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Sand-sized basaltic glass fragments were recovered in the liner of Core 203-1243B-19R, the deepest recovery from Hole 1243B. Microprobe analysis of 582 glassy cuttings cluster into five compositionally distinct groups, most of which are unlike the lithologic units described on board ship. Drilling operations intended to sweep cuttings from the caving hole and differences between the cuttings and geochemically distinct lithologic units of the upper part of the basement indicate that the cuttings came mainly, if not entirely, from the lower part of the hole. They give information about the part of Hole 1243B that had poor core recovery. Enriched mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) from the upper part of the hole and transitional MORB from two groups of cuttings from sources low in the hole may be a trace of the Galápagos plume on the Pacific plate or may be a normal consequence of eruptions from two distinct magmas on fast-spreading crust.
The Ninetyeast Ridge lavas have Sr and Nd isotopic ratios intermediate between those of Indian Ocean MORBs and those of the very enriched Kerguelen hot spot. In an Nd-Sr isotope diagram, they also plot close to the fields of St. Paul Island lavas and of the early magmatism on Kerguelen Archipelago. The Ninetyeast Ridge lavas were generated by mixing among at least three components: a depleted, MORB-type component, such as the one erupted today on the Southeast Indian Ridge; a very enriched, high- Sr/ Sr, low-epsilon-Nd, OIB-type component (the Kerguelen hot spot); and an OIB-type component comparable to that sampled from the St. Paul (and Amsterdam) lavas. The Ninetyeast Ridge lavas show a typical Dupal anomaly signature and Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic systematics indicate that the Kerguelen hot spot was involved in the ridge's formation as the Indian plate moved northward. The different sites cored during ODP Leg 121 show a trend in their isotopic compositions, from less radiogenic Pb/ Pb ratios and intermediate 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/**Nd ratios in the oldest lavas (Site 758) toward more radiogenic 206Pb/204Pb, higher epsilon-Nd, and lower 87Sr/86Sr values in the youngest lavas (Site 756). The lavas from Site 757 have 206Pb/204Pb ratios intermediate between those of the lavas from Sites 756 and 758 and higher 87Sr/86Sr and lower epsilon-Nd values. The relative proportions of the hot spot(s) and MORB component have evolved with time, reflecting differences of tectonic setting: the relative proportion of the Kerguelen hot spot component appears lower in the younger Site 756 lavas than in the older lavas from Sites 757 and 758. Site 756 coincides with the beginning of rifting at the Southeast Indian Ridge, about 43 Ma ago. The formation of the early Kerguelen Archipelago lavas may have drained most of the plume-derived material toward the Antarctic plate. Alternatively, the proximity of the spreading-ridge axis may account for the isotopic similarity of the Site 756 lavas to young lavas erupted on the Southeast Indian Ridge, from 33? to 37?S. The older lavas of Ninetyeast Ridge may have formed when the hot spot and ridge axis did not exactly coincide. The involvement of the third component, a St. Paul hot spot, in the genesis of the Ninetyeast Ridge lavas, especially for the Site 756 lavas, is clearly indicated by Sr, Pb, and Nd isotope systematics and also by trace element ratios. These data, together with those from the Kerguelen Plateau, indicate that the Kerguelen hot spot has been active more or less continuously in the South Indian Ocean for at least 115 Ma. This could indicate that the plume, and by inference the Dupal anomaly, is deep seated in origin.
The Hg distribution and some mineralogical-geochemical features of bottom sediments up to a depth of 10 m in the Deryugin Basin showed that the high and anomalous Hg contents in the Holocene deposits are confined to a spreading riftogenic structure and separate fluid vents within it. The accumulations of Hg in the the sediments were caused by its fluxes from gas and low-temperature hydrothermal vents under favorable oceanological conditions in the Holocene. The two mainly responsible for the high and anomalous Hg contents are infiltration (fluxes of hydrothermal or gas fluids from the sedimentary cover) and plume (Hg precipitation from water plumes with certain hydrochemical conditions forming above endogenous sources). The infiltration anomalies of Hg were revealed in the following environments: (1) near gas vents on the northeastern Sakhalin slope, where high Hg contents are associated only with Se and were caused by the accumulation of gases ascending from beneath the gas hydrate layer; (2) in the area of inferred occasionally operating low-temperature hydrothermal seeps in the central part of the Deryugin Basin, in which massive barite chimneys, hydrothermal Fe-Mn crusts, and anomalous contents of Mn, Ba, Zn, and Ni in sediments develop.
Lipid compositions of sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175 in the eastern South Atlantic reflect a variety of oceanographic and climatological environments. Most of the identified lipids can be ascribed to marine sources, notably haptophytes, eustigmatophytes, dinoflagellates, archaea, and diatoms. Elevated concentrations of cholesterol suggest zooplankton herbivory, characteristic for sites influenced by upwelling. At these sites, sulfurized highly branched isoprenoids from diatoms are also present in high amounts. Sterols, sterol ethers, hopanoids, and midchain hydroxy fatty acids could also be detected. Terrigenous lipids are n-alkanes, fatty acids, n-alcohols, and triterpenoid compounds like taraxerol and -amyrine. n-Alkanes, fatty acids, and n-alcohols are derived from leaf waxes of higher land plants and transported to the sea by airborne dust or fresh water. Triterpenoid compounds are most probably derived from mangroves and transported solely by rivers. Lipid compositions below the Congo low-salinity plume are strongly influenced by terrigenous material from the Congo River. Elevated organic carbon contents and predominantly marine lipid distributions at the Angola margin may indicate a highly productive plankton population, probably sustained by the Angola Dome. Sedimentary lipids in the Walvis Basin contain an upwelling signal, likely transported by the Benguela Current. Sedimentary lipids off Lüderitz Bay and in the southern Cape Basin are dominated by plankton lipids in high to intermediate amounts, reflecting persistent and seasonal upwelling, respectively.
Data on nephelometry, CTD probing, and dissolved manganese obtained during Cruise 34 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh showed that a multiplume was found over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge rift zone near 29°N. This multiplume comprises plumes of several hydrothermal vents and is separate from the plume of the Broken Spur hydrothermal field. Approximate coordinates were estimated for three vents.
Studies of seafloor magnetic anomaly patterns suggest the presence of Jurassic oceanic crust in a large area in the western Pacific that includes the East Mariana, Nauru and Pigafetta Basins. Sampling of the igneous crust in this area by the Deep Sea Drilling Program (DSDP) and the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) allows direct evaluation of the age and petrogenesis of this crust. ODP Leg 129 drilled a 51 m sequence of basalt pillows and massive flows in the central East Mariana Basin. 40Ar/39Ar ages determined in this study for two Leg 129 basalts average 114.6 +/- 3.2 Ma. This age is in agreement with the Albian-late Aptian paleontologic age of the overlying sediments, but is distinctively younger than the Jurassic age predicted by magnetic anomaly patterns in the basin. Compositionally, the East Mariana Basin basalts are uniformly low-K tholeiites that are depleted in highly incompatible elements compared to moderately incompatible ones, which is typical of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) erupted near hotspots. The Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of the tholeiites (87Sr/86Sr init = 0.70360-0.70374; 143Nd/144Nd init = 0.512769-0.512790; 206Pb/204Pb meas = 18.355-18.386) also overlap with some Indian Ocean Ridge MORB, although they are distinct from the isotopic compositions of Jurassic basalts drilled in the Pigafetta Basin, the oldest Pacific MORB. The isotopic compositions of the East Mariana Basin tholeiites are also similar to those of intraplate basalts, and in particular, to the isotopic signature of basalts from the nearby Ontong Java and Manihiki Plateaus. The East Mariana Basin tholeiites also share many petrologic and isotopic characteristics with the oceanic basement drilled in the Nauru Basin at DSDP Site 462. In addition, the new 110.8 +/- 1.0 Ma 40Ar/39Ar age for two flows from the bottom of Site 462 in the Nauru Basin is indistinguishable from the age of the East Mariana Basin flows. Thus, while magnetic anomaly patterns predict that the igneous basement in the Nauru and East Mariana Basins is Jurassic in age, the geochemical and chronological results discussed here suggest that the basement formed during a Cretaceous rifting event within the Jurassic crust. This magmatic and tectonic event was created by the widespread volcanism responsible for the genesis of the large oceanic plateaus of the western Pacific.
On Leg 121 of the Ocean Drilling Program, we recovered basaltic rocks from a total of three basement sites in the southern, central, and northern regions of Ninetyeast Ridge. These new sites complement the previous four basement holes drilled during Legs 22 and 26 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, and confirm the predominantly tholeiitic, light rare earth element-enriched character of the basalts that cap the ridge. The basalts show marked iron enrichment; ferrobasalts occur at Sites 214 and 216 and oceanic andesites at Site 253. All of the basalts recovered during Leg 121 are altered, and range from aphyric olivine tholeiites (Site 756), to strongly plagioclase-phyric basalts (Site 757). Basalts from Site 758, which were clearly erupted in a submarine environment (pillow basalts are present in the section), are sparsely to strongly plagioclase-phyric. The basalts recovered at any one hole are isotopically homogeneous (except for the basalts from Site 758, which show a range of Pb isotopes), and it is possible to relate the magmas at any one site by high-level fractionation processes. However, there are significant variations in isotope ratios and highly incompatible element ratios between sites, which suggest that the mantle source for the ridge basalts was compositionally variable. Such variation, in view of the large volume of magmatic products that form the ridge system, is not surprising. There is not, however, a systematic variation in basalt composition along the ridge. We agree with previous models that relate Ninetyeast Ridge to a mantle plume in the southern Indian Ocean. The tholeiitic, iron-enriched, and voluminous character of the ridge basalts is typical of oceanic islands associated with plumes on or near a mid-ocean ridge (e.g., Iceland, Galapagos Islands, and St. Paul/Amsterdam islands). The absence of recovered alkalic suites is inconsistent with an intraplate setting, such as the Hawaiian Islands or Kerguelen Island. Thus, the major element data, like the gravity data, strongly suggest that the ridge was erupted on or very close to an active spreading center. Isotopically, the most likely plume that created the excess magmatism on the Ridge is the Kerguelen-Heard plume system, but the Ninetyeast Ridge basalts do not represent a simple mixing of the Kerguelen plume and mid-ocean Ninetyeast Ridge basalt mantle.
Sr and Nd isotopic composition of 23 basalts from Sites 556-559 and 561-564. are reported. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios in fresh glasses and leached whole rocks range from 0.7025 to 0.7034 and are negatively correlated with the initial 143Nd/ 144Nd compositions, which range from 0.51315 to 0.51289. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions (in glasses or leached samples) lie within the fields of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and ocean island basalts (OIB) from the Azores on the Nd-Sr mantle array/fan plot. In general, there is a correlation between the trace element characteristics and the 143Nd/144Nd composition (i.e., samples with Hf/Ta>7 and (Ce/Sm)N<1 [normal-MORB] have initial 143Nd/144Nd>0.51307, whereas samples with Hf/Ta<7 and (Ce/Sm)N>1 (enriched-MORB) have initial 143Nd/144Nd compositions <0.51300). A significant deviation from this general rule is found in Hole 558, where the N-MORB can have, within experimental limits, identical isotopic compositions to those found in associated E-MORB. The plume-depleted asthenosphere mixing hypothesis of Schilling (1975), White and Schilling (1978) and Schilling et al. (1977) provides a framework within which the present data can be evaluated. Given the distribution and possible origins of the chemical and isotopic heterogeneity observed in Leg 82 basalts, and some other basalts in the area, it would appear that the Schilling et al. model is not entirely satisfactory. In particular, it can be shown that trace element data may incorrectly estimate the plume component and more localized mantle heterogeneity (both chemical and isotopic) may be important.
New results on the petrochemistry and geochemistry of dolerites from the Schirmacher Oasis shed light on the development of the Karoo-Maud plume in Antarctica. The basalts and dolerites are petrologically identical to the rocks of western Dronning Maud Land (DML), which were previously studied and interpreted as a manifestation of the Karoo-Maud plume in Antarctica. The spatial distribution of the dikes suggests eastward spreading of the plume material, up to the Schirmacher Oasis for at least 10 Ma. The geochemical characteristics of magmas from the Schirmacher Oasis reflect the influence of crustal contamination, which accompanied both the ascent and spreading of the plume. The magmas of the initial stage of plume activity (western DML) appeared to be the most contaminated in crustal components. It was found that the geochemical characteristics of Mesozoic magmas from the Schirmacher Oasis are identical to those of enriched tholeiites from the Afanasy Nikitin Rise and the central Kerguelen Plateau (Hole 749), which indicates that their enrichment was related to the ancient material of the Gondwana continent. This was caused by the opening of the Indian Ocean under the influence of the Karoo-Maud plume. This process was peculiar in that it occurred in the presence of nonspreading blocks of varying thickness, for instance, Elan Bank in the central Kerguelen Plateau, and was accompanied by the formation of intraplate volcanic rises, which are documented in the seafloor relief of basins around Antarctica. The geochemical characteristics of igneous rocks from the resulting rises (Afanasy Nikitin, Kerguelen, Naturaliste, and Ninetyeast Ridge) indicate the influence of processes related to crustal assimilation. The magmatism that occurred 40 Ma after the main phase of the Karoo-Maud volcanism at the margins of the adjacent continents of Australia (Bunbury basalts) and India (Rajmahal trapps) could be generated by the Karoo-Maud plume flowing along the developing spreading zone. The plume moved subsequently and was localized at the Kerguelen Plateau, where it occurs at present as an active hotspot.
We investigated dissolved methane distributions along a 6 km transect crossing active seep sites at 40 m water depth in the central North Sea. These investigations were done under conditions of thermal stratification in summer (July 2013) and homogenous water column in winter (January 2014). Dissolved methane accumulated below the seasonal thermocline in summer with a median concentration of 390 nM, whereas during winter, methane concentrations were typically much lower (median concentration of 22 nM). High-resolution methane analysis using an underwater mass-spectrometer confirmed our summer results and was used to document prevailing stratification over the tidal cycle. We contrast estimates of methane oxidation rates (from 0.1 to 4.0 nM day**-1) using the traditional approach scaled to methane concentrations with microbial turnover time values and suggest that the scaling to concentration may obscure the ecosystem microbial activity when comparing systems with different methane concentrations. Our measured and averaged rate constants (k') were on the order of 0.01 day**-1, equivalent to a turnover time of 100 days, even when summer stratification led to enhanced methane concentrations in the bottom water. Consistent with these observations, we could not detect known methanotrophs and pmoA genes in water samples collected during both seasons. Estimated methane fluxes indicate that horizontal transport is the dominant process dispersing the methane plume. During periods of high wind speed (winter), more methane is lost to the atmosphere than oxidized in the water. Microbial oxidation seems of minor importance throughout the year.
This study focuses on mafic volcanic rocks from the Bouvet triple junction, which fall into six geochemically distinct groups: (1) N-MORB, the most widespread type, encountered throughout the study area. (2) Subalkaline volcanics, hawaiites and mugearites strongly enriched in lithophile elements and radiogenic isotopes and composing the Bouvet volcanic rise, and compositionally similar basalts and basaltic andesites from the Spiess Ridge, generated in a deeper, fertile mantle region. (3) Relatively weakly enriched basalts, T-MORB derived by the mixing of Type 1 and 2 melts and exposed near the axes of the Mid-Atlantic, Southwest Indian, and America-Antarctic Ridges. (4) Basalts with a degree of trace lithophile element enrichment similar to the Spiess Ridge and Bouvet Island rocks, but higher in K, P, Ti, and Cr. These occur within extensional structures: the rift valley of the Southwest Indian Ridge, grabens of the East Dislocation Zone, and the linear rise between the Spiess Ridge and Bouvet volcano. Their parental melts presumably separated from plume material that spread from the main channels and underwent fluid-involving differentiation in the mantle. (5) A volcanic suite ranging from basalt to rhyolite, characterized by low concentrations of lithophile elements, particularly TiO2, and occurring on the Shona Seamount and other compressional features within the Antarctic and South American plates near the Bouvet triple junction. Unlike Types 1 to 4, which display tholeiitic differentiation trends, this suite is calc-alkaline. Its parental melts were presumably related to the plume material as well but, subsequently, they underwent a profound differentiation involving fluids and assimilated surrounding rocks in closed magma chambers in the upper mantle. Alternatively, the Shona Seamount might be a fragment of an ancient oceanic island arc. (6) Enriched basalts, distinguished from the other enriched rock types in very high P and radiogenic isotope abundances and composing a tectonic uplift near the junction of the three rifts. It thus follows that the main factors responsible for the compositional diversity of volcanic rocks in this region include (i) mantle source heterogeneity, (ii) plume activity, (iii) an intricate geodynamic setup at the triple junction giving rise to stresses in adjacent plate areas, and (iv) the geological prehistory. The slow spreading rate and ensuing inefficient mixing of the heterogeneous mantle material result in strong spatial variations in basaltic compositions.