933 resultados para Visione SLAM Immagini PlaneDetection Valutazione


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This paper proposes an approach to obtain a localisation that is robust to smoke by exploiting multiple sensing modalities: visual and infrared (IR) cameras. This localisation is based on a state-of-the-art visual SLAM algorithm. First, we show that a reasonably accurate localisation can be obtained in the presence of smoke by using only an IR camera, a sensor that is hardly affected by smoke, contrary to a visual camera (operating in the visible spectrum). Second, we demonstrate that improved results can be obtained by combining the information from the two sensor modalities (visual and IR cameras). Third, we show that by detecting the impact of smoke on the visual images using a data quality metric, we can anticipate and mitigate the degradation in performance of the localisation by discarding the most affected data. The experimental validation presents multiple trajectories estimated by the various methods considered, all thoroughly compared to an accurate dGPS/INS reference.


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We have developed a Hierarchical Look-Ahead Trajectory Model (HiLAM) that incorporates the firing pattern of medial entorhinal grid cells in a planning circuit that includes interactions with hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. We show the model’s flexibility in representing large real world environments using odometry information obtained from challenging video sequences. We acquire the visual data from a camera mounted on a small tele-operated vehicle. The camera has a panoramic field of view with its focal point approximately 5 cm above the ground level, similar to what would be expected from a rat’s point of view. Using established algorithms for calculating perceptual speed from the apparent rate of visual change over time, we generate raw dead reckoning information which loses spatial fidelity over time due to error accumulation. We rectify the loss of fidelity by exploiting the loop-closure detection ability of a biologically inspired, robot navigation model termed RatSLAM. The rectified motion information serves as a velocity input to the HiLAM to encode the environment in the form of grid cell and place cell maps. Finally, we show goal directed path planning results of HiLAM in two different environments, an indoor square maze used in rodent experiments and an outdoor arena more than two orders of magnitude larger than the indoor maze. Together these results bridge for the first time the gap between higher fidelity bio-inspired navigation models (HiLAM) and more abstracted but highly functional bio-inspired robotic mapping systems (RatSLAM), and move from simulated environments into real-world studies in rodent-sized arenas and beyond.


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This paper compares different state-of-the-art exploration strategies for teams of mobile robots exploring an unknown environment. The goal is to help in determining a best strategy for a given multi-robot scenario and optimization target. Experiments are done in a 2D-simulation environment with 5 robots that are equipped with a horizontal laser range finder. Required components like SLAM, path planning and obstacle avoidance of every robot are included in a full-system simulation. To evaluate different strategies the time to finish exploration, the number of measurements that have been integrated into the map and the development in size of the explored area over time are used. The results of extensive test runs on three environments with different characteristics show that simple strategies can perform fairly well in many situations but specialized strategies can improve performance with regards to their targeted evaluation measure.


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Robustness to variations in environmental conditions and camera viewpoint is essential for long-term place recognition, navigation and SLAM. Existing systems typically solve either of these problems, but invariance to both remains a challenge. This paper presents a training-free approach to lateral viewpoint- and condition-invariant, vision-based place recognition. Our successive frame patch-tracking technique infers average scene depth along traverses and automatically rescales views of the same place at different depths to increase their similarity. We combine our system with the condition-invariant SMART algorithm and demonstrate place recognition between day and night, across entire 4-lane-plus-median-strip roads, where current algorithms fail.


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The research is analyzing the Finnish tradition on poetry elocution both from the discource analytical and theatrical and view point. The main questions are, whether there still is a fixed position for elocution in the field of art or are we dealing with just one form of thearte? -- The art of elocution has been considered as an independent art form, sometimes even in opposition to theatre, which has been regarded as a very physical and emotional art form by the elocutionists themselves. The self-image of the Finnish elocution art has been born and firmly sustained from the notion that elocution is linked to literature. Elocution as an art form has been seen as "pure" and humbly serving literature and poetry. The main function of an elocutionist has been to understand and vocally express the meanings found in a poem to larger audience. -- This function has changed over the time. There have been a transition from the traditonal text-centeredness to performer-centeredness, even to performance-centeredness as a new wave of theatrical elements and methods have reached the circle of elocution. New forms of poetry performances, such as poetry reading and poetry slam are new challenges to elocution as it must reconsider it´s traditional function in a new artistic and cultural context.


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We try to connect the theory of infinite dimensional dynamical systems and nonlinear dynamical methods. The sine-Gordon equation is used to illustrate our method of discussing the dynamical behaviour of infinite dimensional systems. The results agree with those of Bishop and Flesch [SLAM J. Math. Anal. 21 (1990) 1511].


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A presente tese trata da garantia do acesso à justiça ao jurisdicionado do século XXI, membro de uma sociedade marcadamente globalizada. Embora o jurisdicionado, centro da moderna ciência processual, estabeleça com grande frequência relações que ultrapassam os limites políticos dos países, o Direito Processual, no Brasil, continua fundado em bases estritamente internas, gerando uma arriscada litigiosidade contida. Por essa razão, desenvolve-se, ao longo do presente trabalho, um raciocínio consistente e coordenado, voltado ao resgate do acesso à justiça ao jurisdicionado de nosso tempo. Para tanto, no capítulo 1, são examinados os dois grandes eixos evolutivos: os eixos social e jurídico. A partir dessa análise, conclui-se que ambos os eixos evolutivos convergem para, a um só tempo, incentivar e justificar a releitura do Direito Processual. No capítulo 2, analisamos o primado dos princípios fundamentais processuais, que ocupa posição de destaque no estudo do Direito Processual na atualidade e exerce papel de protagonismo na concepção do Direito Processual Civil Transnacional. Verificamos que a consagração dos mesmos princípios processuais fundamentais em diferentes partes do mundo promove a convergência entre os sistemas jurídico-processuais nacionais quanto à sua essência, fomentando o espírito de cooperação entre os países. No capítulo 3, aportamos no estudo do microssistema do Direito Processual Civil Transnacional, apresentando o seu conceito, bem como as principais teorias a seu respeito, como forma de delinear os seus contornos. No capítulo 4, desenvolvemos a análise do princípio fundamental do acesso à justiça, que consiste no ponto central do Direito Processual Transnacional, segundo uma nova metodologia, que alia os subprincípios do acesso à justiça concebidos por Paulo Cezar Pinheiro Carneiro à visão tridimensional do Direito talhada por Mauro Cappelletti. Através dessa metodologia, descortinamos os principais problemas e oferecemos soluções eficazes para a efetiva garantia do acesso à justiça no âmbito transnacional. No capítulo 5, examinamos a experiência precursora da União Europeia no trato do tema, que influencia a sua abordagem em todo o resto do mundo. Após contextualizar a problemática, analisamos o instituto vanguardista denominado Título Executivo Europeu como instrumento concreto de garantia do acesso à justiça no âmbito transnacional. No capítulo 6, transpomos todos os pilares teóricos e principiológicos desenvolvidos ao longo da tese para o Brasil, como forma de buscar aprimorar o nosso sistema jurídico-processual no tocante à garantia do acesso à justiça no âmbito transnacional. Para tanto, analisamos os contornos e o atual estágio evolutivo de integração do Mercosul, importante bloco regional do qual o Brasil faz parte. Por fim, invocando as modernas premissas teóricas apresentadas nos capítulos anteriores, concluímos que a legislação atualmente em vigor no Mercosul e no Brasil permite admitir o cabimento da instauração da execução, no Brasil, de sentenças oriundas de outros países do Mercosul, prescindindo do exercício do juízo de delibação pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça. Essa solução representa um avanço concreto em prol da efetiva garantia do acesso à justiça no âmbito transnacional ao jurisdicionado no Brasil, sendo um exemplo do ciclo virtuoso que o Direito Processual Transnacional pretende inaugurar.


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A Administração Pública brasileira vive uma significativa crise de eficiência, enquanto a reforma gradual da legislação facilitou o acesso ao Poder Judiciário. No lugar de pleitear direitos perante o Poder Executivo e, na eventual hipótese de indeferimento, buscar a correção pontual de abusos ou ilegalidades na via judicial, cada vez mais pessoas têm procurado de imediato a tutela jurisdicional, como se o juiz pudesse ou devesse substituir o papel do administrador. Isto sobrecarrega os tribunais, desvirtua o seu papel e contribui para que eles passem a padecer dos mesmos problemas que a Administração. À luz da garantia de inafastabilidade da apreciação das lesões a direito pelo Judiciário, a jurisprudência já condicionou o interesse de agir ao exaurimento da via administrativa, já dispensou totalmente o prévio requerimento administrativo, e, em movimento pendular, recentemente iniciou esforço para, entre os dois extremos, delinear as hipóteses em que a existência de interesse processual de agir depende de um ato de indeferimento administrativo que caracterize a resistência do réu à pretensão do autor para que, sem criar óbices intransponíveis à concretização dos direitos, o acesso desmedido aos juízes não se converta em novo obstáculo ao acesso à Justiça efetiva.


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Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Acção Humanitária, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento


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First results of a coupled modeling and forecasting system for the pelagic fisheries are being presented. The system consists currently of three mathematically fundamentally different model subsystems: POLCOMS-ERSEM providing the physical-biogeochemical environment implemented in the domain of the North-West European shelf and the SPAM model which describes sandeel stocks in the North Sea. The third component, the SLAM model, connects POLCOMS-ERSEM and SPAM by computing the physical-biological interaction. Our major experience by the coupling model subsystems is that well-defined and generic model interfaces are very important for a successful and extendable coupled model framework. The integrated approach, simulating ecosystem dynamics from physics to fish, allows for analysis of the pathways in the ecosystem to investigate the propagation of changes in the ocean climate and lower trophic levels to quantify the impacts on the higher trophic level, in this case the sandeel population, demonstrated here on the base of hindcast data. The coupled forecasting system is tested for some typical scientific questions appearing in spatial fish stock management and marine spatial planning, including determination of local and basin scale maximum sustainable yield, stock connectivity and source/sink structure. Our presented simulations indicate that sandeels stocks are currently exploited close to the maximum sustainable yield, but large uncertainty is associated with determining stock maximum sustainable yield due to stock eigen dynamics and climatic variability. Our statistical ensemble simulations indicates that the predictive horizon set by climate interannual variability is 2–6 yr, after which only an asymptotic probability distribution of stock properties, like biomass, are predictable.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of dietary supplementation with omega-3 fish oils with or without copper on disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Fish oil supplementation has a beneficial effect on murine models of SLE, while exogenous copper can decrease the formation of lupus erythematosus cells in rats with a hydralazine-induced collagen disease. METHODS: A double blind, double placebo controlled factorial trial was performed on 52 patients with SLE. Patients were randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups. Physiological doses of omega-3 fish oils and copper readily obtainable by dietary means were used. One group received 3 g MaxEPA and 3 mg copper, another 3 g MaxEPA and placebo copper, another 3 mg copper and placebo fish oil, and the fourth group received both placebo capsules. Serial measurements of disease activity using the revised Systemic Lupus Activity Measure (SLAM-R) and peripheral blood samples for routine hematological, biochemical, and immunological indices were taken at baseline, 6, 12, and 24 weeks. RESULTS: There was a significant decline in SLAM-R score from 6.12 to 4.69 (p <0.05) in those subjects taking fish oil compared to placebo. No significant effect on SLAM-R was observed in subjects taking copper. Laboratory variables were unaffected by either intervention. CONCLUSION: In the management of SLE, dietary supplementation with fish oil may be beneficial in modifying symptomatic disease activity.


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Objective: To determine the clinical effect of dietary supplementation with low-dose ?-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids on disease activity and endothelial function in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Methods: A 24-week randomised double-blind placebo-controlled parallel trial of the effect of 3 g of ?-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids on 60 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus was performed. Serial measurements of disease activity using the revised Systemic Lupus Activity Measure (SLAM-R) and British Isles Lupus Assessment Group index of disease activity for systemic lupus erythematosus (BILAG), endothelial function using flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery, oxidative stress using platelet 8-isoprostanes and analysis of platelet membrane fatty acids were taken at baseline, 12 and 24 weeks. Results: In the fish oil group there was a significant improvement at 24 weeks in SLAM-R (from 9.4 (SD 3.0) to 6.3 (2.5), p


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