998 resultados para diabete,glicemia,biosensori,bioinchiostri,tatuaggi
Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVOS: Este estudo visa a analisar os efeitos, a longo prazo, de cinco diferentes tratamentos sobre o controle metabólico de ratos diabéticos aloxânicos. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 7 grupos experimentais, com 50 ratos cada um, sendo: GN o grupo controle normal; GD o grupo controle diabético, sem tratamento; GI, GA e GIA os grupos tratados, respectivamente, com insulina, acarbose e associação insulina + acarbose; GTIL o grupo tratado com transplante de ilhotas de Langerhans; e o GTPD o grupo tratado com transplante pancreatoduodenal heterotópico. Parâmetros clínicos (peso, ingestão hídrica, ingestão alimentar e diurese) e laboratoriais (glicemia, glicose urinária e insulina plasmática) foram avaliados em todos os animais, no início do experimento, e após 1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses de seguimento. RESULTADOS: À exceção do GN, mortalidade foi observada em todos os grupos experimentais no seguimento de 12 meses (GD= 50%; GI= 20%; GA= 26%; GIA= 18%; GTIL= 4%; GTPD= 20%). em GD, GI, GA e GIA os óbitos ocorreram por distúrbios metabólicos ou hidroeletrolíticos e/ou pneumonia, diarréia e caquexia; em GTIL e GTPD todos os óbitos ocorreram por falhas técnicas no pós-operatório até 72h. Animais dos grupos GI, GA e GIA tiveram melhora significativa (p < 0,05) de todos os parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais observados em ratos diabéticos, sem diferença de efetividade entre os tratamentos. Porém, os resultados observados nestes grupos, biologicamente não foram comparáveis aos observados em GTIL e GTPD, onde observou-se correção completa, aos níveis normais, de todas as variáveis analisadas (p<0,01). CONCLUSÕES: Os tratamentos convencionais com insulina, acarbose e insulina + acarbose melhoraram o estado diabético grave dos ratos tratados, contudo, a eficácia dos tratamentos foi significativamente inferior à oferecida pelo GTIL e GTPD.
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT
The total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) is an option for some surgeries in bovines for fields. The aim of this study was to evaluate blood gases effects, cardiorespiratory and glycemia on calves submitted the umbilical herniorraphy. We used eight calves aged from 9 ± 4 months, weighting 111 ± 43 kg. The animals were pre-treated with xylazine (0.05 mg/kg IV) and after 15 minutes was administered ketamine (2.0 mg/kg IV) followed by the continuous infusion of xylazine (0.05 mg/ml), guaifenesin (50 mg/mL) and ketamine (1mg/ml) at a rate of infusion of 2mL/kg/hour. The blood gases and glucose samples were collected immediately before the MPA (MB) and the 5, 40 and 80 after the starting of TIVA (M5, M40 e M80). The other variables were measured in MB, 15 minutes after the MPA (Mx) and every 10 minutes after the starting of TIVA, entiring 80 minutes. The heart rate was higher in MB than in the other stages (p <0.05) and respiratory rate increased in M20 and M50 compared to MB and Mx (p <0.05). The PvCO2 increased while PaO2 decreased in M40 and M80, for MB (p <0.05), PVCO2 in M80 was lower than in MB (p <0.05). The pHv was smaller in M80 than M5 and MB (p <0.05), and HCO3 was lower in MB (p <0.05) compared to the others. The glucose was higher in M40 and M80 and M5 for MB (p <0.05). The recovery time was 152 ± 60 minutes after the end of the administration of the infusion of anesthetics. It was conclude that the anesthetic technique employed promoted respiratory depression, increased blood glucose and prolonged period of anesthetic recovery in calves.
The increased prevalence of diabetic individuals has become a public health problem. Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by an increase in plasma glucose levels. It impairs the physiological equilibrium in utilization of carbohydrate by tissues. The persistent hyperglycemia can produce deleterious effects on bone formation due the microvascular complication. The present paper reviews the bibliography linking the impact of glycemic control at complications associated at diabetes mellitus on osseointegration. In experimental models of diabetes it was observed a reduced level of bone-implant contact. This failure can be reduced by means of hyperglycemia control. Also, several studies point the beneficial effect of coated implant on osseointegration process. It is necessary to take special care into account for the placement of implants in diabetic patient and improve the percentages of implant survival. A rigorous control of plasma glycaemia, together with other measures, like as absence of chronic complications, good oral hygiene and regular medical follow-up has been related to rising the percentages of successful in diabetic patients.
Introduction: Pathological changes in the bucal cavity associated with Diabetes mellitus (DM) may include gingivitis, periodontal disease, salivary gland dysfunction and xerostomia (dry mouth), susceptibility to bucal infections, burning mouth syndrome, and altered taste. Objective: This study assessed the technical and scientific knowledge of dentists working in primary care in the National Health System (SUS) on the DM. Material and method: The study was conducted in the municipalities of Birigui-SP, Maringá-PR and TrêsLagoas-MS, with the participation of 76 dentists working in the SUS primary care system.These professionals agreed to answer to a questionnaire developed for this study and the results of the questions were submitted to a quantitative analysis. Result: Showed that 94.7% were in contact with diabetic patients; 97.4% know what is DM; about other types of DM, 77.6% said they know, the most mentioned (by 55.9%) was the gestational DM. The DM2 was indicated as the most prevalent by 59.2%; the normal range of fasting blood glucose level was quoted correctly by 2.6% of the participants; obesity was reported by 98.7% of participants as a risk factor for DM; 96.0% stated correctly what are the main signs and symptoms related to Diabetes; periodontal disease was reported by 92.1% as an bucal manifestation in diabetic patients. Conclusion: The dentist needs to develop specific knowledge about DM, being able to identify normal levels of blood glucose and ready to identify and meet the bearer of DM.
Periodontal disease has been increasingly associated as a supporting factor, and even a precursor to some systemic diseases. Just aim of this paper was to analyze by reviewing the literature, the possible mechanisms involved in the etiopathogenesis of periodontal disease that are common to the current systemic diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. The articles were analyzed with in the publication period of the years 2006 to 2011 and were surveyed in the databases PubMed, LILACS and SciELO. Of a total of 907 articles found by searching the indices and their associations, were selected by inclusion criteria 93 articles. For the preparation of this literature review, only 24 articles were selected because they are based on inflammatory mechanisms, metabolic and infectious, where the considerations for the strongest associations in the literature. This literature review reinforces the association of periodontal disease with systemic diseases analyzed due to presence of inflammatory and immunological mechanisms and similar synergism betwen the two diseases, but some hypotheses still need further clarification. The professional should stick to recent discoveries associations to promote periodontal treatment in preventing the development of systemic diseases, as well as in maintaining the systemic health of patients already suffering from chronic systemic diseases.
The increase of elderly population in Brazil and all around the world shows the need of reviewing the health cares in order to get a better quality of life. Objective: To evaluate lifestyle and health care of elderly participants of UNATI, Franca, SP. Methods: Sixty elderlies answered a questions about socio-economic issues, health care, food consumption habits and lifestyle, after, they were submitted to anthropometric and laboratory tests. Results: There was a prevalence of women (85%), aged between 60-69 years old (60%), up to high school (60%), retired (65%), income up to 5 minimum wage (73.4%). Most seniors assessed medical care (65%) were in use of long-term medicines (78.3%), they reported to control blood pressure (80%) and to not smoke (100%). About 71.7% people believed to have a healthy diet, 97% took meals at home, 85% chose and prepared their own food, 65% had 5-6 meals/day, 63% drank 1L of water/day, 90% had bowel function and 43.3% practices a regular physical activity. Only 13.3% have done hormone replacement therapy, 18.3% take dietary supplements and 21.7% drink alcoholic drinks. The participants presented a BMI of 27.49 ± 4.5kg/m², prevalence of overweight and eutrophy, which values decreased with age. Leg circumference (LC) (36.27 ± 3.84 cm), Arm circumference (AC) (31.39 ± 4.08 cm) and triceps skinfolds (TS) (20.58±7.54mm) values were suit in most cases (96.7, 85 and 83.3%, respectively). Serum total cholesterol values were 198.53 ± 35.2mg/dL, 55% were considered optimum. About 63.3% and 68.3% of the elderlies, respectively, presented a high density lipoproteins (HDL) (53.58± 10.9mg/dL) and triglycerides (TG) (143.97 ± 92.37mg/dL) according to the recommendation and 51.7% of the elderlies had normal glycemia, 38.3% had risk and 10% showed high blood glucose, indicating diabetes. Conclusion: Many elderlies had body mass index (BMI) above normal, indicating overweight or obesity, but the participants can be considered healthy because of AC, LC and TS values, diet habits, health care and lifestyle.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)