998 resultados para Res iudicata


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A 2?? edi????o de 2013 do Boletim Eletr??nico de Bibliografias Especializadas destaca o tema Igualdade de G??nero. O documento traz indica????es de pu-blica????es do acervo da Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos/ENAP com reflex??es acerca das desi-gualdades entre homens e mulheres e suas consequ??ncias ?? sociedade. O objetivo ?? dar publicidade a esses materiais, visando a con-tribuir para uma melhor compreens??o do com-plexo cen??rio de defini????o das prioridades p??blicas e da formula????o de pol??ticas p??blicas governamentais comprometidas com a pers-pectiva de g??nero, em seus diversos aspectos. De acordo com a Organiza????o das Na????es Unidas para a Educa????o, a Ci??ncia e a Cultura (Unesco), os direitos das mulheres devem ser entendidos como direitos humanos e cultu-rais fundamentais. J?? a Pol??tica Nacional para as Mulheres, coordenada pela Secre-taria Especial de Pol??ticas para as Mulhe-res (SPM), da Presid??ncia da Rep??blica, tem como pressupostos e princ??pios a equi-dade, a autonomia das mulheres, a laicida-de do Estado, a universalidade das pol??ti-cas, a justi??a social, a transpar??ncia dos atos p??blicos, a participa????o e o controle social.


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Com a transforma????o da Escola Superior de Agricultura de Lavras na Universidade Federal de Lavras (Ufla), a estrutura existente n??o estava preparada para suportar o crescimento. O saneamento era feito por meio de sumidouros, os res??duos de laborat??rios (qu??micos e biol??gicos) eram descartados de forma inadequada prejudicando o meio ambiente, havia ocorr??ncia de inc??ndios na ??rea do campus. A Administra????o da Ufla estruturou uma s??rie de a????es para solucionar esses problemas. Assim surgiu o Plano Ambiental da Ufla, que aborda conceitos de sustentabilidade e compreendeu a????es que envolvem praticamente todas as quest??es ambientais (implanta????o de Programa de Gerenciamento de Res??duos Qu??micos, tratamento dos res??duos s??lidos, saneamento b??sico, esta????o de tratamento de esgoto, constru????es ecologicamente corretas, prote????o de nascentes e matas ciliares, preven????o e controle de inc??ndios, preven????o de endemias e gest??o de energia). Hoje a Ufla ?? uma universidade sustent??vel


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As atividades humanas s??o inerentemente poluidoras. Os servi??os de diagn??stico t??m alcan??ado altos n??veis de evolu????o tecnol??gica, mas os cuidados com os res??duos gerados n??o tiveram o mesmo ritmo de crescimento. O Servi??o de An??lises Cl??nicas do Hospital de Cl??nicas da Universidade Federal do Paran?? (UFPR), preocupado com esse panorama, iniciou um projeto para valoriza????o do meio ambiente, contemplando a segrega????o de res??duos, que foram classificados de acordo com as normas vigentes em 2002 (resolu????es Conama 05/93 e 283/01). A principal etapa do projeto foi o treinamento dos funcion??rios, a padroniza????o de lixeiras, a avalia????o dos res??duos, a forma????o de um grupo de teatro e a apresenta????o da pe??a ???Lixo pro lixo???. Com o adequado gerenciamento dos res??duos, houve redu????o de envio ?? coleta hospitalar e incalcul??veis ganhos ambientais


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Esse documento trata de: compet??ncia do titular dos servi??os; composi????o dos Servi??os P??blicos de Saneamento B??sico; gest??o associada dos servi??os p??blicos de saneamento: a import??ncia dos cons??rcios p??blicos e dos conv??nios de coopera????o; Planejamento do Saneamento B??sico; atividades de regula????o, organiza????o, fiscaliza????o e presta????o dos servi??os


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A reconstru????o do Estado se tornou quest??o central nos anos 90, alavancando a reforma administrativa proposta no Plano Diretor a uma das prioridades do governo Fernando Henrique. O artigo aponta as bases sobre as quais est??o ancoradas as propostas da reforma e quais as diretrizes que a norteiam. Se a administra????o p??blica burocr??tica foi eficiente em um momento hist??rico para combater o patrimonialismo (confus??o entre o p??blico e o privado) instalado no Estado, hoje ?? a administra????o p??blica gerencial que se faz necess??ria para reconstruir o Estado, tornando-o mais eficiente, impedindo a sua privatiza????o, protegendo a rep??blica, dotando-o de meios para alcan??ar uma boa governan??a e voltando-o para o cidad??o.


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Este artigo apresenta as principais conclus??es de pesquisa realizada no ??mbito do Instituto de Pesquisa Econ??mica Aplicada (Ipea), que buscou responder ?? seguinte pergunta: ???no ??mbito do Poder Executivo federal, quais s??o os principais fatores que influenciam o potencial de efetividade das audi??ncias p??blicas como mecanismo de participa????o social no processo de gest??o das pol??ticas p??blicas????. O estudo se estrutura a partir do conceito de pesquisa aplicada, tendo como foco a melhoria do processo de organiza????o e gest??o de audi??ncias p??blicas (AP). A pesquisa teve a dura????o de um ano e contou com an??lise bibliogr??fica, entrevistas com gestores p??blicos e profissionais atuantes em organiza????es n??o governamentais, al??m de quatro estudos de caso de audi??ncias p??blicas realizadas por ??rg??os do governo federal: a elabora????o do Plano Nacional de Res??duos S??lidos (PNRS); a discuss??o sobre as minutas do Edital de Licita????o e Contrato de Permiss??o dos Servi??os de Transporte Rodovi??rio Interestadual de Passageiros e o licenciamento ambiental de dois grandes projetos de hidrel??tricas ??? Santo Ant??nio e Jirau, em Rond??nia, e Belo Monte, no Par??


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Os objetos desta pesquisa s??o: 1) a atua????o das elites burocr??ticas do Poder Executivo Federal no processo de transi????o pol??tica no Brasil, nos anos 1980; 2) as frentes de reforma na Nova Rep??blica, nas ??reas social, econ??mica e administrativa e 3) as tentativas de renova????o da gest??o p??blica representadas pela cria????o da Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP) e da Carreira de Gestor Governamental (EPPGG). Esse era um contexto de reinstitucionaliza????o da fun????o diretiva do Estado e de deslocamento das fronteiras entre o burocr??tico e o pol??tico no setor p??blico brasileiro. A hip??tese central aqui defendida ?? de que a ENAP e a Carreira de Gestor Governamental eram duas op????es inovadoras frente ao dilema sobre quais seriam os pap??is cab??veis a pol??ticos e administradores na nova ordem democr??tica, mas tamb??m eram op????es sem enraizamento nos pactos e agendas de prioridades que viabilizaram a mudan??a de regime no pa??s. A Escola e a Carreira estavam em disson??ncia com as principais tend??ncias de recomposi????o das elites estatais na transi????o a partir do regime militar e sofreram bloqueios em raz??o disso, mas a pesquisa procurou desconstruir algumas narrativas sobre esses conflitos interburocr??ticos, que associam as resist??ncias impostas ?? ENAP e ?? Carreira pelos grupos de funcion??rios da Fazenda e Planejamento a interesses meramente corporativistas. Com um trajeto pelos estudos sobre as burocracias dos regimes militares e sobre as transi????es no Brasil e na Am??rica Latina, buscou-se aqui uma melhor identifica????o dos grupos integrantes das ???tecnoburocracias??? e de suas contribui????es para a moderniza????o administrativa e econ??mica do pa??s, na segunda metade do s??culo XX. Buscou-se revelar algumas conflu??ncias entre as ideias de tecnocratiza????o e profissionaliza????o das altas fun????es p??blicas e seus elos com as aspira????es pela reconstru????o do Estado sob bases mais democr??ticas, mostrando que, nos anos 1980, as propostas da SEDAP n??o eram os ??nicos projetos de moderniza????o em curso, tampouco os grupos que a elas se opuseram representavam interesses univocamente antidemocr??ticos.


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Trabalho apresentado no I Simpósio Mineiro de Ciências dos Materiais, Ouro Preto, Novembro de 2001.


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We investigated the effects of low ouabain concentrations on systolic (SAP) and diastolic (DAP) arterial pressures and on pressor reactivity in 3-month-old male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Arterial blood pressure (BP) and pressor reactivity to phenylephrine (PHE) were investigated before and after 0.18 μg/kg ouabain administration (N = 6). The influence of hexamethonium (N = 6), canrenone (N = 6), enalapril (N = 6), and losartan (N = 6) on ouabain actions was evaluated. Ouabain increased BP (SAP: 137 ± 5.1 to 150 ± 4.7; DAP: 93.7 ± 7.7 to 116 ± 3.5 mmHg; P < 0.05) but did not change PHE pressor reactivity. Hexamethonium reduced basal BP in control but not in ouabain-treated rats. However, hexamethonium + ouabain increased DAP sensitivity to PHE. Canrenone did not affect basal BP but blocked ouabain effects on SAP. However, after canrenone + ouabain administration, DAP pressor reactivity to PHE still increased. Enalapril and losartan reduced BP and abolished SAP and DAP responses to ouabain. Enalapril + ouabain reduced DAP reactivity to PHE, while losartan + ouabain reduced SAP and DAP reactivity to PHE. In conclusion, a small dose of ouabain administered to SHR increased BP without altering PHE pressor reactivity. Although the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), Na+ pump and autonomic reflexes are involved in the effects of ouabain on PHE reactivity, central mechanisms might blunt the actions of ouabain on PHE pressor reactivity. The effect of ouabain on SAP seems to depend on the inhibition of both Na+ pump and RAS, whereas the effect on DAP seems to depend only on RAS.


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Chronic lead exposure induces hypertension in humans and animals, affecting endothelial function. However, studies concerning acute cardiovascular effects are lacking. We investigated the effects of acute administration of a high concentration of lead acetate (100 µΜ) on the pressor response to phenylephrine (PHE) in the tail vascular bed of male Wistar rats. Animals were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital and heparinized. The tail artery was dissected and cannulated for drug infusion and mean perfusion pressure measurements. Endothelium and vascular smooth muscle relaxation were tested with acetylcholine (5 µg/100 µL) and sodium nitroprusside (0.1 µg/100 µL), respectively, in arteries precontracted with 0.1 µM PHE. Concentration-response curves to PHE (0.001-300 µg/100 µL) were constructed before and after perfusion for 1 h with 100 µΜ lead acetate. In the presence of endothelium (E+), lead acetate increased maximal response (Emax) (control: 364.4 ± 36, Pb2+: 480.0 ± 27 mmHg; P < 0.05) and the sensitivity (pD2; control: 1.98 ± 0.07, 2.38 ± 0.14 log mM) to PHE. In the absence of endothelium (E-) lead had no effect but increased baseline perfusion pressure (E+: 79.5 ± 2.4, E-: 118 ± 2.2 mmHg; P < 0.05). To investigate the underlying mechanisms, this protocol was repeated after treatment with 100 µM L-NAME, 10 µM indomethacin and 1 µM tempol in the presence of lead. Lead actions on Emax and pD2 were abolished in the presence of indomethacin, and partially abolished with L-NAME and tempol. Results suggest that acute lead administration affects the endothelium, releasing cyclooxygenase-derived vasoconstrictors and involving reactive oxygen species.


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Myocardial infarction leads to compensatory ventricular remodeling. Disturbances in myocardial contractility depend on the active transport of Ca2+ and Na+, which are regulated by Na+-K+ ATPase. Inappropriate regulation of Na+-K+ ATPase activity leads to excessive loss of K+ and gain of Na+ by the cell. We determined the participation of Na+-K+ ATPase in ventricular performance early and late after myocardial infarction. Wistar rats (8-10 per group) underwent left coronary artery ligation (infarcted, Inf) or sham-operation (Sham). Ventricular performance was measured at 3 and 30 days after surgery using the Langendorff technique. Left ventricular systolic pressure was obtained under different ventricular diastolic pressures and increased extracellular Ca2+ concentrations (Ca2+e) and after low and high ouabain concentrations. The baseline coronary perfusion pressure increased 3 days after myocardial infarction and normalized by 30 days (Sham 3 = 88 ± 6; Inf 3 = 130 ± 9; Inf 30 = 92 ± 7 mmHg; P < 0.05). The inotropic response to Ca2+e and ouabain was reduced at 3 and 30 days after myocardial infarction (Ca2+ = 1.25 mM; Sham 3 = 70 ± 3; Inf 3 = 45 ± 2; Inf 30 = 29 ± 3 mmHg; P < 0.05), while the Frank-Starling mechanism was preserved. At 3 and 30 days after myocardial infarction, ventricular Na+-K+ ATPase activity and contractility were reduced. This Na+-K+ ATPase hypoactivity may modify the Na+, K+ and Ca2+ transport across the sarcolemma resulting in ventricular dysfunction.


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Lead (Pb2+) poisoning causes hypertension, but little is known regarding its acute effects on cardiac contractility. To evaluate these effects, force was measured in right ventricular strips that were contracting isometrically in 45 male Wistar rats (250-300 g) before and after the addition of increasing concentrations of lead acetate (3, 7, 10, 30, 70, 100, and 300 µM) to the bath. Changes in rate of stimulation (0.1-1.5 Hz), relative potentiation after pauses of 15, 30, and 60 s, effect of Ca2+ concentration (0.62, 1.25, and 2.5 mM), and the effect of isoproterenol (20 ng/mL) were determined before and after the addition of 100 µM Pb2+. Effects on contractile proteins were evaluated after caffeine treatment using tetanic stimulation (10 Hz) and measuring the activity of the myosin ATPase. Pb2+ produced concentration-dependent force reduction, significant at concentrations greater than 30 µM. The force developed in response to increasing rates of stimulation became smaller at 0.5 and 0.8 Hz. Relative potentiation increased after 100 µM Pb2+ treatment. Extracellular Ca2+ increment and isoproterenol administration increased force development but after 100 µM Pb2+ treatment the force was significantly reduced suggesting an effect of the metal on the sarcolemmal Ca2+ influx. Concentration of 100 µM Pb2+ also reduced the peak and plateau force of tetanic contractions and reduced the activity of the myosin ATPase. Results showed that acute Pb2+ administration, although not affecting the sarcoplasmic reticulum activity, produces a concentration-dependent negative inotropic effect and reduces myosin ATPase activity. Results suggest that acute lead administration reduced myocardial contractility by reducing sarcolemmal calcium influx and the myosin ATPase activity. These results also suggest that lead exposure is hazardous and has toxicological consequences affecting cardiac muscle.


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Eucalyptol is an essential oil that relaxes bronchial and vascular smooth muscle although its direct actions on isolated myocardium have not been reported. We investigated a putative negative inotropic effect of the oil on left ventricular papillary muscles from male Wistar rats weighing 250 to 300 g, as well as its effects on isometric force, rate of force development, time parameters, post-rest potentiation, positive inotropic interventions produced by Ca2+ and isoproterenol, and on tetanic tension. The effects of 0.3 mM eucalyptol on myosin ATPase activity were also investigated. Eucalyptol (0.003 to 0.3 mM) reduced isometric tension, the rate of force development and time parameters. The oil reduced the force developed by steady-state contractions (50% at 0.3 mM) but did not alter sarcoplasmic reticulum function or post-rest contractions and produced a progressive increase in relative potentiation. Increased extracellular Ca2+ concentration (0.62 to 5 mM) and isoproterenol (20 nM) administration counteracted the negative inotropic effects of the oil. The activity of the contractile machinery evaluated by tetanic force development was reduced by 30 to 50% but myosin ATPase activity was not affected by eucalyptol (0.3 mM), supporting the idea of a reduction of sarcolemmal Ca2+ influx. The present results suggest that eucalyptol depresses force development, probably acting as a calcium channel blocker.


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Ouabain increases vascular resistance and may induce hypertension by inhibiting the Na+ pump. The effects of 0.18 and 18 µg/kg, and 1.8 mg/kg ouabain pretreatment on the phenylephrine (PHE; 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5 µg, in bolus)-evoked pressor responses were investigated using anesthetized normotensive (control and uninephrectomized) and hypertensive (1K1C and DOCA-salt treated) rats. Treatment with 18 µg/kg ouabain increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure in all groups studied. However, the magnitude of this increase was larger for the hypertensive 1K1C and DOCA-salt rats than for normotensive animals, while the pressor effect of 0.18 µg/kg ouabain was greater only in DOCA-salt rats. A very large dose (1.8 mg/kg) produced toxic effects on the normotensive control but not on uninephrectomized or 1K1C rats. Rat tail vascular beds were perfused to analyze the effects of 10 nM ouabain on the pressor response to PHE. In all animals, 10 nM ouabain increased the PHE pressor response, but this increase was larger in hypertensive DOCA-salt rats than in normotensive and 1K1C rats. Results suggested that a) increases in diastolic blood pressure induced by 18 µg/kg ouabain were larger in hypertensive than normotensive rats; b) in DOCA-salt rats, smaller ouabain doses had a stronger effect than in other groups; c) hypertensive and uninephrectomized rats were less sensitive to toxic doses of ouabain, and d) after treatment with 10 nM ouabain isolated tail vascular beds from DOCA-salt rats were more sensitive to the pressor effect of PHE than those from normotensive and 1K1C hypertensive rats. These data suggest that very small doses of ouabain, which might produce nanomolar plasma concentrations, enhance pressor reactivity in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats, supporting the idea that endogenous ouabain may contribute to the increase and maintenance of vascular tone in hypertension.


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The available data suggests that hypotension caused by Hg2+ administration may be produced by a reduction of cardiac contractility or by cholinergic mechanisms. The hemodynamic effects of an intravenous injection of HgCl2 (5 mg/kg) were studied in anesthetized rats (N = 12) by monitoring left and right ventricular (LV and RV) systolic and diastolic pressures for 120 min. After HgCl2 administration the LV systolic pressure decreased only after 40 min (99 ± 3.3 to 85 ± 8.8 mmHg at 80 min). However, RV systolic pressure increased, initially slowly but faster after 30 min (25 ± 1.8 to 42 ± 1.6 mmHg at 80 min). Both right and left diastolic pressures increased after HgCl2 treatment, suggesting the development of diastolic ventricular dysfunction. Since HgCl2 could be increasing pulmonary vascular resistance, isolated lungs (N = 10) were perfused for 80 min with Krebs solution (continuous flow of 10 ml/min) containing or not 5 µM HgCl2. A continuous increase in pulmonary vascular resistance was observed, suggesting the direct effect of Hg2+ on the pulmonary vessels (12 ± 0.4 to 29 ± 3.2 mmHg at 30 min). To examine the interactions of Hg2+ and changes in cholinergic activity we analyzed the effects of acetylcholine (Ach) on mean arterial blood pressure (ABP) in anesthetized rats (N = 9) before and after Hg2+ treatment (5 mg/kg). Using the same amount and route used to study the hemodynamic effects we also examined the effects of Hg2+ administration on heart and plasma cholinesterase activity (N = 10). The in vivo hypotensive response to Ach (0.035 to 10.5 µg) was reduced after Hg2+ treatment. Cholinesterase activity (µM h-1 mg protein-1) increased in heart and plasma (32 and 65%, respectively) after Hg2+ treatment. In conclusion, the reduction in ABP produced by Hg2+ is not dependent on a putative increase in cholinergic activity. HgCl2 mainly affects cardiac function. The increased pulmonary vascular resistance and cardiac failure due to diastolic dysfunction of both ventricles are factors that might contribute to the reduction of cardiac output and the fall in arterial pressure.