914 resultados para competencies at work and in organizations
Current nuclear medicine techniques for the localization of inflammatory processes are based on injection of 111In labelled autologous granulocytes which need to be isolated and radiolabelled in vitro before reinjection. A new technique is presented here that obviates the need for cell isolation by the direct intravenous injection of a granulocyte specific 123I labelled monoclonal antibody. In this publication the basic parameters of the antibody granulocyte interaction are described. Antibody binding does not inhibit vital functions of the granulocytes, such as chemotaxis and superoxide generation. Scatchard analysis of binding data reveals an apparent affinity of the antibody for granulocytes of 6.8 X 10(9) l/mol and approximately 7.1 X 10(4) binding sites per cell. Due to the high specificity of the antibody, the only expected interference is from CEA producing tumors.
Hepatic glucose production is autoregulated during infusion of gluconeogenic precursors. In hyperglycemic patients with multiple trauma, hepatic glucose production and gluconeogenesis are increased, suggesting that autoregulation of hepatic glucose production may be defective. To better understand the mechanisms of autoregulation and its possible alterations in metabolic stress, lactate was coinfused with glucose in healthy volunteers and in hyperglycemic patients with multiple trauma or critical illness. In healthy volunteers, infusion of glucose alone nearly abolished endogenous glucose production. Lactate increased gluconeogenesis (as indicated by a decrease in net carbohydrate oxidation with no change in total [13C]carbohydrate oxidation) but did not increase endogenous glucose production. In patients with metabolic stress, endogenous glucose production was not suppressed by exogenous glucose, but lactate did not further increase hepatic glucose production. It is concluded that 1) in healthy humans, autoregulation of hepatic glucose production during infusion of lactate is still present when glycogenolysis is suppressed by exogenous glucose and 2) autoregulation of hepatic glucose production is not abolished in hyperglycemic patients with metabolic stress.
For enterococcal implant-associated infections, the optimal treatment regimen has not been defined. We investigated the activity of daptomycin, vancomycin, and gentamicin (and their combinations) against Enterococcus faecalis in vitro and in a foreign-body infection model. Antimicrobial activity was investigated by time-kill and growth-related heat production studies (microcalorimetry) as well as with a guinea pig model using subcutaneously implanted cages. Infection was established by percutaneous injection of E. faecalis in the cage. Antibiotic treatment for 4 days was started 3 h after infection. Cages were removed 5 days after end of treatment to determine the cure rate. The MIC, the minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) in the logarithmic phase, and the MBC in the stationary phase were 1.25, 5, and >20 μg/ml for daptomycin, 1, >64, and >64 μg/ml for vancomycin, and 16, 32, and 4 μg/ml for gentamicin, respectively. In vitro, gentamicin at subinhibitory concentrations improved the activity against E. faecalis when combined with daptomycin or vancomycin in the logarithmic and stationary phases. In the animal model, daptomycin cured 25%, vancomycin 17%, and gentamicin 50% of infected cages. In combination with gentamicin, the cure rate for daptomycin increased to 55% and that of vancomycin increased to 33%. In conclusion, daptomycin was more active than vancomycin against adherent E. faecalis, and its activity was further improved by the addition of gentamicin. Despite a short duration of infection (3 h), the cure rates did not exceed 55%, highlighting the difficulty of eradicating E. faecalis from implants already in the early stage of implant-associated infection.
OBJECTIVES: In vitro mechanical injury of articular cartilage is useful to identify events associated with development of post-traumatic osteoarthritis (OA). To date, many in vitro injury models have used animal cartilage despite the greater clinical relevance of human cartilage. We aimed to characterize a new in vitro injury model using elderly human femoral head cartilage and compare its behavior to that of an existing model with adult bovine humeral head cartilage. DESIGN: Mechanical properties of human and bovine cartilage disks were characterized by elastic modulus and hydraulic permeability in radially confined axial compression, and by Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and direction-dependent radial strain in unconfined compression. Biochemical composition was assessed in terms of tissue water, solid, and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) contents. Responses to mechanical injury were assessed by observation of macroscopic superficial tissue cracks and histological measurements of cell viability following single injurious ramp loads at 7 or 70%/s strain rate to 3 or 14 MPa peak stress. RESULTS: Confined compression moduli and Young's moduli were greater in elderly human femoral cartilage vs adult bovine humeral cartilage whereas hydraulic permeability was less. Radial deformations of axially compressed explant disks were more anisotropic (direction-dependent) for the human cartilage. In both cartilage sources, tissue cracking and associated cell death during injurious loading was common for 14 MPa peak stress at both strain rates. CONCLUSION: Despite differences in mechanical properties, acute damage induced by injurious loading was similar in both elderly human femoral cartilage and adult bovine humeral cartilage, supporting the clinical relevance of animal-based cartilage injury models. However, inherent structural differences such as cell density may influence subsequent cell-mediated responses to injurious loading and affect the development of OA.
Colon carcinoma multicellular spheroids were incubated in vitro with radiolabelled MAbs. The more rapid penetration of fragments as compared to intact MAbs was clearly demonstrated. For the study of antibody localization in tumors in vivo, the model of nude mice with ligated kidneys was used. Although very artificial, this model allowed to demonstrate that, without urinary excretion, Fab fragments accumulated more rapidly into the tumor than intact MAbs and disappeared faster from the blood. This difference was less striking for F(ab')2 fragments. In the liver a decreased accumulation of both types of fragments as compared to intact MAbs was observed. Concerning radioimmunotherapy we think that Fab fragments are not useful because of their too short half-life in the circulation and in tumor and because they will probably be too toxic for the kidneys. Intact MAbs and F(ab')2 fragments have each their advantages. Intact MAbs show highest tumor accumulation in mice without ligated kidney, however, they remain mostly on the periphery of tumor nodules, as shown by autoradiography. F(ab')2 fragments have been found to penetrate deeper into the tumor and to accumulate less in the liver. It might be therefore an advantage to combine intact MAbs with F(ab')2 fragments, so that in the tumor two different regions could be attacked whereas in normal tissues toxicity could be distributed to different organs such as to the liver with intact MAbs and to the kidney with F(ab')2 fragments.
The process of changes that have been taking place in contemporary world reaches undoubtedly to the public sector. The quest for a new public management, that seeks to provide quality and effective services to the citizens, has been the target of contemporary State. Within this framework, the study of people inside publics organizations becomes strategic. Knowledge is generated, processed, and communicated at great speed, taking society to adopt new approaches. In order to meet the challenges of the new millennium, organizations must thing more of people and, above all, they must be more concerned with creating incentives that can motivate their collaborators to achieve not only the objectives of the organization but also personal objectives of each individual, since there is no point in gaining profit and having productivity if the organization do not develop policies and practices that focus on the human being. Motivation implies accomplishment feelings and professional recognition, expressed by means of executing tasks and activities that are sufficiently challenging and meaningful to the job. The truth is that the adoption of a public management focused on quality requires changes in organization culture, requiring mainly motivation, which leads to efforts, dedication, persistence, and commitment. This work is intended to research motivation as a tool to achieve productivity and excellence in the performance of activities in Cape Verdean Public Administration. To achieve the aim of this work, a bibliographical research on Human Resources Administration as well as different theories related to work motivation in organizations was conducted. The inquisitive method was used based upon a written questionnaire aimed at obtaining data referring to motivation of Public Administration workers.
O processo de mudanças que vem acontecendo no mundo contemporâneo alcança, inevitavelmente, o sector público. A busca de uma nova gestão pública, que procure prestar serviços ao cidadão com qualidade e eficiência tem sido o alvo a ser alcançado pelo Estado contemporâneo. Dentro desse prisma o estudo das pessoas dentro das organizações públicas apresenta-se como estratégico. O conhecimento é gerado, processado e comunicado a grande velocidade, o que leva a sociedade a assumir novas posturas. Para enfrentar os desafios do novo milénio, as organizações terão que pensar mais nas pessoas e sobretudo, preocupar-se mais em criar estímulos que motivem os colaboradores para alcançarem tanto os objectivos da organização quanto os objectivos pessoais de cada um porque não adianta obter lucro e produtividade se a organização não desenvolver políticas e práticas que privilegiam o ser humano. Motivação envolve sentimentos de realização e de reconhecimento profissional, manifestado por meio de exercícios das tarefas e actividades que oferecem suficiente desafio e significado para o trabalho. A verdade é que a adopção de uma gestão pública focada na qualidade requer mudanças na cultura organizacional, exigindo principalmente motivação, que conduz ao esforço, dedicação, persistência e comprometimento. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se investigar a motivação como uma ferramenta para alcançar a produtividade e a excelência no desempenho das actividades na Administração Pública Cabo-verdiana. Para alcançar o objectivo deste trabalho, fez-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a Administração dos Recursos Humanos e sobre as diversas teorias relacionadas com a motivação para o trabalho nas organizações. Utilizou-se o método inquisitivo baseado num interrogatório escrito para se obter dados referentes a motivação dos funcionários da Administração Pública.
The process of changes that have been taking place in contemporary world reaches undoubtedly to the public sector. The quest for a new public management, that seeks to provide quality and effective services to the citizens, has been the target of contemporary State. Within this framework, the study of people inside publics organizations becomes strategic. Knowledge is generated, processed, and communicated at great speed, taking society to adopt new approaches. In order to meet the challenges of the new millennium, organizations must thing more of people and, above all, they must be more concerned with creating incentives that can motivate their collaborators to achieve not only the objectives of the organization but also personal objectives of each individual, since there is no point in gaining profit and having productivity if the organization do not develop policies and practices that focus on the human being. Motivation implies accomplishment feelings and professional recognition, expressed by means of executing tasks and activities that are sufficiently challenging and meaningful to the job. The truth is that the adoption of a public management focused on quality requires changes in organization culture, requiring mainly motivation, which leads to efforts, dedication, persistence, and commitment. This work is intended to research motivation as a tool to achieve productivity and excellence in the performance of activities in Cape Verdean Public Administration. To achieve the aim of this work, a bibliographical research on Human Resources Administration as well as different theories related to work motivation in organizations was conducted. The inquisitive method was used based upon a written questionnaire aimed at obtaining data referring to motivation of Public Administration workers.
Adiponectin is an adipokine, present in the circulation in comparatively high concentrations and different molecular weight isoforms. For the first time, the distribution of these isoforms in serum and follicular fluid (FF) and their usefulness as biological markers for infertility investigations was studied. In vitro study. University based hospital. Fifty-four women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Oocytes were retrieved, fertilized in vitro using ICSI, and the resulting embryos transferred. Serum was collected immediately prior to oocyte retrieval. Adiponectin isoforms (high molecular weight (HMW), medium and low molecular weight) were determined in serum and FF. Total adiponectin and the different isoform levels were compared with leptin and ovarian steroid concentrations. Adiponectin isoforms in serum and FF. Adiponectin isoform distribution differed between serum and FF; the HMW fraction made up half of all adiponectin in the serum but only 23.3% in the FF. Total and HMW adiponectin in both serum and FF correlated negatively with the body mass index and the concentration of leptin. No correlations were observed for total adiponectin or its isoforms with estradiol, progesterone, anti-Mullerian hormone, inhibin B, or the total follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) dose administered during the ovarian stimulation phase. This study shows for the first time that adiponectin isoform distribution varies between the serum and FF compartments in gonadotropin stimulated patients. A trend towards higher HMW adiponectin serum levels in successful ICSI cycles compared to implantation failures was observed; studies with larger patient groups are required to confirm this observation.
Crepuscular activity of culicids (Diptera, Culicidae) in the peridomicile and in the remaining riparian forest in Tibagi river, State of Paraná, Brazil. Human-attracted mosquitoes were collected for one hour, around sunset time (half hour before and half after), from April to December 2006, in two environments (riparian forest and near houses), in Tibagi river basin, Palmeira municipality, State of Paraná. Seven-hundred forty-nine mosquitoes, belonging to 13 species, were collected. Psorophora champerico Dyar & Knab, 1906 (42.86%) and Psorophora discrucians (Walker, 1856) (40.59%) were the most frequent species. No significant differences between quantities of Ps. champerico (t = -0.792; d.f. = 16; p = 0.43) and Ps. discrucians (t = 0.689; d.f. = 16; p = 0.49) obtained in riparian forest and near houses were observed, indicating similar conditions for crepuscular activity of these species in both environments. Psorophora champerico and Ps. discrucians responded (haematophagic activity) to environmental stimuli associated with the twilight hours differently in distinct habitats studied. The former species is registered for the first time in the Atlantic forest biome.
Road transport emissions are a major contributor to ambient particulate matter concentrations and have been associated with adverse health effects. Therefore, these emissions are targeted through increasingly stringent European emission standards. These policies succeed in reducing exhaust emissions, but do not address "nonexhaust" emissions from brake wear, tire wear, road wear, and suspension in air of road dust. Is this a problem? To what extent do nonexhaust emissions contribute to ambient concentrations of PM10 or PM2.5? In the near future, wear emissions may dominate the remaining traffic-related PM10 emissions in Europe, mostly due to the steep decrease in PM exhaust emissions. This underlines the need to determine the relevance of the wear emissions as a contribution to the existing ambient PM concentrations, and the need to assess the health risks related to wear particles, which has not yet received much attention. During a workshop in 2011, available knowledge was reported and evaluated so as to draw conclusions on the relevance of traffic-related wear emissions for air quality policy development. On the basis of available evidence, which is briefly presented in this paper, it was concluded that nonexhaust emissions and in particular suspension in air of road dust are major contributors to exceedances at street locations of the PM10 air quality standards in various European cities. Furthermore, wear-related PM emissions that contain high concentrations of metals may (despite their limited contribution to the mass of nonexhaust emissions) cause significant health risks for the population, especially those living near intensely trafficked locations. To quantify the existing health risks, targeted research is required on wear emissions, their dispersion in urban areas, population exposure, and its effects on health. Such information will be crucial for environmental policymakers as an input for discussions on the need to develop control strategies.
Background: Language processing abnormalities and inhibition difficulties are hallmark features of schizophrenia. The objective of this study is to asses the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) response at two different stages of the illness and compare the frontal activity between adolescents and adults with schizophrenia. Methods: 10 adults with schizophrenia (mean age 31,5 years) and 6 psychotic adolescents with schizophrenic symptoms (mean age 16,2 years) underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging while performing two frontal tasks. Regional activation is compared in the bilateral frontal areas during a covert verbal fluency task (letter version) and a Stroop task (inhibition task). Results: Preliminary results show poorer task performance and less frontal cortex activation during both tasks in the adult group of patients with schizophrenia. In the adolescent patients group, fMRI analysis show significant and larger activity in the left frontal operculum (Broca's area) in the verbal fluency task and greater activity in the medium cingulate during the inhibition phase of the Stroop task. Conclusions: These preliminary findings suggest a decrease of frontal activity in the course of the illness. We assume that schizophrenia contributes to frontal brain activity reduction.
Studied was the activity of the shrew Crocidura russula in the field (by radioactive tracking) and in laboratory (by continuous recording of nest temperature and by video). Under natural conditions, the total daily activity remained nearly constant throughout the year accounting for about 33 % of the total time. Activity was polyphasic and showed a daily rhythm; on an average, one activity phases occured every two hours and lasted 36 min. The activity periods of captive shrews were generally shorter, but always more frequent, and the total daily activity of captive shrews was much lower in winter. Two experiments carried out in the filed on shrews artificially fed, demonstrated that under natural conditions, foraging takes a major part of the winter activity. The activity patterns of Crocidura russula are compared with those of another European shrew, Sorex araneus.
The mycolyl transferase antigen 85 complex is a major secreted protein family from mycobacterial culture filtrate, demonstrating powerful T cell stimulatory properties in most HIV-negative, tuberculin-positive volunteers with latent M.tuberculosis infection and only weak responses in HIV-negative tuberculosis patients. Here, we have analyzed T cell reactivity against PPD and Ag85 in HIV-infected individuals, without or with clinical symptoms of tuberculosis, and in AIDS patients with disease caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria. Whereas responses to PPD were not significantly different in HIV-negative and HIV-positive tuberculin-positive volunteers, responses to Ag85 were significantly decreased in the HIV-positive (CDC-A and CDC-B) group. Tuberculosis patients demonstrated low T cell reactivity against Ag85, irrespective of HIV infection, and finally AIDS patients suffering from NTM infections were completely nonreactive to Ag85. A one-year follow-up of twelve HIV-positive tuberculin-positive individuals indicated a decreased reactivity against Ag85 in patients developing clinical tuberculosis, highlighting the protective potential of this antigen.