972 resultados para argument
Three decades in to the HIV pandemic, the issues affecting people with disabilities remains less known. Increasing attention has been given to this overlooked population when it comes to HIV prevention, treatment and care. This is related to the significant unmet sexual and reproductive health care needs facing people with disabilities worldwide. This article discusses the barriers to sexual health for people with disabilities in Africa, and presents an argument about how mainstream HIV prevention work and research does not adequately attend to the sorts of systemic barriers that exclude people with disabilities, which a more targeted, and critical approach could.
Critical theorists have called attention to the intensification of diversity that is now occurring inside and outside of school, while critically engaging with the detrimental effects of globalization on equity, diversity, and social justice. Globalization presents new challenges to education and to issues of social justice. In this article, we argue that there is a need for scholars in the field of physical education (PE) to re-think and re-frame the social-justice agenda to address current inequalities produced by globalization. To support this argument, first, we reflect on the impact of global neoliberalism on PE; second, we discuss the ways in which, as a result of global neoliberalism, public health discourses have an “othering” effect on ethnically diverse young people; third, we propose a theoretical shift from a focus on equality to a focus on difference; and finally, we conclude with considerations for future research and curricula in school PE.
This thesis offers an original account of what personal well-being can be. Any account of education, it is believed, has to do with and aims at personal well-being. I approach this view on well-being not in a positive but in a negative way. I put forward some items that in certain circumstances can be taken by and called sources or forms of disorder. In the absence of such forms or sources of disorder, I assume that a certain order, prudential or moral, takes place and that constitutes the well-being of the person. The concept of ‘absence of disorder’ is introduced and argued as an educationally appropriate view of personal well-being which is the central educational aim. Therefore, ‘absence of disorder’ is positioned as the central aim of education. This concept is illuminated, for practical reasoning, by a list of seven possible forms of disorder: Comparison, Corruption, Dependency, Division, Fear, Self-disintegration and Violence. As a view of personal well-being, ‘absence of disorder’ is initially rooted in informed desire satisfaction, via the introduction of the concept of entropy. Prudentially, the agent’s informed desire is satisfied by living a life with low build up of entropy or disorder. But, in a second move such a base is also provided by the Levinasinian concept of ‘disinterest’ as a root for ‘what is to be a human’. Such ‘disinterest’ is related to the concepts of love and of ‘action for its own sake’. It is at this final approach that an attempt is made towards the approximation of the ethical and the prudential aspects of social practices. Even if only to some extent successful, the argument is directed to the following conclusion: an education aiming at ‘absence of disorder’ may promote prudential well-being and give us some confidence in simultaneously favouring moral education.
Das virtuelle soziale Netzwerk Facebook feiert seinen zehnten Geburtstag. Mit über einer Milliarde aktiver Nutzer ist es seit seiner Entstehung zur weltweit größten Internetplattform zur Kommunikation avanciert. Dennoch gibt es in Deutschland eine große Anzahl an Menschen, die sich zwar täglich im Internet bewegt, aber auf eine Mitgliedschaft bei Facebook verzichtet. In dieser Arbeit werden die Gründe untersucht, warum manche Personen Facebook nicht nutzen. Die Leitfrage der Arbeit lautet: „Warum nutzen ausgewählte deutsche Internetnutzer Facebook nicht?“. Es wird zwischen zwei unterschiedlichen Personenkreisen, den Nicht- und den Ex-Nutzern, unterschieden. Basierend auf Leitfadeninterviews mit 25 Befragten, die mittels einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet werden, werden elf verschiedene Gründe für eine Verweigerung von Facebook identifiziert. Für die Nicht-Nutzer stellt die Art der Kommunikation den zentralen Grund dar, Facebook nicht zu verwenden. Die Ex-Nutzer wiederum sehen den fehlenden Nutzen der Anwendung als wichtigstes Argument gegen Facebook.
This document gives statistics on education, wealth, and earnings for South Carolina and comparisons of other states as a persuasive argument for spending more on education.
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Filosofia, Universidade de Lisboa, 2010
This speech is given to the United States House of Representatives. Hon. William Elliot gives a persuasive argument for why he will be voting against the senate amendment for free coinage of silver. He defines free coinage of silver and he describes fifty-cent dollar. He discusses the fall in the price of products and provides causation.
Tese de doutoramento, História e Filosofia das Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Sociologia (Teorias e Métodos de Sociologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Antropologia (Antropologia da Religião e do Simbólico), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014
Monsenhor Airosa - pedagogo - empresário : história do colégio de regeneração de Braga : (1869-1931)
Tese de doutoramento, Educação (História da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015
Background. Recent literature has identified that children's performance on cognitive (or problem-solving) tasks can be enhanced when undertaken as a joint activity among pairs of pupils. Performance on this ‘social’ activity will require quality relationships between pupils, leading some researchers to argue that friendships are characterized by these quality relationships and, therefore, that friendship grouping should be used more frequently within classrooms. Aims. Children's friendship grouping may appear to be a reasonable basis for cognitive development in classrooms, although there is only inconsistent evidence to support this argument. The inconsistency may be explained by the various bases for friendship, and how friendship is affected by cultural contexts of gender and schooling. This study questions whether classroom-based friendship pairings will perform consistently better on a cognitive task than acquaintance pairings, taking into account gender, age, and ability level of children. The study also explores the nature of school-based friendship described by young children. Sample. 72 children were paired to undertake science reasoning tasks (SRTs). Pairings represented friendship (versus acquaintance), sex (male and female pairings), ability (teacher-assessed high, medium, and low), and age (children in Years 1, 3, and 5 in a primary school). Method. A small-scale quasi-experimental design was used to assess (friendship- or acquaintance-based) paired performance on SRTs. Friendship pairs were later interviewed about qualities and activities that characterized their friendships. Results. Girls' friendship pairings were found to perform at the highest SRT levels and boys' friendship pairing performed at the lowest levels. Both boy and girl acquaintance pairings performed at mid-SRT levels. These findings were consistent across Year (in school) levels and ability levels. Interviews revealed that male and female friendship pairs were likely to participate in different types of activity, with girls being school-inclusive and boys being school-exclusive. Conclusion. Recommendations to use friendship as a basis for classroom grouping for cognitive tasks may facilitate performance of some pairings, but may also inhibit the performance of others. This is shown very clearly with regard to gender. Some of the difference in cognitive task performance may be explained by distinct, cultural (and social capital) orientations to friendship activities, with girls integrating school and educational considerations into friendship, and boys excluding school and educational considerations.
Social tourism is often presented by charities and governmental organisations as a potential means to counter social exclusion. It has more specifically been linked to potential benefits such as improvements in family relations, a more pro-active attitude to life, an improvement in the academic performance of children etc. Even though this argument is often used when promoting social tourism, there is very little research evidence that supports these claims. This research concentrates on visitor-related social tourism for low-income groups, and the effects a social holiday can have on the daily lives of the families who are offered these holidays. The paper reports on qualitative two-stage research that has been conducted with participants of social holidays in the UK and their welfare agents. It will present findings as to how far holidays can assist with the integration of socially excluded, and this on different levels: family relations, parenting, pro-social attitudes, mental and physical health and community involvement are examples of categories used to measure change. Different types of holidays will also be compared to analyse the merits and limitations of each type (individual family holidays versus group holidays).
The present study seeks to thoroughly investigate and delineate the concept alongside the transformation of landscape as an aesthetic idea. On the one side it runs that nature perceived as landscape remains nothing else but granted, evident or 'natural'. On yet another side, and to some fairly significant extend, this thesis identifies landscape as a sheer idea and concept that is shaped and (re-)mediated in an ongoing process. The thesis examines the role of the observer and brings into agreement that every landscape is a produce of creative mental processes. In brief outline, this approach provides a framework for identifying landscape as being inextricably linked with media from the very beginning of their social and cultural inception. As glowing examples for the paradigmatic shift of the classical subjective vision model culminating in the emergence of a new prototype, the camera obscura, together with the panorama, fortify the prevailing argument that the mode of human sense perception is organised and determined by earlier acquainted recognitions. In this matter, as each and every medium strive after accomplishment, then this accomplishment is substantially determined by overwhelming historic, as well as thriving cultural circumstances. In conclusive terms, this study seeks to show how landscape counts as content of a representation, while simultaneously being a very own medium that specifically carries social, geological as well as historic knowledge. In fact, modern vision shall therefore never be bound to any single format or process, rather it will have to always undergo procedures aiming at reshaping the perceivable. Landscape is playing out its major characteristic, specifically that of being, in essence, a purely intellectual, virtual and synthetic product
Coming from the need to express an image – aphomoioo – is more than a dissertation trying to prove its argument. It is the result of an experimentation born from within an anguish felt through an image. An uncontrollable desire that transforms my need into an answer to my craft. Through a discursive organization of speech enmeshed by psychoanalytic, biological, philosophical and linguistic concepts, we are allowed to discover that existing is more than agreeing on a target with an end but, as the relationship that it is, it does not define us as beings, but as an active/interactive limit. And this identity which puts us face to face with the reality - constructed and constructive - seeking to describe the similarity of the existence of things, the images. These beings from the reality that sends us to the symbolic place of our existence, the mundanity. A restlessness that is embedded into every action of knowing that, through language, establishes as true everything which silences the symbolic through a rule of conduct - the principle of reason - a formal rule of all knowledge that establishes the contemplative way for all knowledge originally set up as one signification event. The nature of our organization as living beings, our structural coupling, is what enables us to conclude that all formalities established as knowledge are born into a delirium that is expressed in the conformity of an answer. That being the end of an aphomoioo. The purpose of a "doing" that expresses itself into an image that is projected into a representation. A "doing" made after an image through an ergo genesis – the "artwork" – an answer to my making that expresses the image of my separation from myself as an image of ego established in a represented projection of my hallucinatory image