999 resultados para cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio


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A literatura que descreve os resultados das correções cirúrgicas nos tecidos moles é limitada, pois apresenta significativa variação e não oferece conclusões definitivas. O propósito desse artigo é estudar retrospectivamente os efeitos das cirurgias ortognáticas maxilares tipo Le Fort I nos lábios superiores e inferiores de pacientes adultos e discutir os potenciais problemas envolvidos com a metodologia aplicada. Foram estudados 19 pacientes brancos de 19 a 42 anos de idade, sendo 10 homens e 9 mulheres, submetidos a cirurgias maxilares no Centro de Pesquisa e Tratamento das Deformidades Buco-Faciais - CEDEFACE (Araraquara, SP). A grande maioria dos casos apresentou, no mínimo, uma discrepância significativa, seja ântero-posterior ou vertical, reforçando a sua indicação cirúrgica. As alterações nos tecidos moles foram significativas quando as movimentações horizontais ou verticais da base óssea maxilar foram significativas, com uma relação de aproximadamente 0,6:1 entre as alterações ântero-posteriores do lábio superior e a movimentação da base óssea. Alterações verticais na maxila, sem significativas alterações horizontais, não foram suficientes para aumentar verticalmente o lábio superior. Ocorreram alterações ântero-posteriores do lábio inferior em conseqüência do deslocamento anterior e inferior da maxila, o que permitiu um melhor selamento labial. Alterações verticais não foram quantificadas no lábio inferior.


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OBJETIVO: o avanço maxilomandibular é um método cirúrgico comumente usado no tratamento de pacientes acometidos pela Síndrome da Apnéia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAOS) e portadores de anormalidades anatômicas identificáveis neste complexo, que estreitam e/ou obstruem o espaço aéreo. O intuito deste estudo foi analisar variações cefalométricas do espaço aéreo faríngeo em indivíduos Classe II de Angle, após a cirurgia ortognática. METODOLOGIA: a amostra consistiu de telerradiografias laterais equivalentes aos períodos pré e pós-operatório de 30 indivíduos, divididos no grupo com avanço cirúrgico mandibular (n=15) e no grupo com avanço maxilomandibular (n=15). Os parâmetros cefalométricos usados permitiram avaliar o espaço aéreo posterior em 3 níveis: a hipofaringe (PFI-V), a orofaringe (PFM-PM, PFM-PO, PFM-U, PFM-Up) e a nasofaringe (PFM-PN, pm-PFS). A análise esquelética foi na base do crânio (N-S-Ba) e na mandíbula (Ar-Go-Me). A média das diferenças entre os valores pré e pós-operatórios das mensurações lineares (mm) e angulares (graus) foi avaliada pelo teste t pareado. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: estatisticamente, não houve redução do espaço aéreo faríngeo pós-avanço cirúrgico. O que se observou foi que apenas PFM-PO e PFS-pM se mantiveram constantes e na maioria restante os valores aumentaram.


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Objective: To assess the effect of growth hormone (GH) on myocardial remodeling in infarcted rats. Methods: This study comprised 24 Wistar rats divided into 3 groups as follows: 1) AMI-GH group - comprising 8 rats that underwent infarction and were treated with GH; 2) AMI group - comprising 8 rats that underwent infarction and received only the diluent of the GH solution; and 3) control group (C group) - comprising 8 rats that underwent simulated infarction. After 30 days, the animals underwent functional study through echocardiography, and the changes in myocardial contractility of the isolated left ventricular (LV) papillary muscle were studied. Results: The echocardiography identified an increase in the diastolic (C=7.32±0.49; AMI=8.50±0.73; AMI-GH=9.34±0.73; P<0.05) and systolic (C=3.38±0.47, AMI=5.16±1.24; AMI-GH=5.96±1.54; P<0.05) diameters (mm) in the LV of the infarcted animals. The AMI-GH group animals had a lower ejection fraction (%) (C=0.9±0.03; AMI=0.76±0.12; AMI-GH=0.72± 0.14; P<0.05 for C vs AMI-GH) compared with those in controls. The study of the isolated left ventricular papillary muscle showed that the AMI-GH group had changes (C=1.50±0.59; AMI= 1.28±0.38; AMI-GH=1.98±0.41; P<0.05 for C vs AMI-GH) only in the tension at rest (TR - g/mm2) and in the time delta for a 50% decrease in the tension developed (TR50, ms) after stimulation with calcium (C=23.75±9.16; AMI=-16.56±14.82; AMI-GH=-4.69±8.39; P<0.05 for C vs AMI-GH) and in the delta of tension developed (TD, g/mm2) after stimulation with isoproterenol (C=0.99±0.17; AMI=0.54±0.62; AMI-GH=0.08±0.75; P<0.05 for C vs AMI-GH) compared with those in control animals. Conclusion: The early administration of GH in the experimental infarction model in rats may result in adverse effects on the process of ventricular remodeling.


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Objective: There is strong evidence that methylene blue (MB), an inhibitor of guanylate cyclase, is an excellent therapeutic option for vasoplegic syndrome (VS) treatment in heart surgery. The aim of this article is to review the MB's therapeutic function in the vasoplegic syndrome treatment. Methods: Fifteen years of literature review. Results: 1) Heparin and ACE inhibitors are risk factors; 2) In the recommended doses it is safe (the lethal dose is 40 mg/ kg); 3) The use of MB does not cause endothelial dysfunction; 4) The MB effect appears in cases of nitric oxide (NO) up-regulation; 5) MB is not a vasoconstrictor, by blocking of the GMPc system it releases the AMPc system, facilitating the norepinephrine vasoconstrictor effect; 6) The most used dosage is 2 mg/kg as IV bolus followed by the same continuous infusion because plasmatic concentrations strongly decays in the first 40 minutes; 7) There is a possible window of opportunity for the MB's effectiveness. Conclusions: Although there are no definitive multicentric studies, the MB used to treat heart surgery VS, at the present time, is the best, safest and cheapest option, being a Brazilian contribution for the heart surgery.


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One of the most often used strategies to study the physiopathological alterations caused by coronary occlusion is the use of the experimental infarction model in rats. Among other factors, this is due to the similarities in the physiopathological alterations that occur after the infarction in humans. One must consider, however, that this model has characteristics that can hinder the use as well as the interpretation of eventual outcomes. Thus, this review aims at analyzing the main characteristics of the experimental infarction model in rats, discussing the coronary occlusion technique, the consequences and the methods of morphological and functional assessment of the infarction and its clinical implications.


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Introduction: The surgery of keloids as an individual therapy with high rates of recurrence needs adjuvant therapies as complement. Recent keloids are rich in fibroblasts, which are highly radiosensitive and what explains the good results of percutaneous radiotherapy after surgery. Objective: To compare the beta-therapy results with electron-beam technique in newly operated keloids. Material and Methods: a prospective, comparative and randomized study was outlined including patients in the immediate postoperative period of surgical excision of keloids. Divided in G1 and G2 groups respectively, they received treatment with Sr90 (beta-therapy)plates or with electrons from the linear accelerator. The monitoring lasted 10 years. The results were performed using the information from patients, photograph parameters, observation and measurement of injuries, according to the criteria: Unchanged, Regular, Good and Excellent. Results: There were 26 patients, 13 in each group. In G1, 54% presented regular and unchanged improvement criteria and 46% had good or excellent criteria. In G2, the results were respectively 23% and 77%. Conclusion: The irradiation with electron-beam is better than beta-teraphy for the treatment of keloids surgery, due to the distribution in the tissue. No radio-induced tumors were observed.


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Objective: The objective of this study is to characterize the assistance and analyze patient's adherence to nutritional follow-up while in the waiting line for bariatric surgery in a multidisciplinary, secondary healthcare outpatient clinic. Methods: This retrospective study was based on the nutritional records of 59 patients subjected to bariatric surgery at the Hospital das Clinics de Botucatu, from 2001 to 2008. The population studied was distributed into 8 groups and analyzed according to follow-up duration. The analysis took into account the evolution of body weight and the number of follow-up visits in a given period. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare data between groups while Spearman's coefficient was used to test correlations. Results: Among the 59 studied patients, 42 (71.2%) returned to the clinic at least once in six months. Of these, 67.8% lost weight while in the waiting line and 27.1% of them lost more than 10% of their body weight. The greatest weight losses in the preoperative period were found in the groups that had more than six months of nutrition follow-up. There was a mean delay of three months between return visits, which could have contributed to the low adherence to follow-up. Conclusion: The patients in the waiting line for surgery analyzed in this study presented low adherence to the long-spaced return visits. The greatest weight losses were observed in groups that had been followed for more than six months. This shows that, to achieve the desired weight loss and an adequate education process before surgery, at least six months of follow-up and regular visits are necessary.


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Background: The relevance of the remodeling pattern in the model of infarcted rats is not known. Objective: To analyze the presence of different patterns of remodeling in this model and its functional implications. Methods: Infarcted rats (n=47) have been divided according to the geometry pattern, analyzed by echocardiogram: normal (normal mass index and normal relative thickness), concentric remodeling (normal mass index and increased relative thickness), concentric hypertrophy (increased mass index and increased relative thickness) and eccentric hypertrophy (increased mass index and normal relative thickness). Data are median and interquartile range. Results: Infarcted rats showed only two of the four geometric patterns: normal pattern (15%) and eccentric hypertrophy - EH (85%). Groups of normal pattern and EH showed no differences in the values of fractional area change (Normal = 32.1-28.8 to 50.7; EH = 31.3-26.5 to 36.7; p = 0.343). Out of the infarcted animals, 34 (74%) had systolic dysfunction, detected by fractional area change. Considering these two geometry patterns, 77% of animals with eccentric hypertrophy and 57% with normal geometry presented systolic dysfunction (p=0.355). The relative wall thickness, the geometric patterns and the body mass index were not predictors of ventricular dysfunction (p>0.05). On the other hand, infarct size was a predictive factor for ventricular dysfunction in univariate analysis (p<0.001) and multivariate analysis (p = 0.004). Conclusion: Rats that underwent coronary occlusion showed two different patterns of remodeling, which do not constitute a predictor of ventricular dysfunction.


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Mohs Micrographic Surgery is regarded as a very useful technique for the excision of difficult to han- dle skin cancers. The procedure is divided into clearly defined steps: tumor evaluation and marking, tumor exeresis, tissue preparation and mapping, histologic processing and analysis, and closing of the surgical wound. The histologic analysis of all surgical margins leads to higher cure rates and tissue conservation, which make the procedure safer and more reliable.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)