923 resultados para Trypsin Inhibitors


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Hookworms feed on blood, but the mechanism by which they lyse ingested erythrocytes is unknown. Here we show that Ancylostoma caninum, the common dog hookworm, expresses a detergent soluble, haemolytic factor. Activity was identified in both adult and larval stages, was heat-stable and unaffected by the addition of protease inhibitors, metal ions, chelators and reducing agents. Trypsin ablated lysis indicating that the haemolysin is a protein. A closely migrating doublet of hookworm proteins with apparent molecular weights of 60-65 kDa bound to the erythrocyte membrane after lysis of cells using both unlabeled and biotinylated detergent-solubilised hookworm extracts. In addition, separation of detergent-soluble parasite extracts using strong cation-exchange chromatography, resulted in purification of 60-65 kDa proteins with trypsin-sensitive haemolytic activity. Erythrocytes lysed with particulate, buffer-insoluble worm extracts were observed using scanning electron microscopy and appeared as red cell ghosts with approximately 100 nm diameter pores formed in the cell membranes. Red blood cell ghosts remained visible indicating that lysis was likely caused by pore formation and followed by osmotic disruption of the cell. (C) 2004 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are a promising new class of chemotherapeutic drug currently in early phase clinical trials. A large number of structurally diverse HDACi have been purified or synthesised that mostly inhibit the activity of all eleven class I and II HDACs. While these agents demonstrate many features required for anti-cancer activity such as low toxicity against normal cells and an ability to inhibit tumor cell growth and survival at nanomolar concentrations, their mechanisms of action are largely unknown. Initially, a model was proposed whereby HDACi-mediated transactivation of a specific gene or set of genes was responsible for the inhibition of cell cycle progression or induction of apoptosis. Given that HDACs can regulate the activity of a number of nonhistone proteins and that histone acetylation is important for events such as DNA replication and mitosis that do not directly involve gene transcription, it appears that the initial mechanistic model for HDACi may have been too simple. Herein, we provide an update on the transcription-dependent and - independent events that may be important for the anti-tumor activities of HDACi and discuss the use of these compounds in combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs.


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The use of many conventional chemotherapeutic drugs is often severely restricted due to dose-limiting toxicities, as these drugs target the destruction of the proliferating fraction of cells, often with little specificity for tumor cells over proliferating normal body tissue. Many newer drugs attempt to overcome this shortcoming by targeting defective gene products or cellular mechanisms that are specific to the tumor, thereby minimizing the toxicity to normal tissue. Histone deacetylase inhibitors are an example of this type of tumor-directed drug, having significant toxicity for tumors but minimal effects on normal tissue. These drugs can affect the transcriptional program by modifying chromatin structure, but it is not yet clear whether specific transcriptional changes are directly responsible for their tumor-selective toxicity. Recent evidence suggests that transcriptional changes underlie their cytostatic activity, although this is not tumor-selective and affects all proliferating cells. Here we present evidence that supports an alternative mechanism for the tumor-selective cytotoxicity of histone deacetylase inhibitors. The target is still likely to be the chromatin histones, but rather than transcriptional changes due to modification of the transcriptionally active euchromatin, we propose that hyperacetylation and disruption of the transcriptionally inactive heterochromatin, particularly the centromeric heterochromatin, and the inability of tumor cells to cell cycle arrest in response to a specific checkpoint, underlies the tumor-selective cytotoxicity of these drugs.


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Conventional chemotherapeutic drugs target proliferating cells, relying on often small differences in drug sensitivity of tumour cells compared to normal tissue to deliver a therapeutic benefit. Consequently, they have significant limiting toxicities and greatly reduced efficacy against nonproliferating compared to rapidly proliferating tumour cells. This lack of selectivity and inability to kill nonproliferating cells that exist in tumours with a low mitotic index are major failings of these drugs. A relatively new class of anticancer drugs, the histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDI), are selectively cytotoxic, killing tumour and immortalized cells but normal tissue appears resistant. Treatment of tumour cells with these drugs causes both G1 phase cell cycle arrest correlated with increase p21 expression, and cell death, but even the G1 arrested cells died although the onset of death was delayed. We have extended these observations using cells that were stably arrested by either serum starvation or expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16(ink4a). We report that histone deacetylase inhibitors have similar cytotoxicity towards both proliferating and arrested tumour and immortalized cells, although the onset of apoptosis is delayed by 24 h in the arrested cells. Both proliferating and arrested normal cells are unaffected by HDI treatment. Thus, the histone deacetylase inhibitors are a class of anticancer drugs that have the desirable features of being tumour-selective cytotoxic drugs that are equally effective in killing proliferating and nonproliferating tumour cells and immortalized cells. These drugs have enormous potential for the treatment of not only rapidly proliferating tumours, but tumours with a low mitotic index.


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Purple acid phosphatases are metal-containing hydrolases. While their precise biological role(s) is unknown, the mammalian enzyme has been linked in a variety of biological circumstances (e.g., osteoporosis) with increased bone resorption. Inhibition of the human enzyme is a possible strategy for the treatment of bone-resorptive diseases such as osteoporosis. Previously, we determined the crystal structure of pig purple acid phosphatase to 1.55 Angstrom and we showed that it is a good model for the human enzyme. Here, a study of the pH dependence of its kinetic parameters showed that the pig enzyme is most efficient at pH values similar to those encountered in the osteoclast resorptive space. Based on the observation that phosphotyrosine-containing peptides are good substrates for pig purple acid phosphatase, peptides containing a range of phosphotyrosine mimetics were synthesized. Kinetic analysis showed that they act as potent inhibitors of mammalian and plant purple acid phosphatases, with the best inhibitors exhibiting low micromolar inhibition constants at pH 3-5. These compounds are thus the most potent organic inhibitors yet reported for the purple acid phosphatases. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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A major problem in de novo design of enzyme inhibitors is the unpredictability of the induced fit, with the shape of both ligand and enzyme changing cooperatively and unpredictably in response to subtle structural changes within a ligand. We have investigated the possibility of dampening the induced fit by using a constrained template as a replacement for adjoining segments of a ligand. The template preorganizes the ligand structure, thereby organizing the local enzyme environment. To test this approach, we used templates consisting of constrained cyclic tripeptides, formed through side chain to main chain linkages, as structural mimics of the protease-bound extended beta-strand conformation of three adjoining amino acid residues at the N- or C-terminal sides of the scissile bond of substrates. The macrocyclic templates were derivatized to a range of 30 structurally diverse molecules via focused combinatorial variation of nonpeptidic appendages incorporating a hydroxyethylamine transition-state isostere. Most compounds in the library were potent inhibitors of the test protease (HIV-1 protease). Comparison of crystal structures for five protease-inhibitor complexes containing an N-terminal macrocycle and three protease-inhibitor complexes containing a C-terminal macrocycle establishes that the macrocycles fix their surrounding enzyme environment, thereby permitting independent variation of acyclic inhibitor components with only local disturbances to the protease. In this way, the location in the protease of various acyclic fragments on either side of the macrocyclic template can be accurately predicted. This type of templating strategy minimizes the problem of induced fit, reducing unpredictable cooperative effects in one inhibitor region caused by changes to adjacent enzyme-inhibitor interactions. This idea might be exploited in template-based approaches to inhibitors of other proteases, where a beta-strand mimetic is also required for recognition, and also other protein-binding ligands where different templates may be more appropriate.


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Explants of the hard coral Seriatopora hystrix were exposed to sublethal concentrations of the herbicide diuron DCMU (N'-(3,4-dichlorophenyl,-N,N-dimethylurea)) and the heavy metal copper. Pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to assess the effects on the photosynthetic efficiency of the algal symbionts in the tissue (in Symbio), and chlorophyll fluorescence and counts of symbiotic algae (normalised to surface area) were used to assess the extent of coral bleaching. At 30 mug DCMU l(-1), there was a reduction in both the maximum effective quantum yield (DeltaF/F-m') and maximum potential quantum yield (F-v/F-m) of the algal symbionts in symbio. Corals subsequently lost their algal symbionts and discoloured (bleached), especially on their upper sunlight-exposed surfaces. At the same DCMU concentration but under low light (5% of growth irradiance), there was a marked reduction in DeltaF/F-m' but only a slight reduction in F-v/F-m and slight loss of algae. Loss of algal symbionts was also noted after a 7 d exposure to concentrations as low as 10 mug DCMU l(-1) under normal growth irradiance, and after 14 d exposure to 10 mug DCMU l(-1) under reduced irradiance. Collectively the results indicate that DCMU-induced bleaching is caused by a light-dependent photoinactivation of algal symbionts, and that bleaching occurs when F-v/F-n, (measured 2 h after sunset) is reduced to a value of less than or equal to 0.6. Elevated copper concentrations (60 mug Cu l(-1) for 10 h) also induced a rapid bleaching in S. hystrix but without affecting the quantum yield of the algae in symbio. Tests with isolated algae indicated that substantially higher concentrations (300 mug Cu l(-1) for 8 h) were needed to significantly reduce the quantum yield. Thus, copper-induced bleaching occurs without affecting the algal photosynthesis and may be related to effects on the host (animal). It is argued that warm-water bleaching of corals resembles both types of chemically induced bleaching, suggesting the need for an integrated model of coral bleaching involving the effect of temperature on both host (coral) and algal symbionts.


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The crystal structures of human phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase in complex with S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (7, AdoHcy) and either 7-iodo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (2) or 8,9-dichloro-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-2-benzazepine (3, LY134046) were determined and compared with the structure of the enzyme complex with 7 and 7-aminosulfonyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (1, SK&F 29661). The enzyme is able to accommodate a variety of chemically disparate functional groups on the aromatic ring of the inhibitors through adaptation of the binding pocket for this substituent and by subtle adjustments of the orientation of the inhibitors within the relatively planar binding site. In addition, the interactions formed by the amine nitrogen of all three inhibitors reinforce the hypothesis that this functional group mimics the beta-hydroxyl of norepinephrine rather than the amine. These studies provide further clues for the development of improved inhibitors for use as pharmacological probes.


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Cone snails have evolved a vast array of peptide toxins for prey capture and defence. These peptides are directed against a wide variety of pharmacological targets, making them an invaluable source of ligands for studying the properties of these targets in normal and diseased states. A number of these peptides have shown efficacy in vivo, including inhibitors of calcium channels, the norepinephrine transporter, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, NMDA receptors and neurotensin receptors, with several having undergone pre-clinical or clinical development for the treatment of pain.


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The muO-conotoxins are an intriguing class of conotoxins targeting various voltage-dependent sodium channels and molluscan calcium channels. In the current study, we have shown MrVIA and MrVIB to be the first known peptidic inhibitors of the transient tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTX-R) Na+ current in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons, in addition to inhibiting tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ currents. Human TTX-R sodium channels are a therapeutic target for indications such as pain, highlighting the importance of the muO-conotoxins as potential leads for drug development. Furthermore, we have used NMR spectroscopy to provide the first structural information on this class of conotoxins. MrVIA and MrVIB are hydrophobic peptides that aggregate in aqueous solution but were solubilized in 50% acetonitrile/water. The three-dimensional structure of MrVIB consists of a small beta-sheet and a cystine knot arrangement of the three-disulfide bonds. It contains four backbone loops between successive cysteine residues that are exposed to the solvent to varying degrees. The largest of these, loop 2, is the most disordered part of the molecule, most likely due to flexibility in solution. This disorder is the most striking difference between the structures of MrVIB and the known delta- and omega-conotoxins, which along with the muO-conotoxins are members of the O superfamily. Loop 2 of omega-conotoxins has previously been shown to contain residues critical for binding to voltage-gated calcium channels, and it is interesting to speculate that the flexibility observed in MrVIB may accommodate binding to both sodium and molluscan calcium channels.


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The cytokine, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) plays a key role in the pathogenesis of many chronic inflammatory and rheumatic diseases, in particular, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis. Controlled trials have shown that the TNF inhibitors (etanercept, infliximab and adalimumab) significantly reduce symptoms and signs, improve function and quality of life, and reduce radiologically evident damage in patients with rheumatoid diseases. For reasons that are not entirely clear, etanercept does not work in Crohn's disease. Injection site and intravenous reactions and increased risk of infection (in particular, reactivation of tuberculosis) are associated with the use of these agents. Increased risk of lymphoproliferative disease, the development of lupus-like syndromes and demyelination, including optic neuritis and reactivation of multiple sclerosis, are under evaluation in long-term follow-up studies. The TNF inhibitors are expensive (about $18000 per year), and in some patients need to be given continuously to maintain benefit, even in the presence of other immunosuppressive therapy.


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Proteolytic, cleavage in an exposed loop of human tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAcP) with trypsin leads to a significant increase in activity. At each pH value between 3.25 and 8.0 the cleaved enzyme is more active. Substrate specificity is also influenced by proteolysis. Only the cleaved form is able to hydrolyze unactivated substrates efficiently, and at pH > 6 cleaved TRAcP acquires a marked preference for ATP. The cleaved enzyme also has altered sensitivity to inhibitors. Interestingly, the magnitude and mode of inhibition by fluoride depends not only on the proteolytic state but also pH. The combined kinetic data imply a role of the loop residue D158 in catalysis in the cleaved enzyme. Notably, at low pH this residue may act as a proton donor for the leaving group. In this respect the mechanism of cleaved TRAcP resembles that of sweet potato purple acid phosphatase. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. Ail rights reserved.