968 resultados para TSP module
The seismic data acquisition system is the most important equipment for seismic prospecting. The geophysicists have been paying high attention to the specification of the equipment used in seismic prospecting. Its specification and performance are of great concerned to acquire precisely and accurately seismic data, which show us stratum frame. But, by this time, limited by the technology, most of the Broad-band Seismic Recorder (BSR) for lithosphere research of our country were bought from fremdness which were very costliness and maintained discommodiously. So it is very important to study the seismic data acquisition system.The subject of the thesis is the research of the BSR, several items were included, such as: seismic data digitizer and its condition monitor design.In the first chapter, the author explained the significance of the implement of BSR, expatiated the requirement to the device and introduced the actuality of the BSR in our country.In the second chapter, the collectivity architecture of the BSR system was illustrated. Whereafter, the collectivity target and guideline of the performance of the system design were introduced. The difficulty of the system design and some key technology were analyzed, such as the Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC), system reliability technology and so on.In the third chapter, some design details of BSR were introduced. In the recorder, the former analog to digital converter (ADC) was separated from the later data transition module. According to the characteristic of seismic data acquisition system, a set high-resolution 24-bit ADC chip was chosen to the recorder design scheme. As the following part, the noise performance of the seismic data channel was analyzed.In the fourth chapter, the embedded software design of each board and the software design of the workstation were introduced. At the same time the communication protocol of the each module was recommendedAt the last part of this thesis, the advantages and the practicability of the BSR system design were summarized, and the next development items were suggested.
本研究以红枫湖为主要研究对象,对环境各介质中PCBs和OCPs进行了研究,讨论了理化因素TOC、粒度、SPM、微生物等对于PCBs和OCPs的影响,对各介质中PCBs和OCPs的组成进行了分析,讨论了红枫湖地区PCBs和OCPs的来源,并对其污染水平进行了评价,得到以下几点认识: 1、对红枫湖水体和沉积物的理化性质进行了分析,和洱海进行了对比。湖泊沉积物有机质含量和C/N比值表明红枫湖沉积物有机质主要来源于河流输入和湖泊内部,洱海主要以湖泊内源为主,与后面PCBs和OCPs分析结果相符。湖泊沉积物有机质及DNA呈现同一规律,表层是有机质和DNA的含量较高的区域,表层至底层整体呈逐渐降低的趋势,表明表层是微生物量和活性最高的层段,有机质的降解主要发生在此区域。湖泊沉积物粒度与有机质和DNA变化趋势一致,暗示了有机质的降解过程主要发生在表层,SRI和SRB的分析表明微生物在有机质降解过程中起着至关重要的作用。 2、红枫湖沉积物中7种PCBs的含量范围在3.2~31.6ng/g之间,主要以PCB28和PCB52为主。其中PCB28的含量范围在0.5~4.6ng/g,平均为1.8ng/g, PCB52含量在0.4~28.1ng/g。PCB28和PCB52低氯取代的PCBs占PCBs总量的60%以上。各点沉积物中PCBs的组成基本一致,其含量的变化主要与其输入来源和环境条件相关。沉积物中PCBs随深度整体呈现降低的趋势,但表层含量比次表层低,表明近年PCBs的输入降低。PCBs与TOC和粒径呈现较显著的正相关关系,与其自身的理化性质相关,PCBs具有较高的憎水性,倾向于在颗粒态中分布,也暗示了其来源。 3、红枫湖沉积物中13种OCPs的组成主要以HCHs和DDTs为主。其中HCHs的含量范围1.6~8.9ng/g,平均值为3.2ng/g,沉积物柱均值表现为HW>DB>HE>JJD;DDTs的含量范围在0.9~25.7ng/g,平均值为7.8ng/g,沉积物柱均值表现为HW>HE>DB>JJD。HCHs按其组成来看,以β-HCH和γ-HCH为主,DDTs以p,p’-DDE和p,p’-DDT为主。α-HCH/γ-HCH的比值在范围在0.1~3.0之间,表明HCH在环境中发生了改变,而且林丹的用量高于混合HCHs。DDT/DDE+DDD的比值基本都小于1,暗示DDTs在环境中发生了较长期的变化,β-HCH和p,p’-DDE的高含量也暗示了大气来源可能也是红枫湖地区OCPs的主要来源之一。 4、红枫湖湖水、汇入汇出河流及其周边土壤中PCBs和OCPs的分析,显示PCBs和OCPS在过滤后水中含量较低,主要分配在悬浮颗粒物中,悬浮颗粒物中的PCBs和OCPs组成与周边土壤中的组成基本一致。HCHs和DDTs的组成和α-HCH/γ-HCH、DDT/DDE+DDD的比值暗示水中悬浮颗粒物及其PCBs和OCPs主要来源于周边土壤和大气沉降。 5、 红枫湖后五鱼体内PCBs主要以4~6氯取代的PCBs的同系物为主,OCPs以HCHs和DDTs为主。鱼体内PCBs和OCPs对于水体的富集系数达到102~105。PCBs富集系数随氯取代数目的增加而增加,表明其生物有效性随氯取代数目的增加而增加,高氯取代的PCBs更容易通过食物链在高营养级生物体内富集,对人体造成危害。 6、 大气总悬浮颗粒物TSP中及背景区土壤中PCBs和OCPs的分析,与其它环境介质中结果基本一致。红枫湖地区大气、水、沉积物、生物和土壤各环境介质中PCBs和OCPs的组成基本一致,表明其来源具有一致性。α-HCH/γ-HCH和 DDT/DDE+DDD的值,及β-HCH、p,p’-DDE的高的比例,暗示红枫湖地区OCPs在环境中经历了较长时间的变化,而且大气长距离传输对于该区OCPs和PCBs的来源具有一定的贡献。从各因子的分析可以得出,红枫湖为该地区PCBs和OCPs的汇。 7、我国PCBs和DDTs、HCHs的含量除了典型区外,在国内外都处于较低和中等污染水平,红枫湖地区整体处于较低污染水平。根据Long和Chapman等对沉积物中POPs的评价方法,红枫湖沉积物中PCBs只有一个样品处于ERL和ERM之间,其它都低于ERL值,表明PCBs对生物造成不利影响的可能性较低;DDTs的值大部分处于ERL和ERM值之间,对生物造成不利影响的可能性较大;γ-HCH的值都低于TEC值,对生物的潜在影响较小。
重金属是指比重大于或等于5.0的金属。随着城市化在全球范围内的飞速发展,以及城市人口的不断增长,客观上需要增加对城市生态环境的了解,以及研究城市生态环境与人类健康之间的相互关系。 大气沉降包括干沉降与湿沉降,大气的干、湿沉降是大气化学、环境化学和生物地球化学研究的重要内容之一,在重金属循环中扮演着重要的角色。大气沉降对土壤重金属地球化学过程有着重要影响。因此,准确把握环境中重金属的主要来源、行为及归宿,对有效控制重金属的污染、保护人类健康提供科学依据具有非常重要的意义。城市土壤是城市生态环境的重要组成部分,对城市的可持续发展有着重要意义。在城市环境中,各种各样的人类活动将大量的重金属带人城市土壤中,造成这些元素在土壤中的积累,并通过大气、水体或食物链而直接或间接地威胁着人类的健康甚至生命。 本研究以贵阳为例,对环境中的重金属进行研究。系统研究了贵阳市大气颗粒物重金属含量与形态、雨水重金属的含量与季节变化及土壤重金属含量与形态。主要结果如下: 1 贵阳市的干、湿沉降与气象因子关系密切。随温度的升高,贵阳市TSP浓度下降;相对湿度与TSP呈负相关性;风速对贵阳市区的TSP浓度的影响主要表现为扩散和稀释作用,随风速的增加,贵阳TSP浓度降低;雨水对贵阳市大气总悬浮颗粒物的有明显的清除作用。随着风速的增加,贵阳市雨水中重金属含量降低;雨量与雨水中的Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb与Zn的含量均呈一定的负相关关系,总体趋势为当降雨量较大的时候,雨水中重金属的含量较低。 2 贵阳市大气颗粒物中重金属含量有明显季节变化规律。Cd、Cr、Pb和Zn冬季的含量明显高于其它季节,而春季和夏季颗粒物中重金属含量相对较低,冬季的浓度是夏季的1.8-4.6倍。同样,贵阳市雨水中Cr、Cu、Zn的最高浓度都出现在冬季,这与贵阳市在冬季大量使用燃煤来取暖的时段相符合。 3与其它城市相比,贵阳市大气颗粒物重金属污染比较严重。同样,与地表水国家标准值相比较,贵阳市大部分样品Cd、Cu、Pb与Zn明显超过地表水国家标准,雨水中Cd、Cu、Pb与Zn的平均值分别国家标准的为2.7、2.2、6.0和1.3倍。贵阳市表层土壤已受到重金属不同程度的污染。表层土壤Cd的平均含量为0.66mg/kg,Co的平均含量为17.31mg/kg,Cr的平均含量为82.91mg/kg,Cu的平均含量为52.20mg/kg,Ni的平均含量38.76mg/kg,Pb的平均含量为71.03 mg/kg,Zn的平均含量为216.05mg/kg。土壤Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb和Zn的平均含量分别我国土壤元素的背景值的6.8倍、1.36倍、1.36倍、2.31倍、1.44倍、2.73倍与2.98倍,其中以Cd和Zn 积累较明显。 4对贵阳市大气颗粒物、土壤重金属形态分别进行分析,结果表明:大气颗粒物中Cd主要以环境可迁移态存在,占61.4%;Cr和Cu主要稳定态存在,二者对环境不会造成直接影响;Pb主要以环境可迁移态、碳酸盐和氧化物结合态存在;Zn主要以环境可迁移态存在。土壤中,除Cd以外,Co、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb和Zn元素的酸可提取态在总的元素含量中所占比例较小,均小于总量的3.0%,而Cd的酸可提取态含量为23.3%。相反,除Cd以外,其它6种金属元素的残渣态含量都比较高,Zn为96.8%,Cr为92.2%,Cu为83.4%,Co为69.2%,Ni为57.4%,Pb为41.9%。 5 贵阳市土壤剖面重金属元素的分布比较混乱,没有规律性,底土层含量仍然很高。城市土壤受到人为因素等影响,已发生严重改变。土壤中有许多不同来源物质的混入,土壤剖面经常受到人为扰动,自然土壤发生层被破坏,导致许多土壤剖面上下土层没有发生学上的联系。
Since the 19th century, people have long believed that the function of cerebellum was restricted to fine motor control and modulation. In the past two decades, however, more and more studies challenged this traditional view. While the neuroanatomy of the cerebellum from cellular to system level has been well documented, the functions of this neural organ remain poorly understood. This study, including three experiments, attempted to further the understanding of cerebellar functions from different viewpoints. Experiment One used the parametric design to control motor effects. The activation in cerebellum was found to be associated with the difficulty levels of a semantic discrimination task, suggesting the involvement of the cerebellum in higher level of language functions. Moreover, activation of the right posterior cerebellum was found to co-vary with that of the frontal cortex. Experiment Two adopted the cue-go paradigm and event-related design to exclude the effects of phonological and semantic factors in a mental writing task. The results showed that bilateral anterior cerebellum and cerebral motor regions were significantly activated during the task and the hemodynamic response of the cerebellum was similar to those of the cerebral motor cortex. These results suggest that the cerebellum participates in motor imagination during orthographic output. Experiment Three investigated the learning process of a verb generation task. While both lateral and vermis cerebellum were found to be activation in the task, each was correlated a separate set of frontal regions. More importantly, activations both in the cerebellum and frontal cortex decreased with the repetition of the task. These results indicate that the cerebellum and frontal cortex is jointly engaged in some functions; each serves as a part of a single functional system. Taken these findings together, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1.The cerebellum is not only involved in functions related to speech or articulation, but also participates in the higher cognitive functions of language. 2.The cerebellum participates in various functions by supporting the corresponding regions in cerebral cortex, but not directly executes the functions as an independent module. 3.The anterior part of cerebellum is related to motor functions, whereas the posterior part is involved in cognitive functions. 4.While the motor functions rely on the engagement of both sides of the cerebellar hemispheres, the higher cognitive functions mainly depend on the right cerebellum.
Human being’s visual attentional system is the direct results of millions of years of evolutionary selection. As an adaptation to the environment, the most prominent function of attentional system is to facilitate the effective selection and subsequent processing of the most critical information and events from the environment with the aim of enhancing a given individual’s chance of passing his/her gene to the next generation. In the living environment of ancestral human beings, animals were undoubtedly one of those stimulus categories of great evolutionary significance. Since the process of animal-related information had life-or-death consequences for ancestral human beings, some researchers proposed a so-called animate monitoring hypothesis which states that there exists a category-specific module in the attentional system of human beings which specializes in the detection and frequent re-inspection of animal stimuli. Drawing on the available findings and theories regarding the inhibition-of-return effect, the present study utilized several variants of the spatial cueing paradigm to test the two main predictions of animate monitoring hypothesis:(1) animal stimuli in the environment are capable of summon attention in a reflexive way; (2) the inhibitory effect of attentional process on animal stimuli is less pronounced when compared to stimuli of other categories. The results of the present study provide supportive evidence to the existence of a category-specific module for animals in the attentional system. The present study contributes to the further understanding of the important role played by attentional mechanism in solving the critical adaptive problem faced by ancestral human beings during the course of evolution.
In the processes of Chinese economic and political reforms, it has many problems in the international corporations because of the difference of cultures. This research try to compare the Chinese managers and other conntries' through the investigation of 435 managers and employee from 9 units in Beijing. We used Hofstede's "Value Survey Module" (1980), Compared to Cultures in power distance, uncertainly avoidance, individualism-collectivism, masculinity. We also compared the employee's attitude with three patterns. The conclusions are: 1. There is not significant level difference in three patterns. 2. At PDI、UAI、IDV、MAS the fonr dimensions, our invested results approach Hofsteds's invested results. This is high at PDI, but middle at UAI、IDV、MAS.
The Kineticist's Workbench is a computer program currently under development whose purpose is to help chemists understand, analyze, and simplify complex chemical reaction mechanisms. This paper discusses one module of the program that numerically simulates mechanisms and constructs qualitative descriptions of the simulation results. These descriptions are given in terms that are meaningful to the working chemist (e.g., steady states, stable oscillations, and so on); and the descriptions (as well as the data structures used to construct them) are accessible as input to other programs.
This paper presents a new method of grouping edges in order to recognize objects. This grouping method succeeds on images of both two- and three- dimensional objects. So that the recognition system can consider first the collections of edges most likely to lead to the correct recognition of objects, we order groups of edges based on the likelihood that a single object produced them. The grouping module estimates this likelihood using the distance that separates edges and their relative orientation. This ordering greatly reduces the amount of computation required to locate objects and improves the system's robustness to error.
This paper describes the main features of a view-based model of object recognition. The model tries to capture general properties to be expected in a biological architecture for object recognition. The basic module is a regularization network in which each of the hidden units is broadly tuned to a specific view of the object to be recognized.
For the design of affinity membranes, protein adsorption in membrane affinity chromatography (MAC) was studied by frontal analysis. According to fast mass transfer, small thickness of affinity membranes and high affinity between the protein and the ligand, an ideal adsorption (IA) model was proposed for MAC and was used together with equilibrium-dispersive (E-D) model to describe the adsorption of bovine serum albumin (BSA) onto cellulose diacetate/polyethyleneimine (CA/PEI) blend membranes with and without Cu2+ chelating. E-D model was found to better describe the initial region of experimental breakthrough curves. The influence of axial dispersion was revealed and it showed the importance of design of the module to homogenously distribute feed solution. IA model was found to be better for the whole experimental breakthrough curve. According to it, the capacity of affinity membranes and the specificity of the interaction are of equal importance for the design of affinity membranes. An optimum feed concentration was also found in the operation of MAC. The discrepancy between experimental optimum feed concentrations and predicted ones from IA model may be due to the ignorance of some experimental effects such as axial dispersion.
Reconstructing a surface from sparse sensory data is a well known problem in computer vision. Early vision modules typically supply sparse depth, orientation and discontinuity information. The surface reconstruction module incorporates these sparse and possibly conflicting measurements of a surface into a consistent, dense depth map. The coupled depth/slope model developed here provides a novel computational solution to the surface reconstruction problem. This method explicitly computes dense slope representation as well as dense depth representations. This marked change from previous surface reconstruction algorithms allows a natural integration of orientation constraints into the surface description, a feature not easily incorporated into earlier algorithms. In addition, the coupled depth/ slope model generalizes to allow for varying amounts of smoothness at different locations on the surface. This computational model helps conceptualize the problem and leads to two possible implementations- analog and digital. The model can be implemented as an electrical or biological analog network since the only computations required at each locally connected node are averages, additions and subtractions. A parallel digital algorithm can be derived by using finite difference approximations. The resulting system of coupled equations can be solved iteratively on a mesh-pf-processors computer, such as the Connection Machine. Furthermore, concurrent multi-grid methods are designed to speed the convergence of this digital algorithm.
Regras gerais para formatação de código fonte: idioma dos nomes; identação; margens; comentários. Linguagem Object Pascal. Tratamento de exceções estruturado. Classes: nomenclatura; atributos; propriedades. Arquivos: arquivos de projeto (project); Arquivos de formulários (Forms); Arquivos de units; Units de formulários; Units dos módulos de dados (data module); Units de propósito geral. Formulários (Forms) e Módulo de dados (Data Modules).
An understanding of research is important to enable nurses to provide evidencebasedcare. However, undergraduate nursing students often find research a challenging subject. The purpose of this paper is to present an evaluation of the introduction of podcasts in an undergraduate research module to enhance research teaching linkages between the theoretical content and research in practice and improve the level of student support offered in a blended learning environment. Two cohorts of students (n=228 and n=233) were given access to a series of 5 “guest speaker” podcasts made up of presentations and interviews with research experts within Edinburgh Napier. These staff would not normally have contact with students on this module, but through the podcasts were able to share their research expertise and methods with our learners. The main positive results of the podcasts suggest the increased understanding achieved by students due to the multi-modal delivery approach, a more personal student/tutor relationship leading to greater engagement, and the effective use of materials for revision and consolidation purposes. Negative effects of the podcasts centred around problems with the technology, most often difficulty in downloading and accessing the material. This paper contributes to the emerging knowledge base of podcasting in nurse education by demonstrating how podcasts can be used to enhance research-teaching linkages and raises the question of why students do not exploit the opportunities for mobile learning.
Recent shifts in technology have seen some writers question the value of tablet computers as phones becomes bigger, more powerful and their battery life improves: (http://www.wired.com/2015/01/nobody-knows-ipad-good-anymore/ In trying to encourage greater student engagement with their studies, lecturers can be caught unsure of how to proceed. Moodle has improved since its introduction and now it adjusts the content to match the screen size. Does that matter? Results from a recent module survey suggests that 75% of students access Moodle from their phone which would suggest that when we design our Moodle pages we may need to think about the placement of information. What works on a 21" HD monitor in our office may not give the same result on a laptop, tablet or phone.
Urquhart, C., Spink, S., Thomas, R., Yeoman, A., Durbin, J., Turner, J., Fenton, R. & Armstrong, C. (2004). JUSTEIS: JISC Usage Surveys: Trends in Electronic Information Services Final report 2003/2004 Cycle Five. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: JISC