815 resultados para enlargement
ARAÚJO, Arrilton ; SOUSA, Maria Bernardete Cordeiro . Testicular volume and reproductive status of Wild Callithrix jacchus. International Journal of Primatology, v.29, p.1355–1364, 2008. DOI 10.1007/s10764-008-9291-4
This dissertation focuses on the theme of urban revitalization in historical centers. It starts from a survey of international and national concepts and experiences about the subject, in special, the historical center of Ribeira, in Natal, Brazil. It gives more attention to local management and it is dedicated to the study of objectives and actions developed, basically, by two segments that manage works in the district. Companhia Docas do Rio Grande do Norte aims at the economical development of the state and it implies the enlargement of capacity of loading and unloading of the harbor of Natal and the Natal city counsil aims at urban preservation and revitalization. It was analysed speeches ans projects related to Ribeira and it was discovered that Natal has done very little to revitalize its historical center in the last two dacades. It analyses what seemed, or at least, should be a conflict of interests between incompatible projects, revealing both conciliatory proceedings and connivance between the participants in decision making. The conclusion directs attentions to the threat to historical building in the city and the importance of enhancing discussion about the future of our historical sites
L’insuffisance mitrale (IM) fonctionnelle est une complication fréquente des cardiopathies, causée par la dilatation du ventricule gauche (VG) qui empêche la valve de se fermer. L’insuffisance aortique (IA) est une condition associée à des valves mitrales (VM) inhabituellement grandes, et relativement peu d’IM malgré des VG très dilatés. Cet élargissement de la VM a le potentiel de prévenir l’IM dans les VG dilatés. Les mécanismes sont cependant peu compris : il n’est pas clair s’il s’agit d’une croissance active ou d’un étirement passif des feuillets. Également, le timing de l’adaptation valvulaire n’est pas connu. Notre hypothèse est que l’agrandissement de la valve mitrale en IA est un phénomène actif avec réactivation des mécanismes de croissance embryonnaire. Cent-onze rats ont été divisés en deux groupes : IA (perforation aortique) et contrôle. Les animaux ont été sacrifiés à 48 h, 1 semaine et 3 mois après la création du modèle. Des échocardiographies ont évalué la sévérité de l’IA, la présence d’IM et les dimensions du VG. Les valves ont été prélevées pour analyses microscopiques et moléculaires. La création de l’insuffisance aortique a entrainé une dilatation et une hypertrophie du VG. Malgré cette dilatation rapide du VG, aucun animal n’a développé de l’IM fonctionnelle. À l’échographie, le feuillet antérieur mitral était significativement plus long dans les groupes IA. Par microscopie, les feuillets étaient plus épais dés la première semaine. L’IA était associée à une surexpression de collagène α-SMA (un marqueur de myofibroblastes), TGF-β1 et MMP-2 dans le tissu valvulaire dès la première semaine. Les valves exposées à l’IA étaient également positives pour ces différents facteurs dés les premiers jours. L’agrandissement de la VM est un phénomène actif qui survient rapidement après la création de l’IA, en parallèle de la dilatation du VG. La stimulation de cette croissance dans d’autres pathologies pourrait contribuer à prévenir l’IM fonctionnelle.
Minimally invasive approach for aortic valve surgery has been developed since 1995, reducing the complications related to the full sternotomy. We have introduced a new method for central cannulation that reduces the length of surgical incision for the aortic valve replacement through upper mini-sternotomy. To improve the surgical view without enlargement of the incision, two small additional incisions are performed for both arterial and atrial cannulation. We have used the modified technique in 60 patients without sternal infection or other surgical complications and with good cosmetic results. Cardiac surgery - Aortic valve replacement - Minimally invasive approach.
O principal objetivo do tratamento endodôntico não cirúrgico reside na limpeza e desinfeção do sistema tridimensional de canais radiculares, removendo os microrganismos existentes e conseguindo restituir a função do dente, em vez de o extrair. É fácil compreender que o insucesso deste tratamento deve-se, essencialmente, à sobrevivência dos microrganismos nos canais radiculares. Por isso, a irrigação e a desinfeção são essenciais para alcançar o sucesso do tratamento. Devido à morfologia do canal e à incapacidade de determinar a localização exata do ápice, as soluções irrigadoras têm de alcançar as ramificações dos canais radiculares e outras áreas inacessíveis à instrumentação. Após a pesquisa efetuada, concluiu-se que o irrigante mais utilizado universalmente é o hipoclorito de sódio. Para além disso, o hipoclorito de sódio, o EDTA e o ácido cítrico ajudam na instrumentação e no alargamento do canal, devido à desmineralização dentinária que provocam. Já a clorexidina, apesar de não provocar qualquer desmineralização, ao ser associada ao hipoclorito de sódio, origina um precipitado que vai interferir no selamento dos canais radiculares. Assim, com o presente trabalho, pretende-se realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os diversos irrigantes e sistemas auxiliares de irrigação, que se encontram associados à desinfeção endodôntica.
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
The exhibition of works by Sir Wilfred Grenfell College's graduating Class in visual arts constitutes the culmination of four years of intensive study and practice. our students are trained in the fundamentals of their craft and exposed tio a variety of media and styles ranging from the traditional to the avant garde. But their education has more to do with the exploration and development of their creativity, the enlargement of their capacity to see, and their mastery of the vocabulary of sight, enabling them to discover, uncover and represent. Each of the students ha sustained and nurtured an individual and unique quest over the four years of this rigorous programme.
A 70-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with symptoms of a lower respiratory infection. A chest x-ray showed enlargement of the mediastinal space. The patient was admitted with a respiratory tract infection and started on antibiotic treatment. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the thorax revealed a large diaphragmatic hernia with stomach, large intestine and caudal pancreas lodged in the thoracic cavity. After the antibiotic treatment, the patient became asymptomatic and surgery repair was declined. Morgagni hernia is an uncommon type of congenital diaphragmatic hernia, which may be asymptomatic until late in life or may be present acutely with life threatening conditions.
This article addresses some implications for gender equality and gender policy at European and national levels of transformations in family, economy and polity, which challenge gender regimes across Europe. Women’s labour market participation in the west and the collapse of communism in the east have undermined the systems and assumptions of western male breadwinner and dual worker models of central and eastern Europe. Political reworking of the work/welfare relationship into active welfare has individualised responsibility. Individualisation is a key trend west − and in some respects east − and challenges the structures that supported care in state and family. The links that joined men to women, cash to care, incomes to carers have all been fractured. The article will argue that care work and unpaid care workers are both casualties of these developments. Social, political and economic changes have not been matched by the development of new gender models at the national level. And while EU gender policy has been admired as the most innovative aspect of its social policy, gender equality is far from achieved: women’s incomes across Europe are well below men’s; policies for supporting unpaid care work have developed modestly compared with labour market activation policies.Enlargement brings new challenges as it draws together gender regimes with contrasting histories and trajectories. The article will map social policies for gender equality across the key elements of gender regimes – paid work, care work, income, time and voice – and discuss the nature of a model of gender equality that would bring gender equality across these. It analyses ideas about a dual earner–dual carer model, in the Dutch combination scenario and ‘universal caregiver’ models, at household and civil society levels. These offer a starting point for a model in which paid and unpaid work are equally valued and equally shared between men and women, but we argue that a citizenship model, in which paid and unpaid work obligations are underpinned by social rights, is more likely to achieve gender equality.
This dissertation focuses on the theme of urban revitalization in historical centers. It starts from a survey of international and national concepts and experiences about the subject, in special, the historical center of Ribeira, in Natal, Brazil. It gives more attention to local management and it is dedicated to the study of objectives and actions developed, basically, by two segments that manage works in the district. Companhia Docas do Rio Grande do Norte aims at the economical development of the state and it implies the enlargement of capacity of loading and unloading of the harbor of Natal and the Natal city counsil aims at urban preservation and revitalization. It was analysed speeches ans projects related to Ribeira and it was discovered that Natal has done very little to revitalize its historical center in the last two dacades. It analyses what seemed, or at least, should be a conflict of interests between incompatible projects, revealing both conciliatory proceedings and connivance between the participants in decision making. The conclusion directs attentions to the threat to historical building in the city and the importance of enhancing discussion about the future of our historical sites
320 p.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
A presente dissertação de mestrado visa a apresentação de uma proposta de valorização para o espaço edificado do Convento de S. José da Esperança, da cidade de Évora. Procurámos traçar a história do Convento de S. José ao longo de um período de cerca de 200 anos, apresentando ainda as várias funções do imóvel, desde a sua extinção até à atualidade. Abordámos a questão da instalação física do cenóbio, relacionando-a com as razões da escolha da Ordem Carmelita Descalça. Contextualizámos este especto com as origens da Ordem do Carmo, a reforma desta Ordem, originando o nascimento da Ordem Carmelita Descalça, e a sua entrada em Portugal. Sublinhámos a importância das fundadoras e o seu legado testamentário para a subsistência desta instituição religiosa e como essa subsistência conheceu vicissitudes e contrariedades várias ao longo da vida da comunidade. Procurámos depois entender o espaço conventual edificado, pelo que procedemos a uma análise histórico-arquitetónica do conjunto conventual, nomeadamente a ampliação dos espaços, e depois da extinção e da mudança de propriedade, a adaptação a novas funções e as necessárias intervenções nele ocorridas. Por fim, atendendo à história do Convento, à riqueza patrimonial que ele representa tanto para a sociedade em geral como para os Eborenses em particular, atendendo à sua inserção no Centro Histórico de Évora - CHE, com a classificação de Património Mundial atribuída pela UNESCO em 1986, e atendendo ao vasto quadro legislativo nacional e internacional relativo à proteção e valorização do património cultural, apresentámos a nossa proposta de valorização do Conjunto Conventual, que nos parece, em conformidade com o exposto, a mais apropriada àquele espaço. ABSTRACT: This master's thesis aims to propose a recovery area for the valorization of the building space of Convento de S. José da Esperança, in Évora. We traced the history of the Convent of S. José over a period of about 200 years, by exploring the various functions of the building, since its extinction as religious community until now. We addressed the question of the physical installation the life of the religious community, linking it with the reasons for the choice of the Ordem Carmelita Descalça's to settle there. This aspect was then contextualized with the origins of the Ordem do Carmo, the reform of the Order, resulting in the birth of the Ordem Carmelita Descalça, and its entry into Portugal. We emphasized the importance of the founders and their legacy to the livelihood of the subsistence of this religious institution. Along the history the Ordem experienced several setbacks and problems over the life of the community. Our study led to an understanding of the conventual space as a physical building. For that we undertook an historical and architectonical analysis of the conventual set, namely the enlargement of spaces, and after the extinction and the property change, the adaptation to new functions and the necessary interventions that it suffered. We presented our proposal of historical and architectonical valorization of the convent, taking into account the history of the Convent, as a rich heritage, not only for the city of Évora, but also to the country, as a whole. We took into account the fact that the convent is inside the historical centre of Évora (World Heritage City- UNESCO- since 1986), and it must comply to national and international legislative framework for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage. Our proposal of recovery of the conventual set is, in line with the above, the most appropriate to that space.
Mestrado em Economia Internacional
O presente trabalho de Investigação Aplicada subordinado à temática de a “Adaptação a uma nova realidade, a cavalaria portuguesa e o contato com a arma blindada – Divisão Nun’Álvares 1949-1959”.Os meios blindados em Portugal, foram uma valência, que devido às politicas nacionais, bem como aos seus elevados custos de aquisição e manutenção, não tiveram a sua devida atenção até à década de quarenta. Pelo que a mecanização quantitativa e alargada ao Exército apenas se efetuou na década de cinquenta, com os acordos da Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte, e onde foram atribuídos, meios blindados, de forma significativa à arma de Cavalaria. E é neste ponto que o presente trabalho foca a sua investigação, fazendo um enquadramento da situação nacional no período pré-aliança e prosseguindo para uma descrição das alterações efetuadas no exército, e na arma de cavalaria mais concretamente, em termos da sua modernização. A análise realizada teve em conta as instalações, os meios e a sua forma de emprego. Os objetivos, definidos para o trabalho pretendem obter respostas para as perguntas derivadas, culminando assim na resposta à pergunta de partida. O trabalho de investigação apresenta-se estruturado em quatro capítulos, sendo que no primeiro capítulo é realizada a revisão de literatura e o enquadramento histórico, de maneira a enquadrar a situação nacional e contextualizar o porquê de as alterações terem sido realizadas naquele âmbito, tal como fornecer uma base de comparação para as mesmas, realizando uma análise da realidade do Exército e da Arma de Cavalaria no período pré-aliança atlântica. No segundo capítulo é descrita a metodologia utilizada, de forma a orientar e estruturar o trabalho, bem como a justificação das opções adotadas durante a investigação. No terceiro capítulo são expostos os resultados, descrevendo o projeto e a evolução do levantamento da Divisão Nun’Álvares, tanto a nível estrutural como nos seus meios e emprego dos mesmos. No quarto capítulo, onde é realizada a comparação entre os meios, orgânica e forma de emprego de um exército com uma mentalidade puramente regimental, e um exército possuidor de meios sofisticados, integrados numa Grande Unidade e sob a orgânica e doutrina americana.