962 resultados para employee-owned firms


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This study examines the extent to which surveyed outcomes of IT outsourcing supported several commonly-argued propositions. Following confirmatOl), factor analysis, eight measures of success were used: access to skilled staff, technology benefits, economies of scale, cost reductions, strategic benefits, technical service quality, capacity to concentrate on core business, and overall satisfaction/value. The analysis produced some surprising findings. Some widely-promoted benefits of outsourcing were reported by most respondents, but other benefits that have been similarly promoted (such as cost savings) were reported by only a minority of respondents. There were no differences in success outcomes between medium-sized «500 employees), large (500 to 1000 employees), and very large (1000+ employees) organizations. There were some minor differences between government agencies and finns from the private sector, but no differences for key outcomes. Contrary to findings from case study research, "selective" outsourcing was no more successful than "total" outsourcing, although "total" outsourcing was uncommon. On the basis of these results, decision makers are urged to be cautious when planning to outsource IT services, and to be critical of claims that they will make substantial savings from outsourcing, or that outsourcing will automatically allow them to refocus more on their core business.


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This study addresses the debate in the literature regarding the dimensionality of the job performance construct. The sample comprised 647 public servants from a state-based law enforcement organisation. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses delineate a four:factor structure, consisting of in-role behaviour, organisational citizenship behaviour directed towards (1) individuals or (2) the organisation, and a distinct latent variable deemed counter-productive work behaviour (CWB). The pattern of correlations among the four performance dimensions and between the performance dimensions and attitudes support the construct and discriminant validity of the four performance dimensions. Further, the .findings propose that CWB is a core, not discretionary, dimension of performance.


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Research focusing on the relationship between organizational justice and health suggests that perceptions of fairness can make significant contributions to employee wellbeing. However, studies examining the justice–health relationship are only just emerging and there are several areas where further research is required, in particular, the uniqueness of the contributions made by justice and the extent to which the health effects can be explained by linear, non-linear and/or interaction models. The primary aim of the current study was to determine the main, curvilinear and interaction effects of work characteristics and organizational justice perceptions on employee wellbeing (as measured by psychological health and job satisfaction). Work characteristics were measured using the demand–control–support (DCS) model (Karasek and Theorell, 1990) and Colquitt's (2001) four justice dimensions (distributive, procedural, interpersonal and informational) assessed organizational justice (Colquitt, 2001). Hierarchical regression analyses found that in relation to psychological health, perceptions of justice added little to the explanatory power of the DCS model. In contrast, organizational justice did account for unique variance in job satisfaction, the second measure of employee wellbeing. The results supported linear relationships between the psychosocial working conditions and the outcome measures. A significant two-way interaction effect (control x support at work) was found for the psychological health outcome and the procedural justice by distributive justice interaction was significant for the job satisfaction outcome. Notably, the findings indicate that in addition to traditional job stressors, health promotion strategies should also address organizational justice.


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Purpose – This paper aims to describe the extent to which corporate organizations in Germany and in New Zealand have included sustainability practices as part of their strategic planning process.

Design/methodology/approach –
Current literature is reviewed to make a case for sustainability to be a driver behind corporate decision making and long-term performance. The results of surveys of several hundred firms in both Germany and New Zealand, countries with a publicly stated commitment to sustainability, are reviewed to compare the adoption rates of sustainability practices.

Findings – There is a significant difference between what firms do and what their managers think is important. Managers largely consider sustainability practices an important factor for their future careers, while firms to a large extent do not include sustainability as part of their strategic or operational planning process.

Research limitations/implications –
The International Sustainability Acceptance Measurement (ISAM) collects data in several countries through local-language versions of the same online survey tool (www.worldreply.com). The findings in this report are specific only to New Zealand and Germany.

Practical implications –
The paper points academics, corporate executives and sustainability fanatics to an alarming inconsistency between what is publicly reported as commitment to sustainability and what is practically achieved.

Originality/value – This paper adds value to the discussion of how sustainability practices have migrated into the operation of firms.


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This study used the four factor model of organizational justice to investigate gender differences in the employee outcome cognitive variables of job satisfaction,commitment and turnover intentions. Survey respondents were 301 male and 147 female currently working employees in a variety of occupations. Structural equation modeling was used for the analyses. There were significant relationships from distributive justice to job satisfaction and commitment for both men and women. Informational justice significantly predicted job satisfaction. For women, informational justice predicted commitment and turnover intentions. Procedural justice predicted turnover intentions and interpersonal justice predicted commitment for men. Gender differences were found for procedural, interpersonal and informational justices. Men and women gave differing responses to justice perceptions, implying consideration of a range of views when allocation decisions are made and communicated. For both genders, distributive and informational justices play a central role in predicting employee outcomes, although the other justice types also have an effect for males. Justice had a diffuse effect for males, but not females.


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The purpose of this paper is to explore the staffing choices, recruitment, skills shortages and retention issues that Australian based multinational corporations (MNCs) in China face. A qualitative research methodology was utilised, where 20 case study organisations were investigated. The firms investigated were all Australian owned and headquartered, and utilised Foreign Direct Investment and Joint Venture modes. It was found that Australian MNCs used an ethnocentric staffing model; they had issues with recruiting willing expatriate staff, and difficulties in finding skilled, qualified local nationals. They experienced significant skills shortages problems, and also reported retention issues. A number of strategies to improve these issues were articulated throughout the paper.


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The Demand-Control-Support (DCS) model is investigated in the context of police officers working within an organization that has relatively widespread uptake of New Public Management (NPM) practices. A survey of 479 police officers from two geographic regions was undertaken and the results indicate that the DCS offers a simple, yet powerful, framework for identifying the conditions to be managed in an NPM-oriented environment. Job control and work-based support predict all four target variables, strengthening the view that decision-making latitude and support from supervisors and colleagues represent critical resources for promoting the well-being, satisfaction and commitment of public sector employees.