968 resultados para Paravertebral Muscles
The diagnosis of muscular dystrophies or the assessment of the functional benefit of gene or cell therapies can be difficult, especially for poorly accessible muscles, and it often lacks a singlefiber resolution. In the present study, we evaluated whether muscle diseases can be diagnosed from small biopsies using atomic force microscopy (AFM). AFM was shown to provide a sensitive and quantitative description of the resistance of normal and dystrophic myofibers within live muscle tissues explanted from Duchenne mdx mice. The rescue of dystrophin expression by gene therapy approaches led to the functional recovery of treated dystrophic muscle fibers, as probed using AFM and by in situ wholemuscle strength measurements. Comparison of muscles treated with viral or non-viral vectors indicated that the efficacy of the gene transfer approaches could be distinguished with a single myofiber resolution. This indicated full correction of the resistance to deformation in nearly all of the muscle fibers treated with an adeno-associated viral vector that mediates exon-skipping on the dystrophin mRNA. Having shown that AFM can provide a quantitative assessment of the expression of muscle proteins and of the muscular function in animal models, we assessed myofiber resistance in the context of human muscular dystrophies and myopathies. Thus, various forms of human Becker syndrome can also be detected using AFM in blind studies of small frozen biopsies from human patients. Interestingly, it also allowed the detection of anomalies in a fraction of the muscle fibers from patients showing a muscle weakness that could not be attributed to a known molecular or genetic defect. Overall, we conclude that AFM may provide a useful method to complement current diagnosis tools of known and unknown muscular diseases, in research and in a clinical context.
Insulin resistance in obesity is partly due to diminished glucose transport in myocytes and adipocytes, but underlying mechanisms are uncertain. Insulin-stimulated glucose transport requires activation of phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase (3K), operating downstream of insulin receptor substrate-1. PI3K stimulates glucose transport through increases in PI-3,4,5-(PO(4))(3) (PIP(3)), which activates atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) and protein kinase B (PKB/Akt). However, previous studies suggest that activation of aPKC, but not PKB, is impaired in intact muscles and cultured myocytes of obese subjects. Presently, we examined insulin activation of glucose transport and signaling factors in cultured adipocytes derived from preadipocytes harvested during elective liposuction in lean and obese women. Relative to adipocytes of lean women, insulin-stimulated [(3)H]2-deoxyglucose uptake and activation of insulin receptor substrate-1/PI3K and aPKCs, but not PKB, were diminished in adipocytes of obese women. Additionally, the direct activation of aPKCs by PIP(3) in vitro was diminished in aPKCs isolated from adipocytes of obese women. Similar impairment in aPKC activation by PIP(3) was observed in cultured myocytes of obese glucose-intolerant subjects. These findings suggest the presence of defects in PI3K and aPKC activation that persist in cultured cells and limit insulin-stimulated glucose transport in adipocytes and myocytes of obese subjects.
This study was conducted to analyze whether internal (IR) and external (ER) rotator shoulder muscles weakness and/or imbalance collected through a preseason assessment could be predictors of subsequent shoulder injury during a season in handball players. In preseason, 16 female elite handball players (HPG) and 14 healthy female nonathletes (CG) underwent isokinetic IR and ER strength test with use of a Con-Trex® dynamometer in a seated position with 45° shoulder abduction in scapular plane, at 60, 120 and 240°/s in concentric and at 60°/s in eccentric, for both sides. An imbalanced muscular strength profile was determined using -statistically selected cut-offs from CG values. For HPG, all newly incurred shoulder injuries were reported during the season. There were significant differences between HPG and CG only for dominant eccentric IR strength, ER/IR ratio at 240°/s and for IRecc/ERcon ratio. In HPG, IR and ER strength was higher, and ER/IR ratios lower for dominant than for nondominant side. The relative risk was 2.57 (95%CI: 1.60-3.54; P<0.05) if handball players had an imbalanced muscular strength profile. In youth female handball players IR and ER muscle strength increases on the dominant side without ER/IR imbalances; and higher injury risk was associated with imbalanced muscular strength profile.
Invasion of the laryngeal framework by thyroid carcinoma requires specific surgical techniques and carries a higher rate of complications that deserve to be highlighted. We reviewed our data from 1995 to 2012 and found six patients with laryngotracheal invasion by thyroid carcinoma. All underwent total thyroidectomy and single-stage cricotracheal resection, plus anterolateral neck dissection. Three had airway obstruction that necessitated prior endoscopic debulking. None of the patients needed a tracheotomy. There were four cases of papillary carcinoma, and two cases of undifferentiated carcinoma. One patient died of complications of the procedure (anastomotic dehiscence and tracheo-innominate artery fistula). Another died 2 months after the procedure from local recurrence and aspiration pneumonia. One case presented recurrence at 15 months, which was managed by re-excision and adjuvant radiotherapy; after 26 months of follow-up, he has no evidence of locoregional recurrence. The three other patients are alive without evidence of disease at 6, 18 and 41 months, respectively. Cricotracheal resection for subglottic invasion by thyroid carcinoma is an effective procedure, but carries significant risks of complications. This could be attributed to the devascularisation of the tracheal wall due to the simultaneous neck dissection, sacrifice of the strap muscles or of a patch of oesophageal muscle layer. We advocate a sternocleidomastoid flap to cover the anastomosis. Cricotracheal resection for subglottic invasion can be curative with good functional outcomes, even for the advanced stages of thyroid cancer. Endoscopic debulking of the airway prior to the procedure avoids tracheotomy.
The present thesis comprises two study populations. The first study sample (SS1) consisted of 411 adults examined and interviewed at three annual visits. The second study sample (SS2) consisted of 1720 adults who filled in a mailed questionnaire about secondary otalgia, tinnitus and fullness of ears. In the second phase of the SS2, 100 subjects with otalgia were examined and interviewed by specialist in stomatognathic physiology and otorhinolaryngology. In the third phase, 36 subjects participated in a randomized, controlled and blinded trial of effectiveness of occlusal appliance on secondary otalgia, facial pain, headache and treatment need of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The standardized prevalence of recurrent secondary otalgia was 6%, tinnitus 15% and fullness of ears 8%. Aural symptoms were more frequent among young than old subjects. They were associated with other, simultaneous aural symptoms, TMD pain, head and neck region pain, and visits to a physician. The subjects with aural symptoms more often had tenderness on palpation of masticatory muscles and clinical signs of temporomandibular joint than the subjects without. 85% of the subjects reporting secondary otalgia had cervical spine or temporomandibular disorder or both. In SS1, the final model of secondary otalgia included active need treatment for TMD, elevated level of stress symptoms, and bruxism. In SS2, the final models of aural symptoms included associated aural symptoms, young age, TMD pain, headache and shoulder ache. Stabilization splint more effectively alleviated secondary otalgia and active treatment need for TMD than a palatal control splint. In patients with aural pain, tinnitus or fullness of ears, it is important to first rule out otologic and nasopharyngeal diseases that may cause the symptoms. If no explanation for aural symptoms is found, temporomandibular and cervical spine disorders should be rouled out to minimize unnecessary visits to a physician.
Although neck pain (NP) and headache (HA) are often concomitant in adolescents, few data exist on the association of NP with HA in this age group. The aim of the study was to examine the association of concomitant NP with adolescent HA and with the outcome of HA. The associations of self-reported NP, physical findings of the neck and disc degeneration of the cervical spine with adolescent HA were studied. This study is part of a population-based follow-up study of 12-year-old children (N 1135/1409) with and without HA. A sample of adolescents (N = 304) was followed to the age of 16 years. At the age of 17 years, 69 of them participated in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study of the cervical spine. During the follow-up from 13 to 16 years of age, changes in both HA type and frequency were common. A poor outcome of HA was associated with NP interfering with daily activities at the age of 13 years. The changes in HA type were not predictable by NP. At the age of 16 years, local and referred palpation pain of the neck muscles, self-reported NP and NP intensity were associated with HA, and especially with disturbing HA unresponsive to analgesics. The association of NP with HA was not determined by HA type. Mild degenerative changes of the cervical spine were common but did not contribute to headache. HA in adolescence is often episodic, and prevention and treatment of NP could be important in the prevention of future chronic adult HA.
Résumé tout public : Le développement du diabète de type II et de l'obésité est causé par l'interaction entre des gènes de susceptibilité et des facteurs environnementaux, en particulier une alimentation riche en calories et une activité physique insuffisante. Afín d'évaluer le rôle de l'alimentation en absence d'hétérogénéité génétique, nous avons nourri une lignée de souris génétiquement pure avec un régime extrêmement gras. Ce régime a conduit à l'établissement de différents phénotypes parmi ces souris, soit : un diabète et une obésité (ObD), un diabète mais pas d'obésité (LD) ou ni un diabète, ni une obésité (LnD). Nous avons fait l'hypothèse que ces adaptations différentes au stress nutritionnel induit par le régime gras étaient dues à l'établissement de programmes génétiques différents dans les principaux organes impliqués dans le maintien de l'équilibre énergétique. Afin d'évaluer cette hypothèse, nous avons développé une puce à ADN contenant approximativement 700 gènes du métabolisme. Cette puce à ADN, en rendant possible la mesure simultanée de l'expression de nombreux gènes, nous a permis d'établir les profils d'expression des gènes caractéristiques de chaque groupe de souris nourries avec le régime gras, dans le foie et le muscle squelettique. Les données que nous avons obtenues à partir de ces profils d'expression ont montré que des changements d'expression marqués se produisaient dans le foie et le muscle entre les différents groupes de souris nourries avec le régime gras. Dans l'ensemble, ces changements suggèrent que l'établissement du diabète de type II et de l'obésité induits par un régime gras est associé à une synthèse accrue de lipides par le foie et à un flux augmenté de lipides du foie jusqu'à la périphérie (muscles squelettiques). Dans un deuxième temps, ces profils d'expression des gènes ont été utilisés pour sélectionner un sous-ensemble de gènes suffisamment discriminants pour pouvoir distinguer entre les différents phénotypes. Ce sous-ensemble de gènes nous a permis de construire un classificateur phénotypique capable de prédire avec une précision relativement élevée le phénotype des souris. Dans le futur, de tels « prédicteurs » basés sur l'expression des gènes pourraient servir d'outils pour le diagnostic de pathologies liées au métabolisme. Summary: Aetiology of obesity and type II diabetes is multifactorial, involving both genetic and environmental factors, such as calory-rich diets or lack of exercice. Genetically homogenous C57BL/6J mice fed a high fat diet (HFD) up to nine months develop differential adaptation, becoming either obese and diabetic (ObD) or remaining lean in the presence (LD) or absence (LnD) of diabetes development. Each phenotype is associated with diverse metabolic alterations, which may result from diverse molecular adaptations of key organs involved in the control of energy homeostasis. In this study, we evaluated if specific patterns of gene expression could be associated with each different phenotype of HFD mice in the liver and the skeletal muscles. To perform this, we constructed a metabolic cDNA microarray containing approximately 700 cDNA representing genes involved in the main metabolic pathways of energy homeostasis. Our data indicate that the development of diet-induced obesity and type II diabetes is linked to some defects in lipid metabolism, involving a preserved hepatic lipogenesis and increased levels of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). In skeletal muscles, an increase in fatty acids uptake, as suggested by the increased expression of lipoprotein lipase, would contribute to the increased level of insulin resistance observed in the ObD mice. Conversely, both groups of lean mice showed a reduced expression in lipogenic genes, particularly stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (Scd-1), a gene linked to sensitivity to diet-induced obesity. Secondly, we identified a subset of genes from expression profiles that classified with relative accuracy the different groups of mice. Such classifiers may be used in the future as diagnostic tools of each metabolic state in each tissue. Résumé Développement d'une puce à ADN métabolique et application à l'étude d'un modèle murin d'obésité et de diabète de type II L'étiologie de l'obésité et du diabète de type II est multifactorielle, impliquant à la fois des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux, tels que des régimes riches en calories ou un manque d'exercice physique. Des souris génétiquement homogènes C57BL/6J nourries avec un régime extrêmement gras (HFD) pendant 9 mois développent une adaptation métabolique différentielle, soit en devenant obèses et diabétiques (ObD), soit en restant minces en présence (LD) ou en absence (LnD) d'un diabète. Chaque phénotype est associé à diverses altérations métaboliques, qui pourraient résulter de diverses adaptations moléculaires des organes impliqués dans le contrôle de l'homéostasie énergétique. Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué si des profils d'expression des gènes dans le foie et le muscle squelettique pouvaient être associés à chacun des phénotypes de souris HFD. Dans ce but, nous avons développé une puce à ADN métabolique contenant approximativement 700 ADNc représentant des gènes impliqués dans les différentes voies métaboliques de l'homéostasie énergétique. Nos données indiquent que le développement de l'obésité et du diabète de type II induit par un régime gras est associé à certains défauts du métabolisme lipidique, impliquant une lipogenèse hépatique préservée et des niveaux de lipoprotéines de très faible densité (VLDL) augmentés. Au niveau du muscle squelettique, une augmentation du captage des acides gras, suggéré par l'expression augmentée de la lipoprotéine lipase, contribuerait à expliquer la résistance à l'insuline plus marquée observée chez les souris ObD. Au contraire, les souris minces ont montré une réduction marquée de l'expression des gènes lipogéniques, en particulier de la stéaroyl-CoA désaturase 1 (scd-1), un gène associé à la sensibilité au développement de l'obésité par un régime gras. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons identifié un sous-ensemble de gènes à partir des profils d'expression, qui permettent de classifier avec une précision relativement élevée les différents groupes de souris. De tels classificateurs pourraient être utilisés dans le futur comme outils pour le diagnostic de l'état métabolique d'un tissu donné.
It has been already demonstrated that thyroid hormone (T3) is one of the most important stimulating factors in peripheral nerve regeneration. We have recently shown that local administration of T3 in silicon tubes at the level of the transected rat sciatic nerve enhanced axonal regeneration and improved functional recovery. Silicon, however, cannot be used in humans because it causes a chronic inflammatory reaction. Therefore, in order to provide future clinical applications of thyroid hormone in human peripheral nerve lesions, we carried out comparative studies on the regeneration of transected rat sciatic nerve bridged either by biodegradable P(DLLA-(-CL) or by silicon nerve guides, both guides filled with either T3 or phosphate buffer. Our macroscopic observation revealed that 85% of the biodegradable guides allowed the expected regeneration of the transected sciatic nerve. The morphological, morphometric and electrophysiological analysis showed that T3 in biodegradable guides induces a significant increase in the number of myelinated regenerated axons (6862 +/- 1831 in control vs. 11799 +/- 1163 in T3-treated). Also, T3 skewed the diameter of myelinated axons toward larger values than in controls. Moreover, T3 increases the compound muscle action potential amplitude of the flexor and extensor muscles of the treated rats. This T3 stimulation in biodegradable guides was equally well to that obtained by using silicone guides. In conclusion, the administration of T3 in biodegradable guides significantly improves sciatic nerve regeneration, confirming the feasibility of our technique to provide a serious step towards future clinical application of T3 in human peripheral nerve injuries.
Smad3 is a key intracellular signaling mediator for both transforming growth factor-β and myostatin, two major regulators of skeletal muscle growth. Previous published work has revealed pronounced muscle atrophy together with impaired satellite cell functionality in Smad3-null muscles. In the present study, we have further validated a role for Smad3 signaling in skeletal muscle regeneration. Here, we show that Smad3-null mice had incomplete recovery of muscle weight and myofiber size after muscle injury. Histological/immunohistochemical analysis suggested impaired inflammatory response and reduced number of activated myoblasts during the early stages of muscle regeneration in the tibialis anterior muscle of Smad3-null mice. Nascent myofibers formed after muscle injury were also reduced in number. Moreover, Smad3-null regenerated muscle had decreased oxidative enzyme activity and impaired mitochondrial biogenesis, evident by the downregulation of the gene encoding mitochondrial transcription factor A, a master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis. Consistent with known Smad3 function, reduced fibrotic tissue formation was also seen in regenerated Smad3-null muscle. In conclusion, Smad3 deficiency leads to impaired muscle regeneration, which underscores an essential role of Smad3 in postnatal myogenesis. Given the negative role of myostatin during muscle regeneration, the increased expression of myostatin observed in Smad3-null muscle may contribute to the regeneration defects.
Introduction: To investigate differences in twitch and M-wave potentiation in the quadriceps femoris when electrical stimulation is applied over the quadriceps muscle belly versus the femoral nerve trunk. Methods: M-waves and mechanical twitches were evoked using direct quadriceps muscle and femoral nerve stimulation between 48 successive isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) from 10 young, healthy subjects. Potentiation was investigated by analyzing the changes in M-wave amplitude recorded from the vastus medialis (VM) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles and in quadriceps peak twitch force. Results: Potentiation of twitch, VM M-wave, and VL M-wave were greater for femoral nerve than for direct quadriceps stimulation (P<0.05). Despite a 50% decrease in MVC force, the amplitude of the M-waves increased significantly during exercise. Conclusions: In addition to enhanced electrogenic Na(+) -K(+) pumping, other factors (such as synchronization in activation of muscle fibers and muscle architectural properties) might significantly influence the magnitude of M-wave enlargement. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
OBJECTIVE: Whole-body vibration (WBV) exercise is progressively adopted as an alternative therapeutic modality for enhancing muscle force and muscle activity via neurogenic potentiation. So far, possible changes in the recruitment patterns of the trunk musculature after WBV remain undetermined. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the short-term effects of a single WBV session on trunk neuromuscular responses in patients with chronic low back pain (cLBP) and healthy participants. METHODS: Twenty patients with cLBP and 21 healthy participants performed 10 trunk flexion-extensions before and after a single WBV session consisting of five 1-minute vibration sets. Surface electromyography (EMG) of erector spinae at L2-L3 and L4-L5 and lumbopelvic kinematic variables were collected during the trials. Data were analyzed using 2-way mixed analysis of variance models. RESULTS: The WBV session led to increased lumbar EMG activity during the flexion and extension phases but yielded no change in the quiet standing and fully flexed phases. Kinematic data showed a decreased contribution to the movement of the lumbar region in the second extension quartile. These effects were not different between patients with cLBP and healthy participants. CONCLUSIONS: Increased lumbar EMG activity after a single WBV session most probably results from potentiation effects of WBV on lumbar muscles reflex responses. Decreased EMG activity in full trunk flexion, usually observed in healthy individuals, was still present after WBV, suggesting that the ability of the spine stabilizing mechanisms to transfer the extension torque from muscles to passive structures was not affected.
Pudendal neuropathy is common. The diagnosis is clinical and the confirmation is electrophysiological. Distal pudendal nerve latencies have been used but they are unspecific and do not allow to localize the site of compression. A preliminary electrophysiological study has suggested separate innervations of the anterior and the posterior anal sphincter quadrants, so diverging from what main anatomy textbooks teach. By detailed dissections of pudendal nerve region we can confirm a dichotomy in the innervation of the two quadrants. Therefore, it seems feasible, by using the differences of staged sacral reflexes, to better localize the compressive neuropathy, with a stimulation of the clitoris and by recording latencies of different muscles.
Euglycemic hyperinsulinemia stimulates both sympathetic nerve activity and blood flow to skeletal muscle, but the mechanism is unknown. Possible mechanisms that may stimulate muscle blood flow include neural, humoral, or metabolic effects of insulin. To determine whether such insulin-induced vasodilation is modulated by stimulation of adrenergic or cholinergic mechanisms, we obtained, in eight healthy lean subjects, plethysmographic measurements of calf blood flow during 3 h of hyperinsulinemic (1 mU.kg-1.min-1) euglycemic clamp performed alone or during concomitant beta-adrenergic (propranolol infusion), cholinergic (atropine infusion), or alpha-adrenergic (prazosin administration) blockade. Euglycemic hyperinsulinemia alone increased calf blood flow by 38 +/- 10% (means +/- SE) and decreased vascular resistance by 27 +/- 4% (P < 0.01). The principal new observation is that these insulin-induced vasodilatory responses were not attenuated by concomitant propranolol or atropine infusion, nor were they potentiated by prazosin administration. In conclusion, these findings provide evidence that during euglycemic hyperinsulinemia in lean healthy humans stimulation of muscle blood flow is not mediated primarily by beta-adrenergic or cholinergic mechanisms. Furthermore, alpha-adrenergic mechanisms do not markedly limit insulin-induced stimulation of muscle blood flow.
Primary monogenic forms of dystonia manifest solely or mainly with dystonia; they have been linked to a number of genes and loci and assigned "DYT" numbers. The pure dystonia syndrome early-onset primary dystonia (DYT1) manifests with dominantly-inherited generalized dystonia, often with focal onset in a limb. DYT1 is caused by a GAG deletion in the TOR1A gene. Mutations in the THAP1 gene cause DYT6, a form of pure dystonia that primarily involves cranio-cervical and upper limb muscles. Patients with the dystonia plus syndrome DYT5 display levodopa-responsive dystonia sometimes associated with tremor or parkinsonism (DYT5a, mutations in GCH1); a more severe phenotype with psychomotor involvement can be seen in recessive forms (DYT5b with TH mutations, SPR-deficiency syndrome). Other forms of dystonia plus syndromes include myoclonic dystonia (DYT11) and rapid-onset dystonia-parkinsonism (DYT12). Finally, paroxysmal exertion-induced dystonia (DYT18, GLUT1 deficiency) is caused by mutations in the SLC2A1 gene (DYT9 and DYT18). It is part of the paroxysmal dystonia group and manifests with paroxystic movements sometimes associated with seizures and psychomotor developmental delay.
PURPOSE: To report the clinical and genetic study of two families of Egyptian origin with clinical anophthalmia. To further determine the role of the retina and anterior neural fold homeobox gene (RAX) in anophthalmia and associated cerebral malformations. METHODS: Three patients with clinical anophthalmia and first-degree relatives from two consanguineous families of Egyptian origin underwent full ophthalmologic, general and neurologic examination, and blood tests. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed in the index cases of both families. Genomic DNA was prepared from venous leukocytes, and direct sequencing of all the exons and intron-exon junctions of RAX was performed after PCR amplification. RESULTS: Clinical bilateral anophthalmia was observed in all three patients. General and neurologic examinations were normal; obesity and delay in psychomotor development were observed in the isolated case. Orbital MRI showed a hypoplastic orbit with present but rudimentary extraocular muscles and normal lacrimal glands. Cerebral MRI showed agenesis of the optic nerves, optic tracts, and optic chiasma. In the index case of family A, the absence of the frontal and sphenoidal sinuses was also noted. In the index case of family B, only the sphenoidal sinus was absent, and there was significant cortical atrophy. The three patients carried a novel homozygous c.543+3A>G mutation (IVS2+3A>G) in RAX. Parents were healthy heterozygous carriers. No mutations were detected in orthodenticle homeobox 2 (OTX2), ventral anterior homeobox 1 (VAX1), or sex determining region Y-box 2 (SOX2). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a homozygous splicing RAX mutation associated with autosomal recessive bilateral anophthalmia. To our knowledge, only two isolated cases of anophthalmia, three null and one missense case affecting nuclear localization or the DNA-binding homeodomain, have been found to be caused by compound heterozygote RAX mutations. A novel missense RAX mutation was identified in three patients with bilateral anophthalmia and a distinct systemic and neurologic phenotype. The mutation potentially affects splicing of the last exon and is thought to result in a protein that has an aberrant homeodomain and no paired-tail domain. Functional consequences of this change still need to be characterized.