929 resultados para fusion


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Proteins of the annexin family are believed to be involved in membrane-related processes, but their precise functions remain unclear. Here, we have made use of several experimental approaches, including pathological conditions, RNA interference and in vitro transport assays, to study the function of annexin II in the endocytic pathway. We find that annexin II is required for the biogenesis of multivesicular transport intermediates destined for late endosomes, by regulating budding from early endosomes-but not the membrane invagination process. Hence, the protein appears to be a necessary component of the machinery controlling endosomal membrane dynamics and multivesicular endosome biogenesis. We also find that annexin II interacts with cholesterol and that its subcellular distribution is modulated by the subcellular distribution of cholesterol, including in cells from patients with the cholesterol-storage disorder Niemann-Pick C. We conclude that annexin II forms cholesterol-containing platforms on early endosomal membranes, and that these platforms regulate the onset of the degradation pathway in animal cells.


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Vps4p (End13p) is an AAA-family ATPase that functions in membrane transport through endosomes, sorting of soluble vacuolar proteins to the vacuole, and multivesicular body (MVB) sorting of membrane proteins to the vacuole lumen. In a yeast two-hybrid screen with Vps4p as bait we isolated VPS20 (YMR077c) and the novel open reading frame YLA181c, for which the name VTA1 has recently been assigned (Saccharomyces Genome Database). Vps4p directly binds Vps20p and Vta1p in vitro and binding is not dependent on ATP-conversely, Vps4p binding to Vps20p is partially sensitive to ATP hydrolysis. Both ATP binding [Vps4p-(K179A)] and ATP hydrolysis [Vps4p-(E233Q)] mutant proteins exhibit enhanced binding to Vps20p and Vta1p in vitro. The Vps4p-Vps20p interaction involves the coiled-coil domain of each protein, whereas the Vps4p-Vta1p interaction involves the (non-coiled-coil) C-terminus of each protein. Deletion of either VPS20 (vps20Delta) or VTA1 (vta1Delta) leads to similar class E Vps(-) phenotypes resembling those of vps4Delta, including carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) secretion, a block in ubiquitin-dependent MVB sorting, and a delay in both post-internalisation endocytic transport and biosynthetic transport to the vacuole. The vacuole resident membrane protein Sna3p (whose MVB sorting is ubiquitin-independent) does not appear to exit the class E compartment or reach the vacuole in cells lacking Vps20p, Vta1p or Vps4p, in contrast to other proteins whose delivery to the vacuole is only delayed. We propose that Vps20p and Vta1p regulate Vps4p function in vivo.


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Two protein families that are critical for vesicle transport are the Syntaxin and Munc18/Sec1. families of proteins. These two molecules form a high affinity complex and play an essential role in vesicle docking and fusion. Munc18c was expressed as an N-terminally His-tagged fusion protein from recombinant baculovirus in Sf9 insect cells. His-tagged Munc18c was purified to homogeneity using both cobalt-chelating affinity chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. With this simple two-step protocol, 3.5 mg of purified Munc18c was obtained from a 1 L culture. Further, the N-terminal His-tag could be removed by thrombin cleavage while the tagged protein was bound to metal affinity resin. Recombinant Munc18c produced in this way is functional, in that it forms a stable complex with the SNARE interacting partner, syntaxin4. Thus we have developed a method for producing and purifying large amounts of functional Munc18c-both tagged and detagged-from a baculovirus expression system. We have also developed a method to purify the Munc18c:syntaxin4 complex. These methods will be employed for future functional and structural studies. Crown copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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O artigo estuda um aspecto da reforma do Estado que, segundo o autor, tem sido sistematicamente negligenciado pelas atuais propostas que focalizam o modelo da administra????o gerencial. Trata-se das fun????es vitais do governo de tomar decis??es cr??ticas e adotar pol??ticas diante das mudan??as provocadas pela revolu????o global. Segundo Dror, as tarefas de alto comando (high-order tasks) de definir trajet??rias e as novas formas de governan??a exigem um ajuste significativo do governo central. Este ajuste refere-se, principalmente, ?? concep????o e ao desenvolvimento de um novo padr??o de funcion??rios do primeiro escal??o p??blico, o qual contribuiria com conhecimento e perspectivas para enfrentar as tarefas de alto comando. O autor estabelece uma tipologia para caraterizar a evolu????o do perfil do servi??o p??blico, marcando suas fases hist??ricas: a) tipo alpha (status atribu??do, fus??o de pap??is pol??ticos e administrativos); b) tipo beta (compra de cargos governamentais) e c) tipo gamma (quase profissionalismo). O novo funcion??rio s??nior, do tipo delta, se concentraria nas quest??es de ordem estrat??gica, deixando as fun????es gerenciais para servidores do tipo gamma e para os servi??os t??cnicos. Ap??s uma breve an??lise, Dror conclui que o funcionalismo p??blico de primeiro escal??o, na maioria dos pa??ses (com exce????o de alguns pa??ses do Sudeste Asi??tico), encontra-se obsoleto, com base profissional inadequada e capacidade insuficiente para lidar com escolhas cr??ticas.


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Minimally invasive cardiovascular interventions guided by multiple imaging modalities are rapidly gaining clinical acceptance for the treatment of several cardiovascular diseases. These images are typically fused with richly detailed pre-operative scans through registration techniques, enhancing the intra-operative clinical data and easing the image-guided procedures. Nonetheless, rigid models have been used to align the different modalities, not taking into account the anatomical variations of the cardiac muscle throughout the cardiac cycle. In the current study, we present a novel strategy to compensate the beat-to-beat physiological adaptation of the myocardium. Hereto, we intend to prove that a complete myocardial motion field can be quickly recovered from the displacement field at the myocardial boundaries, therefore being an efficient strategy to locally deform the cardiac muscle. We address this hypothesis by comparing three different strategies to recover a dense myocardial motion field from a sparse one, namely, a diffusion-based approach, thin-plate splines, and multiquadric radial basis functions. Two experimental setups were used to validate the proposed strategy. First, an in silico validation was carried out on synthetic motion fields obtained from two realistic simulated ultrasound sequences. Then, 45 mid-ventricular 2D sequences of cine magnetic resonance imaging were processed to further evaluate the different approaches. The results showed that accurate boundary tracking combined with dense myocardial recovery via interpolation/ diffusion is a potentially viable solution to speed up dense myocardial motion field estimation and, consequently, to deform/compensate the myocardial wall throughout the cardiac cycle. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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While fluoroscopy is still the most widely used imaging modality to guide cardiac interventions, the fusion of pre-operative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with real-time intra-operative ultrasound (US) is rapidly gaining clinical acceptance as a viable, radiation-free alternative. In order to improve the detection of the left ventricular (LV) surface in 4D ultrasound, we propose to take advantage of the pre-operative MRI scans to extract a realistic geometrical model representing the patients cardiac anatomy. This could serve as prior information in the interventional setting, allowing to increase the accuracy of the anatomy extraction step in US data. We have made use of a real-time 3D segmentation framework used in the recent past to solve the LV segmentation problem in MR and US data independently and we take advantage of this common link to introduce the prior information as a soft penalty term in the ultrasound segmentation algorithm. We tested the proposed algorithm in a clinical dataset of 38 patients undergoing both MR and US scans. The introduction of the personalized shape prior improves the accuracy and robustness of the LV segmentation, as supported by the error reduction when compared to core lab manual segmentation of the same US sequences.


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Formaldehyde, classified by the IARC as carcinogenic in humans and experimental animals, is a chemical agent that is widely used in histopathology laboratories. The exposure to this substance is epidemiologically linked to cancer and to nuclear changes detected by the cytokinesis-block micronucleus test (CBMN). This method is extensively used in molecular epidemiology, since it provides information on several biomarkers of genotoxicity, such as micronuclei (MN), which are biomarkers of chromosomes breakage or loss, nucleoplasmic bridges (NPB), common biomarkers of chromosome rearrangement, poor repair and/or telomere fusion, and nuclear buds (NBUD), biomarkers of elimination of amplified DNA. The aim of this study is to compare the frequency of genotoxicity biomarkers, provided by the CBMN assay in peripheral lymphocytes and the MN test in buccal cells, between individuals occupationally exposed and non-exposed to formaldehyde and other environmental factors, namely tobacco and alcohol consumption. The sample comprised two groups: 56 individuals occupationally exposed to formaldehyde (cases) and 85 unexposed individuals (controls), from whom both peripheral blood and exfoliated epithelial cells of the oral mucosa were collected in order to measure the genetic endpoints proposed in this study. The mean level of TWA8h was 0.16±0.11ppm (


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This article describes an experimental study on ash deposition during the co-firing of bituminous coal with pine sawdust and olive stones in a laboratory furnace. The main objective of this study was to relate the ash deposit rates with the type of biomass burned and its thermal percentage in the blend. The thermal percentage of biomass in the blend was varied between 10% and 50% for both sawdust and olive stones. For comparison purposes, tests have also been performed using only coal or only biomass. During the tests, deposits were collected with the aid of an air-cooled deposition probe placed far from the flame region, where the mean gas temperature was around 640 degrees C. A number of deposit samples were subsequently analyzed on a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray detector. Results indicate that blending sawdust with coal decreases the deposition rate as compared with the firing of unblended coal due to both the sawdust low ash content and its low alkalis content. The co-firing of coal and sawdust yields deposits with high levels of silicon and aluminium which indicates the presence of ashes with high fusion temperature and, thus, with less capacity to adhere to the surfaces. In contrast, in the co-firing of coal with olive stones the deposition rate increases as compared with the firing of unblended coal and the deposits produced present high levels of potassium, which tend to increase their stickiness.


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Formaldehyde (FA) is ubiquitous in the environment and is a chemical agent that possesses high reactivity. Occupational exposure to FA has been shown to induce nasopharyngeal cancer and has been classified as carcinogenic to humans (group 1) on the basis of sufficient evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in experimental animals. The exposure to this substance is epidemiologically linked to cancer and nuclear changes detected by the cytokinesis-block micronucleus test (CBMN). This method is extensively used in molecular epidemiology, since it determines several biomarkers of genotoxicity, such as micronucleus (biomarkers of chromosomes breakage or loss), nucleoplasmic bridges (biomarker of chromosome rearrangement, poor repair and / or telomeres fusion) and nuclear buds (biomarker of elimination of amplified DNA). The gene X-ray repair cross-complementing group 3 (XRCC3) is involved in homologous recombination repair of cross-links and chromosomal double-strand breaks and at least one polymorphism has been reported in codon 241, a substitution of a methionine for a threonine.


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O processo de Bolonha apresenta directivas para a construção de um espaço europeu de ensino superior. A adopção destas directivas requer uma abordagem que favoreça, na prática, a mobilidade dos estudantes que têm dificuldades em compreenderem as oportunidades que lhes são oferecidas. Neste contexto, esta dissertação explora a hipótese de utilização de uma rede social para apoiar a mobilidade de estudantes no espaço europeu. No âmbito desta dissertação propõe-se um modelo de conhecimento para representar os membros de uma rede social vocacionada para apoiar cenários de mobilidade, designada por rede social académica. Este modelo foi obtido pela fusão da ontologia Academic Ontology to Support the Bologna Mobility Process com a ontologia Friend of a Friend Ontology. Para efeitos de avaliação experimental, foi criado um demonstrador numa rede social disponível publicamente na Internet que utiliza uma versão simplificada do modelo proposto. Os cenários usados nas experiências representam situações reais às quais foi aplicado um processo rudimentar de descoberta de conhecimento


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The conjugation of antigens with ligands of pattern recognition receptors (PRR) is emerging as a promising strategy for the modulation of specific immunity. Here, we describe a new Escherichia coli system for the cloning and expression of heterologous antigens in fusion with the OprI lipoprotein, a TLR ligand from the Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane (OM). Analysis of the OprI expressed by this system reveals a triacylated lipid moiety mainly composed by palmitic acid residues. By offering a tight regulation of expression and allowing for antigen purification by metal affinity chromatography, the new system circumvents the major drawbacks of former versions. In addition, the anchoring of OprI to the OM of the host cell is further explored for the production of novel recombinant bacterial cell wall-derived formulations (OM fragments and OM vesicles) with distinct potential for PRR activation. As an example, the African swine fever virus ORF A104R was cloned and the recombinant antigen was obtained in the three formulations. Overall, our results validate a new system suitable for the production of immunogenic formulations that can be used for the development of experimental vaccines and for studies on the modulation of acquired immunity.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of the length and timing of nighttime naps on performance and physiological functions, an experimental study was carried out under simulated night shift schedules. METHODS: Six students were recruited for this study that was composed of 5 experiments. Each experiment involved 3 consecutive days with one night shift (22:00-8:00) followed by daytime sleep and night sleep. The experiments had 5 conditions in which the length and timing of naps were manipulated: 0:00-1:00 (E60), 0:00-2:00 (E120), 4:00-5:00 (L60), 4:00-6:00 (L120), and no nap (No-nap). During the night shifts, participants underwent performance tests. A questionnaire on subjective fatigue and a critical flicker fusion frequency test were administered after the performance tests. Heart rate variability and rectal temperature were recorded continuously during the experiments. Polysomnography was also recorded during the nap. RESULTS: Sleep latency was shorter and sleep efficiency was higher in the nap in L60 and L120 than that in E60 and E120. Slow wave sleep in the naps in E120 and L120 was longer than that in E60 and L60. The mean reaction time in L60 became longer after the nap, and faster in E60 and E120. Earlier naps serve to counteract the decrement in performance and physiological functions during night shifts. Performance was somewhat improved by taking a 2-hour nap later in the shift, but deteriorated after a one-hour nap. CONCLUSIONS: Naps in the latter half of the night shift were superior to earlier naps in terms of sleep quality. However performance declined after a 1-hour nap taken later in the night shift due to sleep inertia. This study suggests that appropriate timing of a short nap must be carefully considered, such as a 60-min nap during the night shift.


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Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho.


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PURPOSE: Screening programs to detect visual abnormalities in children vary among countries. The aim of this study is to describe experts' perception of best practice guidelines and competency framework for visual screening in children. METHODS: A qualitative focus group technique was applied during the Portuguese national orthoptic congress to obtain the perception of an expert panel of 5 orthoptists and 2 ophthalmologists with experience in visual screening for children (mean age 53.43 years, SD ± 9.40). The panel received in advance a script with the description of three tuning competencies dimensions (instrumental, systemic, and interpersonal) for visual screening. The session was recorded in video and audio. Qualitative data were analyzed using a categorical technique. RESULTS: According to experts' views, six tests (35.29%) have to be included in a visual screening: distance visual acuity test, cover test, bi-prism or 4/6(Δ) prism, fusion, ocular movements, and refraction. Screening should be performed according to the child age before and after 3 years of age (17.65%). The expert panel highlighted the influence of the professional experience in the application of a screening protocol (23.53%). They also showed concern about the false negatives control (23.53%). Instrumental competencies were the most cited (54.09%), followed by interpersonal (29.51%) and systemic (16.4%). CONCLUSIONS: Orthoptists should have professional experience before starting to apply a screening protocol. False negative results are a concern that has to be more thoroughly investigated. The proposed framework focuses on core competencies highlighted by the expert panel. Competencies programs could be important do develop better screening programs.


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ABSTRACT: Adopting the concept of metalepsis, as explained by Gérard Genette, I intend to tackle the miscegenation of ontological worlds as practiced in metacinematic films dealing either with the creator or the spectator and made famous with Woody Allen’s film The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985, EUA). Assuming the existence of two adjoining fictional universes, one of them intrafilmically projected onto a screen and the other positioned in front of it so as to create or observe the other, one realizes that, in fact, they both communicate in a more intense way. That is, they both can cross the barrier that separates them and function, literally, as communicating vessels thrusting themselves onto the other side of fiction. The use of this screen passage technique – which I call ‘spilling narrative’ – although it takes place inside the film, at an intradiegetic level, cannot be considered a simple comic effect. In actuality, it is a very serious affair, denoting the authorial intervention as a reflexive practice of écriture by means of a mise en abyme, according to Lucien Dällenbach. Therefore, the fictional spilling over of worlds which totally blends together both sides of the twice artificial universe of the fabula, represents the emotional and intellectual involvement of the creator with his/her creation and of the spectator with the world watched. Both illustrate the desire of fusion inherent in the acts of creation and reception. My approach will be based on Gabriele Salvatores’ Happy Family (2010) and Wojciech Marczewski’s Escape from the ‘Liberty’ Cinema (1990).