Description based on: 4th (1849).
Report for 1885 includes: List of foreign correspondents of the Smithsonian Institution, corrected to July 1, 1885; also published separately.
Vols. for 1849-1963/64 include "General appendix to the Smithsonian report" (varies slightly).
Vols. for 1847-1963/64 include the Institution's Report of the Secretary, also published separately.
Some reports issued in various congressional series: Senate miscellaneous documents, House miscellaneous documents, House executive documents, and House documents.
Published: Washington : U.S.G.P.O., <1880-1897>
"Showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institution." ; subtitle varies.
Reports for 1884-1886/87 issued in 2 pts., pt. 2 being the Report of the National Museum.
Reports for 1848-1855 called 3d-10th.
Report year for 1885-1964 ends June 30.
Mode of access: Internet.
Author-subject: 1849-1961. 1 v.
Merged with: Smithsonian Institution. Report of the Secretary and financial report of the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents, and: United States National Museum. Annual report for the year ended June 30 ..., to form: Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian year (1965).