946 resultados para Telecomunicaciones


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The development of high efficiency laser diodes (LD) and light emitting diodes (LED) covering the 1.0 to 1.55 μm region of the spectra using GaAs heteroepitaxy has been long pursued. Due to the lack of materials that can be grown lattice-macthed to GaAs with bandgaps in the 1.0 to 1.55 μm region, quantum wells (QW) or quantum dots (QD) need be used. The most successful approach with QWs has been to use InGaAs, but one needs to add another element, such as N, to be able to reach 1.3/1.5μm. Even though LDs have been successfully demonstrated with the QW approach, using N leads to problems with compositional homogeneity across the wafer, and limited efficiency due to strong non-radiative recombination. The alternative approach of using InAs QDs is an attractive option, but once again, to reach the longest wavelengths one needs very large QDs and control over the size distribution and band alignment. In this work we demonstrate InAs/GaAsSb QDLEDs with high efficiencies, emitting from 1.1 to 1.52 μm, and we analyze the band alignment and carrier loss mechanisms that result from the presence of Sb in the capping layer.


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Esta Tesis constituye una contribución a los Modelos y Metodologías para la Estimación de la Calidad Percibida por los Usuarios, o Calidad de Experiencia (QoE), a partir de Parámetros de Calidad y/o Rendimiento de Red y/o Servicio (QoS) en Servicios Multimedia, y específicamente en servicios Triple-Play (3P): servicios de Televisión (TV), Telefonía y Datos ofrecidos por un mismo operador como un paquete único. En particular, se centra en los servicios Triple-Play convergentes (desplegados sobre una Red de Transporte común basada en IP, gestionada por un único operador como un Sistema Autónomo (SA)), y la relación entre la Calidad Percibida por los usuarios de dichos servicios y los parámetros de rendimiento de la Red de Transporte IP subyacente. Específicamente, contribuye a la estimación ‘en línea’ (es decir, durante la prestación del servicio, en tiempo real o casi-real) de dicha calidad. La calidad de experiencia de los usuarios es un factor determinante para el éxito o fracaso de estos servicios, y su adecuada gestión resulta por tanto un elemento crucial para el despliegue exitoso de los mismos. La calidad de experiencia resulta fácil de entender, pero compleja de implementar en sistemas reales, debido principalmente a la dificultad de su modelado, evaluación, y traducción en términos de parámetros de calidad de servicio. Mientras que la calidad de servicio puede medirse, monitorizarse y controlarse fácilmente, la calidad de experiencia es todavía muy difícil de gestionar. Una metodología completa de gestión de la calidad de experiencia debe incluir al menos: monitorización de la experiencia de los usuarios durante el consumo del servicio; adaptación de la provisión de contenidos a las condiciones variables del contexto; predicción del nivel de degradación potencial de la calidad de experiencia; y recuperación de la degradación debida a cambios en el sistema. Para conseguir un control completo de la experiencia de los usuarios finales, todas estas tareas deben ser realizadas durante la prestación del servicio y de forma coordinada. Por lo tanto, la capacidad de medir, estimar y monitorizar la calidad percibida en tiempo casi-real, y relacionarla con las condiciones de servicio de la red, resulta crítica para los proveedores de este tipo de servicios, especialmente en el caso de los más exigentes, tales como la difusión de Televisión sobre IP (IPTV). Para ello se ha seleccionado un modelo ya existente, de tipo matricial, para la estimación de la Calidad Global en servicios complejos a partir de los parámetros de funcionamiento interno de los agentes que proporcionan los servicios. Este modelo, definido en términos de servicios y sus componentes, percepciones de los usuarios, capacidades de los agentes, indicadores de rendimiento y funciones de evaluación, permite estimar la calidad global de un conjunto de servicios convergentes, tal como la perciben uno o más grupos de usuarios. Esto se consigue combinando los resultados de múltiples modelos parciales, tales que cada uno de ellos proporciona la valoración de la calidad percibida para uno de los servicios componentes, obtenida a partir de un conjunto de parámetros de rendimiento y/o Calidad de Servicio de la red de transporte IP convergente. El modelo se basa en la evaluación de las percepciones de los usuarios a partir de Factores de Valoración, calculados a partir de Indicadores de Rendimiento, que se derivan a su vez de Parámetros de Funcionamiento Interno correspondientes a las capacidades de los distintos agentes que intervienen en la prestación de los servicios. El trabajo original incluye la aplicación del modelo a un servicio 3P (datos+voz+vídeo). En este trabajo, sin embargo, el servicio de vídeo (Vídeo bajo Demanda, VoD) se considera poco importante y es finalmente ignorado. En el caso de los usuarios residenciales, el servicio de voz (Voz sobre IP, VoIP) se considera asimismo poco importante y es también ignorado, por lo que el servicio global se reduce finalmente a los servicios de datos (Acceso a Internet y juegos interactivos). Esta simplificación era razonable en su momento, pero la evolución del mercado de servicios convergentes ha hecho que en la actualidad las razones que la justificaban no sean ya aplicables. En esta Tesis, por lo tanto, hemos considerado un servicio ‘Triple-Play’ completo, incluyendo servicios de datos, voz y vídeo. Partiendo de dicho modelo, se ha procedido a actualizar los servicios considerados, eliminando los no relevantes e incluyendo otros no considerados, así como a incluir nuevos elementos (percepciones) para la estimación de la calidad de los servicios; actualizar, extender y/o mejorar los modelos de estimación de los servicios ya incluidos; incluir modelos de estimación para los nuevos servicios y elementos añadidos; desarrollar nuevos modelos de estimación para aquellos servicios o elementos para los que no existen modelos adecuados; y por último, extender, actualizar y/o mejorar los modelos para la estimación de la calidad global. Con todo ello se avanza apreciablemente en la modelización y estimación de la Calidad de Experiencia (QoE) en Servicios Multimedia a partir de Parámetros de Calidad de Servicio (QoS) y/o Rendimiento de la Red, y específicamente en la estimación ‘en línea’, en tiempo casi-real, de dicha calidad en servicios Triple-Play convergentes. La presente Tesis Doctoral se enmarca en la línea de investigación sobre Calidad de Servicio del grupo de Redes y Servicios de Telecomunicación e Internet, dentro del Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos (DIT) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).


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A novel HCPV nonimaging concentrator concept with high concentration (>500×) is presented. It uses the combination of a commercial concentration GaInP∕GaInAs∕Ge 3J cell and a concentration Back‐Point‐Contact (BPC) concentration silicon cell for efficient spectral utilization, and external confinement techniques for recovering the 3J cell′s reflection. The primary optical element (POE) is a flat Fresnel lens and the secondary optical element (SOE) is a free‐form RXI‐type concentrator with a band‐pass filter embedded it, both POE and SOE performing Köhler integration to produce light homogenization. The band‐pass filter sends the IR photons in the 900–1200 nm band to the silicon cell. Computer simulations predict that four‐terminal terminal designs could achieve ∼46% added cell efficiencies using commercial 39% 3J and 26% Si cells. A first proof‐of concept receiver prototype has been manufactured using a simpler optical architecture (with a lower concentration, ∼ 100× and lower simulated added efficiency), and experimental measurements have shown up to 39.8% 4J receiver efficiency using a 3J with peak efficiency of 36.9%


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Enhancement-mode (E-mode) high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) based on a standard AlGaN/GaN heterostructure have been fabricated using two different methods: 19F implantation and fluorine-based plasma treatment. The need of a thermal annealing after both treatments has been proven in order to restore the ID and gm levels. DC characterization at high temperature has demonstrated that ID and gm decrease reversibly due to the reduction of the electron mobility and the drift velocity. Pulsed measurements (state period and variable pulse width) have been performed to study the self-heating effects.


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Due to its small band-gap and its high mobility, InN is a promising material for a large number of key applications like band-gap engineering for high efficiency solar cells, light emitting diodes, and high speed devices. Unfortunately, it has been reported that this material exhibits strong surface charge accumulation which may depend on the type of surface. Current investigations are conducted in order to explain the mechanisms which govern such a behavior and to look for ways of avoiding it and/or finding applications that may use such an effect. In this framework, low frequency noise measurements have been performed at different temperatures on patterned MBE grown InN layers. The evolution of the 1/f noise level with temperature in the 77 K-300 K range is consistent with carrier number fluctuations thus indicating surface mechanisms: the surface charge accumulation is confirmed by the noise measurements.


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Strong high-order Rayleigh or Sezawa modes, in addition to the fundamental Rayleigh mode, have been observed in ZnO/GaAs(001) systems along the [110] propagation direction of GaAs. The dispersion of the different acoustic waves has been calculated and compared to the experimental data. The bandwidth and impedance matching characteristics of the multimode SAW delay lines operating at high frequencies (2.5-3.5 GHz regime) have been investigated.


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This paper describes a novel architecture to introduce automatic annotation and processing of semantic sensor data within context-aware applications. Based on the well-known state-charts technologies, and represented using W3C SCXML language combined with Semantic Web technologies, our architecture is able to provide enriched higher-level semantic representations of user’s context. This capability to detect and model relevant user situations allows a seamless modeling of the actual interaction situation, which can be integrated during the design of multimodal user interfaces (also based on SCXML) for them to be adequately adapted. Therefore, the final result of this contribution can be described as a flexible context-aware SCXML-based architecture, suitable for both designing a wide range of multimodal context-aware user interfaces, and implementing the automatic enrichment of sensor data, making it available to the entire Semantic Sensor Web


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We present a novel approach for detecting severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) cases by introducing non-linear analysis into sustained speech characterization. The proposed scheme was designed for providing additional information into our baseline system, built on top of state-of-the-art cepstral domain modeling techniques, aiming to improve accuracy rates. This new information is lightly correlated with our previous MFCC modeling of sustained speech and uncorrelated with the information in our continuous speech modeling scheme. Tests have been performed to evaluate the improvement for our detection task, based on sustained speech as well as combined with a continuous speech classifier, resulting in a 10% relative reduction in classification for the first and a 33% relative reduction for the fused scheme. Results encourage us to consider the existence of non-linear effects on OSA patients' voices, and to think about tools which could be used to improve short-time analysis.


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A review of the main techniques that have been proposed for temporal processing of optical pulses that are the counterpart of the well-known spatial arrangements will be presented. They are translated to the temporal domain via the space-time duality and implemented with electrooptical phase and amplitude modulators and dispersive devices. We will introduce new variations of the conventional approaches and we will focus on their application to optical communications systems


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III-nitride nanorods have attracted much scientific interest during the last decade because of their unique optical and electrical properties [1,2]. The high crystal quality and the absence of extended defects make them ideal candidates for the fabrication of high efficiency opto-electronic devices such as nano-photodetectors, light-emitting diodes, and solar cells [1-3]. Nitride nanorods are commonly grown in the self-assembled mode by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) [4]. However, self-assembled nanorods are characterized by inhomogeneous heights and diameters, which render the device processing very difficult and negatively affect the electronic transport properties of the final device. For this reason, the selective area growth (SAG) mode has been proposed, where the nanorods preferentially grow with high order on pre-defined sites on a pre-patterned substrate


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The ITER CODAC design identifies slow and fast plant system controllers (PSC). The gast OSCs are based on embedded technologies, permit sampling rates greater than 1 KHz, meet stringent real-time requirements, and will be devoted to data acquisition tasks and control purposes. CIEMAT and UPM have implemented a prototype of a fast PSC based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies with PXI hardware and software based on EPICS


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EURATOM/CIEMAT and Technical University of Madrid (UPM) have been involved in the development of a FPSC [1] (Fast Plant System Control) prototype for ITER, based on PXIe (PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation). One of the main focuses of this project has been data acquisition and all the related issues, including scientific data archiving. Additionally, a new data archiving solution has been developed to demonstrate the obtainable performances and possible bottlenecks of scientific data archiving in Fast Plant System Control. The presented system implements a fault tolerant architecture over a GEthernet network where FPSC data are reliably archived on remote, while remaining accessible to be redistributed, within the duration of a pulse. The storing service is supported by a clustering solution to guaranty scalability, so that FPSC management and configuration may be simplified, and a unique view of all archived data provided. All the involved components have been integrated under EPICS [2] (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System), implementing in each case the necessary extensions, state machines and configuration process variables. The prototyped solution is based on the NetCDF-4 [3] and [4] (Network Common Data Format) file format in order to incorporate important features, such as scientific data models support, huge size files management, platform independent codification, or single-writer/multiple-readers concurrency. In this contribution, a complete description of the above mentioned solution is presented, together with the most relevant results of the tests performed, while focusing in the benefits and limitations of the applied technologies.


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A generic bio-inspired adaptive architecture for image compression suitable to be implemented in embedded systems is presented. The architecture allows the system to be tuned during its calibration phase. An evolutionary algorithm is responsible of making the system evolve towards the required performance. A prototype has been implemented in a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA featuring an adaptive wavelet transform core directed at improving image compression for specific types of images. An Evolution Strategy has been chosen as the search algorithm and its typical genetic operators adapted to allow for a hardware friendly implementation. HW/SW partitioning issues are also considered after a high level description of the algorithm is profiled which validates the proposed resource allocation in the device fabric. To check the robustness of the system and its adaptation capabilities, different types of images have been selected as validation patterns. A direct application of such a system is its deployment in an unknown environment during design time, letting the calibration phase adjust the system parameters so that it performs efcient image compression. Also, this prototype implementation may serve as an accelerator for the automatic design of evolved transform coefficients which are later on synthesized and implemented in a non-adaptive system in the final implementation device, whether it is a HW or SW based computing device. The architecture has been built in a modular way so that it can be easily extended to adapt other types of image processing cores. Details on this pluggable component point of view are also given in the paper.


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This paper presents a high-power high efficiency PA design method using load pull technique. Harmonic impedance control at the virtual drain is accomplished through the use of tunable pre-matching circuits and modeling of package parasitics. A 0.5 µm GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) is characterized using the method, and loadpull measurements are simulated illustrating the impact of varying 2nd and 3rd harmonic termination. These harmonic terminations are added to satisfy conditions for class-F load pull. The method is verified by design and simulation of a 40-W class-F PA prototype at 1.64 GHz with 76% drain efficiency and 10 dB gain (70% PAE).


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This work is focused on building and configuring a measurement test bench for non linear High Power Amplifiers, more precisely those ones based on the Envelope Elimination and Restoration. At first sight the test bench is composed of several arbitrary waveform generators, an oscilloscope, a vector signal generator and a spectrum analyzer all of them controlled remotely. The test bench works automatically, that is why several software control programs have been developed in order to control all this equipment. The control programs have been developed in Matlab/Octave Scripting language and at last chance in a more low level language as C. The signal processing algorithms, taking into account that the time alignment one is the most important, have been developed in Matlab/Octave Scripting too. An improvement of 10dB in the ACPR(Adjacent Channel Power Ratio) has been obtained just by applying the time alignment algorithm developed in this work