981 resultados para Speratus, Paulus, 1484-1551.


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This thesis presents a creative and practical approach to dealing with the problem of selection bias. Selection bias may be the most important vexing problem in program evaluation or in any line of research that attempts to assert causality. Some of the greatest minds in economics and statistics have scrutinized the problem of selection bias, with the resulting approaches – Rubin’s Potential Outcome Approach(Rosenbaum and Rubin,1983; Rubin, 1991,2001,2004) or Heckman’s Selection model (Heckman, 1979) – being widely accepted and used as the best fixes. These solutions to the bias that arises in particular from self selection are imperfect, and many researchers, when feasible, reserve their strongest causal inference for data from experimental rather than observational studies. The innovative aspect of this thesis is to propose a data transformation that allows measuring and testing in an automatic and multivariate way the presence of selection bias. The approach involves the construction of a multi-dimensional conditional space of the X matrix in which the bias associated with the treatment assignment has been eliminated. Specifically, we propose the use of a partial dependence analysis of the X-space as a tool for investigating the dependence relationship between a set of observable pre-treatment categorical covariates X and a treatment indicator variable T, in order to obtain a measure of bias according to their dependence structure. The measure of selection bias is then expressed in terms of inertia due to the dependence between X and T that has been eliminated. Given the measure of selection bias, we propose a multivariate test of imbalance in order to check if the detected bias is significant, by using the asymptotical distribution of inertia due to T (Estadella et al. 2005) , and by preserving the multivariate nature of data. Further, we propose the use of a clustering procedure as a tool to find groups of comparable units on which estimate local causal effects, and the use of the multivariate test of imbalance as a stopping rule in choosing the best cluster solution set. The method is non parametric, it does not call for modeling the data, based on some underlying theory or assumption about the selection process, but instead it calls for using the existing variability within the data and letting the data to speak. The idea of proposing this multivariate approach to measure selection bias and test balance comes from the consideration that in applied research all aspects of multivariate balance, not represented in the univariate variable- by-variable summaries, are ignored. The first part contains an introduction to evaluation methods as part of public and private decision process and a review of the literature of evaluation methods. The attention is focused on Rubin Potential Outcome Approach, matching methods, and briefly on Heckman’s Selection Model. The second part focuses on some resulting limitations of conventional methods, with particular attention to the problem of how testing in the correct way balancing. The third part contains the original contribution proposed , a simulation study that allows to check the performance of the method for a given dependence setting and an application to a real data set. Finally, we discuss, conclude and explain our future perspectives.


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La presente tesi descrive l’implementazione in Java di un algoritmo per il ragionamento giuridico che cattura due sue importanti peculiarità: la defeasibility del ragionamento normativo e il concetto di tempo. “Defeasible” significa “ritrattabile” e sta ad indicare, appunto, quegli schemi di ragionamento nei quali è possibile rivedere o ritrattare le conclusioni tratte precedentemente. Il tempo è essenziale per un’accurata rappresentazione degli scenari presenti nel mondo reale e in particolare per gli scenari giuridici. I profili temporali delle norme sono essenzialmente due: (i) tempo esterno della norma, cioè il periodo durante il quale la norma è valida cioè appartiene al sistema giuridico; (ii) tempo interno della norma che fa riferimento al periodo in cui la norma si applica. In particolare quest’ultimo periodo di tempo coincide con il periodo in cui le condizioni presenti nella norma devono presentarsi affinché essa produca i suoi effetti. Inoltre, nella tesi viene presentata un’estensione della logica defeasible in grado di distinguere tra regole con effetti persistenti, che valgono non solo per l’istante in cui si verificano le premesse ma anche per ogni istante successivo, e regole con effetti transitori, che valgono per un singolo istante. L’algoritmo presentato in questa tesi presenta una complessità lineare nelle dimensioni della teoria in ingresso e può interagire con le applicazioni del web semantico poiché elabora teorie scritte in Rule-ML, un linguaggio basato su XML per la rappresentazione di regole.


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Il lavoro ripercorre le tracce che gli ebrei portoghesi, esuli dopo il biennio 1496-97, lasciarono nel loro cammino attraverso l'Europa. In particolare, l'interesse si concentra sulla breve parentesi italiana, che grazie all'apertura e alla disponibilità  di alcuni Signori, come i Gonzaga di Mantova, i Medici, i Dogi della Serenissima e gli Este, risulta ricchissima di avvenimenti e personaggi, decisivi anche per la storia culturale del Portogallo. L'analisi parte evidenziando l'importanza che ebbe la tipografia ebraica in Portogallo all'epoca della sua introduzione nel Paese; in secondo luogo ripercorre la strada che, dal biennio del primo decreto di espulsione e del conseguente battesimo di massa, porta alla nascita dell'€™Inquisizione in Portogallo. Il secondo capitolo tenta di fare una ricostruzione, il più possibile completa e coerente, dei movimenti degli esuli, bollati come marrani e legati alle due maggiori famiglie, i Mendes e i Bemveniste, delineando poi il primo nucleo di quella che diventerà  nel Seicento la comunità  sefardita portoghese di Amsterdam, dove nasceranno le personalità  dissidenti di Uriel da Costa e del suo allievo Spinoza. Il terzo capitolo introduce il tema delle opere letterarie, effettuando una rassegna dei maggiori volumi editi dalle officine tipografiche ebraiche stanziatesi in Italia fra il 1551 e il 1558, in modo particolare concentrando l'attenzione sull'€™attività  della tipografia Usque, da cui usciranno numerosi testi di precettistica in lingua ebraica, ma soprattutto opere cruciali come la famosa «Bibbia Ferrarese» in castigliano, la «Consolação às Tribulações de Israel», di Samuel Usque e la raccolta composta dal romanzo cavalleresco «Menina e Moça» di Bernardim Ribeiro e dall'ecloga «Crisfal», di un autore ancora non accertato. L'ultimo capitolo, infine, si propone di operare una disamina di queste ultime tre opere, ritenute fondamentali per ricostruire il contesto letterario e culturale in cui la comunità  giudaica in esilio agiva e proiettava le proprie speranze di futuro. Per quanto le opere appartengano a generi diversi e mostrino diverso carattere, l'€™ipotesi è che siano parte di un unicum filosofico e spirituale, che intendeva sostanzialmente indicare ai confratelli sparsi per l'Europa la direzione da prendere, fornendo un sostegno teoretico, psicologico ed emotivo nelle difficili condizioni di sopravvivenza, soprattutto dell'integrità religiosa, di ciascun membro della comunità.


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Beim Beobachten von nächtlichen Insektenschwärmen an Straßenbeleuchtungen kommt es zur Frage, inwieweit von einer Bedrohung eines geordneten Naturkreislaufes durch dieses Phänomen gesprochen werden kann. Am Beispiel der bedrohten Artenvielfalt aquatischer Insekten im Bereich anthropogen bedingt verschmutzter Fließgewässer wurde die Problematik umfassend untersucht. Die Freilandtests erstreckten sich von Sommer 1998 bis Sommer 2000. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht mehreren Fragestellungen nach:1. - Wie hoch ist der Anteil aquatischer Insekten, der von dem Ort seiner Emergenz aus von einer naheliegenden Straßenlaterne angezogen wird ?2. - Welcher Lampentyp lockt weniger Insekten an: OSRAM HQL (Weiß-Mischlicht) oder PHILIPPS SON (gelbes Licht) ?3. - Welche Wellenlängenbereiche des Lichts sind beim Anflug an die Lampe von besonderer Präferenz ? zu 1. - Aquatische Insekten wiesen kein einheitliches Verhalten im Anflug an künstliches Licht auf. In den Sommermonaten kam es bei einigen Insektengruppen, wie z.B. den Trichopteren, zu einem massenhaften Anflug an die eine, im Untersuchungsgebiet aufgestellte Straßenlaterne. In dieser Zeit ergaben sich im Mittelwert Fangzahlen in einer Nacht am Licht, die der Emergenz von 25 Metern Bachufer/72 Stunden entsprachen. Bei den Dipteren ergab der mittlere Wert eine Emergenz von knapp 10 Metern Uferlänge/72 Stunden. Aufgrund hoher Fangzahlen konnten folgende Ergebnisse auf Artniveau bei den Chironomiden erzielt werden. Bei den zehn häufigsten Arten aus Emergenz und Lichtfang zeigten sich starke Schwankungen: Der Fang am Licht entsprach im Maximum einer Schlupfrate von 61 Metern Ufer/ 72 Stunden bei einer Art, bei einer anderen Art wurde z.B. ein Lichtfang erzielt, der lediglich die Emergenz von 0,3 Metern/72 Stunden umfaßte.zu 2. - In dem ohne Lichtkonkurrenz stattfindenden Vergleich zwischen PHILIPPS SON 70W und OSRAM HQL 125W ergab sich eine Fangrelation von 1:1,6 (SON:HQL). Bei einem Parallelfang (30 Metern Abstand der Leuchten) mit SON/HQL flogen wesentlich mehr Tiere an die HQL: Hier betrug die Relation 1:3,97 (SON:HQL). Es fand somit bei Lichtkonkurrenz eine Abwanderung der Insekten zur 'attraktiveren' Lampe statt.zu 3. - Zuletzt wurde die Anlockwirkung dreier Farbspektren mit den Intensitätsmaxima einer Wellenlänge von 437nm, 579nm und 599nm getestet. 437nm war die in der HQL gemessene Intensitätsspitze im niedrigwelligen Bereich und nach verbreiteter Auffassung von besonderer Anlockwirkung. Der Wellenlängenbereich um 579nm stellte das Intensitätsmaximum der SON-Lampe dar (gelbes Licht); 599nm war als Alternative für anlockschwache Beleuchtungen ausgewählt worden. Hier ergab sich bei abwechselndem Fang (ohne Lichtkonkurrenz) eine Fangrelation von 1,8 : 3,4 : 1 (437nm : 579nm : 599nm).


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Arnt van Tricht, gest. 1570, unterhielt bis in die späten 50er Jahre des 16. Jahrhunderts, wahrschein-lich aus Antwerpen kommend, in Kalkar am Niederrhein eine sehr erfolgreiche Werkstatt. Die bis dahin vorherrschende spätgotische Formensprache der langjährig ansässigen Bildhauer löste er durch die der Renaissance ab, führte jedoch deren Arbeitsfelder und Materialwahl weiter. Arnt van Tricht schuf Arbeiten sowohl religiöser als auch profaner Natur innerhalb des Gebiets der damals sehr bedeutenden Vereinigten Herzogtümer Kleve-Mark-Jülich-Berg und Geldern. Seine wohlhabenden Auftraggeber entstammten dem Klerus, der Bürgerschaft und dem Adel.rnIm Rahmen der Arbeit zeigte sich, dass sich für den Künstler die Verlegung der herzoglichen Residenz nach Düsseldorf und der wirtschaftliche Niedergang der Region letztlich stärker auswirkte als die religiösen Veränderungen durch die Reformation.rnArnt van Tricht schuf die meisten seiner religiösen Bildwerke für die Stiftskirche St. Viktor in Xanten, die durch die Bürgerschaft ausgestattete Pfarrkirche von St. Nicolai in Kalkar und umliegende Gemeinden. Einzelne Stücke sind, wohl über familiäre Verflechtungen vermittelt, in einem weiteren Radius zu finden. Van Tricht arbeitete Schnitzretabel mitsamt ihrer ornamentalen und figuralen Aus-stattung sowie Skulpturen(-gruppen) in Eichenholz. Daneben finden sich im Werk zahlreiche in Sandstein gearbeitete Skulpturen, die teilweise an Pfeilern und Portalen der Kirchen architektur-gebunden sind. Neben diesen rundplastischen Werken schuf Arnt van Tricht eine große Anzahl an steinernen Reliefarbeiten. Hierbei nehmen die überwiegend für die lokalen Kanoniker gearbeiteten Epitaphien mit biblischem Reliefbild in Ornamentrahmen den größten Teil ein.rnEin zweiter, gleichwertiger Werkkomplex, überwiegend in Sandstein gearbeitet, ist profaner Natur und fällt durch die Größe der Aufträge ins Gewicht. Arnt van Tricht war an einigen groß angelegten Modernisierungsprojekten an Stadthäusern und Kastellen des lokalen Adels beschäftigt. Für mehrere aufwendig gestaltete Fassadendekorationen arbeitete er Architekturglieder mit figürlicher Darstellung oder Ornament, Büsten und freiplastische Skulpturen. Arnt van Tricht war aber auch an der Aus-gestaltung der Innenräume beteiligt. Aufwendig skulptierte und reliefverzierte Kaminverkleidungen stehen dabei neben reduzierteren Arbeiten für offensichtlich weniger repräsentative Räume. Neben in Eichenholz gearbeiteter Vertäfelung schuf Arnt van Tricht hölzerne figurale Handtuchhalter. Diese zeigen, wie auch die Reliefbilder der Kamine, die darüber hinaus Wappen und Porträts der Bauherren aufnehmen, eine religiöse oder profane, auch antikisierende Thematik, bei der ein moralisierender Unterton mitschwingt.rnIn dieser Arbeit werden erstmals alle Werkstücke des Künstlers zusammengeführt dargestellt, so dass ein Werkkatalog mit einem Überblick über das sehr breit gefächerte Spektrum des Opus Arnt van Trichts vorliegt. Häufig durch bloße Nennung mit Arnt van Tricht in Verbindung gebrachte Arbeiten werden bewertet und die Zu- oder Abschreibung begründet. Auch können einige Stücke neu zugeschrieben werden.


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By analogy to gliosarcoma, the term "ependymosarcoma" has recently been coined to thematize the rare phenomenon of a malignant mesenchymal component arising within an ependymoma. We report on an example of this paradigm, involving tanycytic ependymoma as the host tumor in a 40-year-old female who underwent two tumor extirpation procedures at one-year interval. She first presented with severe headaches, and was seen by imaging to harbor a moderately enhancing mass 2.5cm in diameter at the rostral septum pellucidum accompanied by occlusive hydrocephalus. Microscopically, the tumor consisted of solid, wavy fascicles of elongated cells that were occasionally interrupted by vague perivascular pseudorosettes. Mitotic activity was absent, and less than 1% of nuclei immunoreacted for MIB-1. A histological diagnosis of tanycytic ependymoma (WHO grade II) was rendered, and no adjuvant therapy given. At recurrence, the lesion was 3.5cm in diameter, intensely enhancing, and had already seeded into the subarachnoid space. Histology showed a biphasic glial-sarcomatous architecture with remnants of the original ependymoma now displaying hypercellularity and atypical - yet not frankly anaplastic - features. The sarcomatous moiety consisted of spindle and epithelioid cells densely interwoven with reticulin fibers. While the ependymal component was GFAP and S100 protein positive, and featured punctate staining for EMA, none of these markers was expressed in the adjacent sarcoma. Instead, the latter reacted for vimentin and smooth muscle actin. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documentation of tanycytic ependymoma undergoing malignant transformation, one driven by a highly anaplastic mesenchymal component, corresponding to "ependymosarcoma".


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Peptide receptor targeting has become an increasingly attractive method to target tumors diagnostically and radiotherapeutically. Peptides linked to a variety of chelators have been developed for this purpose. They have, however, rarely been tested for their agonistic or antagonistic properties. We report here on a somatostatin antagonist that switched to an agonist upon coupling to a DOTA chelator.


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The intestinal ecosystem is formed by a complex, yet highly characteristic microbial community. The parameters defining whether this community permits invasion of a new bacterial species are unclear. In particular, inhibition of enteropathogen infection by the gut microbiota ( = colonization resistance) is poorly understood. To analyze the mechanisms of microbiota-mediated protection from Salmonella enterica induced enterocolitis, we used a mouse infection model and large scale high-throughput pyrosequencing. In contrast to conventional mice (CON), mice with a gut microbiota of low complexity (LCM) were highly susceptible to S. enterica induced colonization and enterocolitis. Colonization resistance was partially restored in LCM-animals by co-housing with conventional mice for 21 days (LCM(con21)). 16S rRNA sequence analysis comparing LCM, LCM(con21) and CON gut microbiota revealed that gut microbiota complexity increased upon conventionalization and correlated with increased resistance to S. enterica infection. Comparative microbiota analysis of mice with varying degrees of colonization resistance allowed us to identify intestinal ecosystem characteristics associated with susceptibility to S. enterica infection. Moreover, this system enabled us to gain further insights into the general principles of gut ecosystem invasion by non-pathogenic, commensal bacteria. Mice harboring high commensal E. coli densities were more susceptible to S. enterica induced gut inflammation. Similarly, mice with high titers of Lactobacilli were more efficiently colonized by a commensal Lactobacillus reuteri(RR) strain after oral inoculation. Upon examination of 16S rRNA sequence data from 9 CON mice we found that closely related phylotypes generally display significantly correlated abundances (co-occurrence), more so than distantly related phylotypes. Thus, in essence, the presence of closely related species can increase the chance of invasion of newly incoming species into the gut ecosystem. We provide evidence that this principle might be of general validity for invasion of bacteria in preformed gut ecosystems. This might be of relevance for human enteropathogen infections as well as therapeutic use of probiotic commensal bacteria.


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The aim of the study was to examine the clinical forensic findings of strangulation according to their ability to differentiate between life-threatening and non-life-threatening strangulation, compare clinical and MRI findings of the neck and discuss a simple score for life-threatening strangulation (SLS).


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Uncoated self-expanding nitinol stents (NS) are commonly oversized in peripheral arteries. In current practice, 1-mm oversizing is recommended. Yet, oversizing of NS may be associated with increased restenosis. To provide further evidence, NS were implanted in porcine iliofemoral arteries with a stent-to-artery-ratio between 1.0 and 2.3. Besides conventional uncoated NS, a novel self-expanding NS with an antiproliferative titanium-nitride-oxide (TiNOX) coating was tested for safety and efficacy.


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In this study I consider the role of poetic description in Pasternak’s ‘Deviat’sot piatyi god’ (‘1905’) in the context of the genre of the poema. Descriptive passages in poetic narratives, as a rule, provide a static setting for a protagonist’s actions. In the absence of any single hero in Pasternak’s poema, topography itself begins to move. I examine the categories of stasis and motion, central to ‘1905’, at the intersection of the visual and the verbal. The idea of reanimating the events of the first Russian revolution twenty years after the fact borders on the ekphrastic in places, where the poet transposes techniques and genres from the visual arts into a verse epic. Finally, I suggest that aesthetic perception itself is the dominant principle in the poema, as opposed to documentary faithfulness, which is traditionally emphasized in the scholarship on this work.


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The cannabinoid system (CS) is implicated in the regulation of hepatic fibrosis, steatosis and inflammation, with cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 (CB1 and CB2) being involved in regulation of pro- and antifibrogenic effects. Daily cannabis smoking is an independent risk factor for the progression of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C and a mediator of experimental alcoholic steatosis. However, the role and function of CS in alcoholic liver fibrosis (ALF) is unknown so far. Thus, human liver samples from patients with alcoholic liver disease (ALD) were collected for analysis of CB1 expression. In vitro, hepatic stellate cells (HSC) underwent treatment with acetaldehyde, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol H(2)O(2), endo- and exocannabinoids (2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and [THC]), and CB1 antagonist SR141716 (rimonabant). In vivo, CB1 knockout (KO) mice received thioacetamide (TAA)/ethanol (EtOH) to induce fibrosis. As a result, in human ALD, CB1 expression was restricted to areas with advanced fibrosis only. In vitro, acetaldehyde, H(2)O(2), as well as 2-AG and THC, alone or in combination with acetaldehyde, induced CB1 mRNA expression, whereas CB1 blockage with SR141716 dose-dependently inhibited HSC proliferation and downregulated mRNA expression of fibrosis-mediated genes PCα1(I), TIMP-1 and MMP-13. This was paralleled by marked cytotoxicity of SR141716 at high doses (5-10 μmol/L). In vivo, CB1 knockout mice showed marked resistance to alcoholic liver fibrosis. In conclusion, CB1 expression is upregulated in human ALF, which is at least in part triggered by acetaldehyde (AA) and oxidative stress. Inhibition of CB1 by SR141716, or via genetic knock-out protects against alcoholic-induced fibrosis in vitro and in vivo.


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Biliary cast syndrome (BCS) is the presence of casts within the intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary system after orthotopic liver transplantation. Our work compares two percutaneous methods for BCS treatment: the mechanical cast-extraction technique (MCE) versus the hydraulic cast-extraction (HCE) technique using a rheolytic system.