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Augmented reality (AR) is been increasingly used in mobile devices. Most of the available applications are set to work outdoors, mainly due to the availability of a reliable positioning system. Nevertheless, indoor (smart) spaces offer a lot of opportunities of creating new service concepts. In particular, in this paper we explore the applicability of mobile AR to hospitality environments (hotels and similar establishments). From the state-of-the-art of technologies and applications, a portfolio of services has been identified and a prototype using off-the-shelf technologies has been designed. Our objective is to identify the next technological challenges to overcome in order to have suitable underlying infrastructures and innovative services which enhance the traveller?s experience.


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Quality assessment is one of the activities performed as part of systematic literature reviews. It is commonly accepted that a good quality experiment is bias free. Bias is considered to be related to internal validity (e.g., how adequately the experiment is planned, executed and analysed). Quality assessment is usually conducted using checklists and quality scales. It has not yet been proven;however, that quality is related to experimental bias. Aim: Identify whether there is a relationship between internal validity and bias in software engineering experiments. Method: We built a quality scale to determine the quality of the studies, which we applied to 28 experiments included in two systematic literature reviews. We proposed an objective indicator of experimental bias, which we applied to the same 28 experiments. Finally, we analysed the correlations between the quality scores and the proposed measure of bias. Results: We failed to find a relationship between the global quality score (resulting from the quality scale) and bias; however, we did identify interesting correlations between bias and some particular aspects of internal validity measured by the instrument. Conclusions: There is an empirically provable relationship between internal validity and bias. It is feasible to apply quality assessment in systematic literature reviews, subject to limits on the internal validity aspects for consideration.


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We propose a new kind of quantum dot (QD) materials for the implementation of the intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) [1]. The materials are formed by lead salt QDs of the family IV-VI (PbTe, PbSe or PbS) embedded in a semiconductor of the family II-VI (Cd1-xMgxTe, CdxZn1-xTe, and CdS1-xSex or ZnSe1-xTex, respectively). These QDs are not nucleated due to lattice mismatch, as it is the case of the InAs/GaAs QD material system grown by the Stranski-Krastanov (S-K) mode. In these materials, the QDs precipitate due to the difference in lattice type: the QD lead salt material crystallizes in the rocksalt structure, while the II-VI host material has the zincblende structure [2]. Therefore, it is possible to use lattice-matched QD/host combinations, avoiding all the strain-related problems found in previous QD-IBSC developments. In this paper we discuss the properties of the lead salt QD materials and propose that they are appropriate to overcome the fundamental drawbacks of present III-V-based QD-IBSC prototypes. We also calculate the band diagram for some examples of IV-VI/II-VI QD materials. The detailed balance efficiency limit of QD-IBSCs based on the studied materials is found to be over 60% under maximum concentration.


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The intermediate band (IB) solar cell (Fig. 1) has been proposed [1] to increase photovoltaic efficiency by a factor above 1.5, based on the absorption of two sub-bandgap photons to promote an electron across the bandgap. To realize this principle, that can be applied also to obtain efficient photocatalysis with sunlight, we proposed in recent years several materials where a metal or heavy element, substituting for an electropositive atom in a known semiconductor that has an appropriate band gap width (around 2 eV), forms inside the gap the partially filled levels needed for this aim


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Replication of software engineering experiments is crucial for dealing with validity threats to experiments in this area. Even though the empirical software engineering community is aware of the importance of replication, the replication rate is still very low. The RESER'11 Joint Replication Project aims to tackle this problem by simultaneously running a series of several replications of the same experiment. In this article, we report the results of the replication run at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Our results are inconsistent with the original experiment. However, we have identified possible causes for them. We also discuss our experiences (in terms of pros and cons) during the replication.


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Hasta la fecha se han evaluado distintas técnicas de verificación y validación teórica y empíricamente. La mayoría de las evaluaciones empíricas se han llevado a cabo sin sujetos, abstrayendo el efecto del sujeto sobre la técnica a la hora de aplicarla. Hemos evaluado mediante un experimento con sujetos la efectividad de tres técnicas de verificación y validación de código: partición en clases de equivalencia, cobertura de decisión y lectura de código mediante abstracciones sucesivas, estudiando la capacidad de las técnicas para la detección de fallos en tres programas distintos. Hemos replicado el experimento ocho veces en cuatro entornos distintos. Los resultados arrojan diferencias entre las técnicas y señalan variables contextuales del proyecto software que deberían considerarse cuando se quiera elegir o aplicar una técnica de verificación y validación.


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La Ingeniería de Requisitos (IR) es una actividad crucial en el desarrollo de software. La calidad del producto final queda supeditada a la captura de requisitos cuyo éxito depende, en buena parte, de las técnicas de educción utilizadas. Sin embargo, los ingenieros siguen teniendo dificultades para distinguir ventajas y limitaciones entre la gran cantidad de técnicas existentes. En este estudio se utiliza el emparrillado para conocer la percepción de los ingenieros noveles acerca de las técnicas de educción y su comparación con la visión experta. Los resultados, que muestran una sustancial diferencia entre ambas visiones, son la base para la modificación de estrategias formativas. Además, el análisis detallado de las características contextuales de la educción en IR facilitará la selección de la técnica más apropiada para un contexto dado.


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Las entrevistas son las técnicas de elicitación más utilizadas en la Ingeniería de Requisitos (IR). Sin embargo, existen pocos trabajos de investigación centrados en estas técnicas y aún menos estudios experimentales. Recientemente hemos experimentado para analizar la efectividad de las entrevistas estructuradas y no estructuradas. Los resultados se combinaron con otros de estudios experimentales realizados en el campo de Sistemas de Información. Para ello se aplicó el meta-­análisis, con el objetivo de desarrollar directrices para usar las entrevistas en IR. Sin embargo, se han obtenido pocas debido a la diversidad, en términos de variables respuesta, de los estudios primarios. Aunque los estudios meta-analizados parecen similares según sus diseños, fijándonos en las amenazas a la validez se identifican más diferencias que similitudes. El análisis de estas amenazas puede ser un medio para comprender cómo mejorar el diseño de futuras replicaciones, ejecutadas para generar nuevas evidencias y mejorar resultados de los meta­análisis.


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Interviews are the most widely used elicitation technique in Requirements Engineering (RE). Despite its importance, research in interviews is quite limited, in particular from an experimental perspective. We have performed a series of experiments exploring the relative effectiveness of structured and unstructured interviews. This line of research has been active in Information Systems in the past years, so that our experiments can be aggregated together with existing ones to obtain guidelines for practice. Experimental aggregation is a demanding task. It requires not only a large number of experiments, but also considering the influence of the existing moderators. However, in the current state of the practice in RE, those moderators are unknown. We believe that analyzing the threats to validity in interviewing experiments may give insight about how to improve further replications and the corresponding aggregations. It is likely that this strategy may be applied in other Software Engineering areas as well.


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Este proyecto de investigación se desarrolla en el marco de la cooperación existente entre el Grupo de Ingeniería de Software Experimental (GrISE) de la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, el Grupo de Investigación en Sistemas de Información (GISI) del Departamento de Desarrollo Productivo y Tecnológico de la Universidad Nacional de Lanús y el Grupo de Estudio en Metodologías de Ingeniería de Software (GEMIS) de la Facultad Regional Buenos Aires de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional.


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OBJETIVO: Estudiar la efectividad relativa de las técnicas de entrevista abierta y entrevista independiente de contexto en la identificación de requisitos para sistemas software. MÉTODO: Experimento controlado ensayando dos factores: "tipo de entrevista" (abierta e independiente de contexto) y "tipo de problema" (identificación de requisitos para dos sistemas software distintos). Debido al reducido número de sujetos experimentales, se ha utilizado un diseño de medidas repetidas dentro de los sujetos. RESULTADOS: El poder estadístico del estudio es en general insuficiente, pero hemos podido constatar que el tipo de problema posee efectos significativos en la efectividad del proceso de relevamiento de requisitos. La experiencia del analista juega también un papel importante. El tipo de entrevista utilizada afecta en mucha menor medida. CONCLUSIONES: Es necesario comprender mejor qué es un problema de relevamiento de requisitos. Esto nos permitirá diseñar estrategias más eficaces para una identificación certera de los requisitos del software.


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We propose an optimization-based framework to minimize the energy consumption in a sensor network when using an indoor localization system based on the combination of received signal strength (RSS) and pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR). The objective is to find the RSS localization frequency and the number of RSS measurements used at each localization round that jointly minimize the total consumed energy, while ensuring at the same time a desired accuracy in the localization result. The optimization approach leverages practical models to predict the localization error and the overall energy consumption for combined RSS-PDR localization systems. The performance of the proposed strategy is assessed through simulation, showing energy savings with respect to other approaches while guaranteeing a target accuracy.


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Background: Several meta-analysis methods can be used to quantitatively combine the results of a group of experiments, including the weighted mean difference, statistical vote counting, the parametric response ratio and the non-parametric response ratio. The software engineering community has focused on the weighted mean difference method. However, other meta-analysis methods have distinct strengths, such as being able to be used when variances are not reported. There are as yet no guidelines to indicate which method is best for use in each case. Aim: Compile a set of rules that SE researchers can use to ascertain which aggregation method is best for use in the synthesis phase of a systematic review. Method: Monte Carlo simulation varying the number of experiments in the meta analyses, the number of subjects that they include, their variance and effect size. We empirically calculated the reliability and statistical power in each case Results: WMD is generally reliable if the variance is low, whereas its power depends on the effect size and number of subjects per meta-analysis; the reliability of RR is generally unaffected by changes in variance, but it does require more subjects than WMD to be powerful; NPRR is the most reliable method, but it is not very powerful; SVC behaves well when the effect size is moderate, but is less reliable with other effect sizes. Detailed tables of results are annexed. Conclusions: Before undertaking statistical aggregation in software engineering, it is worthwhile checking whether there is any appreciable difference in the reliability and power of the methods. If there is, software engineers should select the method that optimizes both parameters.


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After more than a decade of development work and hopes, the usage of mobile Internet has finally taken off. Now, we are witnessing the first signs of evidence of what might become the explosion of mobile content and applications that will be shaping the (mobile) Internet of the future. Similar to the wired Internet, search will become very relevant for the usage of mobile Internet. Current research on mobile search has applied a limited set of methodologies and has also generated a narrow outcome of meaningful results. This article covers new ground, exploring the use and visions of mobile search with a users' interview-based qualitative study. Its main conclusion builds upon the hypothesis that mobile search is sensitive to a mobile logic different than today's one. First, (advanced) users ask for accessing with their mobile devices the entire Internet, rather than subsections of it. Second, success is based on new added-value applications that exploit unique mobile functionalities. The authors interpret that such mobile logic involves fundamentally the use of personalised and context-based services.


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This work summarizes the observations made on the variation and time evolution of the reflectanceanisotropy signal during the MOVPE growth of GaInPnucleation layers on Germanium substrates. This in situ monitoring tool is used to assess the impact of different nucleation routines and reactor conditions on the quality of the layers grown. This comparison is carried out by establishing a correlation between reflectanceanisotropy signature at 2.1 eV and the morphology of the epilayers evaluated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). This paper outlines the potential of reflectanceanisotropy to predict, explore, and therefore optimize, the best growth conditions that lead to a high quality III–V epilayer on a Ge substrate