927 resultados para Plantas medicinais – Efeito fisiológico


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Among the pests that attack corn crop in Brazil, there is Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), known as fall armyworm, which is the major corn pest. Due to genetic instability during serial passage of baculoviruses in insect cell culture, the viral bioinseticides in vitro production development is the greatest challenge for mass production of this bioproduct. Successive passages of virus using extracellular viruses (BVs), necessary during viral bioinseticides production scaling up, leads to the appearance of aberrant forms of virus, a process so called as "passage effect ". The main consequence of passage effect is the production of occlusion bodies (OB) decrease, preventing its production using in vitro process. In this study, it was carried out a serial passage of baculovirus Spodoptera frugiperda multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus, isolate 18, using Sf21 cells. A decrease in the production of occlusion bodies from 170 to 92 in the third to fourth passage was observed. A factorial experimental design (22) was employed to verify the influence of two input variables, concentration of the hormone 20 - hydroxyecdysone (CH) and cholesterol (CC) on the values of response variables (volumetric and the specific OB production) of the process, seeking to define the optimum operating ranges trying to reverse or minimize the passage effect. The result indicated a negative influence of the cholesterol addition and positive effect in the hormone supplementation which the optimum range found for the concentrations studied were 8 to 10μg/mL and 5 to 6.5 mg / mL, for cholesterol and hormone concentrations respectively. New experiments were performed with addition of hormone and cholesterol in order to check the influence of these additives on the OB production independently. While the best result obtained from the factorial experiment was 9.4 x 107 OB/mL and 128.4 specific OB/cell, with the addition of only 6μg/mL 20-hydroxyecdysone these concentrations increased to 1.9 x 108 OB/mL and 182.9 OB/cell for volumetric and specific OB production, respectively. This result confirms that the addition of the hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone enhances the SfMNPV in vitro production process performance using Sf21 cells


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Na agricultura moderna, diversas tecnologias auxiliam no aumento da produtividade, sendo o herbicida uma delas, mas existem consequências atreladas ao seu uso, como os diversos efeitos sobre organismos não alvos. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se verificar esses efeitos sobre agentes fitopatogênicos, assim como avaliar o efeito do herbicida glyphosate sobre diversas doenças, em plantas de soja transgênicas. Verificou-se forte ação fungicida com o uso do herbicida glyphosate, assim como os outros avaliados in vitro, sobre os fungos testados, e os mesmos resultados foram observados nas plantas em condição de campo.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento aéreo e radicular de duas cultivares de milho (Zea mays L.), em solo submetido a quatro níveis de compactação. Utilizou-se um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro distroférrico de textura média, em vasos montados com anéis de PVC sobrepostos, com diâmetro interno de 14,5 cm e altura de 35 cm. Os níveis de compactação utilizados em subsuperfície foram caracterizados pelas densidades do solo de 1,28, 1,42, 1,56 e 1,69 Mg m³. As cultivares de milho foram o híbrido AG-5011 e a variedade Sol da Manhã. Aos 40 dias após a emergência das plantas, determinaram-se as massas da matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes, a densidade do comprimento radicular e o diâmetro médio radicular. A compactação do solo comprometeu o desenvolvimento das plantas de milho híbrido e da variedade na mesma intensidade. Apesar de alterar a distribuição do sistema radicular ao longo do perfil do solo, o impedimento físico em subsuperfície não diminuiu a produção total de raízes de milho. O diâmetro médio radicular apresentou alta correlação com o crescimento de raízes no solo compactado. O sistema radicular do milho não é capaz de romper uma camada compactada de solo com resistência mecânica da ordem de 1,4 MPa.


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Avaliou-se o efeito de três doses de composto orgânico de três composições distintas, aplicados em dois solos [Latossolo Vermelho Escuro, textura arenosa (LE) e Areia Quartzoza (AQ)], na produção e absorção de nutrientes pela planta de alface. Conduziu-se de 02/07 a 27/08/1997 um experimento dentro de túnel plástico, pertencente à UNESP, em Botucatu, em vaso plástico, contendo quatro quilos de solo. Os solos foram corrigidos para atingirem saturação por base de 80% e todos os vasos receberam adubação fosfatada (150 mg de P kg-1 de solo), potássica (100 mg de K kg-1 de solo) e micronutrientes. Os compostos foram misturados aos solos nas quantidades de 60; 120 e 240 g de composto por vaso. Os três compostos foram originados a partir de casca de eucalipto, serragem de madeira e palhada de feijão, misturados com esterco de aves. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em três repetições, com vinte tratamentos em esquema fatorial (3 doses x 3 compostos x 2 solos) mais um tratamento testemunha para cada solo (ausência de composto orgânico). O composto de palhada de feijão aumentou a biomassa fresca da parte aérea e a quantidade de N, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Fe e Zn nas plantas de alface. Para o P e Mn o composto de palhada de feijão diferiu significativamente apenas em relação ao composto de casca de eucalipto. em todas as características avaliadas no LE houve melhores respostas da cultura em relação ao AQ. Quanto às dosagens utilizadas, as diferenças foram observadas somente nos tratamentos com palhada de feijão, onde as maiores dosagens propiciaram o aumento de biomassa fresca e seca da parte aérea, e nas quantidades de macro e micronutrientes.


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Aiming to evaluate the application effect of different sewage sludge ( SS) doses, with and without nitrogen addition, in the castorbean initial development, one experiment was installed in an entirely randomized experimental design, in split-plot scheme 5 X 2, constituted of five sewage sludge doses (0, 4, 8, 16 e 32 Mg ha(-1)) and nitrogen addition or not (15 kg ha(-1)), with five replications. The experimental unit was constituted of plastic bags with capacity of 3,5 dm(3) of soil. Fifty days after emergency it was evaluated height of plants, dry matter of the aerial part, nutrient content in the aerial part, soil electrical conductivity and soil chemical analysis. The SS doses promoted increase in the height of plants and dry matter of castorbean. The concentration of N, K, Mg and S and also the micronutrients Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in the aerial part of the plants also suffered a positive effect with SS doses, the same didn't occur for the P and Ca concentrations. N addition increased the concentration of N, S, Cu and Zn in the plants. The SS did not present significant effect over pH levels, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium, organic matter and soil cation exchange capacity after the experiment conduction period.


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Nitrogen (N), besides being one of the macro more absorbed by plants, is the that most limits the production of sunflower. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutrient content in leaves, grains and nutrient export due to nitrogen levels in sunflower cultivation. A randomized experimental block design consisting of five treatments and four replications: T1 - 50 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 20 and 20 kg ha(-1), T2 - 70 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 30 and 30 kg ha(-1); T3 - 90 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 40 and 40 kg ha(-1), T4 - 110 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 50 and 50 kg ha(-1), T5 - 130 kg N ha(-1) divided by 10, 60 and 60 kg ha(-1). These applications were made in installments when sowing and 34 and 48 days after sowing. The parameters were evaluated in leaf nutrient content, nutrient content in grains and nutrient export. Under the experimental conditions it was found that the optimum foliar N were purchased at a dosage above 110 kg ha-1 N. With the increasing amount of N supplied in the sunflower crop was exported over this element, but not at the same rate of increase in dosage. The lowest dose of N the lowest rates of export of P, K, Mg, S, B, Cu, Mn and Zn, while increasing the dose of this nutrient decreased the export of Ca.


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There is nowadays a growing demand for located cooling and stabilization in optical and electronic devices, haul of portable systems of cooling that they allow a larger independence in several activities. The modules of thermoelectrical cooling are bombs of heat that use efect Peltier, that consists of the production of a temperature gradient when an electric current is applied to a thermoelectrical pair formed by two diferent drivers. That efect is part of a class of thermoelectrical efcts that it is typical of junctions among electric drivers. The modules are manufactured with semiconductors. The used is the bismuth telluride Bi2Te3, arranged in a periodic sequence. In this sense the idea appeared of doing an analysis of a system that obeys the sequence of Fibonacci. The sequence of Fibonacci has connections with the golden proportion, could be found in the reproductive study of the bees, in the behavior of the light and of the atoms, as well as in the growth of plants and in the study of galaxies, among many other applications. An apparatus unidimensional was set up with the objective of investigating the thermal behavior of a module that obeys it a rule of growth of the type Fibonacci. The results demonstrate that the modules that possess periodic arrangement are more eficient


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Hybrids among transgenic plants and related species are expected to occur if they are sympatric and when there are not crossing barriers; as is the case, in Brazil, of cry1Ac transgenic cotton and Gossypium barbadense. This species has been maintained as dooryard plants, and should be preserved as a genetic resource. Hybrids were evaluated about traits related to fitness, leading to infer about its chances of survivor and selection. A barbadense genotype collected at the state of Mato Grosso was outcrossed to the variety DP 404, containing the gene cry1Ac, and to the isoline DP 404. All the F1 individuals and 122 among 170 F2 individuals expressed the toxin, and presented levels of resistance to pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) and cotton leafworm (Alabama argillacea) equivalent to the transgenic parent and superior to the isoline, barbadense or non transgenic hybrids. The percentage of germination and number of days to germinate did not differ among genotypes. Anthesis of the first flower and opening of the first cotton boll occurred earlier for herbaceous cotton and F1 hybrids than F2 population in average; all the populations presented a number of days to flower and opening of the first boll smaller then barbadense. The highest plants were barbadenses, and herbaceus the smallest, with F1 and F2 populations presenting intermediary heights. The number of seeds per plants were superior for F1 hybrids an herbaceous cotton, F2 populations were in average intermediary; the barbadense genotype produced the smallest number of seeds per plant. Pink bollworm, mainly, and also cotton leafworm, are important barbadense pests, so the transgene positive effect could favor the selection of hybrids, and hence G. hirsutum genome, against the maintenance of pure G. barbadense genome. The selection may be influenced by the plant uses: the smaller size of hybrids when compared to the barbadense may lead them to be differentiated from these parents to which medicinal properties are attributed; on the other hand, the greater boll production may favor hybrids maintenance with the purpose of producing lamp wicks, or use as an ornamental or swab


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As plantas aquáticas são estudadas como um efeito do desequilíbrio causado pela poluição e/ou alagamento dos rios. A quantidade excessiva de plantas, conseqüente desse desequilíbrio, dificulta a navegação e a produção de energia elétrica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as principais plantas aquáticas do rio Tietê e relacioná-las com a turbidez da água dos diferentes reservatórios. Foram avaliados todos os focos de vegetação aquática emersa, flutuante e submersa, presentes em cada reservatório, em toda a sua extensão, sendo consideradas como importantes as espécies que apresentaram o caráter dominante. Foi observado que os represamentos apresentam problema de plantas aquáticas e a qualidade da infestação varia entre os reservatórios. Foram consideradas como dominantes as seguintes espécies: Brachiaria mutica, Brachiaria subquadripara, Eichhornia crassipes, Egeria densa, Egeria najas, Enidra sessilis e Typha angustifolia. Observou-se que houve uma tendência de maior ocorrência de plantas flutuantes e emersas (marginais) nos reservatórios com maior turbidez e de plantas submersas naqueles com menor turbidez. Para as duas braquiárias, observou-se que a freqüência das espécies aumentou com o aumento da turbidez até o limite de 34,93 NTU. O aguapé ocorreu com altos índices de freqüência (acima de 50%) em todos os reservatórios do rio Tietê, independentemente das características da água. em se tratando das egérias, a freqüência das espécies aumentou gradativamente com a redução da turbidez e a taboa não apresentou uma relação com o índice estudado. A espécie E. sessilis se mostrou bastante dependente da qualidade da água, tendo sua freqüência aumentada com o aumento da turbidez.


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This study aimed to analyze the effect of a saline solution on growth and chemical composition of Atriplex nummularia, shrubby plant, absorbing salts used in the diet of animals and the management of water and saline soils. These plant seedlings were planted and grown in a reserved area at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The plantation was divided into two blocks, in which one of them was irrigated with saline solution with a concentration of 2840 mgL-1 of NaCl and the second group was irrigated with drinking water. After six months, the plants were collected, harvested and divided into three parts: leaf, thin and thick stem. Monthly, dimension measurements were carried out for cataloging the growth of Atriplex. Ion Chromatography (IC) and Optical Emission Spectroscopy Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-OES) were used to analyze the chemical composition of the partition plant parts. The results of these analyses revealed that an absorption process of anions and cations by Atriplex nummularia plant during its growth was achieved, in particular by a higher concentration of sodium and chloride ions. Scanning electron microscopy images showed and confirmed the presence of small crystals on the leaf surface. Electrical conductivity and pH measurements of the aerial parts of the plant were carried out and these results showed that the leaf is the plant part where there is a largest concentration of ions. In addition, measurements of specific surface were obtained from irrigated plants with saline solution, achieving higher surface area, in all cases. Plant dimensions obtained monthly showed that the plants irrigated with water grew 5% more than those plants irrigated with saline solution. Based on results obtained, Atriplex plant showed a higher potential to survive and adapt to environments (aquatic or geological) with high levels of salinity and this property can be used as a tool for removing salts/metals from industrial contaminated soils and effluents.


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In this present work an ethnographic research was performed with 84 native medicinal specimens from the Litoral Norte Riograndense, from which two plants Cleome spinosa Jacq e Pavonia varians Moric were submitted to ethnobotanic, phytochemistry and pharmacologic investigations. Additionally, a phytopharmacological research of the medicinal specimen Croton cajucara Benth ( native plant of the Amazon region of Brazil) was improved. The obtained phytochemical results of the C. spinosa and P. varians showed the presence of flavonoids constituents, among other components. The two flavonoids (2S)-5-hydroxy-7,4 -dimethoxy-flavanone and 5,4 -dihydroxy-3,7,3 -trimethoxy-flavone were isolated from C. spinosa. The antioxidant activity of the hydroalcoholic extracts of C. spinosa and P. varians solubilized in the microemulsion systems SME-1 and SME-4, was evaluated in the DPPHmethod. The used SME systems [obtained with Tween 80: Span 20 (3:1) and isopropyl myristate (IPM)] improved the dissolution of those tested polar extracts, with higher efficacy to the SME-1 system (in which ethanol was included as cosurfactant). The CE50 values evidenced for P. varians were 114 [g/mL (SME-1) and 246 [g/mL (SME-4); for C. spinosa it was 224 [g/mL (SME-1) and 248 [g/mL (SME-4), being the system SME-1 more effective for both tested extracts. The hydroalcoholic extracts of P. varians (HAE-PV) was also submitted to pharmacological screening for antinociceptive activity in animal models. The oral administration of this extract (100, 300 and 1000 mg/kg) inhibited the acetic acid-induced writhing in mice. The higher inhibition (74%) was evidenced to the 1000 mg/kg administered dose. Its effect on the central nervous system (CNS) was investigated by tail flick and formalin-method and reveled that it has negligible antinociceptive action on the CNS. After taking consideration of HAE-PV interaction, Pavonia varians Moric could be used as a potent analgesic agent in case of peripheral algesia, without affecting the CNS. The phytochemical study of the stem bark of Croton cajucara Benth lead to the isolation of 19-nor-clerodanetype diterpenes, as well as to the separation of its fixed oil FO-CC. This non polar oil material reveled to be rich in sesquiterpenes and 19-nor-clerodanes components. The biologic effect of OF-CC was evaluated in the development in vitro of the fungis phytopatogens such as Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii. Significant inhibitory effect of the tested fungis (at 0,2 mg.mL-1 dosage) were comproved. A Mass Spectrometry study of clerodane-type diterpenes was developed in order to identify characteristic fragments on mass spectrometra of both clerodane and 19-nor-clerodane presenting an α,β-insaturated carbonyl moiety at ring A of the decalin-system. For that study, mass spectroscopy data were analysed for 19-nor-clerodanes [trans-dehydrocrotonin (DCTN), trans-crotonin (CTN), cis-cajucarin B (c-CJC-B), and cajucarinolide (CJCR)] and for clerodanes [isosacacarin (ISCR) and transcajucarin A (t-CJC-A)] obtained from the stem bark of C. cajucara, and also clerodane-type from other species. The trans-junction of the enone-system clerodanes was clear correlated with the presence of the characteristic ions at m/z 95, 121 e 205. Meanwhile, the characteristics ions at m/z 122 e 124 were correlated to cis-junction. The trans-junction of the enone-system 19-nor-clerodanes showed characteristics ions at m/z 161, 134 e 121. This study could be successful employed for identification of clerodane constituents from other specimens without any additional spectroscopic analyses, as well as a previously phytochemical analyzes in clerodane project search


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Pulverizações foliares com produtos contendo micronutrientes, dentre os quais os produtos quelatizados, são utilizadas com relativa freqüência em frutíferas, sem o embasamento científico adequado, principalmente entre os agricultores mais tecnificados. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da aplicação via foliar de B e Zn sobre a produção e os teores de SST e ATT dos frutos da Pereira-Japonesa e da Pinheira. O experimento foi conduzido numa área irrigada, situada no cinturão verde do município de Ilha Solteira-SP. O solo da área foi classificado como Podzólico Vermelho-Escuro. Foram utilizadas plantas de Pereira-Japonesa, cultivar Okussankichi e de Pinheira. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: T1. apenas água; T2. ácido bórico; T3. sulfato de zinco; T4. T2 + T3; T5. ácido bórico + uréia + ácido cítrico + EDTA; T6. sulfato de zinco + uréia + ácido cítrico + EDTA; T7. T5 + T6; T8. ácido bórico + uréia + ácido cítrico + EDTA + molibdato de sódio + enxofre + cloreto de cálcio; T9. sulfato de zinco + ácido cítrico + EDTA + sulfato de Fe + sulfato de Mn + sulfato de Mg, e T10. T8+T9. Foram utilizadas doses de 110 g ha-1 de B e 250 g ha-1 de Zn, em cada aplicação. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e, para comparação de médias, foi utilizado o teste de Tukey. Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que: 1) a produção e os teores de SST e ATT dos frutos da pereira-japonesa e da pinheira não foram influenciados pela aplicação foliar de B e de Zn; b) a mistura de ácido bórico com quelatos foi eficiente no fornecimento de B às plantas de pereira- japonesa, o mesmo não ocorrendo para pinheira, c) o sulfato de zinco + produtos quelatizantes foram eficientes no aumento dos teores foliares de Zn somente na pereira.


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Este trabalho foi realizado em Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico argiloso, na região de Selvíria (MS), com o objetivo de investigar a produção de massa verde e seca de plantas de cobertura sob três sucessões de culturas e dois preparos de solo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições no esquema em faixas com parcelas subsubdivididas. As faixas foram constituídas por cinco coberturas: mucuna-preta, milheto, crotalária, guandu e vegetação espontânea (pousio) e subdivididas em dois sistemas de semeadura (direta e convencional), sendo essas últimas subsubdivididas com as culturas de milho, soja e algodão. As avaliações foram realizadas no ano agrícola de 2000/2001, e a área em estudo estava sob o efeito dos respectivos manejos desde o ano agrícola de 1997/1998. Verificou-se que entre as plantas de cobertura, as produções de massa verde e seca foram menores para o guandu e maiores para o milheto e a crotalária; a produção de fitomassa de plantas de cobertura é diferente entre os sistemas convencional e direto; as plantas de cobertura na área com algodão no primeiro e segundo ano agrícola produziram mais massa seca; as plantas de cobertura produziram menor quantidade de massa verde e seca sob a sucessão com a cultura da soja em semeadura direta.


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Cover crops are used for the purpose of land cover in order to improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of cultivated soils and improve the sustainability of grain production. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different cover crops and the sowing of beans on the characteristics of three cultivars of commom bean in no tillage sistem. The research was develop in Fazenda de Ensino Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia-UNESP-Campus de Ilha Solteira. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks and treatments were arranged in bands in 5x2x3 factorial design with four replications. The treatments consisted of cover crops (millet, jack bean, sunn hemp, velvet bean and fallow), sowing of beans (Perola, IAC Tuna, Carioca Precoce) grown in two years. Were evaluated: the final stand of plants, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and per plant, weight of 100 seeds and seed yield. The cover crops sunn hemp and millet showed higher amount of fresh biomass in both years of cultivation, being recommended for our region. Occurring variations in the productivity of seeds depending on the years of cultivation, but the IAC Tuna was more stable in the variables analyzed.


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Com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos do diclofenaco sódico sobre a cicatrização da parede abdominal de ratos, foram utilizados 80 animais da linhagem Wistar divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1: formado por 40 animais submetidos à laparotomia mediana e à injeção intramuscular de soro fisiológico durante quatro dias. Grupo 2: formado por 40 animais submetidos à laparotomia mediana e à injeção intramuscular de diclofenaco sódico durante quatro dias. Animais de ambos os grupos foram analisados no 5°, 7°, 14° e 21° dias de pós-operatório, correspondendo, respectivamente à M1, M2, M3 e M4. em cada momento foram estudados 10 animais e os parâmetros analisados foram a evolução clínica, a força de ruptura, estudo histológico e o conteúdo de colágeno tecidual da parede abdominal. Os animais do grupo tratado apresentaram como complicações, deiscência e/ou hérnia incisional, perda ponderal e taxa de mortalidade, complicações estas não evidenciadas no grupo controle. Observamos também neste grupo, diminuição da força de ruptura no 7° e 14° dia de pós-operatório e diminuição da concentração de colágeno tecidual no 5°, 7° e 14° dia de pós-operatório. Ambos os parâmetros retornaram a valores normais no 21° dia de pós-operatório. Quanto ao estudo histológico, concluímos que a cicatriz da parede abdominal dos animais tratados com D.S. apresentam retardo do processo cicatricial em relação aos seus controles, caracterizado por uma menor fibrogênese, menor densidade de fibras colágenas, além de um número maior de complicações, como microabscessos, em torno dos fios de sutura.