991 resultados para Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598.


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Factors contributing to the variations in the Cu(I)-Cu(I) distances in two clusters with identical ligand and coordination geometries have been analyzed. While the hexamer, 4, exhibits metal-metal distances in the range 2.81-3.25 Angstrom, shorter contacts are found in the corresponding tetramer, 3 (2.60-2.77 Angstrom). EHT calculations reveal relatively little attractive interactions in the corresponding Cu-4(4+) and Cu-6(6+) cores. Introduction of the ligands lowers the reduced overlap populations between the metals further. MNDO calculations with model electrophiles have been carried out to determine the bite angle requirements of the ligands. These are satisfactorily met in the structures of both 3 and 4. The key geometric feature distinguishing 3 and 4 is the Cu-S-Cu angle involving the bridging S- unit. In 4, the corresponding angles are about 90 degrees, while the values in 3 are smaller (70-73 degrees). Wider angles are computed to be energetically favored and are characterized by an open three-center bond and a long Cu-Cu distance. The bridging angles are suggested to be primarily constrained by the mode of oligomerization. Implications of these results for the stability and reactivity of these clusters and for short metal-metal distances in d(10) systems in general are discussed.


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We have carried out Brownian dynamics simulations of binary mixtures of charged colloidal suspensions of two different diameter particles with varying volume fractions phi and charged impurity concentrations n(i). For a given phi, the effective temperature is lowered in many steps by reducing n(i) to see how structure and dynamics evolve. The structural quantities studied are the partial and total pair distribution functions g(tau), the static structure factors, the time average g(<(tau)over bar>), and the Wendt-Abraham parameter. The dynamic quantity is the temporal evolution of the total meansquared displacement (MSD). All these parameters show that by lowering the effective temperature at phi = 0.2, liquid freezes into a body-centered-cubic crystal whereas at phi = 0.3, a glassy state is formed. The MSD at intermediate times shows significant subdiffusive behavior whose time span increases with a reduction in the effective temperature. The mean-squared displacements for the supercooled liquid with phi = 0.3 show staircase behavior indicating a strongly cooperative jump motion of the particles.


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We have synthesized specimens of nanometric lead dispersion in a glassy Al-Cu-V matrix by rapid solidification of the corresponding melt. The microstructure has been designed to avoid superconducting percolation due to coupling of the neighboring particles by the proximity effect. Using these specimens, we have determined quantitatively the effect of size of the ultrafine lead particles on the superconducting transition. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)02037-9].


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Nanocrystalline ZnO:Mn (0.1 mol%) phosphors have been successfully prepared by self propagating, gas producing solution combustion method. The powder X-ray diffraction of as-formed ZnO:Mn sample shows, hexagonal wurtzite phase with particle size of similar to 40 nm. For Mn doped ZnO, the lattice parameters and volume of unit cell (a=3.23065 angstrom, c=5.27563 angstrom and V=47.684 (angstrom)(3)) are found to be greater than that of undoped ZnO (a=3.19993 angstrom, c=5.22546 angstrom and V=46.336 (angstrom)(3)). The SEM micrographs reveal that besides the spherical crystals, the powders also contained several voids and pores. The TEM photograph also shows the particles are approximately spherical in nature. The FTIR spectrum shows two peaks at similar to 3428 and 1598 cm(-1) which are attributed to O-H stretching and H-O-H bending vibration. The PL spectra of ZnO:Mn indicate a strong green emission peak at 526 nm and a weak red emission at 636 nm corresponding to T-4(1) -> (6)A(1) transition of Mn2+ ions. The EPR spectrum exhibits fine structure transition which will be split into six hyperfine components due to Mn-55 hyperfine coupling giving rise to all 30 allowed transitions. From EPR spectra the spin-Hamiltonian parameters have been evaluated and discussed. The magnitude of the hyperfine splitting (A) constant indicates that there exists a moderately covalent bonding between the Mn2+ ions and the surrounding ligands. The number of spins participating in resonance (N), its paramagnetic susceptibility (chi) have been evaluated. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Resonance Raman (RR) spectra are presented for p-nitroazobenzene dissolved in chloroform using 18 excitation Wavelengths, covering the region of (1)(n --> pi*) electronic transition. Raman intensities are observed for various totally symmetric fundamentals, namely, C-C, C-N, N=N, and N-O stretching vibrations, indicating that upon photoexcitation the excited-state evolution occurs along all of these vibrational coordinates. For a few fundamentals, interestingly, in p-nitroazobenzene, it is observed that the RR intensities decrease near the maxima of the resonant electronic (1)(n --> pi*) transition. This is attributed to the interference from preresonant scattering due to the strongly allowed (1)(pi --> pi*) electronic transition. The electronic absorption spectrum and the absolute Raman cross section for the nine Franck-Condon active fundamentals of p-nitroazobenzene have been successfully modeled using Heller's time-dependent formalism for Raman scattering. This employs harmonic description of the lowest energy (1)(n --> pi*) potential energy surface. The short-time isomerization dynamics is then examined from a priori knowledge of the ground-state normal mode descriptions of p-nitroazobenzene to convert the wave packet motion in dimensionless normal coordinates to internal coordinates. It is observed that within 20 fs after photoexcitation in p-nitroazobenzene, the N=N and C-N stretching vibrations undergo significant changes and the unsubstituted phenyl ring and the nitro stretching vibrations are also distorted considerably.


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The non-similar boundary layer flow of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid over a moving surface in a rotating fluid, in the presence of a magnetic field, Hall currents and the free stream velocity has been studied. The parabolic partial differential equations governing the flow are solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The Coriolis force induces overshoot in the velocity profile of the primary flow and the magnetic field reduces/removes the velocity overshoot. The local skin friction coefficient for the primary flow increases with the magnetic field, but the skin friction coefficient for the secondary flow reduces it. Also the local skin friction coefficients for the primary and secondary flows are reduced due to the Hall currents. The effects of the magnetic field, Hall currents and the wall velocity, on the skin friction coefficients for the primary and secondary flows increase with the Coriolis force. The wall velocity strongly affects the flow field. When the wall velocity is equal to the free stream velocity, the skin friction coefficients for the primary and secondary flows vanish, but this does not imply separation. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Polypyrrole was synthesized by chemical oxidation of pyrrole in water containing various sulphonic acids like toluene sulphonic acid (TSA), sulphosalicylic acid (SSA), and camphor sulphonic acid (CSA), as well as a combination of each sulphonic acid with sodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate (NaDBS) to investigate the effect of doping on conductivity, yield, and processability of the conducting polymer. Free-standing blend films of polypyrrole and plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) were obtained by casting an homogeneous suspension of the two polymers in tetrahydrofuran. The maximum conductivity of the blend film is similar to 0.3 S/cm, corresponding to a weight fraction of 0.16 w/w polypyrrole. The blend film is semiconducting in the range 300-10 K. A TG-DTA scan indicates the blend film to be amorphous with a stepwise decomposition process similar to pristine PVC. The choice of a dual dopant system during synthesis and the plasticised polymer during subsequent processing were keys to obtaining homogeneous high-quality films. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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We investigate the following problem: given a set of jobs and a set of people with preferences over the jobs, what is the optimal way of matching people to jobs? Here we consider the notion of popularity. A matching M is popular if there is no matching M' such that more people prefer M' to M than the other way around. Determining whether a given instance admits a popular matching and, if so, finding one, was studied by Abraham et al. (SIAM J. Comput. 37(4):1030-1045, 2007). If there is no popular matching, a reasonable substitute is a matching whose unpopularity is bounded. We consider two measures of unpopularity-unpopularity factor denoted by u(M) and unpopularity margin denoted by g(M). McCutchen recently showed that computing a matching M with the minimum value of u(M) or g(M) is NP-hard, and that if G does not admit a popular matching, then we have u(M) >= 2 for all matchings M in G. Here we show that a matching M that achieves u(M) = 2 can be computed in O(m root n) time (where m is the number of edges in G and n is the number of nodes) provided a certain graph H admits a matching that matches all people. We also describe a sequence of graphs: H = H(2), H(3), ... , H(k) such that if H(k) admits a matching that matches all people, then we can compute in O(km root n) time a matching M such that u(M) <= k - 1 and g(M) <= n(1 - 2/k). Simulation results suggest that our algorithm finds a matching with low unpopularity in random instances.


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The standard Gibbs energies of formation of platinum-rich intermetallic compounds in the systems Pt-Mg, Pt-Ca, and Pt-Ba have been measured in the temperature range of 950 to 1200 K using solid-state galvanic cells based on MgF2, CaF2, and BaF2 as solid electrolytes. The results are summarized by the following equations: ΔG° (MgPt7) = −256,100 + 16.5T (±2000) J/mol ΔG° (MgPt3) = −217,400 + 10.7T (±2000) J/mol ΔG° (CaPt5) = −297,500 + 13.0T (±5000) J/mol ΔG° (Ca2Pt7) = −551,800 + 22.3T (±5000) J/mol ΔG° (CaPt2) = −245,400 + 9.3T (±5000) J/mol ΔG° (BaPt5) = −238,700 + 8.1T (±4000) J/mol ΔG° (BaPt2) = −197,300 + 4.0T (±4000) J/mol where solid platinum and liquid alkaline earth metals are selected as the standard states. The relatively large error estimates reflect the uncertainties in the auxiliary thermodynamic data used in the calculation. Because of the strong interaction between platinum and alkaline earth metals, it is possible to reduce oxides of Group ILA metals by hydrogen at high temperature in the presence of platinum. The alkaline earth metals can be recovered from the resulting intermetallic compounds by distillation, regenerating platinum for recycling. The platinum-slag-gas equilibration technique for the study of the activities of FeO, MnO, or Cr2O3 in slags containing MgO, CaO, or BaO is feasible provided oxygen partial pressure in the gas is maintained above that corresponding to the coexistence of Fe and “FeO.”


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The chemical potentials of CaO in two-phase fields (TiO2 + CaTiO3), (CaTiO3 + Ca4Ti3O10), and (Ca4Ti3O10 + Ca3Ti2O7) of the pseudo-binary system (CaO + TiO2) have been measured in the temperature range (900 to 1250) K, relative to pure CaO as the reference state, using solid-state galvanic cells incorporating single crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte. The cells were operated under pure oxygen at ambient pressure. The standard Gibbs free energies of formation of calcium titanates, CaTiO3, Ca4Ti3O10, and Ca3Ti2O7, from their component binary oxides were derived from the reversible e.m.f.s. The results can be summarised by the following equations: CaO(solid) + TiO2(solid) → CaTiO3(solid), ΔG° ± 85/(J · mol−1) = −80,140 − 6.302(T/K); 4CaO(solid) + 3TiO2(solid) → Ca4Ti3O10(solid), ΔG° ± 275/(J · mol−1) = −243,473 − 25.758(T/K); 3CaO(solid) + 2TiO2(solid) → Ca3Ti2O7(solid), ΔG° ± 185/(J · mol−1) = −164,217 − 16.838(T/K). The reference state for solid TiO2 is the rutile form. The results of this study are in good agreement with thermodynamic data for CaTiO3 reported in the literature. For Ca4Ti3O10 Gibbs free energy of formation obtained in this study differs significantly from that reported by Taylor and Schmalzried at T = 873 K. For Ca3Ti2O7 experimental measurements are not available in the literature for direct comparison with the results obtained in this study. Nevertheless, the standard entropy for Ca3Ti2O7 at T = 298.15 K estimated from the results of this study using the Neumann–Koop rule is in fair agreement with the value obtained from low-temperature heat capacity measurements.


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Epitaxial films of La4BaCu5O13+δ and La4BaCu4NiO13+δ oxides are grown with a-b plane parallel to (100) of LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 by pulsed-laser deposition. The conductivity measurements performed along the c direction using LaNiO3 as the electrode show metallic behavior whereas they show semiconducting behavior in the a-b plane. Anisotropic transport property of these thin films is explained on the basis of nearly 180° connected Cu–O–Cu chains with an average Cu–O distance of 1.94 Å along the c direction and nearly 180° and 90° connected Cu–O–Cu chains in the a-b plane with short and long Cu–O distances ranging from 1.863 to 2.303 Å. YBa2Cu3O7−x has been grown along (00l) on La4BaCu5O13+δ and shows a Tc of 88 K.


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Precompression, wherein the probable settlements are achieved at an accelerated pace through preloading, well before the construction is take up, has been widely used in areas of ground improvement with respect to soft clays. By applying a temporary surcharge load in excess or less than the permanent load, the soil achieves higher initial effective stress and when the final load is applied, the soil experiences, lower load increment ratio or negative load increment ratio. In this paper, based on the laboratory experiments conducted on cochin marine clays and Mangalore marine clays, attempts have been made to analyse the volume change behaviour of preloaded clays. It has been brought out that for a preloaded clay, the final load increment ratio has an important role in its behaviour. Effective preloading not only reduces the final settlement due to primary, the secondary consolidation settlement also gets reduced.


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This paper deals with the solution to the problem of multisensor data fusion for a single target scenario as detected by an airborne track-while-scan radar. The details of a neural network implementation, various training algorithms based on standard backpropagation, and the results of training and testing the neural network are presented. The promising capabilities of RPROP algorithm for multisensor data fusion for various parameters are shown in comparison to other adaptive techniques