935 resultados para condition of hydrolysis
Description based on: 9th (1903).
Through formal assessment of resources and data and "grassroots" exploration of the opinions of over 500 African American males who participated in town hall meetings across Illinois, the Taskforce has formulated recommendations for policy in areas of health, employment, criminal justice, education and fatherhood. The recommendations should guide us in our important work to improve the critical services [for] African American men across Illinois -- with such help those men will be enabled to realize their full potential and enriching life for all of Illinois' citizens.
The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), through the Office of Planning and Programming (OPP), conducts a Condition Rating Survey (CRS) to assess pavement condition on its approximate 16,000 mile state highway system. The CRS is an important tool to assist the Department with its pavement management activities. A CRS value indicates the current condition of a pavement. CRS is a factor in highway program development, provides an opportunity to review the highway network, provides overall condition of the state highway system, gives input into the legislative/budgeting process and allows calculation of pavement needs.
The primary goal of this project is to learn more about the housing conditions of the rural elderly in Illinois. By using questions similar to those included in the American Housing Survey (AHS) used by the Bureau of the Census, comparisons can be made between Illinois residents and a national sample. The questions used in this Housing Conditions and Housing Options for Older Residents Survey (2002) (Appendix B) focus specifically on issues related to the availability and condition of plumbing, heating, electricity, and upkeep using guidelines extablished by the AHS. ... There are three objectives for this study (1) to determine the type and condition of housing occupied by older residents in three regions of Illinois, (2) to determine the types of housing elderly residents would choose from a list of options and what conditions would cause them to choose that type of housing, and (3) to examine whether regional variations exist in housing conditions and housing options among rural residents of Illinois.
The approved project allows the Corps to dredge the Waukegan Harbor approach channel and advanced maintenance area. The area to be dredged lies immediately east of the north breakwater. It is approximately a rectangle 650 feet north and south and 1,400 feet east and west. The advanced maintenance area is a band along the north side of the channel. The approved project is for a 10-year certification, under which the Corps may remove 22,000 to 75,000 cubic yards of sediment per dredging event. The dredging depth is 22 feet and the amount to be dredged is about one foot of sediment. As a condition of the certification, disposal of the dredged sediment in Lake Michigan or the waters of the state cannot occur until the conditions of the certification are met. These conditions, which have been placed on the certification by Illinois EPA, ensure that the project meets state water quality standards and is consistent with the determinations of the Illinois Attorney General's Task Force on asbestos contamination at Illinois Beach State Park.
The institution of Cyrus [translated by Maurice Ashley Cooper]--The expedition of Cyrus, translated by Edward Spelman.--The affairs of Greece, translated by William Smith.--Memoirs of Socrates, translated by Sarah Fielding.--The banquet of Xenophon, translated by James Welwood.--Hiero: on the condition of royalty, translated by the Rev. R. Graves.--The science of good husbandry, translated by R. Bradley.--Discourse upon improving the revenue of the state of Athens, translated by Walter Moyle.--On the Athenian republic.--On the Lacedemonian republic.--On horsemanship.--The epistles, translated by Thomas Stanley.
Mode of access: Internet.
The condition of society.--The causes on intemperance.--The responsibility.
Goldsmiths'-Kress no. 20788.
Master microform held by: ResP.
With: Audi alteram partem ... / by an Officer of His Majesty's Navy. London : J. Budd ; G. Sidney, 1804. -- A brief inquiry into the present condition of the Navy of Great Britain ... London : S. Highley, 1804. -- A reply to a pamphlet intituled "A brief enquiry into the present condition of the Navy of Great Britain" ... London : J. Ginger, 1804.
Nos. 1-56, July 26, 1913-Aug. 15, 1914, were issued weekly in the form of leaflets; no. 57-92, Jan. 1915-Dec. 1917, monthly, in the form of pamphlets, containing studies in government; no. 93-95, irregularly issued.
Description based on: 4th (1849).
Each article has half-title: Hemenway southwestern archœological expedition.
On cover: Complete works of Henry George.