1000 resultados para PUBLICACIONES SERIADAS
A adoção de novos processos seletivos para o acesso de alunos às universidades só foi possível com a promulgação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional n. 9.394/96. O vestibular seriado é uma dessas propostas alternativas, que prevê uma avaliação sistemática dos alunos ao término de cada ano do ensino médio. O propósito deste estudo foi caracterizar o vestibular seriado, hoje presente em 22 instituições públicas, quanto ao seu objetivo, estilos de avaliação e conteúdos da disciplina de Biologia distribuídos nos módulos referentes às três séries do ensino médio. Averiguamos que os diferentes programas analisados não apresentam uniformidade em diversos aspectos, tais como número de vagas, estrutura de avaliação e conteúdo programático. Verificamos, ainda, a ausência de consenso sobre a sequência a ser adotada para o ensino de Biologia e a resultante restrição para que o aluno possa preparar-se para as provas seriadas em mais de uma instituição.
Bovine semen experimentally contaminated with Leptospira santarosai serovar Guaricura was submitted to the modified EMJH medium with 5-fluorouracil (300mg/L) and nalidixic acid (20mg/L), named as "selective medium" and using the serial dilution technique, in order to evaluate the percentage of recovery of the added microorganism. The selective EMJH medium was found with higher percentage of recovery of leptospiras and minor losses of samples due to contamination with opportunistic microorganisms than the non-selective EMJH medium: 151/376 (40.0%) of positive growth; and 38/376 (10.0%) contamination and 58/376 (15%) and 129/376 (34.0%), respectively. These results were statistically significant (p<0. 0001; Fisher). Differences were found when the frequencies of positive leptospires recovery have been compared in the serial dilution technique (10-1 to 10-4) between the selective and non-selective media at different dilution factors. At 1/10th dilution the percentages found were (0%, 0/80) and (38%, 30/80), at 1/100th dilution, (3%, 2/80) and (49%, 39/80) and at 1/1,000th dilution, (25%, 20/80) and (50%, 40/80), respectively. The percentage of recovery of leptospires was found to be directly proportional to the dilution used. The methodology of the serial dilution technique (setting at least three dilutions) and the use of selective EMJH medium have been found to be efficient for the isolation of leptospires from the bovine semen samples.
The object of this study is to assess informative possibilities of some technical indicators of the Test of Photos of Professions (BBT - Berufsbilder test), a projective method to clarify professional inclination, proposed by Martin Achtnich. This psychological evaluation technique is composed of 96 photos of professionals, performing various types of activities. The test subject classifies the photos into three groups: positive (agreeable), negative (disagreeable) and indifferent (neutral). Among those chosen positively, five preferences are chosen and a story is developed that includes them, an activity that is requested two times during the Vocational Guidance process: in the beginning (or middle) and at the end of the intervention. In this study, 160 stories were created by 80 youths, between 15 and 20 years of age, in public and private schools in a mid-sized Brazilian city. The stories were compared in three analytical categories: protagonist, professional conflict and resolution. The results were submitted to Wilcoxon nonparametric statistical analysis (p < .05), significant and relevant indicators of resolution being found in the process of occupational choice. This technical resource was shown, from this empirical evidence, to be promising for use in evaluation of intervention processes of Vocational Guidance.
Objectives: estimate the Prevalence and track the risk factors associated with, Maternity blues (MB). Methods: a transversal study was performed with 113 women, on the tenth day of puerperium. The following instruments were used: Pitt Scale (1968), Stein (1980), Inventory for stressful life events by Holmes & Rahe (1967), and a questionnaire with sociodemographic and obstetric data. Results: the prevalence of MB was 32.7% according to the Stein scale. In the univariated analysis, civil status and tobacco use were associated with MB, Legally married women and nonsmokers showed a risk approximately 4 times lower of experiencing the problem. Conclusions: MB was very prevalent in this sample, Obstetricians must be aware of this condition which may be associated with postpartum depression.
The objective of the present study was: (a) to identify the concerns, verbally expressed, of 50 mothers regarding their preterm infants (PT) and then compare their verbal expression with those of 25 mothers of full-term infants (FT): and (b) to correlate the mothers` verbal expressions with maternal and infant variables. The following instruments were used to compose and characterize the sample: Structure Clinical Interview for DSM III-R Non-Patient (SCID/NP), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and medical charts. Results showed that there was no difference between groups in term of mothers` expectations and conceptualizations, both groups exhibited predominantly positive expectations and concepts. In comparison with FT mothers, PT mothers verbally expressed more feelings and reactions predominantly negative or conflicting in relation to infant birth. Higher levels of maternal anxiety and depression in the PT Group were correlated with more verbal expressions about negative or conflicting emotions. In addition, lower birth weight, higher neonatal risk and longer length of stay in intensive care nursery of the infants were related with more negative or conflicting concepts by the mothers.
Behavioral problems in preschool children are one of the most frequent motives for seeking psychological care by parents and caregivers. Instruments are considered necessary, created from a Social Skills Training theoretical-practical perspective, which may systematically assist the identification of social skills and behavioral deficits. helping professionals in the prevention and/or reduction of behavioral problems. The purpose of this study was to test the psychometric validity and reliability of an instrument for evaluation of Socially Skilled Responses. from a teacher`s perspective (QRSH-PR). For this purpose, 260 preschool children were evaluated. differentiated in subgroups without and without behavioral difficulties, based on the Child Behavior Scale (Escala de Comportamento Infantil/ECI-Professor). Studies were conducted for construct. discrimination. concurrent and predictive validity. The Cronbach Alpha was calculated to evaluate internal consistency. The obtained results pointed to positive indicators in reference to construct, discrimination, and predictive validity, and even for good internal consistency. indicating that the items consistently measure the construct of social skills, and differentiated children with and without behavioral problems. The questionnaire is considered to be gauged for evaluation of socially skilled responses from preschool children. and applicable in educational and clinical environments.
The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare symptoms of anxiety and depression before and after psychological intervention in mothers of babies born preterm with very low birth weight, hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Fifty nine mothers, without psychiatric antecedents, were distributed into two groups according to the type of psychological intervention received. Group G1 included 36 mothers who received routine psychological treatment associated with initial structured intake using support materials (video and guidance manual). Group G2 included 23 mothers who received routine psychological intervention without support material. The STAI and BDI, respectively. were used to evaluate maternal indicators of anxiety and depression. The results revealed that both groups showed a reduction in levels of state or trait anxiety and depression after psychological intervention and discharge of the baby from the hospital. In regard to the emotional symptoms at a clinical level, a statistically significant reduction in the level of state-anxiety was verified in G1. The findings confirmed the need for psychological support for mothers of preterm infants and the use of materials focusing on ""prematurity"" for reduction of the situational anxiety on a clinical level.
The Purpose of this study was: (a) to assess and to compare anxiety and depression symptoms in mothers of preterm neonates during hospitalization in the Neonatal Intenive Care Unit, after discharge, and at the end of the infants` first year of life and (b) to assess the child`s development at 12 months of chronological corrected age (CCA). Thirty-six mothers, with no psychiatric antecedents assessed with the SCID-NP were evaluated by STAI and BDI The infants were assessed with Bayley-II Scales. There was a significant decrease in clinical symptoms of state-anxiety in mothers (p =.008). comparing the period during hospitalization and after discharge of the infants. Clinical symptoms of anxiety and depression were observed in 20% of the mothers at the end of the infants` first year of age. The majority of the infants exhibited normal development on Bayley-II at 12 months CCA: however. 25% of the infants displayed cognitive problems and 40% motor problems. The mothers` anxiety and depression symptoms decreased it the end of the first year of life of the pre-term infants and the children showed predominately normal development Lit this phase.
O presente artigo toma como ponto de partida a revis??o do estado da arte sobre os centros de servi??os compartilhados (CSC). Arranjos de servi??os compartilhados est??o ganhando import??ncia na gest??o p??blica como meio para reduzir despesas e elevar a qualidade dos servi??os. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram investigar as determinantes do surgimento dos CSC na gest??o p??blica, os principais problemas em sua implanta????o e as tend??ncias futuras dos CSC. Al??m da publica????o cient??fica e t??cnica sobre o tema, a metodologia se assenta no estudo da experi??ncia brit??nica de compartilhamento de servi??os entre diferentes esferas de governo. Uma das conclus??es relevantes da pesquisa ?? que o Brasil, embora tenha poucas experi??ncias de servi??os compartilhados na administra????o p??blica, poder?? obter significativos benef??cios financeiros e na qualidade dos servi??os p??blicos.
Foi realizado estudo sobre a incidência de contaminação por micoplasma em 29 tipos de linhagens celulares pertencentes a sete laboratórios de instituições particulares, oficiais e de ensino superior. Utilizando o método de cultivo direto e oito passagens seriadas em meios específicos, líquido e sólido, verificou-se que, do total de 106 amostras, 48 apresentaram-se contaminadas por micoplasma (45,28%), o que constitui elevado índice de contaminação. O fato indica que testes periódicos para a determinação da presença de micoplasma nas culturas em utilização é recomendável e que as culturas contaminadas devem ser eliminadas para evitar a disseminação do microrganismo. Outras medidas preventivas devem ser adotadas, como a eliminação da pipetagem bucal, execução de técnicas assépticas mais estritas no manuseio das células, controle dos soros de origem animal, da tripsina e de outros componentes dos meios de cultura utilizados em cultura celular. O estudo mostrou que, ao invés das oito passagens seriadas propostas inicialmente, cinco foram suficientes para a detecção dos micoplasmas, o que representa economia de tempo e de materiais de custo elevado, reduzindo de 848 para 530 o número de passagens e a duração do teste, de oito para cinco semanas.
La aprobación de las NICs, en octubre de 2003, orienta un tratamiento contable a ser adoptado por las empresas. El entendimiento de las normativas se constituí en una responsabilidad académica. Así que el objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la normalización del Activo Inmaterial: intangibles, considerando las normas del: International Accounting Standard Comité – IASC – la NIC 38 (de modo detallado), y el Financial Accounting Standards Board – FASB. Además se hará reflexiones con el propósito de contextualizar el tema sobre intangibles. El desarrollo de este estudio se establece a través de la investigación de datos secundarios, la propia normativa contable: NIC 38 del IASC, considerando publicaciones más recientes de autores como: Baruch Lev, Leif Edvinsson y Michael Malone, Kart Sveiby y Goodacre para citar algunos.
OBJETIVO: Sistematizar los hallazgos de los estudios de cohorte prospectivos sobre los múltiples factores de riesgo de caídas en ancianos y valorar la calidad metodológica de los mismos. MÉTODOS: Revisión sistemática de estudios epidemiológicos en las bases de datos Medline, SciELO y Lilacs. Fueron incluidos estudios con número de sujetos >100, con edad >64 años, de ambos sexos, residentes en la comunidad o en instituciones para ancianos. RESULTADOS: De 726 publicaciones encontradas, 15 estudios cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, habiendo sido publicados entre 1988 y 2005. Los estudios presentaron heterogeneidad metodológica. Los principales factores asociados a un aumento del riesgo de caída son: antecedente de caída, alteración de la marcha, incapacidad funcional, deterioro cognitivo, consumo de medicación psicotrópica y exceso de actividad física. A pesar de hallazgos contradictorios, ser del sexo femenino y tener edad avanzada, también pueden ser predictores de caída. CONCLUSIONES: Se identifican algunas carencias metodológicas de los estudios de cohorte prospectivo sobre caídas: carencia de estudios sobre determinantes extrínsecos, necesidad de enmascaramiento del evaluador durante el seguimiento y de un mejor control del seguimiento con menores intervalos entres las recogidas de datos.
Sin lugar a dudas, el inglés se ha convertido en las últimas décadas en la lingua franca de la comunidad científica internacional, desplazando incluso a otras lenguas que tuvieron una gran importancia en otras épocas, caso del francés o del alemán. El lenguaje científico español también ha sucumbido a esta entrada masiva del inglés en las distintas disciplinas científico-técnicas, y presenta desde hace unas décadas ciertas características que no son propias de las reglas gramaticales del español y que son el fruto de una contaminación lingüística derivada de la penetración del inglés. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar las características del lenguaje médico tal y como lo podemos encontrar en las publicaciones españolas actuales. Para ello, el artículo se divide en tres apartados: en primer lugar, haremos un breve recorrido por la historia del lenguaje médico como punto de partida para comprender la evolución de este lenguaje. En segundo lugar, analizaremos las características principales dentro de los niveles léxicosemántico, morfosintáctico y fonético-fonológico del lenguaje médico español y veremos la influencia que ha tenido el inglés en el proceso de evolución del mismo. En tercer lugar, examinaremos los procedimientos de creación y formación de términos médicos y cómo afectan al desarrollo lingüístico de la terminología.
A Língua Gestual Portuguesa (LGP) foi, em 1997, reconhecida como a língua oficial dos surdos portugueses. Os trabalhos pioneiros de William Stokoe, na década de 60, sustentaram a evidência de que os surdos possuem a sua própria língua, que adquirem de forma natural sempre que expostos a um ambiente linguístico que lhes permita a sua aquisição e desenvolvimento plenos. A LGP é uma língua natural e apresenta uma complexidade estrutural equivalente à das línguas orais, sendo possível distinguir elementos descritivos da mão, tais como a configuração, o local de articulação, o movimento, a orientação e ainda os componentes não-manuais. A LGP desenvolve-se num ―espaço sintáctico‖, espaço em frente do gestuante, onde se organizam as relações morfológicas e sintácticas. Neste artigo, pretendemos descrever e classificar alguns processos de polissemia nominal que detectámos em LGP. Partindo duma abordagem bottom-up, com base num corpus de cem gestos nominais, observámos os processos polissémicos presentes. Tendo como referência um enquadramento teórico-conceptual de cariz cognitivista da noção de polissemia, detectámos processos metonímicos, de denominação através de características estereotípicas de um determinado referente e de possível contacto linguístico entre a Língua Gestual Portuguesa e a Língua Portuguesa Escrita. Também foram encontrados processos de polissemia que parecem assentar numa sinonímia visual e cuja polissemia se reveste de uma identificação sinónima, através de uma imagem comum, entre um referente e outro. Salientaremos ainda que este trabalho se considera exploratório, relativamente, aos processos de polissemia em LGP, sendo nossa intenção continuar a estudar com mais dados este fenómeno.