contribuem para a redução dos níveis de colesterol, diminuem as chances de depressão, ajudam na formação dos músculos e protegem contra doenças cardiovasculares. Também, são ricos em vitaminas lipossolúveis A, D e E, além do ômega 3. Muitas vezes, esses produtos são consumidos crus ou com pouco preparo e com isso faz-se necessário medidas higiênico- sanitárias, pois podem ser contaminados com micro-organismos causadores de doenças. A análise microbiológica dos alimentos para se verificar a presença de micro-organismos prejudiciais é fundamental para se conhecer as condições de higiene nas quais estes alimentos foram preparados. Assim, 80 amostras de peixes e frutos do mar de peixarias e supermercados de Botucatu, SP, foram analisadas com o objetivo de verificar se esses alimentos estão dentro dos padrões estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira, através da RDC nº12, através da detecção da presença de Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus aureus e determinação do número mais provável de coliformes termotolerantes (CT), mesmo que este último não faça parte dos parâmetros para esse alimento, mas foi pesquisado para avaliação de suas condições higiênicas. Cada amostra (25 gramas) foi homogeneizada em 225ml de água peptonada e para a detecção de S. aureus, utilizou-se método spread Baird Parker, seguida de catalase, coagulase e kit Dry Spot. Para a detecção de Salmonella, utilizou-se caldo tetrationato (35ºC/24h) e Rapapport (42ºC/24h), semeados em ágar SS e XLD. As colônias foram testadas em TSI, ágar fenilalanina e testadas em poli soros somático e flagelar. Quanto aos CT, empregou-se a técnica de tubos múltiplos, inoculando diluições da amostra em caldo Lauril sulfato, na fase presuntiva e depois em caldo EC (45ºC) na fase confirmatória. De ...
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Nutrient distributions observed at some depths along the continental shelf from 27 degrees 05`S (Brazil) to 39 degrees 31`S (Argentina) in winter, 2003 and summer, 2004 related to salinity and dissolved oxygen (mL L-1) and saturation (%) data showed remarkable influences of fresh water discharge over the coastal region and in front of the La Plata estuary. In the southern portion of the study area different processes were verified. Upwelling processes caused by ocean dynamics typical of shelf break areas, eddies related to surface dynamics and regeneration processes confirmed by the increase of nutrients and the decrease of dissolved and saturation oxygen data were verified. High silicate concentrations in the surface waters were identified related to low salinities (minimum of 21.22 in winter and 21.96 in summer), confirming the importance of freshwater inputs in this region, especially in winter. Silicate concentration range showed values between 0.00 and 83.52 mu M during winter and from 0.00 to 41.16 mu M during summer. Phosphate concentrations worked as a secondary trace of terrestrial input and their values varied from 0.00 to 3.30 mu M in winter and from 0.03 to 2.26 mu M in summer; however, in shallow waters, phosphate indicated more clearly the fresh water influence. The most important information given by nitrate concentrations was the presence of water from SACW upwelling that represents a new source of nutrients for marine primary production. Nitrate maximum values reached 41.96 M in winter and 33.10 mu M in summer. At a depth similar to 800m, high nitrate, phosphate and silicate concentrations were related to Malvinas Current Waters, Subantarctic Shallow Waters and Antarctic Atlantic Intermediate Waters (AAIW). Dissolved oxygen varied from 3.41 to 7.06 mL L-1 in winter and from 2.65 to 6.85 mL L-1 in summer. The percentage of dissolved oxygen saturation in the waters showed values between 48% and 113% in winter and from 46% to 135% in summer. The most important primary production was verified in the summer, and situations of undersaturation were mainly observed below 50 m depth and at some points near the coast. The anti-correlation between nutrients and dissolved oxygen which showed evident undersaturation also revealed important potential sites of remineralization processes. The nutrient behaviours showed some aspects of the processes that occur over the Southwestern South Atlantic continental shelf and in their land-sea interfaces between Mar del Plata and Itajai.
Two new records of Anopheles homunculus in the eastern part of the Atlantic Forest are reported. This species was found for the first time in Barra do Ouro district, Maquine municipality, Rio Grande do Sul state, located in the southern limit of the Atlantic Forest. The 2nd new record was in the Serra Bonita Reserve, Camacan municipality, southeast Bahia state. These records extend the geographical distribution of An. homunculus, suggesting that the species may be widely distributed in coastal areas of the Atlantic Forest. It is hypothesized that the disjunct distribution of the species may be caused by inadequate sampling, and also difficulties in species identification based only on female external characteristics. Species identification was based on morphological characters of the male, larva, and pupa, and corroborated by DNA sequence analyses, employing data from both 2nd internal transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal DNA and of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I.
Diversity of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) of the Serra da Mantiqueira and Serra do Mar, southeastern Brazil. The aim of this study was to inventory the mayfly fauna, based on nymphal and alate stages, in Serra da Mantiqueira and in Serra do Mar, Sao Paulo State, as well as to present information about habitats used by the genera. Nymphs were collected in several streams and mesohabitats with a Surber sampler and the winged stages with light attraction methods, entomological nets, and Malaise traps. In all, eight families and 33 genera were recorded, representing a very significant portion of the Brazilian fauna (80% of families and 49% of genera). Furthermore, it was possible to identify 11 species, of which two are new records for the state: Tricorythodes santarita Traver and Caenis reissi Malzacher. Despite the high diversity recorded, the accumulation curves presented an ascending form, indicating an increase in the number of genera with additional sampling effort. The high richness found in these areas are in agreement with the high biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest biome and the sampling effort employed, which included the use of different methods, the collection of both nymphs and winged stages, and the sampling of a large area with diverse streams and habitats.
Background: The most substantial and best preserved area of Atlantic Forest is within the biogeographical sub-region of Serra do Mar. The topographic complexity of the region creates a diverse array of microclimates, which can affect species distribution and diversity inside the forest. Given that Atlantic Forest includes highly heterogeneous environments, a diverse and medically important Culicidae assemblage, and possible species co-occurrence, we evaluated mosquito assemblages from bromeliad phytotelmata in Serra do Mar (southeastern Brazil). Methods: Larvae and pupae were collected monthly from Nidularium and Vriesea bromeliads between July 2008 and June 2009. Collection sites were divided into landscape categories (lowland, hillslope and hilltop) based on elevation and slope. Correlations between bromeliad mosquito assemblage and environmental variables were assessed using multivariate redundancy analysis. Differences in species diversity between bromeliads within each category of elevation were explored using the Renyi diversity index. Univariate binary logistic regression analyses were used to assess species co-occurrence. Results: A total of 2,024 mosquitoes belonging to 22 species were collected. Landscape categories (pseudo-F value = 1.89, p = 0.04), bromeliad water volume (pseudo-F = 2.99, p = 0.03) and bromeliad fullness (Pseudo-F = 4.47, p < 0.01) influenced mosquito assemblage structure. Renyi diversity index show that lowland possesses the highest diversity indices. The presence of An. homunculus was associated with Cx. ocellatus and the presence of An. cruzii was associated with Cx. neglectus, Cx. inimitabilis fuscatus and Cx. worontzowi. Anopheles cruzii and An. homunculus were taken from the same bromeliad, however, the co-occurrence between those two species was not statistically significant. Conclusions: One of the main findings of our study was that differences in species among mosquito assemblages were influenced by landscape characteristics. The bromeliad factor that influenced mosquito abundance and assemblage structure was fullness. The findings of the current study raise important questions about the role of An. homunculus in the transmission of Plasmodium in Serra do Mar, southeastern Atlantic Forest.
O objetivo central deste artigo é problematizar a questão da imigração para as cidades refletindo sobre a temática dos deslocamentos, que articula lugar de origem e acolhimento. A pesquisa se fez a partir da migração de italianos que ocuparam e construíram o bairro do Bexiga em São Paulo. Para tanto, procuramos refletir sobre as motivações da imigração, as condições de vida na Itália e no Brasil e as construções de redes de sociabilidade e pertencimento que viabilizaram o ato migratório.