983 resultados para Sector de Moda Praia
Unilever Jerónimo Martins is a Portuguese joint-venture leading firm in what concerns the supply chain industry of fast-moving consumer goods in Portugal. The scope of analysis of this Work Project is focusing on Unilever-JM operations and services in the Portuguese market regarding quality, efficiency and effectiveness over B2B customers. It will be analysed the possibility of development and implementation of a performance measurement system, Tableau de Bord, which will be crucial for the identification of potential opportunities of improvement with impact in the supply chain processes. This will be completed through the establishment of KPI’s to monitor and manage periodically logistics, planning and customer service processes’ performance, which are the ones where the bottlenecks are impacting more in the supply chain. In this work project the nexus causality for the problems will also be discussed and some recommendations will be prepared to tackle the inefficiencies found through the monitoring of the previous core processes, in order to improve efficacy and quality service of the supply chain.
The construction sector in Portugal declined sharply over the past 10 years. The current crisis can wiped out the entire industry. Can the industry survive? What lessons can we learn? What can be done to revive the sector? These are questions this study intends to answer. By analyzing the best practices of the industry and of the largest construction companies in Portugal, as well as the difficulties and constrains that they all faced, I found that retrenchment (operational costs and selling assets) are the main measures companies resort to, and that strategic reorientation is essential to turnaround. I found that internationalization is a key driver on strategic reorientation and diversification and concentration are complementary strategies that can enforce and strengthen the main one.
Due to global warming and shrinking fossil fuel resources, politics as well as society urge for a reduction of green house gas (GHG) emissions. This leads to a re-orientation towards a renewable energy sector. In this context, innovation and new technologies are key success factors. Moreover, the renewable energy sector has entered a consolidation stage, where corporate investors and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) gain in importance. Although both M&A and innovation in the renewable energy sector are important corporate strategies, the link between those two aspects has not been examined before. The present thesis examines the research question how M&A influence the acquirer’s post-merger innovative performance in the renewable energy sector. Based on a framework of relevant literature, three hypotheses are defined. First, the relation between non-technology oriented M&A and post-merger innovative performance is discussed. Second, the impact of absolute acquired knowledge on postmerger innovativeness is examined. Third, the target-acquirer relatedness is discussed. A panel data set of 117 firms collected over a period of six years has been analyzed via a random effects negative binomial regression model and a time lag of one year. The results support a non-significant, negative impact of non-technology M&A on postmerger innovative performance. The applied model did not support a positive and significant impact of absolute acquired knowledge on post-merger innovative performance. Lastly, the results suggest a reverse relation than postulated by Hypothesis 3. Targets from the same industry significantly and negatively influence the acquirers’ innovativeness.
This research provides an insight into income taxes reporting in Angola, based on hand collected data from the annual reports of banks. Empirical studies on Angolan companies are scarce, in part due to the limited access to data. The results show that income taxes’ reporting has improved over the years 2010-2013, becoming more reliable and understandable. The Angolan Government is boosting the economic growth through tax benefits in the investment in public debt, which cause a reduction in the banks’ effective tax rate. The new income tax law will reduce the statutory tax rate from 2015 onwards and change the taxable income, resulting in shifting the focus to promoting private investment.
As nonprofits do not have access to the same capital markets as for-profit enterprises, organizations usually scramble for funding to keep up with their mission. This scenario can be changed through the use of the right financial engineering. This Work Project aims at studying an innovative financing mechanism based on the concept of quasi-equity for organizations devoted to social ends to cope with their capital needs. A quasi-equity investment model is built for the Portuguese social business SPEAK, and an in-depth assessment of its current financial, organizational and impact situations is conducted. This is a pioneer case study in Portugal.
A presente tese enfrenta o tema do documentário e da ficção no cinema de etnoficção português pondo ao centro deste binómio o vestuário como fenómeno, ora votado a explicitar a verosimilhança das sequencias, ora ferramenta para criar uma simulação da realidade. Tratamos o termo etnoficção como se fosse um género cinematográfico e escolhemos, como exemplo de analise, 3 trilogias do cinema português. Tratamos o vestuário de acordo com os novos conceitos do corpo revestido que veem da Fashion Theory e nossas bases teóricas serão Simmel e Bogatyrev, Barthes e Calefato, entre outros. Analisar o vestuário de filmes por género ajuda por um lado na criação de uma primeira definição de todo este tipo de vestuário e por outro a compreender a sua importância dentro de uma obra fílmica. As partes teóricas sobre Fashion Theory e sobre o conceito de etno-ficção serão depois aplicadas aos filmes escolhidos, tentando ampliar os conhecimentos através da introdução de outros autores que se debruçaram sobre os dois assuntos, ao fim de unificar os dois conceitos, do corpo revestido e da etno-ficção, num só, de vestuário cinematográfico. Filmes analisados. Trilogia do Mar, de Leitão de Barros: Nazaré, praia de pescadores (1927), Maria do Mar (1929), Ala arriba! (1942); Trilogia de Trás-os-Montes, de António Reis e Margarina Cordeiro: Trás-os-Montes (1976), Ana (1984), Rosa de areia (1989); Trilogia das Fontainhas, de Pedro Costa: Ossos (1997), O quarto da Vanda (2000), Juventude em marcha (2006).
Estudo e sugestões de melhorias de eficiência energética numa empresa do sector industrial de carnes
Desta dissertação resultou uma análise ao consumo energético associado aos produtos mais comerci-alizados por uma Empresa, inserida no sector industrial de carnes, e de respectivas medidas de ges-tão de energia eléctrica e de implementação de tecnologia térmica para optimizara a eficiência ener-gética da instalação. A avaliação realizada nesta dissertação permitiu identificar os processos que mais energia consomem, nomeadamente todos os produtos que envolvem a fumagem. Com base nes-tes resultados a empresa pode identificar as prioridades em termos de redução e melhoria da eficiên-cia energética. O estudo de gestão da energia eléctrica permitiu concluir que é mais proveitoso man-ter em funcionamento os processos pontuais durante os períodos nocturnos ou durante o fim-de-semana, permitindo, no segundo caso, obter uma poupança de 16% nos custos associados de cada vez que se colocar a linha de produção de peito de peru fumado entre o período semanal para o perí-odo entre sexta-feira e domingo, visto ser a linha de produção estudada que mais energia eléctrica consome. Na análise de pré-aquecimento dos fluidos utilizados na empresa através de recuperadores de calor, concluiu-se que é mais benéfico pré-aquecer a água utilizada para o processo de fumagem, visto obter-se uma poupança económica de 6 € e 11,8 m3 de gás natural por aplicação, ou seja, de cada vez que é utilizada água pré-aquecida através deste procedimento, tendo-se obtido valores de poupança energética entre 24 e 60% para os vários fluidos estudados.
Portugal implemented a large number of structural reforms in the recent years, which are expected to enhance the allocation of resources in the economy, namely from the non-tradable to tradable sector. We argue that the methodology to identify the tradable sector used by some international institutions is outdated and may hamper an accurate assessment of the progress achieved so far. Based on an enhanced methodology to identify the tradable sector, we are able to provide a more accurate, clearer picture of the recent structural developments of the Portuguese economy.
A cidade é, hoje, o reflexo dos modelos de desenvolvimento da sociedade. A sua forma e dimensão são decorrentes de um conjunto de dinâmicas de difícil conformação e que, em grande parte, se suportam em parâmetros que permitem influenciar o futuro desenvolvimento, operacionalidade e desempenho da cidade. O resultado visível do crescimento das cidades em contexto insular tem, na sua génese, um conjunto de elementos que são muito diferentes de qualquer dos outros contextos geográficos e desenvolvidos em sociedades sem a especificidade da insularidade. A importância da identificação dos parâmetros que determinaram a evolução da cidade nos seus diferentes modelos é uma problemática que ganha acrescida relevância torna-se num desafio na procura do atingir de uma dinâmica ambiental, social e económica, resultado de um desenvolvimento mais sustentável. A presente investigação desenvolve um estudo sobre a cidade em contexto insular, questionando se será possível definir um conjunto de parâmetros para a construção da cidade insular tropical. Elabora um modelo suportado em elementos paramétricos que, quando aplicados à cidade insular, possibilita o seu desenvolvimento, numa base de desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade. O modelo de planeamento das cidades beneficia do conhecimento e identificação de parâmetros determinantes para o seu desenvolvimento futuro e sustentável. Quando conjugado com a realidade social, económica e ambiental, tal saber auxilia ao processo de desenvolvimento e, quando necessário, às acções de regeneração da cidade, dado estas dependerem de inúmeros interesses e relações. O recurso a soluções consideradas como bem-sucedidas noutras regiões nem sempre é significado de poderem ser adoptadas noutros contextos mais fragilizados: assegurar a integração da população no processo do planeamento para que esta se sinta identificada e não obrigada a aceitar um contexto que lhe pode ser completamente adverso. A funcionalidade, a estética, harmonia e identidade devem ser, também, elementos definidores de uma solução adoptada para o contexto insular. A construção de um conjunto de parâmetros para a determinação do modelo de planeamento e a sua aplicabilidade, conduz a proposta de nova forma de desenvolvimento urbano estruturado em contexto adaptado à realidade insular e no quadro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. A investigação desenvolvida permite concluir que a utilização do modelo paramétrico pode contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade de vida na cidade insular, presente e futura.
This case study illustrates the application of the Value Creation Radar (VCR) to SenSyF, an Earth Observation (EO) system which was developed by Deimos Engenharia S.A. (DME), the Portuguese affiliate of Elecnor Deimos. It describes how a team of consultants adopted the VCR in order to find new market applications for SenSyF, selected the one with the highest potential, and defined a path to guarantee a sustainable market launch. This case study highlights the main challenges of bringing a technology-driven company closer to the market in the pursuit of long-term sustainability, while not compromising its technological capabilities
Foundations’ importance in the actual economy has been increasingly recognized. This work project assesses the impact of the new legal framework in the foundations’ financial reporting and offers a financial statement analysis of the Portuguese foundational sector. It unveils links between financial performance and characteristics of foundations, and profiles foundations in three clusters, each with different approaches to disclosure, volunteer workforce, and taxes. It is concluded that foundations are not respecting the benefits trusted to them, calling for a tighter control to their financial reporting, and that even though that slowly, the sector is expected to continue growing.
The case describes the development of MyFARM’s internationalization plan, a service of Deimos Engenharia, under the GloCal Radar. This space engineering company hired Lisbon Consulting Company to undertake the project to overcome its lack of market orientation. The consultants’ analysis revealed Stevens County, Kansas, as the market with the highest potential for MyFARM. A suitable entry strategy and adaptation of the service for the local market was proposed. The case culminates with the Board of Directors discussing the viability of implementing the consultants’ recommendations to start diversifying their sources of revenue streams.
Many Nonprofit Organizations are pursuing mergers and alliances with the purpose of become more sustainable, better use their resources, and generate a higher impact. This report wants to bring further concrete evidences to the contents highlighted by the researchers. Firstly, a theoretical framework is derived from the literature analysis. Based on that a case study is developed, which see the NOVA SBE and the IES – SBS planning a strategic alliance to constitute a new Social Entrepreneurship Center. A first analysis of the strategic alliance plan showed a wide potential in terms of impact generated and sustainability, only the future steps will be able to demonstrate the successful implementation.
This Work Project aims to discuss the Context Costs and Comparative Advantages of the Telecommunications sector both in Portugal and China. The work was built mostly on primary research by interviews with relevant people (business persons, University Professors and Agencies directors), and by economic data publicly available. A list of context costs and comparative advantages was drawn for each country and possible resolutions suggestions were made in the end. The context costs depend heavily on the economic situation of the countries and it should be taken into account when assessing the degree of magnitude of each cost of context. The competitive advantages of each country were drawn in comparison with one another. Some key results stand out: firstly, Portugal’s costs of context depend mainly on governmental decisions, uncertainties and instability and China’s cost of context depend primarily on cultural norms, mainly the Guanxi; second, the telecommunications sector shares most of its context costs and advantages with other sectors; third, China as an economic power could use the telecommunications sector as a way to further develop and boost its economy.