858 resultados para OSTEOGENIC-SARCOMA
Oncogenic retroviruses carry coding sequences that are transduced from cellular protooncogenes. Natural transduction involves two nonhomologous recombinations and is thus extremely rare. Since transduction has never been reproduced experimentally, its mechanism has been studied in terms of two hypotheses: (i) the DNA model, which postulates two DNA recombinations, and (ii) the RNA model, which postulates a 5' DNA recombination and a 3' RNA recombination occurring during reverse transcription of viral and protooncogene RNA. Here we use two viral DNA constructs to test the prediction of the DNA model that the 3' DNA recombination is achieved by conventional integration of a retroviral DNA 3' of the chromosomal protooncogene coding region. For the DNA model to be viable, such recombinant viruses must be infectious without the purportedly essential polypurine tract (ppt) that precedes the 3' long terminal repeat (LTR) of all retroviruses. Our constructs consist of a ras coding region from Harvey sarcoma virus which is naturally linked at the 5' end to a retroviral LTR and artificially linked at the 3' end either directly (construct NdN) or by a cellular sequence (construct SU) to the 5' LTR of a retrovirus. Both constructs lack the ppt, and the LTR of NdN even lacks 30 nucleotides at the 5' end. Both constructs proved to be infectious, producing viruses at titers of 10(5) focus-forming units per ml. Sequence analysis proved that both viruses were colinear with input DNAs and that NdN virus lacked a ppt and the 5' 30 nucleotides of the LTR. The results indicate that DNA recombination is sufficient for retroviral transduction and that neither the ppt nor the complete LTR is essential for retrovirus replication. DNA recombination explains the following observations by others that cannot be reconciled with the RNA model: (i) experimental transduction is independent of the packaging efficiency of viral RNA, and (ii) experimental transduction may invert sequences with respect to others, as expected for DNA recombination during transfection.
O nicho endosteal da medula óssea abriga as células-tronco hemopoéticas (CTH) em quiescência/autorrenovação. As CTH podem ser classificadas em dois grupos: células que reconstituem a hemopoese em longo prazo (LT-CTH) e curto prazo (CT-CTH). Investigamos, neste trabalho, os efeitos da desnutrição proteica (DP) no tecido ósseo e a participação do nicho endosteal na sinalização osteoblasto-CTH. Para tanto, utilizamos camundongos submetidos à DP induzida pelo consumo de ração hipoproteica. Os animais desnutridos apresentaram pancitopenia e diminuição nas concentrações de proteínas séricas e albumina. Quantificamos as CTH por citometria de fluxo e verificamos que os desnutridos apresentaram menor porcentagem de LT-CTH, CT-CTH e de progenitores multipotentes (PMP). Avaliamos a expressão das proteínas CD44, CXCR4, Tie-2 e Notch-1 nas LT-CTH. Observamos diminuição da expressão da proteína CD44 nos desnutridos. Isolamos as células LT-CTH por cell sorting e avaliamos a expressão gênica de CD44, CXCR4 e NOTCH-1. Verificamos que os desnutridos apresentaram menor expressão de CD44. Em relação ao ciclo celular, verificamos maior quantidade de LT-CTH nas fases G0/G1. Caracterizamos as alterações do tecido ósseo femoral, in vivo. Observamos diminuição da densidade mineral óssea e da densidade medular nos desnutridos. A desnutrição acarretou diminuição da área média das seções transversais, do perímetro do periósteo e do endósteo na cortical do fêmur dos animais. E na região trabecular, verificou-se diminuição da razão entre volume ósseo e volume da amostra e do número de trabéculas, aumento da distância entre as trabéculas e prevalência de trabéculas ósseas em formato cilíndrico. Avaliamos a expressão de colágeno, osteonectina (ON) e osteocalcina (OC) por imuno-histoquímica, e de osteopontina (OPN) por imunofluorescência no fêmur e verificamos diminuição da marcação para OPN, colágeno tipo I, OC e ON nos desnutridos. Evidenciamos, pela técnica do Picrosírius, desorganização na distribuição das fibras colágenas e presença de fibras tipo III nos fêmures dos desnutridos, além de maior número de osteoclastos evidenciados pela reação da fosfatase ácida tartarato resistente. Os osteoblastos da região femoral foram isolados por depleção imunomagnética, imunofenotipados por citometria de fluxo e cultivados em meio de indução osteogênica. Observamos menor positividade para fosfatase alcalina e vermelho de alizarina nas culturas dos osteoblastos dos desnutridos. Avaliamos, por Western Blotting, a expressão de colágeno tipo I, OPN, osterix, Runx2, RANKL e osteoprotegerina (OPG), e, por PCR em tempo real, a expressão de COL1A2, SP7, CXCL12, ANGPT1, SPP1, JAG2 e CDH2 nos osteoblastos isolados. Verificamos que a desnutrição acarretou diminuição da expressão proteica de osterix e OPG e menor expressão gênica de ANGPT1. Avaliamos a proliferação das células LSK (Lin-Sca1+c-Kit+) utilizando ensaio de CFSE (carboxifluoresceína succinimidil ester). Foi realizada cocultura de células LSK e osteoblastos (MC3T3-E1) na presença e ausência de anti-CD44. Após uma semana, verificamos menor proliferação das LSK dos desnutridos. O bloqueio de CD44 das LSK do grupo controle diminuiu a proliferação destas em três gerações. Entretanto, nos desnutridos, esse bloqueio não afetou a proliferação. Concluímos que a DP promoveu alterações no tecido ósseo e nas CTH. Entretanto, não podemos afirmar que as alterações observadas no sistema hemopoético foram decorrentes de alterações exclusivas do nicho endosteal.
The activity of calmodulin (CaM) is modulated not only by oscillations in the cytosolic concentration of free Ca2+, but also by its phosphorylation status. In the present study, the role of tyrosine-phosphorylated CaM [P-(Tyr)-CaM] on the regulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been examined using in vitro assay systems. We show that phosphorylation of CaM by rat liver solubilized EGFR leads to a dramatic increase in the subsequent phosphorylation of poly-L-(Glu:Tyr) (PGT) by the receptor in the presence of ligand, both in the absence and in the presence of Ca2+. This occurred in contrast with assays where P-(Tyr)-CaM accumulation was prevented by the presence of Ca2+, absence of a basic cofactor required for CaM phosphorylation and/or absence of CaM itself. Moreover, an antibody against CaM, which inhibits its phosphorylation, prevented the extra ligand-dependent EGFR activation. Addition of purified P-(Tyr)-CaM, phosphorylated by recombinant c-Src (cellular sarcoma kinase) and free of non-phosphorylated CaM, obtained by affinity-chromatography using an immobilized anti-phospho-(Tyr)-antibody, also increased the ligand-dependent tyrosine kinase activity of the isolated EGFR toward PGT. Also a CaM(Y99D/Y138D) mutant mimicked the effect of P-(Tyr)-CaM on ligand-dependent EGFR activation. Finally, we demonstrate that P-(Tyr)-CaM binds to the same site (645R-R-R-H-I-V-R-K-R-T-L-R-R-L-L-Q660) as non-phosphorylated CaM, located at the cytosolic juxtamembrane region of the EGFR. These results show that P-(Tyr)-CaM is an activator of the EGFR and suggest that it could contribute to the CaM-mediated ligand-dependent activation of the receptor that we previously reported in living cells.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
BACKGROUND The intervertebral disc (IVD) has limited self-healing potential and disc repair strategies require an appropriate cell source such as progenitor cells that could regenerate the damaged cells and tissues. The objective of this study was to identify nucleus pulposus-derived progenitor cells (NPPC) and examine their potential in regenerative medicine in vitro. METHODS Nucleus pulposus cells (NPC) were obtained from 1-year-old bovine coccygeal discs by enzymatic digestion and were sorted for the angiopoietin-1 receptor Tie2. The obtained Tie2- and Tie2+ fractions of cells were differentiated into osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic lineages in vitro. Colony-forming units were prepared from both cell populations and the colonies formed were analyzed and quantified after 8 days of culture. In order to improve the preservation of the Tie2+ phenotype of NPPC in monolayer cultures, we tested a selection of growth factors known to have stimulating effects, cocultured NPPC with IVD tissue, and exposed them to hypoxic conditions (2 % O2). RESULTS After 3 weeks of differentiation culture, only the NPC that were positive for Tie2 were able to differentiate into osteocytes, adipocytes, and chondrocytes as characterized by calcium deposition (p < 0.0001), fat droplet formation (p < 0.0001), and glycosaminoglycan content (p = 0.0095 vs. Tie2- NPC), respectively. Sorted Tie2- and Tie2+ subpopulations of cells both formed colonies; however, the colonies formed from Tie2+ cells were spheroid in shape, whereas those from Tie2- cells were spread and fibroblastic. In addition, Tie2+ cells formed more colonies in 3D culture (p = 0.011) than Tie2- cells. During expansion, a fast decline in the fraction of Tie2+ cells was observed (p < 0.0001), which was partially reversed by low oxygen concentration (p = 0.0068) and supplementation of the culture with fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS Our results showed that the bovine nucleus pulposus contains NPPC that are Tie2+. These cells fulfilled formally progenitor criteria that were maintained in subsequent monolayer culture for up to 7 days by addition of FGF2 or hypoxic conditions. We propose that the nucleus pulposus represents a niche of precursor cells for regeneration of the IVD.
Fused in sarcoma (FUS) is a ubiquitously expressed RNA-binding protein proposed to function in various RNA metabolic pathways, including transcription regulation, pre-mRNA splicing, RNA transport and microRNA processing. Mutations in the FUS gene were identified in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), but the pathomechanisms by which these mutations cause ALS are not known. Here, we show that FUS interacts with the minor spliceosome constituent U11 snRNP, binds preferentially to minor introns and directly regulates their removal. Furthermore, a FUS knockout in neuroblastoma cells strongly disturbs the splicing of minor intron-containing mRNAs, among them mRNAs required for action potential transmission and for functional spinal motor units. Moreover, an ALS-associated FUS mutant that forms cytoplasmic aggregates inhibits splicing of minor introns by trapping U11 and U12 snRNAs in these aggregates. Collectively, our findings suggest a possible pathomechanism for ALS in which mutated FUS inhibits correct splicing of minor introns in mRNAs encoding proteins required for motor neuron survival.
Inaug.-diss. - Leipzig, 1912.
Inaug.-diss. - Leipzig, 1913.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Although many of the molecular interactions in kidney development are now well understood, the molecules involved in the specification of the metanephric mesenchyme from surrounding intermediate mesoderm and, hence, the formation of the renal progenitor population are poorly characterized. In this study, cDNA microarrays were used to identify genes enriched in the murine embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) uninduced metanephric mesenchyme, the renal progenitor population, in comparison with more rostral derivatives of the intermediate mesoderm. Microarray data were analyzed using R statistical software to determine accurately genes differentially expressed between these populations. Microarray outliers were biologically verified, and the spatial expression pattern of these genes at E10.5 and subsequent stages of early kidney development was determined by RNA in situ hybridization. This approach identified 21 genes preferentially expressed by the E10.5 metanephric mesenchyme, including Ewing sarcoma homolog, 14-3-3 theta, retinoic acid receptor-alpha, stearoyl-CoA desaturase 2, CD24, and cadherin-11, that may be important in formation of renal progenitor cells. Cell surface proteins such as CD24 and cadherin-11 that were strongly and specifically expressed in the uninduced metanephric mesenchyme and mark the renal progenitor population may prove useful in the purification of renal progenitor cells by FACS. These findings may assist in the isolation and characterization of potential renal stem cells for use in cellular therapies for kidney disease.
The purpose of this prospective clinical study was to quantify the surgical margin necessary to maximise local disease control for canine soft tissue sarcoma of various grades. This was achieved via gross and histopathologic studies. Fourteen dogs underwent surgical treatment for 15 localised, measurable, subcutaneous sarcomas. Surgery and histopathologic evaluation were performed to standardised protocols. Regular examinations for local recurrence and distant metastases were performed for at least 12 months postoperatively. One hundred percent local disease control was achieved with deep margins >10mm and 93% one year disease-free survival with wide margins (i.e. >10mm laterally and one fascial plane or >10mm in depth). There was one case of recurrence. Fascial planes appear to act as biological barriers to local tumour invasion but this protective effect may be overcome with high-grade lesions.
Studies have demonstrated that polymeric biomaterials have the potential to support osteoblast growth and development for bone tissue repair. Poly( beta- hydroxybutyrate- co- beta- hydroxyvalerate) ( PHBV), a bioabsorbable, biocompatible polyhydroxy acid polymer, is an excellent candidate that, as yet, has not been extensively investigated for this purpose. As such, we examined the attachment characteristics, self- renewal capacity, and osteogenic potential of osteoblast- like cells ( MC3T3- E1 S14) when cultured on PHBV films compared with tissue culture polystyrene ( TCP). Cells were assayed over 2 weeks and examined for changes in morphology, attachment, number and proliferation status, alkaline phosphatase ( ALP) activity, calcium accumulation, nodule formation, and the expression of osteogenic genes. We found that these spindle- shaped MC3T3- E1 S14 cells made cell - cell and cell - substrate contact. Time- dependent cell attachment was shown to be accelerated on PHBV compared with collagen and laminin, but delayed compared with TCP and fibronectin. Cell number and the expression of ALP, osteopontin, and pro- collagen alpha 1( I) mRNA were comparable for cells grown on PHBV and TCP, with all these markers increasing over time. This demonstrates the ability of PHBV to support osteoblast cell function. However, a lag was observed for cells on PHBV in comparison with those on TCP for proliferation, ALP activity, and cbfa- 1 mRNA expression. In addition, we observed a reduction in total calcium accumulation, nodule formation, and osteocalcin mRNA expression. It is possible that this cellular response is a consequence of the contrasting surface properties of PHBV and TCP. The PHBV substrate used was rougher and more hydrophobic than TCP. Although further substrate analysis is required, we conclude that this polymer is a suitable candidate for the continued development as a biomaterial for bone tissue engineering.
Growth hormone (GH) regulates many of the factors responsible for controlling the development of bone marrow progenitor cells (BMPCs). The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of GH in osteogenic differentiation of BMPCs using GH receptor null mice (GHRKO). BMPCs from GHRKO and their wild-type (WT) littermates were quantified by flow cytometry and their osteogenic differentiation in vitro was determined by cell morphology, real-time RT-PCR, and biochemical analyses. We found that freshly harvested GHRKO marrow contains 3% CD34 (hernatopoietic lineage), 43.5% CD45 (monocyte/macrophage lineage), and 2.5% CD106 positive (CFU-F/BMPC) cells compared to 11.2%, 45%, and 3.4% positive cells for (WT) marrow cells, respectively. When cultured for 14 days under conditions suitable for CFU-F expansion, GHRKO marrow cells lost CD34 positivity, and were markedly reduced for CD45, but 3- to 4-fold higher for CD106. While WT marrow cells also lost CD34 expression, they maintained CD45 and increased CD106 levels by 16-fold. When BMPCs from GHRKO mice were cultured under osteogenic conditions, they failed to elongate, in contrast to WT cells. Furthermore, GHRKO cultures expressed less alkaline phosphatase, contained less mineralized calcium, and displayed lower osteocalcin expression than WT cells. However, GHRKO cells displayed similar or higher expression of cbfa-1, collagen 1, and osteopontin mRNA compared to WT. In conclusion, we show that GH has an effect on the proportions of hematopoietic and mesenchymal progenitor cells in the bone marrow, and that GH is essential for both the induction and later progression of osteogenesis. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.