937 resultados para Salt stress. Osmolytes. Halobacteria and metagenome


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Behavior of granular material subjected to repeated load triaxial compression tests is characterized by a model based on rate process theory. Starting with the Arrhenius equation from chemical kinetics, the relationship of temperature, shear stress, normal stress and volume change to deformation rate is developed. The proposed model equation includes these factors as a product of exponential terms. An empirical relationship between deformation and the cube root of the number of stress applications at constant temperature and normal stress is combined with the rate equation to yield an integrated relationship of temperature, deviator stress, confining pressure and number of deviator stress applications to axial strain. The experimental program consists of 64 repeated load triaxial compression tests, 52 on untreated crushed stone and 12 on the same crushed stone material treated with 4% asphalt cement. Results were analyzed with multiple linear regression techniques and show substantial agreement with the model equations. Experimental results fit the rate equation somewhat better than the integrated equation when all variable quantities are considered. The coefficient of shear temperature gives the activation enthalpy, which is about 4.7 kilocalories/mole for untreated material and 39.4 kilocalories/mole for asphalt-treated material. This indicates the activation enthalpy is about that of the pore fluid. The proportionality coefficient of deviator stress may be used to measure flow unit volume. The volumes thus determined for untreated and asphalt-treated material are not substantially different. This may be coincidental since comparison with flow unit volumes reported by others indicates flow unit volume is related to gradation of untreated material. The flow unit volume of asphalt-treated material may relate to asphalt cement content. The proposed model equations provide a more rational basis for further studies of factors affecting deformation of granular materials under stress similar to that in pavement subjected to transient traffic loads.


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Apesar de todos nós nos esquecermos, é comum atribuir-se os lapsos de memória às pessoas com idades avançadas. A evidência científica tem, no entanto, demonstrado que o esquecimento advém de uma multiplicidade de factores, como por exemplo, o excesso de trabalho, falta de descanso, entre outros. Neste estudo pretende-se saber se existe associação entre a tríade conceptual ansiedade, stress e depressão e os lapsos de memória, numa população em idade activa e com habilitações académicas de nível superior. A amostra é constituída por 68 professores que exercem a sua actividade profissional na Escola E.B. 2,3 de Cantanhede. A recolha dos dados foi efectuada recorrendo a: um questionário elaborado por nós, constituído por questões abertas e fechadas, uma Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress (EADS-21) e um Questionário de lapsos de memória (QLM). As análises estatísticas dos questionários foram efectuadas recorrendo ao programa informático SPSS (versão 15). As análises tiveram com objectivo final a testagem das hipóteses e tomaram em consideração a natureza métrica das variáveis. / In spite of all of we forget ourselves, it is common the lapses of memory are attributed to the persons with advanced ages. The scientific evidence has, however, when that the oblivion results from a multiplicity of factors was demonstrated, I eat for example, the excess of work, rest lack, between others. In this study one intends to know if there is association between the conceptual triad anxiety, stress and depression and the lapses of memory, in a population in active age and with academic competences of superior level. The sample is constituted by 68 teachers who practice his professional activity in the School E.B. 2,3 of Cantanhede. The gathering of the data was effectuated resorting to: a questionnaire prepared by us, constituted by questions open and shut, a Scale of Anxiety, Depression and Stress (EADS-21) and a Questionnaire of lapses of memory (QLM). The statistical analyses of the questionnaires were effectuated when there is resorting to the program informatics SPSS (version 15). The analyses had with final objective the testate of the hypotheses and took in consideration the metric nature of the variables.


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PURPOSE: The use of information and communication technology (ICT) is common in modern working life. ICT demands may give rise to experience of work-related stress. Knowledge about ICT demands in relation to other types of work-related stress and to self-rated health is limited. Consequently, the aim of this study was to examine the association between ICT demands and two types of work-related stress [job strain and effort-reward imbalance (ERI)] and to evaluate the association between these work-related stress measures and self-rated health, in general and in different SES strata. METHODS: This study is based on cross-sectional data from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health collected in 2014, from 14,873 gainfully employed people. ICT demands, job strain, ERI and self-rated health were analysed as the main measures. Sex, age, SES, lifestyle factors and BMI were used as covariates. RESULTS: ICT demands correlated significantly with the dimensions of the job strain and ERI models, especially with the demands (r = 0.42; p < 0.01) and effort (r = 0.51; p < 0.01) dimensions. ICT demands were associated with suboptimal self-rated health, also after adjustment for age, sex, SES, lifestyle and BMI (OR 1.49 [95 % CI 1.36-1.63]), but job strain (OR 1.93 [95 % CI 1.74-2.14) and ERI (OR 2.15 [95 % CI 1.95-2.35]) showed somewhat stronger associations with suboptimal self-rated health. CONCLUSION: ICT demands are common among people with intermediate and high SES and associated with job strain, ERI and suboptimal self-rated health. ICT demands should thus be acknowledged as a potential stressor of work-related stress in modern working life.


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Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho


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Ecological network analysis was applied in the Seine estuary ecosystem, northern France, integrating ecological data from the years 1996 to 2002. The Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) approach was used to model the trophic flows in 6 spatial compartments leading to 6 distinct EwE models: the navigation channel and the two channel flanks in the estuary proper, and 3 marine habitats in the eastern Seine Bay. Each model included 12 consumer groups, 2 primary producers, and one detritus group. Ecological network analysis was performed, including a set of indices, keystoneness, and trophic spectrum analysis to describe the contribution of the 6 habitats to the Seine estuary ecosystem functioning. Results showed that the two habitats with a functioning most related to a stressed state were the northern and central navigation channels, where building works and constant maritime traffic are considered major anthropogenic stressors. The strong top-down control highlighted in the other 4 habitats was not present in the central channel, showing instead (i) a change in keystone roles in the ecosystem towards sediment-based, lower trophic levels, and (ii) a higher system omnivory. The southern channel evidenced the highest system activity (total system throughput), the higher trophic specialisation (low system omnivory), and the lowest indication of stress (low cycling and relative redundancy). Marine habitats showed higher fish biomass proportions and higher transfer efficiencies per trophic levels than the estuarine habitats, with a transition area between the two that presented intermediate ecosystem structure. The modelling of separate habitats permitted disclosing each one's response to the different pressures, based on their a priori knowledge. Network indices, although non-monotonously, responded to these differences and seem a promising operational tool to define the ecological status of transitional water ecosystems.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) results from histologic and gene alterations can lead to a massive cellular proliferation. Most of the authors assume multifactorial causes to CRC genesis. Low physical activity, a fat diet poor in fibers and smoking habits seems to have an important role in CRC. However, there are also genetic causes associated with CRC risk. It has been described that oxidative stress levels could influence CRC development. Thus, cellular balance reactive species and defense enzymes involved in oxidative stress are crucial to maintain a good tissue function and avoid neoplasic process. Therefore, genome variations on these defense enzymes, such as MNSOD, SOD3, GSTP1, GSTT1 and GSTM1, could be important biomarkers to colorectal adenocarcinomas. We intend to determine frequencies distribution of most common polymorphisms involved on oxidative stress regulation (MNSOD, SOD3, GSTP1, GSTT1 and GSTM1) in patients with sporadic colorectal adenocarcinoma (SCA) and in healthy controls, evaluation their possible correlation with SCA risk. Samples common polymorphisms of antioxidant and detoxify genes (MNSOD T175C, SOD3 R213G, GSTP1 A105G, GSTP1 C114T, GSTT1del and GSTM1del) analysis was done by PCR-SSP techniques. In this study we found a higher prevalence of MNSOD 175CC (55% vs 2%; p<0.0001; OR: 58.5; CI 13.3 to 256.7), SOD3 213GG (31% vs 2%; p<0.0001; OR: 21.89; CI 4.93 to 97.29), GSTP1 105GG (46% vs 12%; p<0.0001; OR: 6.14; CI 2.85 to 13.26), GSTP1 114TT (38% vs 0%; p<0.0001; OR: Infinity) and GSTT1 null (75% vs 28%; p<0.0001; OR: 7.71; CI 3.83 to 15.56) mutated genotypes among SCA patients, while the normal genotypes were associated with SCA absence. Furthermore, we found GSTP1 114TT mutated genotype (52% vs 27%; p=0.003; OR: 2.88; CI: 1.41 to 5.89) and GSTT1 null genotype (87% vs 65%; p=0.003; OR: 3.66; CI 1.51 to 8.84) associated with colon samples. These findings suggest a positive association between most of common polymorphisms involved on oxidative stress regulation and SCA prevalence. Dysregulation of MNSOD, SOD3, GSTP1, GSTT1 and GSTM1 genes could be associated with an increase of ROS in colon and rectum tissue and p53 pathway deregulation, induced by oxidative stress on colonic and rectal cells. The present study also provides preliminary evidence that MNSOD 175C, SOD3 213G, GSTP1 105G, GSTP1 114T and GSTT1 null polymorphisms, may be involved in SCA risk and could be useful to clarify this multifactorial disorder.


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Metabolism in an environment containing of 21% oxygen has a high risk of oxidative damage due to the formation of reactive oxygen species. Therefore, plants have evolved an antioxidant system consisting of metabolites and enzymes that either directly scavenge ROS or recycle the antioxidant metabolites. Ozone is a temporally dynamic molecule that is both naturally occurring as well as an environmental pollutant that is predicted to increase in concentration in the future as anthropogenic precursor emissions rise. It has been hypothesized that any elevation in ozone concentration will cause increased oxidative stress in plants and therefore enhanced subsequent antioxidant metabolism, but evidence for this response is variable. Along with increasing atmospheric ozone concentrations, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is also rising and is predicted to continue rising in the future. The effect of elevated carbon dioxide concentrations on antioxidant metabolism varies among different studies in the literature. Therefore, the question of how antioxidant metabolism will be affected in the most realistic future atmosphere, with increased carbon dioxide concentration and increased ozone concentration, has yet to be answered, and is the subject of my thesis research. First, in order to capture as much of the variability in the antioxidant system as possible, I developed a suite of high-throughput quantitative assays for a variety of antioxidant metabolites and enzymes. I optimized these assays for Glycine max (soybean), one of the most important food crops in the world. These assays provide accurate, rapid and high-throughput measures of both the general and specific antioxidant action of plant tissue extracts. Second, I investigated how growth at either elevated carbon dioxide concentration or chronic elevated ozone concentration altered antioxidant metabolism, and the ability of soybean to respond to an acute oxidative stress in a controlled environment study. I found that growth at chronic elevated ozone concentration increased the antioxidant capacity of leaves, but was unchanged or only slightly increased following an acute oxidative stress, suggesting that growth at chronic elevated ozone concentration primed the antioxidant system. Growth at high carbon dioxide concentration decreased the antioxidant capacity of leaves, increased the response of the existing antioxidant enzymes to an acute oxidative stress, but dampened and delayed the transcriptional response, suggesting an entirely different regulation of the antioxidant system. Third, I tested the findings from the controlled environment study in a field setting by investigating the response of the soybean antioxidant system to growth at elevated carbon dioxide concentration, chronic elevated ozone concentration and the combination of elevated carbon dioxide concentration and elevated ozone concentration. In this study, I confirmed that growth at elevated carbon dioxide concentration decreased specific components of antioxidant metabolism in the field. I also verified that increasing ozone concentration is highly correlated with increases in the metabolic and genomic components of antioxidant metabolism, regardless of carbon dioxide concentration environment, but that the response to increasing ozone concentration was dampened at elevated carbon dioxide concentration. In addition, I found evidence suggesting an up regulation of respiratory metabolism at higher ozone concentration, which would supply energy and carbon for detoxification and repair of cellular damage. These results consistently support the conclusion that growth at elevated carbon dioxide concentration decreases antioxidant metabolism while growth at elevated ozone concentration increases antioxidant metabolism.


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Water used for irrigation in semiarid regions of the world is not always of good quality, and may contain salts levels that inhibit plants growth. This study was conducted to evaluate the growth of papaya ( Carica papaya L.) ‘Golden’ seedlings irrigated with saline water in soil with and without bovine biofertilizer produced by anaerobic fermentation of a mixture of fresh bovine manure and water. The experiment was carried out in Areia County, Paraiba State, Brazil. Treatments were distributed in randomized blocks using a factorial design 5 × 2 relative to five salinity levels in irrigation water of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 dS m-1 in soil with and without bovine biofertilizer, corresponding to 10% of the substrate volume. At 90 d after emergence (DAE), both the electrical conductivity (EC) in soil saturation extract, biometric growth and DM production of papaya seedlings were evaluated. Increased salinity from 0.5 to 4.0 dS m-1 raised, within 90 DAE, soil EC of saturation extract (ECse) from 1.19 to 3.95 dS m-1 and from 1.23 to 3.63 dS m-1 in treatments with and without bovine biofertilizer, respectively. Also, the increase in water salinity from 0.5 dS m-1 to the estimated maximum values ranging from 1.46 to 2.13 dS m-1 stimulated seedling height to 11.42 and 18.72 cm in soil with and without bovine biofertilizer, respectively. Higher salinity levels in irrigation water increased soil salinity levels to values that inhibited both growth and quality of papaya seedlings, but with less severity when treated with bovine biofertilizer.


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High quality snap bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. ) can be produced under rain-fed conditions, provided that adequate moisture is available. However, drought may occur at any stage of growth of snap bean. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of drought stress at different growth stages on pod physical quality and nutrient concentrations. An experiment was conducted at the Horticulture Greenhouse, Hawassa University in Ethiopia. Drought stress (50% of field capacity [FC]) was applied at the unfolding of the fourth trifoliate leaf, flowering and pod formation, against a control with no drought stress. The drought stress treatments and eight cultivars were arranged as a factorial experiment in a completely randomised design, with three replications. Drought stress (50% FC) during reproductive stages significantly (P<0.05) reduced pod texture, appearance, and pod curvature. Drought stress increased protein and zinc concentrations by 41 and 15%, respectively; but reduced iron concentration by 15% in snap bean pods. All the tested cultivars had relatively similar responses to drought stress.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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The preparation and administration of medications is one of the most common and relevant functions of nurses, demanding great responsibility. Incorrect administration of medication, currently constitutes a serious problem in health services, and is considered one of the main adverse effects suffered by hospitalized patients. Objectives: Identify the major errors in the preparation and administration of medication by nurses in hospitals and know what factors lead to the error occurred in the preparation and administration of medication. Methods: A systematic review of the literature. Deined as inclusion criteria: original scientiic papers, complete, published in the period 2011 to May 2016, the SciELO and LILACS databases, performed in a hospital environment, addressing errors in preparation and administration of medication by nurses and in Portuguese language. After application of the inclusion criteria obtained a sample of 7 articles. Results: The main errors identiied in the pr eparation and administration of medication were wrong dose 71.4%, wrong time 71.4%, 57.2% dilution inadequate, incorrect selection of the patient 42.8% and 42.8% via inadequate. The factors that were most commonly reported by the nursing staff, as the cause of the error was the lack of human appeal 57.2%, inappropriate locations for the preparation of medication 57.2%, the presence of noise and low brightness in preparation location 57, 2%, professionals untrained 42.8%, fatigue and stress 42.8% and inattention 42.8%. Conclusions: The literature shows a high error rate in the preparation and administration of medication for various reasons, making it important that preventive measures of this occurrence are implemented.


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Parenting is a robust predictor of developmental outcomes among children with ADHD. Early parenting predicts the persistence and course of ADHD and comorbid problems above and beyond risk associated with shared genetic effects. Yet, on average, mothers of children with ADHD are less positive and more negative in their parent-child interactions compared to mothers of non-disordered children. Little is known about psychobiological markers which may be associated with individual variations in maternal parenting in families of children with ADHD. Neurobiological models of parenting suggest that maternal cortisol levels following a stressor may be positively associated with hostile and intrusive parenting; however, to date no studies have examined maternal cortisol reactivity and parenting in school-age, or clinical samples of, children. Mothers’ regulation of physiological stress responses may be particularly important for families of children with ADHD, as parenting a child with chronically challenging behaviors represents a persistent environmental stressor. The current study sought to extend the existing literature by providing an empirical examination of the relationship between maternal cortisol reactivity following two laboratory stressors and parenting among mothers of children with and without ADHD. It was hypothesized that child ADHD group would moderate the relationship between cortisol reactivity and self-reported and observed parenting. Greater total cortisol output and greater increase in cortisol during the TSST were associated with decreased positive parenting and increased negative and directive parenting, with the exception of parental involvement, which was associated with increased cortisol output during the TSST. Conversely, cortisol output during the PCI was associated with increased positive parenting, increased parental involvement, and decreased negative parenting. In contrast to the TSST, a greater decrease in cortisol during the PCI indicated more positive parenting and parental involvement. These associations were specific to mothers of children with ADHD, with the exception of maternal directiveness, which was specific to comparison mothers. Findings add to our understanding of physiological processes associated with maternal parenting and contribute to an integrative biological, psychological, and cognitive process model of parenting in families of children with ADHD.


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The response of "Kerman" pistachio trees budded on three different rootstocks (Pistacia terebinthus, Pista-cia atlantica and Pistacia integerrima) to regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) in shallow soils was studied for3 years. The trees were either fully irrigated (C treatment) or subjected to deficit irrigation during Stage IIof fruit growth with two water stress thresholds (T1 and T2). The irrigation scheduling for fully-irrigatedtrees and water-stressed trees was managed by means of midday stem water potential (?stem) measure-ments. The use of direct measurements of the water status allowed estimating accurately the irrigationrequirements for pistachio trees, with water reductions ranging from 46 to 205 mm in fully-irrigatedtrees. The combination of the ?stemuse and the RDI regime saved 43?70% in T1 and 48?73% in T2 ofwater compared to the calculated crop evapotranspiration (ETc) for fully irrigated treatment (C).Deficit irrigation during Stage II significantly reduced the vegetative growth of the trees. Yield and fruitquality were not affected by any irrigation regime, except during the first year of the study. Thus, theresults indicate that full irrigation scheduling and RDI can be achieved successfully using ?stemtool onpistachio trees growing in shallow soils. A ?stemthreshold of ?1.5 MPa during stage II (T1) was suggestedfor RDI scheduling, as it did not reduce the yield or the production value. However a ?stemthresholdof ?2.0 MPa (T2) resulted in a significant reduction and an extensive delay in the recovery of stomatalconductance (gl),with negative effects on long-term pistachio production.P. integerrima showed a weaker capacity of adaptation to the study conditions compared to P. atlanticaand P. terebinthus, having a tendency to get more stressed and to produce a lower quality crop.


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Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in children. Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of stress management program using cognitive behavior approach on mental health of the mothers of the children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Patients and Methods: In this interventional study, 90 mothers of the children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were randomly allocated into three intervention, placebo, and control groups. The general health questionnaire was used to measure mental health. Besides, stress was assessed through the depression-anxiety-stress scale. The two instruments were completed at baseline, immediately after, and one month after the intervention by the mothers. Afterwards, within group comparisons were made using one-sample repeated measurement ANOVA. One-way ANOVA was used for inter group comparisons. Mothers in the placebo group only participated in meetings to talk and express feelings without receiving any interventions. Results: At the baseline, no significant difference was found among the three groups regarding the means of stress, anxiety, depression, and mental health. However, a significant difference was observed in the mean score of stress immediately after the intervention (P = 0.033). The results also showed a significant difference among the three groups regarding the mean score of mental health (P < 0.001). One month after the intervention, the mean difference of mental health score remained significant only in the intervention group (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The study findings confirmed the effectiveness of stress management program utilizing cognitive behavior approach in mental health of the mothers of the children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.


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Diabetes mellitus is a complex and progressive metabolic disease which is associated with multiple complications. Chronic hyperglycaemia is the defining characteristic of diabetes mellitus. Hyperglycaemia leads to generation of free radicals and induces oxidative stress, which has become the chief factor that leads to diabetic complications. This review supports the use of antioxidant vitamins as therapeutic agents in the management of diabetes mellitus and its complications, and also provides an insight into the potential pharmacological effects of natural antioxidant vitamins in diabetic conditions. These antioxidant vitamins can be used as safe supplements to manage the occurrence and complications of the disease. Selected studies have reported on the beneficial effects of antioxidant vitamins in experimental models. The involvement of oxidative stress in diabetes and its complications has made the use of natural antioxidant vitamins (free radical scavengers) from plants inevitable as they may be very effective and safer in the management of diabetes.