984 resultados para central bank
The Upper Cenomanian and Lower Turonian ammonite assemblages from the onshore sectors of the West Portuguese Margin are reviewed after new studies on the type section of Figueira da Foz, and correlative sections of Baixo Mondego. The faunal succession shows a strong contribution of vascoceratids and other ammonites with North African and Tethyan affinities. Euomphaloceras septemseriatum (Cragin, 1893), Kamerunoceras douvillei (Pervinquere, 1907), Fagesia catinus (Mantell, 1822), Neoptychites cephalotus (Courtiller, 1860), and Thomasites rollandi (Thomas & Peron, 1889) are for the first time mentioned to Portugal. The Upper Cenomanian is recognised after a set of 3 assemblage zones: Neolobites vibrayeanus z., Euomphaloceras septemseriatum z ., and Pseudaspidoceras pseudonodosoides z. The carbonate succession shows an important unconformity across the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, associated to subaerial exposure, and to the development of a palaeokarst over Upper Cenomanian units. The first Lower Turonian carbonates are yielded a single but diverse ammonite assemblage of middle Lower Turonian age (Thomasites rollandi z.). This biozone was previously recognised in Central Tunisia by G. Chancellor et al. (1994).
A new species of terrestrial gastropod - Anadromus penai sp. nov. (Fam. Anadromidae) - is described from a set of composite moulds collected in reddish silts and clays of Campanian-Maastrichtian age, found in the lower pan of the Taveiro Formation (Taveiro, Coimbra, West Central Portugal). The known occurrences of this new species are restricted to the type locality. The main differences from other contemporaneous Anadromidae are the profuse spiral sculpture of the body-whorl, with 20-22 sub-equal, close, and regular ribs.
A collection of fossil gastropods and bivalves assembled at the Thanetian/Ypresian vertebrate site of Silveirinha (Figueira da Foz, West Central Portugal) is analysed from the point of view of systematics and palaeoecology. The diversity is scarce but the age and exceptional characteristics of the site are factors that substantiate a detailed study. The taxa identified are: Bithynia soaresi sp. nov., Gyraulus antunesi sp. nov., Chlamys sp. and Cardiiacea gen. sp. indet. The prevailing of freshwater gastropods and the occurrence of 2 fragments of marine bivalves suggest a palaeoenvironmental setting that is in conformity with interpretations already established, which are based both in sedimentologic and vertebrate data. These interpretations point out the existence of a freshwater environment opened from time to time to marine influences, resulting from a palaeoatlantic coast placed some kilometres westwards.
This investigation presents the results of Hepatitis B virus screening among leprosy patients conducted in Central Brazil as a preliminary information for a HBV vaccination programme. The main objectives were to assess the seroprevalence of HBV serum markers among lepromatous patients and to analyse institutionalization as risk factor for HBV infection in this population. Two groups of lepromatous patients were studied, 83 outpatients and 171 institutionalized ones. Screening for HBV serum markers included the detection of HBsAg, anti-HBc by radioimmune assay (RIA). The prevalence of carrier state (HBsAg) was 4.8% and 8.8% among outpatients and institutionalized, respectively, (p>0.05). Seroprevalence of exposure (all markers) was statistically significant different between outpatients (16.9%) and institutionalized ones (50.3%). Institutionalized patients had an almost four fold risk of HBV infection when compared to the outpatients, and the highest risks were among patients with more than 21 years of residence in the colony, after adjusting for age and sex.
A review was made of the available literature on central nervous system (CNS) involvement in Chagas' disease. Thirty-one works concerning the acute nervous form and 17 others dealing with the chronic nervous form, all presenting neuropathologic studies, were critically analysed. Based on this analysis, an attempt was made to establish the possible natural history of CNS involvement in Chagas' disease. Among others, the following facts stand out: 1) the initial, acute phase of Trypanosoma cruzi infection is usually asymptomatic and subclinical; 2) only a small percentage of cases develop encephalitis in the acute phase of Chagas' disease; 3) the symptomatic acute forms accompanied by chagasic encephalitis are grave, with death ensuing in virtually all cases as a result of the brain lesions per se or of acute chagasic myocarditis, this being usually intense and always present; 4) individuals with the asymptomatic acute form and with the mild symptomatic acute form probably have no CNS infection or, in some cases, they may have discrete encephalitis in sparse foci. In the latter case, regression of the lesions may be total, or residual inflammatory nodules of relative insignificance may persist. Thus, no anatomical basis exists that might characterize the existence of a chronic nervous form of Chagas' disease; 5) reactivation of the CNS infection in the chronic form of Chagas' disease is uncommon and occurs only in immunosuppressed patients.
Among the Pleistocene and Holocene units recorded near the marine cliffs of Cape Mondego (Figueira da Foz, West Central Portugal) stands out the Farol Deposit (Depósito do Farol), at an altitude of ±95 m above present sea level. It is a marine terrace with three exposures of interstratified conglomerates and sands, overlapped by calclititic-fanglomerates. This sedimentary setting indicates that deposition took place in a seashore environment influenced by the proximity of a marine palaeocliff. The deposit has an interesting subfossil fauna with abraded and fragmented shells of Nucella lapillus (LINNÉ, 1758), Patella vulgata (LINNÉ, 1758) and Littorina littorea (LINNÉ, 1758), suggesting the existence of an environment with colder surface seawater, when compared with the present day Portuguese seashore. These specimens belonged to marine communities adapted to live in intertidal rocky platforms, which have been exposed to the cyclic action of waves and tidal flows, on the swash and surf zones. The Farol Deposit can be related to an Early/Middle Pleistocene “cold-water” episode, earlier to the Isotopic Stages 7 and 11. This episode occurred before the deposition of the units Quiaios Sands (Areias de Quiaios) and Cantanhede Sands (Areias de Cantanhede) (Sicilian?), but later than the Arazede Sands (Areias de Arazede) and Marinha das Ondas Sands (Areias de Marinha das Ondas) (Early Pleistocene).
Comunicação apresentada no 6ª Congresso Nacional da Administração Pública realizado em Lisboa a 29-30 de outubro de 2008
Apresentação realizada no Workshop "Inserção dos funcionários públicos com deficiência na sociedade de informação", a 29 de Janeiro de 2008
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Gestão Industrial
Apresentação realizada na IX Joranadas de Sociologia da Universidade de Évora, em Évora de 27 a 28 de abril de 2007.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química – Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química
Tendo como ponto de partida a situação diagnosticada no levantamento efectuado pela DGAEP e no estudo realizado pelo INA em 2004/2005 (Rato et al., 2007), o presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o intuito de verificar qual a taxa de feminização existente nos cargos de direcção da Administração Pública Central em 2010 e qual a sua configuração nos diferentes ministérios. Pretende-se assim contribuir, ainda que numa perspectiva meramente quantitativa, para uma avaliação do impacto dos Planos para a Igualdade relativamente ao acesso a cargos de direcção por parte de homens e mulheres em funções públicas.
Estudo realizado por solicitação do INA. Concluído e entregue em outubro de 2015.
Data concerning HCV infection in Central Brazil are rare. Upon testing 2,350 voluntary blood donors from this region, we found anti-HCV prevalence rates of 2.2% by a second generation ELISA and 1.4% after confirmation by a line immunoassay. Antibodies against core, NS4, and NS5 antigens of HCV were detected in 81.8%, 72.7%, and 57.5%, respectively, of the positive samples in the line immunoassay. HCV viremia was present in 76.6% of the anti-HCV-positive blood donors. A relation was observed between PCR positivity and serum reactivity in recognizing different HCV antigens in the line immunoassay. The majority of the positive donors had history of previous parenteral exposure. While the combination of ALT>50 IU/l and anti-HBc positivity do not appear to be good surrogate markers for HCV infection, the use of both ALT anti-HCV tests is indicated in the screening of Brazilian blood donors.