934 resultados para Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia


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Objective: The purpose of this case-control study was to evaluate risk factors associated with death in children with severe dengue. Methods: The clinical condition of hospitalized patients with severe dengue who died (cases, n = 18) was compared with that of hospitalized patients with severe dengue who survived (controls, n = 77). The inclusion criteria for this study were age under 13 years; hospital admission in São Luis, northeastern Brazil; and laboratory-confirmed diagnosis of dengue. Results: Severe bleeding (hemoptysis), a defining criterion for dengue severity, was the factor most strongly associated with death in our study. We also found that epistaxis and persistent vomiting, both included as warning signs in the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of dengue, were strongly associated with death. No significant association was observed between any of the laboratory findings and death. Conclusions: The finding that epistaxis and persistent vomiting were also associated with death in children with severe dengue was unexpected and deserves to be explored in future studies. Because intensive care units are often limited in resource-poor settings, any information that can help to distinguish patients with severe dengue with a higher risk to progress to death may be crucial.


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[EN] To unravel the mechanisms by which maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) is reduced with severe acute hypoxia in humans, nine Danish lowlanders performed incremental cycle ergometer exercise to exhaustion, while breathing room air (normoxia) or 10.5% O2 in N2 (hypoxia, approximately 5,300 m above sea level). With hypoxia, exercise PaO2 dropped to 31-34 mmHg and arterial O2 content (CaO2) was reduced by 35% (P < 0.001). Forty-one percent of the reduction in CaO2 was explained by the lower inspired O2 pressure (PiO2) in hypoxia, whereas the rest was due to the impairment of the pulmonary gas exchange, as reflected by the higher alveolar-arterial O2 difference in hypoxia (P < 0.05). Hypoxia caused a 47% decrease in VO2 max (a greater fall than accountable by reduced CaO2). Peak cardiac output decreased by 17% (P < 0.01), due to equal reductions in both peak heart rate and stroke VOlume (P < 0.05). Peak leg blood flow was also lower (by 22%, P < 0.01). Consequently, systemic and leg O2 delivery were reduced by 43 and 47%, respectively, with hypoxia (P < 0.001) correlating closely with VO2 max (r = 0.98, P < 0.001). Therefore, three main mechanisms account for the reduction of VO2 max in severe acute hypoxia: 1) reduction of PiO2, 2) impairment of pulmonary gas exchange, and 3) reduction of maximal cardiac output and peak leg blood flow, each explaining about one-third of the loss in VO2 max.


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Pochi sono i dati disponibili sul decorso clinico della malattia di Crohn del colon severa(CD). L'obiettivo è quello di descrivere il decorso clinico della colite di Crohn severa (CC) in una coorte di pazienti isolata con CD del colon o ileocolica, e di confrontarlo con il decorso clinico di pazienti affetti da colite ulcerosa severa (UC). 34 pazienti con CC severa sono stati identificati retrospettivamente nella nostra coorte di 593 pazienti ricoverati (2003-2012) attraverso la valutazione di CDAI score e HBI. 169 pazienti con UC severa sono stati identificati retrospettivamente in una coorte di 449 pazienti ricoverati (2003-2012) attraverso la valutazione del score di Lichtiger e di Truelove-Witts. Abbiamo valutato questi risultati: risposta agli steroidi, risposta ai farmaci biologici, tasso di colectomia acuta, tasso di colectomia durante il follow-up, megacolon e tasso di infezione da citomegalovirus. Non abbiamo trovato differenze significative nella risposta agli steroidi e biologici, della percentuale di infezione da citomegalovirus e di megacolon, mentre il tasso di colectomia in acuto è risultato essere maggiore nei pazienti con CC rispetto ai pazienti con UC; anche la differenza tra i tassi di colectomia alla fine del follow-up è risultata non significativa. Con l'analisi univariata la giovane età alla diagnosi è associata ad un aumentato rischio di colectomia in assoluto (p = 0,024) e in elezione (p = 0.022), ma non in acuto. Il tasso globale di colectomia nei pazienti con CC severa è superiore a quella dei pazienti con UC severa , ma questo dato non è supportato da una diversa risposta clinica alla terapia steroidea o terapia di salvataggio con biologici. Il vero decorso clinico della colite di Crohn severa necessita di essere chiarito da studi prospettici che includano un numero maggiore di pazienti con questo sottogruppo di malattia.


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Over the last decades the prevalence of food allergies has continually increased on a world wide scale. While there are effective treatments available for bee and wasp venom allergic patients, there is currently no established therapy for the treatment of severe food allergies. Aim of the project was to genetically fuse different food allergens with the immune modulating Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5)-ligand flagellin and to test these constructs for their immune modulatory capacities both in vitro and in vivo. Chicken ovalbumin (Ova) as model antigen, Pru p 3, and Ara h 2 the respective major allergens from peach and peanut were used as allergens. The potential vaccine candidates were characterized by protein biochemical methods (purity, folding, endotoxin contaminations). Moreover, their immune modulating effects on cell culture lines (TLR5-receptor activation) and primary mouse immune cells (myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells) were investigated. Additionally, the prophylactic and therapeutic use of the flagellin Ova fusion protein (rflaA:Ova) were investigated in a mouse model of intestinal allergy. In myeloid dendritic cells (mDC) stimulation with the fusion proteins led to a strong cell activation and cytokine secretion. Here, the fusion proteins proved to be a much stronger stimulus than the equimolar amount of both proteins provided alone or as a mixture. Noteworthy, stimulation with rflaA:Ova induced the secretion of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 from mDC. In co-culture experiments this IL-10 secretion suppressed the Ova-induced secretion of Th1 and Th2 cytokines from Ova-specific CD4 T cells. Using MyD88-deficient mDC this repression of cytokine secretion was shown to be TLR-dependent. Finally, the potency of the rflaA:Ova construct was investigated in a mouse model of Ova-induced intestinal allergy. In a prophylactic vaccination approach rflaA:Ova was shown to prevent the establishment of the intestinal allergy and all associated symptoms (weight loss, temperature drop, soft faeces). This fusion protein-mediated protection was accompanied by a reduced T cell activation, and reduced Th2 cytokines in intestinal homogenates. These effects were paralleled by a strong induction of Ova-specific IgG2a antibodies in rflaA:Ova-vaccinated sera, while Ova-specific IgE antibody production was significantly reduced. Therapeutic vaccination with rflaA:Ova reduced allergic symptoms and T cell activation but did not influence weight loss and antibody production. In all in vivo experiments vaccination with both proteins either provided alone or as a mixture did not have comparable effects. Future experiments aim at elucidating the mechanism and further optimization of the therapeutic vaccination approach. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate, that fusion proteins containing flagellin have strong immune modulatory capacities both in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, such constructs are promising vaccine candidates for the therapy of type I allergies.


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Die Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von Knorpel- und Knochengewebe wird durch eine Vielzahl von hemmenden oder fördernden Faktoren hoch komplex reguliert, wobei die dabei involvierten physiologischen Prozesse bisher nur teilweise verstanden werden. Auch die Ursachen sowohl degenerativer Erkrankungen, aber auch durch Mutationen im FGFR3-Gen verursachter Chondrodysplasien sind in ihrer Ätiopathogenese noch nicht vollständig erforscht. In dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene experimentelle Ansätze verfolgt, die zur weiteren Aufklärung der Pathophysiologie zweier unterschiedlicher Skeletterkrankungen beitragen sollten.rnEin relevantes Charakteristikum der degenerativen Gelenkserkrankung Osteoarthrose ist der Verlust an Aggrekan, hauptverantwortlich verursacht durch die Aggrekanase ADAMTS5. Es wurde ein Tiermodell generiert, bei dem gezielt mittels des Tet-ON-Systems die Aggrekanase mAdamts-5 überexprimiert werden kann. Nach Konstruktherstellung und Generierung als auch Charakterisierung des in vitro-Modells wurde das Tiermodell hergestellt, um die Folgen der Überexpression im Hinblick auf einen verstärkten Aggrekanabbau im Knorpel der Mäuse zu analysieren. Nach initialer Charakterisierung auf Induzierbarkeit zeigte eine Gründerlinie eine induzierbare transgene mAdamts5-Expression. Die Überprüfung auf Knorpelspezifität zeigte, sowohl embryonal als auch im adulten Tier, dass sich der verwendete, zusammengesetzte Kollagen-Typ II Promotor wie der endogene verhielt und somit funktional war. Nach Doxyzyklininduktion wurde bei der optimalen Dosis von 1 mg/ml im Vergleich zum induzierten Wildtyp-Tier eine 15%ige Abnahme des Gesamt-Glykosamino-glykan(GAG)-Gehaltes und eine um 120% erhöhte GAG-Abgabe ins Medium detektiert, was eine verstärkte Spaltung von Aggrekan bedeutete. Die transgene Aggrekanase wurde überexprimiert und spaltete verstärkt Aggrekan. Da aufgrund der histologischen Untersuchungen jedoch keine Knorpelerosionen feststellbar waren, konnte im Umkehrschluss gefolgert werden, dass der Knorpel einen Verlust an Glykosaminoglykanen bis zu einer gewissen Grenze tolerieren kann. Mit dem generierten und charakterisierten Tiermodell konnte mit dem Verlust an GAG eine Osteoarthrose-ähnliche Situation simuliert werden, insbesondere im Hinblick auf frühe Stadien der Erkrankung, bei denen noch keine makroskopisch eindeutig sichtbare Knorpelerosionen vorliegen. rnIm zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden Zellkulturexperimente zur weiteren Aufklärung FGFR3-regulierter Prozesse durchgeführt. Nach Generierung und Verifizierung der stabilen Zelllinien, die mittels des Tet-ON-Systems das FGFR3-Gen mit jeweils einer Chondrodysplasie-assoziierten Mutation (Achondroplasie-Mutation G380R, Thanatophore Dysplasie Typ II-Mutation K650E) induzierbar überexprimieren, wurden die Auswirkungen der zwei verschiedenen Mutationen anhand bereits beschriebener Signalwege untersucht. Über die Rekrutierung des ERK-Signalweges konnte bei beiden Zelllinien die Funktionalität nachgewiesen werden, wobei die Zelllinie mit der einen schwereren Phänotyp beim Menschen verursachenden TDII-Mutation eine stärkere Aktivierung zeigte. Bei der Aktivierung von STAT1 wies nur die TDII-Zelllinie eine Phosphorylierung auf, nicht jedoch die ACH-Zelllinie; dies deckte sich mit bereits publizierten Untersuchungen. Beide Kaskaden zeigten eine unterschiedliche Signalantwort aufgrund der verschiedenen Mutationen. Des Weiteren konnte eine unterschiedliche MMP13-Zielgenexpression nachgewiesen werden, wobei lediglich die ACH-Zelllinie eine erhöhte MMP13-Expression (6-fach) zeigte. Zur Identifizierung neuer involvierter FGFR3-Zielgene wurde die differentielle Genexpression der TDII-Zelllinie im Vergleich induziert/nicht induziert mittels Microarray-Hybridisierung untersucht. Als interessantes Zielgen fiel STC1 auf, welches ebenfalls eine Rolle in der Chondrogenese spielt und bislang nicht mit FGFR3 in Verbindung gebracht wurde. Es konnte jedoch nur auf RNA-Ebene eine Regulation nachgewiesen werden. Nachfolgend durchgeführte transiente Experimente zeigten, dass die Wildtyp-Variante von FGFR3 möglicherweise eine Funktion in der Sekretion des Proteins STC1 hat und dass durch die beiden eingefügten Mutationen (ACH, TDII) diese aufgehoben ist. Der Einfluss von FGFR3 auf die Sekretion von STC1 stellt ein neues Ergebnis dar, insbesondere auch die Auswirkungen der beiden für die unterschiedlichen Krankheitsbilder stehenden Mutationen. Welche Relevanz allerdings die STC1-Sekretion im Rahmen FGFR3-assoziierter Erkrankungen hat, kann nicht eindeutig beurteilt werden. Weitere Faktoren aus dem hoch komplexen Zusammenspiel während der Knorpel/Knochenentwicklung müssen untersucht werden, um eine definitive Einordnung zu ermöglichen.


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Background. A sizable group of patients with symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS) can undergo neither surgical aortic valve replacement (AVR) nor transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) because of clinical contraindications. The aim of this study was to assess the potential role of balloon aortic valvuloplasty (BAV) as a “bridge-to-decision” in selected patients with severe AS and potentially reversible contraindications to definitive treatment. Methods. We retrospectively enrolled 645 patients who underwent first BAV at our Institution between July 2007 and December 2012. Of these, the 202 patients (31.2%) who underwent BAV as bridge-to-decision (BTD) requiring clinical re-evaluation represented our study population. BTD patients were further subdivided in 5 groups: low left ventricular ejection fraction; mitral regurgitation grade ≥3; frailty; hemodynamic instability; comorbidity. The main objective of the study was to evaluate how BAV influenced the final treatment strategy in the whole BTD group and in its single specific subgroups. Results. Mean logistic EuroSCORE was 23.5±15.3%, mean age was 81±7 years. Mean transaortic gradient decreased from 47±17 mmHg to 33±14 mmHg. Of the 193 patients with BTD-BAV who received a second heart team evaluation, 72.5% were finally deemed eligible for definitive treatment (25.4%for AVR; 47.2% for TAVI): respectively, 96.7% of patients with left ventricular ejection fraction recovery; 70.5% of patients with mitral regurgitation reduction; 75.7% of patients who underwent BAV in clinical hemodynamic instability; 69.2% of frail patients and 68% of patients who presented relevant comorbidities. 27.5% of the study population was deemed ineligible for definitive treatment and treated with standard therapy/repeated BAV. In-hospital mortality was 4.5%, cerebrovascular accident occurred in 1% and overall vascular complications were 4% (0.5% major; 3.5% minor). Conclusions. Balloon aortic valvuloplasty should be considered as bridge-to-decision in high-risk patients with severe aortic stenosis who cannot be immediate candidates for definitive percutaneous or surgical treatment.


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Since the Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2), accident in 1979 which led to the meltdown of about one half of the reactor core and to limited releases of radioactive materials to the environment, an important international effort has been made on severe accident research. The present work aims to investigate the behaviour of a Small Modular Reactor during severe accident conditions. In order to perform these analyses, a SMR has been studied for the European reference severe accident analysis code ASTEC, developed by IRSN and GRS. In the thesis will be described in detail the IRIS Small Modular Reactor; the reference reactor chosen to develop the ASTEC input deck. The IRIS model was developed in the framework of a research collaboration with the IRSN development team. In the thesis will be described systematically the creation of the ASTEC IRIS input deck: the nodalization scheme adopted, the solution used to simulate the passive safety systems and the strong interaction between the reactor vessel and the containment. The ASTEC SMR model will be tested against the RELAP-GOTHIC coupled code model, with respect to a Design Basis Accident, to evaluate the capability of the ASTEC code on reproducing correctly the behaviour of the nuclear system. Once the model has been validated, a severe accident scenario will be simulated and the obtained results along with the nuclear system response will be analysed.


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OBJECTIVES: Hypoglycaemia (glucose <2.2 mmol/l) is a defining feature of severe malaria, but the significance of other levels of blood glucose has not previously been studied in children with severe malaria. METHODS: A prospective study of 437 consecutive children with presumed severe malaria was conducted in Mali. We defined hypoglycaemia as <2.2 mmol/l, low glycaemia as 2.2-4.4 mmol/l and hyperglycaemia as >8.3 mmol/l. Associations between glycaemia and case fatality were analysed for 418 children using logistic regression models and a receiver operator curve (ROC). RESULTS: There was a significant difference between blood glucose levels in children who died (median 4.6 mmol/l) and survivors (median 7.6 mmol/l, P < 0.001). Case fatality declined from 61.5% of the hypoglycaemic children to 46.2% of those with low glycaemia, 13.4% of those with normal glycaemia and 7.6% of those with hyperglycaemia (P < 0.001). Logistic regression showed an adjusted odds ratio (AOR) of 0.75 (0.64-0.88) for case fatality per 1 mmol/l increase in baseline blood glucose. Compared to a normal blood glucose, hypoglycaemia and low glycaemia both significantly increased the odds of death (AOR 11.87, 2.10-67.00; and 5.21, 1.86-14.63, respectively), whereas hyperglycaemia reduced the odds of death (AOR 0.34, 0.13-0.91). The ROC [area under the curve at 0.753 (95% CI 0.684-0.820)] indicated that glycaemia had a moderate predictive value for death and identified an optimal threshold at glycaemia <6.1 mmol/l, (sensitivity 64.5% and specificity 75.1%). CONCLUSIONS: If there is a threshold of blood glucose which defines a worse prognosis, it is at a higher level than the current definition of 2.2 mmol/l.


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The optimal management of patients with symptomatic severe ostial vertebral artery stenosis (OVAS) is currently unclear. We analyzed the long-term outcome of consecutive patients with OVAS who received either medical treatment (MT) or vertebral artery stenting (VAS).


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Dysplasia in ulcerative colitis is frequently missed with 4-quadrant biopsies. An experimental setup recording delayed fluorescence spectra simultaneously with white light endoscopy was recently developed.


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Evaluation of the technical and diagnostic feasibility of commercial multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of blood stream infections in a cohort of intensive care unit (ICU) patients with severe sepsis, performed in addition to conventional blood cultures.


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Mitochondrial tRNA(Leu(UUR)) mutation m.3302A > G is associated with respiratory chain complex I deficiency and has been described as a rare cause of mostly adult-onset slowly progressive myopathy. Five families with 11 patients have been described so far; 5 of them died young due to cardiorespiratory failure. Here, we report on a segregation study in a family with an index patient who already presented at the age of 18 months with proximal muscular hypotonia, abnormal fatigability, and lactic acidosis. This early-onset myopathy was rapidly progressive. At 8 years, the patient is wheel-chair bound, requires nocturnal assisted ventilation, and suffers from recurrent respiratory infections. Severe complex I deficiency and nearly homoplasmy for m.3302A > G were found in muscle. We collected blood, hair, buccal swabs and muscle biopsies from asymptomatic adults in this pedigree and determined heteroplasmy levels in these tissues as well as OXPHOS activities in muscle. All participating asymptomatic adults had normal OXPHOS activities. In contrast to earlier reports, we found surprisingly little variation of heteroplasmy levels in different tissues of the same individual. Up to 45% mutation load in muscle and up to 38% mutation load in other tissues were found in non-affected adults. The phenotypic spectrum of tRNA(Leu(UUR)) m.3302A > G mutation seems to be wider than previously described. A threshold of more than 45% heteroplasmy in muscle seems to be necessary to alter complex I activity leading to clinical manifestation. The presented data may be helpful for prognostic considerations and counseling in affected families.


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We present a case of a Rendu-Osler-Weber disease patient with recurrent life threatening epistaxis demanding multiple blood transfusions despite of repetitive endoscopic laser and electrocoagulations, endovascular embolisation, septodermoplasty, and long-term intranasal dressings. As alternative treatment modalities repeatedly failed and the patient became almost permanently dependent on nasal dressing, we performed a highly conformal intensity-modulated radiotherapy of the nasal cavity; a total dose of 50 Gy in 2 Gy single fractions was applied. The therapy was very well tolerated, no acute toxicities occurred. Two weeks after the last radiation dose had been applied, the nasal dressing could be removed without problems. Endoscopical control revealed an almost avascular white mucosa without any trace of bleeding spots; previously existing hemangiomas and crusts had disappeared. After a 1-year-follow up, the patient had no significant recurrent epistaxis.


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Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptors are highly overexpressed in benign insulinomas, permitting in vivo tumour visualisation with GLP-1 receptor scanning. The present study sought to evaluate the GLP-1 receptor status in vitro in other pancreatic disorders leading to hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia, specifically after gastric bypass surgery.


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To prevent iatrogenic damage, transfusions of red blood cells should be avoided. For this, specific and reliable transfusion triggers must be defined. To date, the optimal hematocrit during the initial operating room (OR) phase is still unclear in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). We hypothesized that hematocrit values exceeding 28%, the local hematocrit target reached by the end of the initial OR phase, resulted in more complications, increased mortality, and impaired recovery compared to patients in whom hematocrit levels did not exceed 28%.