955 resultados para Pi-conjugated chromophores
In questa tesi viene trattata la selezione ed implementazione di un software che permetta di effettuare il monitoraggio e l'invio di segnalazioni automatiche di allerta per un cluster composto da dispositivi aventi capacità computazionali ridotte.
Cancer remains one of the world’s most devastating diseases, with more than 10 million new cases every year. However, traditional treatments have proven insufficient for successful medical management of cancer due to the chemotherapeutics’ difficulty in achieving therapeutic concentrations at the target site, non-specific cytotoxicity to normal tissues, and limited systemic circulation lifetime. Although, a concerted effort has been placed in developing and successfully employing nanoparticle(NP)-based drug delivery vehicles successfully mitigate the physiochemical and pharmacological limitations of chemotherapeutics, work towards controlling the subcellular fate of the carrier, and ultimately its payload, has been limited. Because efficient therapeutic action requires drug delivery to specific organelles, the subcellular barrier remains critical obstacle to maximize the full potential of NP-based delivery vehicles. The aim of my dissertation work is to better understand how NP-delivery vehicles’ structural, chemical, and physical properties affect the internalization method and subcellular localization of the nanocarrier. ^ In this work we explored how side-chain and backbone modifications affect the conjugated polymer nanoparticle (CPN) toxicity and subcellular localization. We discovered how subtle chemical modifications had profound consequences on the polymer’s accumulation inside the cell and cellular retention. We also examined how complexation of CPN with polysaccharides affects uptake efficiency and subcellular localization. ^ This work also presents how changes to CPN backbone biodegradability can significantly affect the subcellular localization of the material. A series of triphenyl phosphonium-containing CPNs were synthesized and the effect of backbone modifications have on the cellular toxicity and intracellular fate of the material. A mitochondrial-specific polymer exhibiting time-dependent release is reported. Finally, we present a novel polymerization technique which allows for the controlled incorporation of electron-accepting benzothiadiazole units onto the polymer chain. This facilitates tuning CPN emission towards red emission. ^ The work presented here, specifically, the effect that side-chain and structure, polysaccharide formulation and CPN degradability have on material’s uptake behavior, can help maximize the full potential of NP-based delivery vehicles for improved chemotherapeutic drug delivery.^
Conjugated polymers (CPs) are intrinsically fluorescent materials that have been used for various biological applications including imaging, sensing, and delivery of biologically active substances. The synthetic control over flexibility and biodegradability of these materials aids the understanding of the structure-function relationships among the photophysical properties, the self-assembly behaviors of the corresponding conjugated polymer nanoparticles (CPNs), and the cellular behaviors of CPNs, such as toxicity, cellular uptake mechanisms, and sub-cellular localization patterns. ^ Synthetic approaches towards two classes of flexible CPs with well-preserved fluorescent properties are described. The synthesis of flexible poly( p-phenylenebutadiynylene)s (PPBs) uses competing Sonogashira and Glaser coupling reactions and the differences in monomer reactivity to incorporate a small amount (∼10%) of flexible, non-conjugated linkers into the backbone. The reaction conditions provide limited control over the proportion of flexible monomer incorporation. Improved synthetic control was achieved in a series of flexible poly(p-phenyleneethynylene)s (PPEs) using modified Sonogashira conditions. In addition to controlling the degree of flexibility, the linker provides disruption of backbone conjugation that offers control of the length of conjugated segments within the polymer chain. Therefore, such control also results in the modulation of the photophysical properties of the materials. ^ CPNs fabricated from flexible PPBs are non-toxic to cells, and exhibit subcellular localization patterns clearly different from those observed with non-flexible PPE CPNs. The subcellular localization patterns of the flexible PPEs have not yet been determined, due to the toxicity of the materials, most likely related to the side-chain structure used in this series. ^ The study of the effect of CP flexibility on self-assembly reorganization upon polyanion complexation is presented. Owing to its high rigidity and hydrophobicity, the PPB backbone undergoes reorganization more readily than PPE. The effects are enhanced in the presence of the flexible linker, which enables more efficient π-π stacking of the aromatic backbone segments. Flexibility has minimal effects on the self-assembly of PPEs. Understanding the role of flexibility on the biophysical behaviors of CPNs is key to the successful development of novel efficient fluorescent therapeutic delivery vehicles.^
The main goal of this paper is to expose and validate a methodology to design efficient automatic controllers for irrigation canals, based on the Saint-Venant model. This model-based methodology enables to design controllers at the design stage (when the canal is not already built). The methodology is applied on an experimental canal located in Portugal. First the full nonlinear PDE model is calibrated, using a single steady-state experiment. The model is then linearized around a functioning point, in order to design linear PI controllers. Two classical control strategies are tested (local upstream control and distant downstream control) and compared on the canal. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the model.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a influência de níveis de água e densidade de plantas no crescimento (matéria seca e área foliar) e produtividade do feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.). O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental da Embrapa Meio-Norte, localizada no município de Teresina, Piauí - Brasil, no período de julho a setembro de 2012.
The simulation of ultrafast photoinduced processes is a fundamental step towards the understanding of the underlying molecular mechanism and interpretation/prediction of experimental data. Performing a computer simulation of a complex photoinduced process is only possible introducing some approximations but, in order to obtain reliable results, the need to reduce the complexity must balance with the accuracy of the model, which should include all the relevant degrees of freedom and a quantitatively correct description of the electronic states involved in the process. This work presents new computational protocols and strategies for the parameterisation of accurate models for photochemical/photophysical processes based on state-of-the-art multiconfigurational wavefunction-based methods. The required ingredients for a dynamics simulation include potential energy surfaces (PESs) as well as electronic state couplings, which must be mapped across the wide range of geometries visited during the wavepacket/trajectory propagation. The developed procedures allow to obtain solid and extended databases reducing as much as possible the computational cost, thanks to, e.g., specific tuning of the level of theory for different PES regions and/or direct calculation of only the needed components of vectorial quantities (like gradients or nonadiabatic couplings). The presented approaches were applied to three case studies (azobenzene, pyrene, visual rhodopsin), all requiring an accurate parameterisation but for different reasons. The resulting models and simulations allowed to elucidate the mechanism and time scale of the internal conversion, reproducing or even predicting new transient experiments. The general applicability of the developed protocols to systems with different peculiarities and the possibility to parameterise different types of dynamics on an equal footing (classical vs purely quantum) prove that the developed procedures are flexible enough to be tailored for each specific system, and pave the way for exact quantum dynamics with multiple degrees of freedom.
In this thesis, I study the notion of program equivalences, i.e. proving that two programs can be used interchangeably without altering the overall observable behaviour. This definition is highly dependent on the contexts in which these programs can be used; does the context have exceptions, parallelism, etc... So proofs also need to be adapted according to the expressiveness of those contexts. This thesis presents on the pi-calculus – a concurrent programming language – under various typing constraints. Types allows us to impose different disciplines like forcing a sequential execution, or ensuring linearity, meaning an object can be used once. In each case, the bisimulation, a standard proof technique for the pi-calculus, needs to be adapted accordingly to obtain a suitable equivalence. We then test how using the modified bisimulations can be used to reason about a language with higher-order functions and references, which once translated into the pi-calculus satisfies the typing constraints.
The current issue of the resource of energy combined with the tendency to give a green footprint to our lifestyle have prompted the research to focus the attention on alternative sources with great strides in the optimization of polymeric photovoltaic devices. The research work described in this dissertation consists in the study of different semiconducting π-conjugated materials based on polythiophenes (Chapter I). In detail, the GRIM polymerization was deepened defining the synthetic conditions to obtain regioregular poly(3-alkylthiophene) (Chapter II). Since the use of symmetrical monomers functionalized with oxygen atom(s) allows to adopt easy synthesis leading to performing materials, disubstituted poly(3,4-dialkoxythiophene)s were successfully prepared, characterized and tested as photoactive materials in solar cells (Chapter III). A “green” resource of energy should be employed through sustainable devices and, for this purpose, the research work was continued on the synthesis of thiophene derivatives soluble in eco-friendly solvents. To make this possible, the photoactive layer was completely tailored starting from the electron-acceptor material. A fullerene derivative soluble in alcohols was successfully synthetized and adopted for the realization of the new devices (Chapter IV). New water/alcohol soluble electron-donor materials with different functional groups were prepared and their properties were compared (Chapter V). Once found the best ionic functional group, a new double-cable material was synthetized optimizing the surface area between the different materials (Chapter VI). Finally, other water/alcohol soluble materials were synthetized, characterized and used as cathode interlayers in eco-friendly devices (Chapter VII). In this work, all prepared materials were characterized by spectroscopy analyses, gel permeation chromatography and thermal analyses. Cyclic voltammetry, X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy and external quantum efficiency were used to investigate some peculiar aspects.
Da anni ormai siamo inconsapevolmente "in guerra" con la natura. Sfruttiamo e sprechiamo risorse naturali senza alcuna considerazione per le conseguenze. Le città sono considerate le principali fonti dei problemi ambientali e la regolamentazione del consumo energetico urbano è fondamentale per affrontare il cambiamento climatico globale. DERNetSoft Inc, start-up californiana, ha intravisto il problema come un’opportunità per creare un proprio business il cui scopo è quello di contribuire a costruire un futuro a basse emissioni di carbonio, fornendo un servizio tecnologico scalabile e conveniente per consentire la riduzione delle emissioni di gas a effetto serra a livello mondiale. Per farlo vengono utilizzati i concetti di DER Energy e Aggregation Energy. Nel volume di tesi si affrontano e descrivono la progettazione di un’applicazione mobile, multipiattaforma, sviluppata con il framework React Native. L’app sviluppata è supportata da un’architettura basata su dei micro servizi implementati tramite il cloud di Google. La principale funzionalità dell’applicazione sviluppata è quella di notificare gli utenti di un evento ELRP che, attraverso incentivi economici, promuove la riduzione del consumo energetico durante i periodi di forte stress o emergenza della rete elettrica.
Questo elaborato è incentrato sullo studio di un modello a volatilità locale, formulato da A. Conze e P. Henry-Labordère a partire dalla costruzione di R. Bass per le immersioni di Skorokhod. Dato un processo di prezzi, di cui è noto un numero finito di distribuzioni marginali, si suppone che sia una martingala non negativa esprimibile come funzione del tempo e di un altro processo stocastico (ad esempio un moto Browniano): l'obiettivo è l'individuazione di tale funzione. Per raggiungerlo ci si ricondurrà alla risoluzione di un'equazione di punto fisso, per la cui soluzione verranno forniti risultati di esistenza e unicità. La determinazione di questa funzione sarà funzionale al calcolo delle sensitività del modello.
La sostenibilità (ambientale, economica e sociale) non rappresenta per le aziende un trend passeggero, ma una direzione da seguire per poter rispondere a norme sempre più stringenti e a consumatori sempre più attenti. La tesi illustra il concetto di sviluppo sostenibile, il quale ha segnato varie tappe della storia tra cui la pubblicazione nel 2015 dell’Agenda 2030 dalle Nazioni Unite e la definizione dei 17 obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile per contrastare i problemi climatici. Vengono descritti i principali strumenti introdotti dall’Unione Europea per promuovere una crescita verde, utilizzando leve di intervento sia legislative che con incentivi, quali il Green Deal che mira a promuovere attività sostenibili che non generino emissioni di inquinanti, il decreto legislativo che regola l’informativa non finanziaria, il Piano d’Azione della Commissione Europea per finanziare la crescita sostenibile. Quello che le aziende comunicano sui propri siti web è una prima indicazione delle loro politiche in materia di sostenibilità, insieme ai report e alle certificazioni più formali. Lo scopo della tesi è valutare a che punto sono le aziende di diversi settori e dimensioni nella comunicazione di queste tematiche, analizzando un campione di esse, per mezzo di un form progettato per raccogliere e archiviare dati strutturati presi dai siti web. Grazie a questo si arriverà ad un punteggio per ciascuna di esse che rappresenta l’attuale livello comunicativo. Un problema attuale riscontrato è quello del greenwashing: una strategia di marketing, per dimostrare un impegno non reale nei confronti dell’ambiente agli occhi degli stakeholder e per farle guadagnare punti in reputazione e immagine aziendale. Il fine ultimo della tesi è quello di dimostrare che la sostenibilità è una scelta necessaria che va compiuta fin da subito, e non una questione solo delle grandi aziende o dei settori più “verdi”.
La tesi descrive un modello AIMMS di ottimizzazione dei flussi di potenza tra gli utenti di una comunità energetica rinnovabile. Il modello considera la presenza nella stessa rete di distribuzione di più comunità energetiche. Ogni utente può scegliere un fornitore diverso dagli altri anche se partecipa ad una comunità. Sono considerati generatori fotovoltaici e sistemi di accumulo. Per i carichi sono stati generati profili tipici di utenze domestiche. Il modello è in grado di valutare i prezzi delle transazioni di energia interne a ciascuna comunità, in base alle tariffe orarie dei fornitori di energia. Per la rete di distribuzione test IEEE a 123 nodi, la tesi presenta una analisi di sensitività al variare della taglia dei sistemi di accumulo, della potenza di picco dei generatori fotovoltaici, della potenza richiesta dai carichi, del numero di comunità energetiche e dei fornitori.