957 resultados para contamination


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Investigations conducted since July 1988 on ulcerative fish epidemics in Assam, India, indicated that mainly four species of fishes belonging to the genera Puntius, Channa, Macrognathus and Mystus were widely affected by the disease. Results indicated that outbreak of the disease may not be due to organic pollution of water or radioactive and heavy-metallic contamination. Bacterial culture revealed colonies of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the surface muscular lesions and gill tissues while preliminary electron microscopic studies indicated the presence of viruses in the muscles and gills of diseased fishes.


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Following a brief outline of the physiography of the Indian Ocean, an examination is made of the current situation regarding contamination of the environment. Prominent marine pollutants and the consequences of the marine disposal are discussed, considering in particular oil pollution, heavy metal pollution, agricultural wastes and domestic wastes. Research activities conducted in the area investigating the levels of marine pollution are detailed, and an evaluation made of future prospects concerning the monitoring and control of pollution.


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A general survey carried out on several brands of frozen prawn products has shown that along with the standard plate count (SPC), the numbers of pathogenic organisms like Escherichia coli, enterococci and coagulase positive staphylococci have also to be taken into consideration for the evaluation of the quality of these products. No correlation could be established between the total plate count and the number of E. coli, enterococci or staphylococci. Enumeration of enterococci, however, is advocated as a better index of faecal contamination of the products than E. coli.


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Absence of regular cleaning has been found to result in heavy bacterial loads on the surfaces of utensils and other equipment used in prawn processing factories and peeling centers. Instance of high faecal contamination is also sometimes met with. Detailed investigations have shown that a cleaning schedule comprising of treatment of these surface with a detergent followed by application of an effective disinfectant like sodium hypochlorite would prevent such bacterial build up.


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An attempt has been made in the present study to estimate and describe in detail the nature and extent of contamination of processed fishery products. In large scale prawn processing when the preprocess preparation is elaborate, the industry in India has found it advantageous to establish the primary processing centers away from the processing factories. The data collected have clearly indicated that if such processing centers are not properly organized there is a possibility of greater contamination of the products at this stage. The data collected during the course of this investigation have given the basis for the measures to be taken for the maintenance of bacterial quality of prawn during different stages of processing.


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The influence of ice on the bacteriological quality of the processed fishery products has been discussed. In almost all the cases ice has been traced to be a major source of contamination depending on the nature of water used for preparing it. The sources of contamination of ice and its remedies have been described.


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The importance of sanitary practices in the processing of precooked frozen shrimps has been discussed. Several typical examples have been shown to point out the different sources of contamination of the product and the extent to which each of the factors by itself or in combination affect the bacterial quality of the final product. A scheme of processing has also been suggested for controlling the microbial quality.


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Probable sources of contamination of raw, blanched and processed meat at various stages of handling and methods for their rectification have been described in the paper. Inter-relationship between absolute sterility and commercial sterility with particular reference to the sanitation of the factory has been discussed.


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The present communication is a survey report carried out to assess the incidence of toxic mycoflora on seven types of agriculture products/by products incorporated during fish culture as supplementary dietary items. Samples were obtained from various sources at Darbhanga, Madhubani and Samashtipur districts during summer, winter and monsoon months. Out of the total 1774 samples, only 894 appeared to be fresh visually reflecting average incidence of contamination around 46.6%. However, the apparently fresh samples, when subjected to culture, 26.9% of them were found to be contaminated. Thus, degree of fungal spoilage in feed ingredients in parts of north Bihar appears to be significantly high (73.5%). The present study illustrates the facts with special reference to Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus (elaborating aflatoxins) A. ochraceous, Penicilium viradicatuin (elaborating ochratoxins) and A. versicolor (elaborating sterigmatocystin). The other strains already known for their toxigenic potentials that appeared on the present substrates included A. niger, A. fumigatus, A. candidus, P. islandicum, Rhizopus spp. and Mucur spp. Studies indicate that the prevalent climatic factors like temperature and relative humidity facilitate a congenial condition almost all through the year and in particular during summer and monsoon months. But water content of the substrates is a vital factor that further accelerates the pace of mycobial spoilage. A thorough sun-drying of the agricultural commodities before prolonged storage to bring water content below the "low risk limit" may significantly reduce the incidence of molds.


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Of fifteen processing plants surveyed in Sri Lanka, only five were found to have a prawn process which was adequately controlled. Most common process faults were: inadequate chilling of prawns after a wash in 30°C, mains water, the use of large blocks of ice to cool prawns, and high ratios of prawns to ice. There was also ample scope for cross-contamination of the processed prawns.


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A quality of survey was conducted at the fish curing yards in a northwest coast and the southern coast in Sri Lanka. A total of 40 samples different varieties of fishes were collected from the market and jaadi curing yards and all were evaluated for the quality, fungal and insect infestation. Samples were analyzed for proximate composition chemical, microbiological and sensory quality. Thirty percent of the total analyzed samples of fish were found to be unfit for consumption. Samples collected from Negombo were found to the infected with maggots. Only 42% samples had dry matter above 50%. All the samples showed a protein content above 20%. The highest protein content was 27.92% in hurulla. Over 90% of the samples had TVN at acceptable quality limits (>40). The TBC for 33% of the samples were in the range 104-105/g range, while 48% were in the range of 107-108/g due to contamination of maggots and fungi. The Survey showed jaadi had a high level of protein in its composition. But defects of curing process such on imperfect cleaning inadequate salting resulted in low (Chemical and microbiological) quality of the product.


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Lab-on-a-chip (LOC) is one of the most important microsystem applications with promise for use in microanalysis, drug development, diagnosis of illness and diseases etc. LOC typically consists of two main components: microfluidics and sensors. Integration of microfluidics and sensors on a single chip can greatly enhance the efficiency of biochemical reactions and the sensitivity of detection, increase the reaction/detection speed, and reduce the potential cross-contamination, fabrication time and cost etc. However, the mechanisms generally used for microfluidics and sensors are different, making the integration of the two main components complicated and increases the cost of the systems. A lab-on-a-chip system based on a single surface acoustic wave (SAW) actuation mechanism is proposed. SAW devices were fabricated on nanocrystalline ZnO thin films deposited on Si substrates using sputtering. Coupling of acoustic waves into a liquid induces acoustic streaming and motion of droplets. A streaming velocity up to ∼ 5cm/s and droplet pumping speeds of ∼lcm/s were obtained. It was also found that a higher order mode wave, the Sezawa wave is more effective in streaming and transportation of microdroplets. The ZnO SAW sensor has been used for prostate antigen/antibody biorecognition systems, demonstrated the feasibility of using a single actuation mechanism for lab-on-a-chip applications. © 2010 Materials Research Society.


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Disease is the main restraining factor for the development of shrimp sector in Bangladesh. Both brackish water shrimp bagda (Penaeus monodon) and freshwater prawn golda, (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming in Bangladesh have been facing disease problem. A study on disease outbreak in both brackish water and freshwater small-scale shrimp farms (gher) in Khulna district was carried out through interviewing randomly selected 3-5% of shrimp farmers with a structured questionnaire during March to December, 2002. The study showed that 97% bagda farming ghers and 80% golda farming ghers were affected by disease. White spot disease was the severe disease for bagda, whereas, antenna rot was the main disease for freshwater prawn. Change of water and liming were carried out as control measures of disease for bagda shrimp farming, while it was only liming for golda farming. A small number of shrimp farmers (15%) used chemicals for treatment of shrimp diseases. Development of suitable farming technology to prevent disease contamination and innovation of proper treatments for diseases are required to overcome the disease problems for sustainable shrimp farming in Bangladesh.


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Several consignments of cooked-peeled-frozen prawns exported from India were rejected last year due to high total plate count (TPC) at 30°C. The specified temperature of incubation for TPC in our country is 37°C. Hence the effect of incubation at 30 and 37°C on TPC was studied. It is seen that the count is higher on incubation at 30°C. A method for production of cooked-peeled-frozen prawns conforming to the specification for TPC at 30°C is standardized and is reported. It consists of recooking the cooked-peeled prawns followed by packing and freezing without further contamination. The method minimizes batch to batch or sample to sample variation in TPC.


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This article presents a laboratory study on the consequences of the application of combined soil stabilization and bioaugmentation in the remediation of a model contaminated soil. Stabilization and bioaugmentation are two techniques commonly applied independently for the remediation of heavy metal and organic contamination respectively. However, for a cocktail of contaminants combined treatments are currently being considered. The model soil was contaminated with a cocktail of organics and heavy metals based on the soil and contaminant conditions in a real contaminated site. The soil stabilization treatment was applied using either zeolite or green waste compost as additives and a commercially available hydrocarbon degrading microbial consortium was used for the bioaugmentation treatment. The effects of stabilization with or without bioaugmentation on the leachability of cadmium and copper was observed using an EU batch leaching test procedure and a flow-through column leaching test, both using deionized water at a pH of 5.6. In addition, the population of hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms was monitored using a modified plate count procedure in cases where bioaugmentation was applied. It was found that while the stabilization treatment reduced the metal leachability by up to 60%, the bioaugmentation treatment increased it by up to 100% Microbial survival was also higher in the stabilized soil samples.