935 resultados para Photon Number
In this paper we consider the case of a Bose gas in low dimension in order to illustrate the applicability of a method that allows us to construct analytical relations, valid for a broad range of coupling parameters, for a function which asymptotic expansions are known. The method is well suitable to investigate the problem of stability of a collection of Bose particles trapped in one- dimensional configuration for the case where the scattering length presents a negative value. The eigenvalues for this interacting quantum one-dimensional many particle system become negative when the interactions overcome the trapping energy and, in this case, the system becomes unstable. Here we calculate the critical coupling parameter and apply for the case of Lithium atoms obtaining the critical number of particles for the limit of stability.
Cooperative spontaneous emission of a single photon from a cloud of N atoms modifies substantially the radiation pressure exerted by a far-detuned laser beam exciting the atoms. On one hand, the force induced by photon absorption depends on the collective decay rate of the excited atomic state. On the other hand, directional spontaneous emission counteracts the recoil induced by the absorption. We derive an analytical expression for the radiation pressure in steady-state. For a smooth extended atomic distribution we show that the radiation pressure depends on the atom number via cooperative scattering and that, for certain atom numbers, it can be suppressed or enhanced. Cooperative scattering of light by extended atomic clouds can become important in the presence of quasi-resonant light and could be addressed in many cold atoms experiments.
From direct observations of the longitudinal development of ultra-high energy air showers performed with the Pierre Auger Observatory, upper limits of 3.8%, 2.4%, 3.5% and 11.7% (at 95% c.l.) are obtained on the fraction of cosmic-ray photons above 2, 3, 5 and 10 EeV (1 EeV equivalent to 10(18) eV), respectively. These are the first experimental limits on ultra-high energy photons at energies below 10 EeV. The results complement previous constraints on top-down models from array data and they reduce systematic uncertainties in the interpretation of shower data in terms of primary flux, nuclear composition and proton-air cross-section. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Lieb-Oxford bound is a constraint upon approximate exchange-correlation functionals. We explore a nonempirical tightening of that bound in both universal and electron number-dependent form. The test functional is PBE. Regarding both atomization energies (slightly worsened) and bond lengths (slightly improved), we find the PBE functional to be remarkably insensitive to the value of the Lieb-Oxford bound. This both rationalizes the use of the original Lieb-Oxford constant in PBE and suggests that enhancement factors more sensitive to sharpened constraints await discovery.
Two-photon absorption induced polymerization provides a powerful method for the fabrication of intricate three-dimensional microstructures. Recently, Lucirin TPO-L was shown to be a photoinitiator with several advantageous properties for two-photon induced polymerization. Here we measure the two-photon absorption cross-section spectrum of Lucirin TPO-L, which presents a maximum of 1.2 GM at 610 nm. Despite its small two-photon absorption cross-section, it is possible to fabricate excellent microstructures by two-photon polymerization due to the high polymerization quantum yield of Lucirin TPO-L. These results indicate that optimization of the two-photon absorption cross-section is not the only material parameter to be considered when searching for new photoinitiators for microfabrication via two-photon absorption.
We study the asymptotic properties of the number of open paths of length n in an oriented rho-percolation model. We show that this number is e(n alpha(rho)(1+o(1))) as n ->infinity. The exponent alpha is deterministic, it can be expressed in terms of the free energy of a polymer model, and it can be explicitly computed in some range of the parameters. Moreover, in a restricted range of the parameters, we even show that the number of such paths is n(-1/2)We (n alpha(rho))(1+o(1)) for some nondegenerate random variable W. We build on connections with the model of directed polymers in random environment, and we use techniques and results developed in this context.
The generalized Birnbaum-Saunders distribution pertains to a class of lifetime models including both lighter and heavier tailed distributions. This model adapts well to lifetime data, even when outliers exist, and has other good theoretical properties and application perspectives. However, statistical inference tools may not exist in closed form for this model. Hence, simulation and numerical studies are needed, which require a random number generator. Three different ways to generate observations from this model are considered here. These generators are compared by utilizing a goodness-of-fit procedure as well as their effectiveness in predicting the true parameter values by using Monte Carlo simulations. This goodness-of-fit procedure may also be used as an estimation method. The quality of this estimation method is studied here. Finally, through a real data set, the generalized and classical Birnbaum-Saunders models are compared by using this estimation method.
Denote by R(L, L, L) the minimum integer N such that any 3-coloring of the edges of the complete graph on N vertices contains a monochromatic copy of a graph L. Bondy and Erdos conjectured that when L is the cycle C(n) on n vertices, R(C(n), C(n), C(n)) = 4n - 3 for every odd n > 3. Luczak proved that if n is odd, then R(C(n), C(n), C(n)) = 4n + o(n), as n -> infinity, and Kohayakawa, Simonovits and Skokan confirmed the Bondy-Erdos conjecture for all sufficiently large values of n. Figaj and Luczak determined an asymptotic result for the `complementary` case where the cycles are even: they showed that for even n, we have R(C(n), C(n), C(n)) = 2n + o(n), as n -> infinity. In this paper, we prove that there exists n I such that for every even n >= n(1), R(C(n), C(n), C(n)) = 2n. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The acylation of three cellulose samples by acetic anhydride, Ac(2)O, in the solvent system LiCl/N,N-dimethylacetamide, DMAc (4 h, 110 A degrees C), has been revisited in order to investigate the dependence of the reaction efficiency on the structural characteristics of cellulose, and its aggregation in solution. The cellulose samples employed included microcrystalline, MCC; mercerized cotton linters, M-cotton, and mercerized sisal, M-sisal. The reaction efficiency expresses the relationship between the degree of substitution, DS, of the ester obtained, and the molar ratio Ac(2)O/AGU (anhydroglucose unit of the biopolymer); 100% efficiency means obtaining DS = 3 at Ac(2)O/AGU = 3. For all celluloses, the dependence of DS on Ac(2)O/AGU is described by an exponential decay equation: DS = DS(o) - Ae(-[(Ac2O/AGU)/B]); (A) and (B) are regression coefficients, and DS(o) is the calculated maximum degree of substitution, achieved under the conditions of each experiment. Values of (B) are clearly dependent on the cellulose employed: B((M-cotton)) > B((M-sisal)) > B((MCC)); they correlate qualitatively with the degree of polymerization of cellulose, and linearly with the aggregation number, N(agg), of the dissolved biopolymer, as calculated from static light scattering measurements: (B) = 1.709 + 0.034 N(agg). To our knowledge, this is the first report on the latter correlation; it shows the importance of the physical state of dissolved cellulose, and serves to explain, in part, the need to use distinct reaction conditions for MCC and fibrous celluloses, in particular Ac(2)O/AGU, time, temperature.
The genetic improvement in litter size in pigs has been substantial during the last 10-15 years. The number of teats on the sow must increase as well to meet the needs of the piglets, because each piglet needs access to its own teat. We applied a genetic heterogeneity model on teat numberin sows, and estimated medium-high heritability for teat number (0.5), but low heritability for residual variance (0.05), indicating that selection for reduced variance might have very limited effect. A numerically positive correlation (0.8) between additive genetic breeding values for mean and for variance was found, but because of the low heritability for residual variance, the variance will increase very slowly with the mean.
This paper summarises the results of using image processing technique to get information about the load of timber trucks before their arrival using digital images or geo tagged images. Once the images are captured and sent to sawmill by drivers from forest, we can predict their arrival time using geo tagged coordinates, count the number of (timber) logs piled up in a truck, identify their type and calculate their diameter. With this information we can schedule and prioritise the inflow and unloading of trucks in the light of production schedules and raw material stocks available at the sawmill yard. It is important to keep all the actors in a supply chain integrated coordinated, so that optimal working routines can be reached in the sawmill yard.